LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    LOL@gheelle, you are right, james is a beast. Lucky, I was at work and I missed that fateexo uu dhigay yesterday. As I said yesterday, so far records mean jack for CAVS. They need to show that they are a serious contender. They should hold down teams defensively, especially the pistons and they did that yesterday but the series isn't won by a game. I still think it is a dangerous series for them. With that said, the east's weakness as far as regular season record is concerned, it is risky but can prove to be a challenge for the cavs. The bottom 6 teams may look bad in paper during regular season but everything changes once you make the playoffs, which means we will have to wait and see how things plays out. Historically, the east is known to struggle as a conference but the east team brings out their A game during the playoffs. As for who is in dangerous of losing a nearly a perfect season, especially between NBA's sweethearts, CAVS or Lakers? I will have to say CAVS, because they have teams in their conference that have seen the light at the end of the tunnel and might work the cavs, bang them a little and worse of all extend the series. On the other hand, Lakers can hold their fork against their conference but I dont believe they will cruise through their series with the Jazz. Especially, not game #3 & #4. As for the celtics game, I did not watch the live game but I caught on the later part of the repeat game around 6pm. What I saw in the end of that 1st quarter and into the second quarter and the end of the overtime just shocked me. I saw obese Davis from boston and big foot perkins getting manhandled by crackhead baby noah of the bulls and t. thomas. What I saw disgusted me. The celtic frontcourt did not show up to play a playoff game yesterday. On the positive, Rose was a young beast who went unchallenged but so was RONDO who surprised me. I thought rondo's success from last season was a fluke but he came out and made the celtics competitve and kept the game close. I don't think pierce's free throw miss was the reason why the celtics lost the game. I blame celtics big men because they were hammered in the paint. Perkins big foot refused to get his glued feet off the hardwood floor and jump and obese Glen Davis needs to drop atleast 50lbs so he can actually jump for a rebound. Crackhead Noah from the bulls had a field day with Davis which was disgusting to watch. Obese Davis looks more heavy now than he did last year around this time. He is not hungry for a win, he looked fat, his weight kept him handicapped yesterday. He couldnt run fast enough, jump high enough to grap enough rebounds nor could he run after loose balls. In the end, the celtic errors of the first half caught with them. Those big guys, perkins and davis did not deserve to be on the floor. They should have played Powe more and they should have given more minutes to Mkki Moore.Moore was on for a short period of time but he produced. I was intrigued by his movement and his foot work. He really deserved more play time. Homeless Powe was not on long but he made a good decision when he was on the court.(he made couple of good shots) He challenged noah by sending him to the ground. Flagrant or hard foul, lucky the ladder send the message to the bulls that their crackhead looking boy can not challenge the rest of the champs. I want to see more powe and more moore on the next game.(PS little rondo had more rebounds than perkins and davis?) I didnt stay for the blazer game but I know they won't repeat that same performance come next game. For as for the Dallas game, I just cant wait to tell you, I TOLD YOU SO. Dallas did exactly what it wanted to do lastnight. I watched that game from beginning to the end. They let the spurs get a head start, Duncan was out of fuel at the end. His hidden injury is really hurting him but nevertheless he still came out and delivered. The spurs secret weapon did nothing as he was powerless. I'm sure Gino was telling himself, see those fools need me, they cant win without me and I agree. Mavericks should keep up, led duncan come out and do what he needs to do in the first half and just hold his shots in the second and the rest, they can beat them. Spurs are not a challenge, this will be a maverick series, they just need to keep their head in the game long enough to witness it.
  2. No trip to Ankara with prime minister abdullah gull can solve that lol. hahaha, first of all, Dr. Gul is the president of Turkey, a sovereign state, ee magaca ha uga dheelin ninka. On the other hand, Ordagen is the prime-minister of turkey, ee labada kala baro.(I guess secessioner land maku barin head of states aan umaleynaa) Marka kalena, waxa aad rabtid ugu wac sharifka but at the end of the day, he gets the recognition you are after effortlessly. Cunada iska qabo nin yahow. Hakugu taagnaato, ee ila dheh, "secessioners ha ii noolaadaan". Btw, sharifka is hard at work. His visit to Turkey is not dheedheel but I can't blame him if he took his castumo da bagno with him to the trip. Atleast he is not visiting tolka in a hotel banquet, somewhere in central london. Btw, once the fake jihadists are eliminated, maxaa marmarsiyo ka dhiganee?
  3. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    ^ofcourse, B-BALL will not come before horse racing and trailer park activities(1), hockey(2) or harper- hunting(3), and basketball would be rated 4th in that hell hole province aka Alberta. Gheele, you are so predictable. You look at the top of the standing and you just go with the cavs/laker hype, put some effort into your prediction and explain why other teams won't advance to the finals, especially celtics.(dont use KG's injury as an excuse) I do agree that the nuggets can be dangerous but also, blazers can put fire on their match up, along with Utah. Everyone has written off the jazz but remember, its easier said than done, especially beating utah in their home for two in a row. It is not an easy accomplishment but I still favor lakers to take the series in 6 games. But if the Jazz step up they can extend the series and put lakers advancement in doubt. As for KG, as long as pierce and co come out prepared, they can go far, don't let the lebron hype cloud your judgement. After all, Boston is the reigning champ. Philly made it just on the .500, amazing, considering they are seated sixth. I will take philly in 7 games. I could care less who comes out for heat and hawks series. Detroit and CAVS, thats a dangerous series. Pistons have nothing to lose and everything to gain and cavs have alot to lose, therefore the pressure is on the cavs to prove they are ready to be considered a championship contender. If they come out of this series against pistons struggling and by that I mean if the series extendes to 6 or 7 games, then cavs chances will diminish for the second round.(they have to have a perfect series and they need to dominate on the boards, defensive will win it for them) As for the West, I have denver in that series. I have dallas in 6 and I would like to see blazers in 7 games to win their series. The blazer series is more real than all the others, especially the mavericks over spurs series. The matchup with the rockets will be tough because both teams are talented and I believe blazers will take the series in 7 games.(Go blazers)
  4. Sharifka waa ragiisa. He looks healthy and gorgeous.(in with the surwaal out with the khamiis) But what I'm looking forward to is how the secessioners will spin this latest development and trip overseas. How will they explain thief riyaale's overseas treatment, he is always handled like a minyaro oo habar lala guursade with his foreign trip visits. The only figure I recall giving him a red carpet treatment was the djibouti leader.(probably related, ina adeer or ina abti from a long shot) Inta kale, marka uu aado overseas, he is posing with low profile individuals in a small space, as thought ninka inuu naagtiisa ka ceshanaayo camal. Alla maxaa tuug riyaale laqariyay. In any case, JB probably can spin the riyaale PR nightmare in a different direction, will await for his response. Meanwhile, JB and others should explain why oo tuug riyaale u gishtaa that sleeveless two piece suit, with the 80s shoulder puffs? Ninka style nightmare ayaa heesto, ee why doesn't he take lessons from sheikh sharif. Fiiri sawira korka lagu soo dhajiye, ee dhuuntana iska qabo, hahah secessionists hanoo laadaan sida aan ugu qoslo cunid gorgaxankooda.
  5. Dear M-Society Aka Meiji and now Histo-enthusiast; You said: History is written, I merely tell what historical books say. It is true that the book you referenced has promising historical tales of colonial Italy. However, you can not interpret history to support your own biased point of view of the sultans and you can not recite the historian's narrative(Professor Hess) and spew it back as a waxa la yidhi tale for the purpose of sticking it to Dukey.(The general) To this end, you being a histo-enthusiast should know that history is an ongoing process, one that requires patience and rejects the notion of it being the absolute truth. It is an ongoing process that must be questioned at all times. It can not nor can you and I repeat or take the events of the past thats described in the book as gospel. What you, Mr histo-enthusiast should do to verify your historical references is ask yourself the WHAT and the HOW questions. You should keep in mind that the surviving documents (original documents) or in your case, the sources ought to be taken with a grain of salt because they are not the absolute truth. Furthermore, you meiji should ask yourself, what sources did Professor Hess gather and how did he use it? Hence, the WHAT and How aspect of uncovering history. Yes, you do have the right to express your views, as biased as they may appear to be, however, those views are just views, they are not facts. What you should have done is separated your readings of Hess from your baseless accounts of the sultans which are prejudicial. On the matter of the reading, Hess's sources have been verified, its just not sufficient. For you, you lack the basics of understanding and reading past events and you are driven by anger and hatred for certain regions, which cloud your judgement. Getting back to your reference, Hess's only problem was that he did not utilize the existing materials, there was no evidence of him examining other published works of Italian historians before him or taking to account their versions or else he or you would know that he did not say anything new on the subject, other than approach it from a different point of view with a twist. He poorly reproduced events from his standards in order to make sense of the past so that we can understand how the past shaped the current events etc etc in english context. This does not mean that other historians won't uncover other surviving documents which may or may not surface in the future, if at all, therefore you should always keep an open mind. Even thought Hess did a sound job overrall, the critics who extensively reviewed his book all concluded that he had total disregard for other published works, who have used similar documents, evidents etc. They also did not take a liking to the one-side approach to interpretation. The reviews were included in published journals, all of them were different in geography and they differed in their field of displine. They were professors from the University of Rome to University of Indiana to Cambridge. Almost all of them concluded that these accounts were all taken from the perspective of the colonizer and not the colonized. Professor Hess, as thorough as he has been with his original source, did not, and I repeat, he did not include the accounts of the subject of his discourse. All of his accounts were found in the colonial archives of the Comitato per la Documentazione dell’Opera dell’Italia in Africa. Meaning, they were written by colonizers and there is a good possibility that he had no interest in looking else where to uncover and support his argument. On the contrary, Professor Hess has achieved what no other american historian has and thats to gain unlimited access to the colonial archives of the Comitato per la documentazione dell'opera dell'italia in Africa, government sources. He was the first of a non italian researcher to do so, quite an accomplishment. You, on the other hand, probably knew all of that, didn't you? After all, the book is in your possesion. Read and check the bibliography. Verify the sources of your reading material, ok? All in all, the professor has failed where most modern historians have succeeded and by failure he played right into the playcard by fully utilizing the history by exclusion accounts, influences, documents and artifacts that can not be substantiated and so so on and so on. Historians today are taught to collect as many sources as they can and not solely rely on the aggressor's accounts, or in the case of Hess, rely on the archival of colonial italy documents as the sole truth and nothing but the truth.(after all,we are not living in Eric the Red era) The historians need to be able to write and read history without prejudice. Some historians have gone back to re-examine first contact accounts in the Americas by digging up archeology pieces, examing the natives accounts with the little surviving documents and using anthropoly to verify some of the explorer and settler accounts.(the very same explorers whose word was gospel for a very long time and who are overwhelmingly present in most textbooks) ps: Still Puntland will never call a Pirate Nabadoon or Shiekh. We know they are tough businessmen and criminals at worst. Dukey, ku jecliyaa eedo. Hahaha Don't you dare speak of Kasha's adeer in such a manner because the criminals (the aweys of the world, and the sheikh hassans) and who faciliated the looting and rape of innocent people for years are just good old boys, AWLIYO at best. But the day you mention adeer Yusuf and Sheika Sharafta with his TFG, seefta ayey lasoo boodaan without wiping the tigre blood off it.
  6. This bloody Brian Mosley is still going on with his racist coverage? I vaguely remember we bloggers running a campaign against him. I guess he wants the publicity again, because he's been obscure recently? This racist-cum-journalis t is a joke. I wouldn't accord much validity to his so-called 'articles'. He's a fraud. Kaalay, inta aadan is waalin, even thought waalinimo meel ay ku geyneyso eesan jiran, maad warka hubsatid. Bal maad is weydiisid, yaa warkan qore, yuuse uu-qore and why u qore? Seriously, you are barking at the wrong man. This so called "racist-cum-journali st" did not write the above article and you shouldn't utter his name in vain. Infact, he was interviewed by the reporter who did the above piece. According to Erick Stakelbeck(the author of the article), who is a CBN news terrorism analyst said that he went to Mosley to interview him about Third World Muslim refugees in small-town America. Stakelbeck, a reporter, was doing a story and he interviewed Mosley from a long list of people, so what? If the mosley bashers are true to themselves, they would realize that the ammo of the refugees are nothing short of what is described by the reporter in this article. Again, thats if you people are being true to yourselves. Somali people are not awliyo. Whether they are in small town America or some tuulo in South Africa, the stories are the same. The only thing that surprised me is the bit about the PLANT in TN accomodating the refugees by switching stat. holidays. The outrage by the employees was justified. I'm sure if any of you were in that situation and you switched places with those small town folks, you would react the same way, ee beenta aa meelaha lasoo istaagtaan nagadaaya. The original link can be found here Paragon, this time make sure you inaad ookiyaalo soo gishato before aad machete-dhiga lasoo orodo:- Somali Muslims Changing Small Town By Erick Stakelbeck ps: Somalis in Shellbyville have no issues with the authority nor with the locals as far as I know. because gheelka said so Dude, I don't recall anyone asking your biased opinion, ee why don't you put a fork on it? Next thing aad soo wado waa s-ville aan ku noolahay or waxa la yidhi news said so.
  7. Mr. Meiji (mingis kugu dhage), let the record show that you, mr "shacabka muqdisho wey isla socdaan, ba'ayey" ANSWERED a complicated no. about the holly warrior:- Aweys can be accused of alot, but never of been a clannist or put in the same category as Gen.Aideed or be associated with USC. ...and no one dare accuse Meiji for wearing the clan shirt because he represents the famous" Muqdisho society" (meiji, kasha, and adeer aweys)
  8. Meiji, dear, why do you think Goodir or myself or anyone else for that matter need help? What is it that you think we are suffering from? Besides, I just need you to answer a simple question. Do you agree or disagree with what Goodir said about the warlords who are masquerading as Holly Warriors? You, Meiji called them "religious warlords" and Goodir responded by saying: These are not religious people. They are former Gen Aideed cohorts with fake Islamic sub titles. Basically former USC with red cimaamad. The likes of them stand for the daily murder and rape of innocent people in Mogadisho. A simple yes or no will do.
  9. ^Mr Muqdisho Society, it sounds to me that you are disputing Goodir's assessment. Why else would you recommend help so he can heal from the 90's wound?
  10. ^fuley, fara-waaweyn. Xidigo, congratulations.
  11. Unknown Meiji faces the Big Bad wolf aka Ngonge. Meiji says: M-society aan rabaa Xaasid-Ngonge says: inyow Meiji: War a society similar to yours, namely s-society, or dukey's, p-society aan rabaa ee isii. Ngonge: inyow Meiji: What more can I say or do before you budge in? I want an m-society. I didn't ask for much, why can't you give it to me? Thiery: War- M-society was put out before it took off the ground, blame the criminal who hails from the other established societies, S/P. Meiji: Ngonge waa amar. Ninkani aniga iyo M-society ayuu na-hor istaagan yahay. Ngonge: war hadaa rabto inaa aniga wax iga hesho, i tus, oo M-society SHAQO ayey u baahan tahay, ee SHAQO GAL. Waxa beec maaha, ee meesha wax aqli ah la imow. Hada xaalka intaas uu maraa, ee kan ay yiraahdaan Ngonge and his S-society maa laga qabto Meiji and his fictitious M-society. Talo ay iga tahay
  12. Where, Haaretz, the Israeli news site is hard at work, sol's Middle East apostles have kept silent. Haaretz and one another Israeli news media were the first to get the accounts of the Israeli soldiers in the form of a leak last week. Few of the soldiers discussed the killings of innocent women. Misconduct, abuse of power, crimes against the innocent as well the orders they received from their commanders about shooting first and asking questions later were all revealed. SOme of the soldiers told tales about the families they wiped out during the occupation as part of 'Operation Gaza'. Now, the hailed hero of the Middle East media(Haaretz) are at it again, this time they exposed the Israeli Military's unconstitutional and immortal acts against the Palestinian victims: Article can be found here: Dead Palestinian babies and bombed mosques-IDF fashion 2009 NYT and others have picked up the brewing scandal while SOL's gaza apostles turn a deaf ear. Where is the outrage ya Ibti and gang? Why isn't North angered? Arab media is not outraged yet? Not juicy enough for the fat arabs? Don't hold back No london demonstration=no outrage from the apostles. More news:- Courtesy of Haaretz hard at work: Last update - 08:07 22/03/2009 Testimonies on IDF misconduct in Gaza keep rolling in By Amos Harel Tags: testimonies, IDF, Israel news Further testimonies emerged this weekend of army units adopting lax rules of engagement during Operation Cast Lead. The reports followed Thursday's publication in Haaretz of soldiers' accounts of ethical violations in the Gaza offensive. On Saturday, Channel 10 showed a documentary that included a security briefing by a company commander on the eve of the Gaza invasion. "We're going to war," he told his soldiers. "We're not doing routine security work or anything like that. I want aggressiveness - if there's someone suspicious on the upper floor of a house, we'll shell it. If we have suspicions about a house, we'll take it down." Advertisement "There will be no hesitation," the commander continued. "If it's us or them, it'll be them. If someone approaches us unarmed, shoot in the air. If he keeps going, that man is dead. Nobody will deliberate - let the mistakes be over their lives, not ours." A number of officers told Haaretz this weekend that the testimonies did not surprise them, as "anyone with eyes in his head knows that these things happened during the fighting in Gaza." The soldiers who testified about misconduct "placed a very unpleasant mirror before us," said one officer. "The chief of staff is deflecting discussion now," said another. "It's much easier to find the rotten apples, but there are many much more basic and deeper questions. It's not just an ethical issue, it's also a question of professionalism. The soldiers' accounts show there are professional difficulties in fighting in such complex territory - that we're just not doing it all that well." "These aren't problems you can solve with the military advocate general or the chief educational officer," he said.
  13. Mr. PM, Mr. xaad kiciye: To this day I am very grateful what Canada has done for us, and all Somalis. When you have a biological father that dies you have an adopted one. That's exactly Canada for me," he said. O Canada, home away from home, O Canada, my adopted home. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From Banadir to Bari, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Brought to you by The Canadian Heritage Foundation.
  14. Abtigiisa, hal mid eh ogoow. The man may have a dark completion but when he feasts at night, he has aplenty of dishes to choose from. What the dark completion man is not not doing is sitting behind a pc screen, day dreaming about a pakistani co-worker(of all ethnicity), buying him soap to pleasure himself with, eh. PS:somalidiina silly aa tihiin wallee, just because Sharif got more publicity than faroole tuuga ah iyo riyaale put together, ayaa ninka cay u gasheen, pathetic. Shaqalanaan meel ee taalo, aqli xumo madheero.
  15. Cara dear, the mouth is free at last. lol@Ibti, nothing to be shocked about eedo. Waayo, I'm naturally curious and I wanted her to clear somethings up for me, after all gabadha was out in full force and wrapping all the faraxs in one pitta.The side dish with the pita being an order of I HAVE never met a Somali guy who is a virgin or We were talking about how EVERY former playboy-married friend or cousin or a distant relative, ended up with VIRGINS, innocent little girls. and at last with the special souce... how the HELL did all these dudes who've been arround the block TOO many times ended up with virgins? Therefore, you can not be all that shocked because I was not out of order. Ps:I'm just an inquisitive observer. Pss: I'm in agreement with you 110% ibti
  16. I HAVE never met a Somali guy who is a virgin(not that I interviewed all of them, mind you you can tell by their life-style and the way they treat women like objects to be possesed). xataa the infamous teddy is not a virgin??? thats a shame, considering that he will end up with a honey like you.
  17. I was surrpised at the extent of time and effort the security apparutus spend on the issue Che, my friend you seem very anxious and for your sake I hope you are not hiding anything. As for the topic, follow the evidence until it leads you to the director of the masjid.(I'm certain that he is involved but not sure to what extend) As for the families, WE SHOULD ALL DEMAND ANSWERS ON BEHALF OF THE FAMILIES. I'M SURE IF say CHE'S BLOOD WAS ONE OF THE YOUNG MEN(god forbid), he WOULD want the community to cooperate with the authority and not resist the investigation. In addition, I'm not sure why some of you are still shocked or even surprised, knowing that one of you made history when he became the first american sucide bomber. (thats a very big deal for america) Fact about the case: -First KNOWN american suicide bomber of a somali origin. -A suspicious masjid -A group of young men who have yet to be accounted for. -A community divided among clan lines. -Grieving families. I want someone to be accountable and preferably the director.(after all it happened under his watch)
  18. “Diinta Islaamka ma ogola in Haweenka ay wax hoggaaminaya, sida aan la soconana Dowladda waxaa ku jira Haween badan oo Ragga hor-booda, I agree with mr contradictory(his claims are conflicting but nevertheless persuasive) 100%, waayo according to his source(highlighted above), naagaha hada dowlada kujira were reported to be "hablo oo ragga hor-booda", so why shouldn't he exclude them while using the sharia as a supporting argument? He is threatened by what he has heard from his people and he wants no part of that and he would rather not have women involved. I applaud him for being himself. Ladies, unless you can refute his argument without the added emotional outburts, I would suggest that you refrain from commenting. Lily, why should women have a voice in the political arena? What do somali women bring to the table? Don't just state the obvious but support your claim the same way the subject supported his. Ps:Why the charged title?
  19. ^lol@perfect somali, you are not alone. Many many years ago, days markuu somali qoritaan keygu ahaan jiray mid dalac bilaash oo hadana lagu daray carab gaji u moodo aa waxaa dhacday in oday oo ladhaho nuune meel iska soo saaray aanan ogayn to this day sida aan u aaminay ayuu wuxuu iga dhaadhacsiiye inaan few "washamsi" lessons ubaahanay and that in no time he will turn me into a gabay writing qalanjo. The washamsi lessons was just pretense, instead boot camp oo high intense lessons ayuu several weeks igu waday, coupled with aflagaadonimo. He taught me all the dirty words in somali and soon I was able to put the bunta and lunda together to make the cassida come out in full swing. Who can introduce me Val.? Val maa counselling kasoo doonatay mase ayada nafteeda aa rabtaa? Warka cadee Adiga waa kuma? ma nin, ma naag baa tahay? Meeqa aa jirdaa? Are you a nabaddiid? Warka keen, oo introduction igu samee meel maku geyneyso.
  20. ^Intaas aa ita-qanee, waligey maa balan kaaga baxay? I'm sure the answer is no, therefore aniga aa igu ogtahay arimahii aan wadne inaan meel kasoo saaro. Teeda kale, rumor has it and this was told to me in confidence, ee dont ask me to reveal my source, inaad taqaano midkii piracy empire kujiray inadeerkiisa wiil eh oo asagana habaryartiis ninka qabo cunug uu dhalay inaad saaxiib tihiin, care to comment on such rumor?
  21. Marx, just going off on North's question, who do you think fairs better for Israel/Palestine conflict, Livni or the golden boy who was chosen to lead the state of Israel aka Netanyahu? If the ladder, do you think the middle east conflict will resume and intensify more than ever before over the pick of netanyahu, a hardliner who does not share livni's vision of two state solution?
  22. XG, You are entitled to your opinions about Sharifka's position and I'm sure anything I say about him will not change your mind, therefore I propose that we wait and see if progress will be made, say mid april, perhaps early may? (don't throw the towel just yet) However, I am far more concerned with the economic jihad and its operations throughout the globe and specifically its affect in somalia, south somalia and how do we go about acknowledging that it is in-fact a problem? Where do we start? Can we find a solution to this growing problem ourselves? You are right to suggest that ethiopia has had its hands on the cookie jar long before Mansur knew that he would one day be calling the shots on behalf of the criminal youths uu hogaamiyo but ethiopia is not the only party thats in business now and thats a reality we need to deal with. I think there are different groups with various agenda's and who are one way or another benefiting, the question is who are they? What is in it for them? Ethiopia's resources are very limited now more than ever. With that in mind, is it not a good idea to eliminate them as benefactors now rather than later? Shouldn't we really be focusing on the other parties, for instance the shifting of the focus to the groups who control the piracy empire? So far, the international community has done very little to stop this growing empire.
  23. I think the UN, while not explicitly a western tool, works under the moral framework of western values. Duh! If you really worked for the organization as you claim and not still playing character in one of your short fictions, only then would you know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the "moral framework of a western values: because the original architects were......:- You guessed it, none other than United States, United Kingdom anddddddddddddddd best of all, Canada, the most important piece of the puzzle. Therefore, it is reflective of their values and as it should. Speaking of aid shortage, blame the United States(as well as other countries who owe far less) as they are behind on their membership dues and it is highly unlikely that they will pay it up in full anytime soon. While we are in the subject of aid/ AT&T/UN, do you know what the annual UN budget is?
  24. Preface: One too many sources have more or less accused the somali pirates and its leaders abroad of funding the resistance group in South Somalia. Additional unconfirmed reports accused Al-qaida backers for backing the resistance group in south somalia. Experts in terroreconomics report that militia groups/resistance are mostly funded by large terror organizations, especially the al-qaida case. The terror organizations have benefactors largely made up of organized criminals who are in one form or another profit from the instability of a state via its drug trade, in turn, sharing percentage of its profits with large terror organizations to continue their fight against fragile states and its governments via the weakening of its system or in occupied foreign territories like afghanistan of our time and Iraq by weakening a superpower like United States out of its resources. Some would agree and say perhaps these tactics are not new and ofcourse they would be right because the same tactics were used during the cold war by the U.S. Furthermore, I would conclude this long intro by stating that few, courageous individuals started small and stood up against their aggressors when no one would end the criminalization of its governments by ending corruption, improving living standards of its people by vowing to end poverty have turned around to become the very same aggressors they loathed. They have carried out attacks against their subjects in the expense of civilian lives, they brutalized communities who sheltered these ones local heros turned criminals.(greed does that to you shabaabs) Turning the page to the topic:- Kasha, the fellow that roams around these parts and who at times seems to be suffering from chemical imbalance due to his random and at times offensive outbursts, who I adore more than all else here beliefs that his awliyo fighters aka the resistance group aka Al-Shabaab receive warm receptions whenever they liberate a tuulo because according to him and many others they are God's soldiers, liberators of the somali weyn, the answer to a close to two decade long instability. For that reason I want to s hare some of my favorite quotes from Brotha Kasha:- Everywhere the Resistance goes, every tuulo, every village, they recieve a rousing welcome. Kasha 08 ar too long have foriegn hands meddled in the affairs of Umada Soomaliyeed, starting 150 years ago with the infamous Berlin Conference. Carved up into Qabiil-lands in the finest tradition of Divide-and-Conquer, our misery compounded by ignorance and poverty, we were(past tense) and easy prey for the predators of the West. Far too long have Somalis suffered from the treachery of traitors, the collusion of collaborators, and above all things the wretched Qabiil system, which you worship with idolatry zeal. No more half-measures, no more fake-me-out peace conferences, no more systematically repeating the mistakes of yesteryear, same shit, new faces. and finally, my favourite quote of Kasha 08 Mistakes will be made, setbacks will occur, that is the nature of any human endeavor, but Somalia, every single last inch of it, will be unified and under Islamic governance, and free from foriegn interference and hegemony For all one knows, my dear Kasha's heart is in the right place and maybe he truly beliefs in his heart of hearts that the so called resistance group aka Al-Shabaab and company truly have the best interest of the somali shacab or so says the champions of jihad. If this argument will hold in the eyes of these champions, how d do they justify the baseless killings and mass casualty in the name of outsting AMISOM? Will they continue to use the same explanation they used during the yey days when in-fact the hands of the current government have been extended to the them (opposition) not once or twice but many many times in the last few weeks? Do we really believe that this group is still fighting for the very same core values and beliefs that created them and brought them together under the militant and terror organization umbrella? DO you, the once citizens of Somalia (and future leaders of Somalia) believe in today's reality that the organization's tactics to be the undeniable truth? or Have you come to the same conclusion as I about this group and their economic Jihad? Do you believe this is another terror organization turned to another criminal organization looking to profit, no matter what it takes? If in fact the notion is shared by many here because it crossed your mind once or twice before and if in fact Kasha's awliyo militia's are riding quite the train while sitting on a very lucrative business then it can not be helped and I can't help but recall a question once asked by a dowlad-diid nomad Abu who said, "why would they give it up"? Fun fact:- During the 1990s in Liberia, it was reported that one rebel leader made as much as $400 million annually during the conflict. Just something to ponder on folks.
  25. NATO is an NGO or charity Says who? NATO is far from being charitable nor is it a non-governmental organization(NGO) as you described it to be. NATO is an inter-governmental organization, similar to the United Nations along with one of the oldest IGO, the UPU. It serves the interest of the member states and its governments. PS: The bit about UN boasting their relationship with NATO is foolish assumption because 3 out of the P5(permanent 5 in the UN security council) are also members of NATO. It is a given cooperation and if the UN does not accommodate the request of any of the P3(led by the superpower), as history has shown, they turn the other cheek(NATO) to execute their mission.(win-win situation)