LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    ^good game lastnight. I think it was the most cavs basketball I watched all year, from second quarter and on. It was fun seing that monkey James slow down when his team needed him the most. How can you be up as much as 17pts and lose the game? Coach anyone?
  2. Sad how men fought for their country are paraded and the likes of Kheyrdiid are tolerated, even sadder likes of Xiin would wanna see Al-Shabaab turn on each other thereby distruping the lives of people in all southern regions. Che, I didn't think it will come to this but I have to say that Dukey was right about you all along. You are drowning with hate. I have to say that Dukey saw right through you, he has always known the real Che but I just didnt think that wuxuu Dukey kugu sheegi jirey iney saxsanaayeen until aan couple of your posts aan shaley iyo maanta aqriyey oo indhaheyga sifiican igu fureen. You are drowning and for you to continue to pretend that you care about the situation in Somalia is saying that Glen Beck does not cry. YOu never had an alternative plan except calaacal. Sidaa aa ugu qeelin jirte adeer yey maalin walbo aad hadanna saa aa Sharif ugu daba qeelinee. When will this calaacal ever stop? Do you know where you are going much less coming from? What does che want? The thread was about mansuur's casiliintiisa and the real question is why did he do it? Perhaps he knows this fight was never his and he was just going with tolka and now he wants out? When aad adiga is casilee from politics? (meesha wax aanan aheyn scattered hot air meesha maku haysid)
  3. NG, you know I adore you to pieces but attacking my Sharif and calling him, as you put it a killer, a man who uses the AMISOM troops as killing machines is wrong and I demand an apology on behalf of the leader of the republic of Somalia. YOu said this of Sharif:- Sharif is doing wrong (and has Ugandans killing the people). Is a ruler that allows his protectors to kill his subjects not a wrongdoer (using your own logic)? Do I understand you correctly when I say that the bases and the heart of your argument centers around the opposition of A.Yusuf and the supporters of Sharif who changed shirts within this past year? What you are basically saying is that anyone who supported the muJaHids in 2006 should also support the current fake muJahids, even if it means watching them slaughter hundreds of fellow somalis all because they want chaos to continue? These groups have not been the same since 2006 when SHARIF was one of their comrades, he is their enemy today because he is standing their way. These ceydiid offsprings want to continue the killing and raping and looting and blame it on AMISOM. Heck, if Sharif didnt have AMISOM or any foreign troop on his side, they would find something to complain about. All in all, thats the bases of your argument, consistency and lack there-of?. Waayo, the brothers and sisters who support Sharif's government today and who were once supporters of the ICU as a unit have a legitimate reason to be against some of the factions who broke off with ICU after axmaaro invaded the country. These groups (the opposition) dont have the best interest of the people and thats why North and Co have switched sides. In 2006, A Yusuf and Co may have reached out to the ICU prior to the so called invasion but even then, the peacetalks were not as public and heartfelt as now. Sharif continues to extend a hand to the opposition, where as A.Yusuf and Co refused to comprise and were irrational in their negotiations with the opposition at the time because they wanted a federal institution. They had no interest in supporting or talking to anyone who wanted Sharia Law as the rule of law in Somalia. They had major ideological differences and when the General A Yusuf felt that he wasn't going anywhere with the unit, he did what any general will do, force his authority. He called upon axmaaro to help him achieve his objectives, therefore ending several months of relative peace and security under ICU control in south Mogadishu. A welcomed change that 99.9% of the Wadanis embraced at the time, including myself. They did the unthinkable by ousting warlords, something A.Yusuf failed to do and thats why most people opposed A.Yusuf, that and the fact that he had no interest in negotiating with the so called "terrorist", only tiisa aa ucadeed, same ay shabaan tooda u cadahay today. I will go as far as saying that the shabaabs of today share some of the traits of A.Yusuf, unwilling, irrational, criminals who ought to be put to death.
  4. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    Gheele, lakers stole that game but I can't be mad. Mr big time shot aka Billups nearly came through for his team and thats why Lakers better watch their backs on thursday night. Lakers were flat, Kobe was pretending to do too much. I find his fake attempt at being MJ distasteful. Here he was 4 minutes left off the 2nd quarter, going to the hoop and pulls the tongue out as he dunks, just pathetic. Besides that, Nuggets should know better than to fall for Espanya's flop. What were they thinking with the last few turn overs? Talk about the ARIZA steal? What was A-carter thinking passing to Billups when he knew a bigger guy was creeping around? C'mon, those type of mistakes are normally reserved for inexperienced players but not an old school like carter and not in the west finals. Again, total mental breakdown and Phil did what Phil does best, he made sure his team was present for every little crumb available in the hardwood floor. I'm afraid this game might come back to hunt the nuggets. PS:More devastating than the loss tonight is the possibility of losing drive-by Smith to injury, he didnt look too great. Kobe did a number on him on that last attempt to grab the rebound. Kobe is a dirty player
  5. the islamists are better placed do tell young pirate, adaa war hayee. No wonder you are irrelevant. I think "me" has been preaching the shabaab train wreck for far too long. Its time for you to come to your own skin. Try to come up with better talking points besides, shabaabs are better placed. they are this or they are that. As for Dukey, waligii runta aan kugu jeclaa. Waayo, one particular clan has been holding Meiji's M-society hostage along with the rest of the country and those of us in diaspora for close to 20 years. Meiji knows full well who this said clan is but he is too stubborn to come to terms with reality. Heck, he went from adoring Aweys in a short period of time to calling him a warlord. Improvement alright but not enough to totally abandon tolka. In all seriousness, why is it that we can't have an honest discussion without someone labeling another clannish, tigre lover etc? Why is that Kasha does not want to have a discussion, instead he chooses to bark and bark and bark somewhere until he can no longer see clearly? I'm afraid one of these days the boy will OD on jihad. Aside from the clowning hour on Kasha's expense, why are the supporters of the opposition afraid to have this talk, along with their leaders? Perhaps it is engraved in their skulls to say no because thats all thats been taught to them. Who can blame them, after all, they only had an opportunity to taste what it takes to be in charge in the last decade and a half but their idea of being in charge is how to master in the art of looting and rape as well as killing women and children all those years ago. They know that they can't run a country by themselves, who will loot for them and rape and kill on their behalf? The said clan and their fake mujahids cant handle responsibility KASHA, give up, admit defeat before the axmaaro aad ku wacdineysey all day today come gunning for adeero. JUST GIVE UP Besides all that wacdi on my part, Meiji is putting up the m-society walls again. That only happens when dukey directly confronts the atrocities these criminals have committed, head on in full gear. The looting, rape, deaths, its disturbing to say the least. What's worse than anything else is the legacy the Aweys will leave for the next generation. We will forever be hunted by the ghosts of general AIDEED and his offsprings. Lastly, how interesting it would be if someone did a profile of this said clan and perhaps found out what drives them? What is their motivation to constantly be at odds with everyone? I'm curious to know how the said clan's elders sleep at night, how they continue to look into their children's eyes and worry for their future but have total disregard for the future of the children of the south, who are affected more than anyone else in the country. Sharif said it best in one of his latest interviews when he said that these hypocrites talk of denouncing AMISOM troops and their presence in Mogadishu when the children of the leaders of the said clan are safely tugged away in gaalo land. If the west is good enough iney refuge kayeeshaan, why isn't the west good enough to meddle in the affairs of the country? Surely, these men realize that their actions at home are felt across the globe, including the citizens who flee from somalia to seek refuge in the land of the gaalo, therefore its appropriate for them to meddle in our affairs they provide for our people , the same people that these fake jihadists have failed. Most importantly, they have given opportunities to every last one of you in SOL in some form or another, including Kasha, who is cashing his tuition fees to support adeero. Without the west, most of you would probably be dead or living in some pothole and not able to read or write or have an opportunity to get an education that most of the dropouts in our communities take for granted. Reality is, your umbilical cord is still attached to mama west's womb, so why must you fight her? Above all, I want to know how Aweys continues to pig out on a feast daily when his soldiers look undernourished. I have heard excerpt of his speeches when he speaks at gatherings organized by his clan and I can't help but hear a man who has mastered in the art of deceit. For this reason, it appears that the said clan's sole survival and existence depends on this pretentious holly war on the TFG. Whether Sharif is the head of the government has little or no value. It appears as thought they are holding on to the last straw, a do or die moment for them so to speaks. They are aware that once the war is over they will become irrelevant, sort like how Meiji's assertions are irrelevant 99.9% of the time. tsk tsk tsk.... PS: Dukey is anything but a clannist master but you, dear Meiji have the all the symptoms know to man.
  6. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    ^geesi aa tahay. LOL@gheele, I know you are flying high right about now. Both of your teams are still standing and only one of my picks survived. Besides, I'm not ready to discuss celtics and frankly, I dont think I will every be ready to discuss their breakdown. I still haven't gotten over the loss on sunday. I dont know why I was devastated but I was. Congrats to your cavs, laker picks, but right now, I will do everything I can to see that nuggets come out on top. I think we have a fantastic matchup in the western conference finals but as for the eastern finals? C'mon, another disappointing matchup and another excuse for that monkey james to rest 9 or 10 days extra days before nba finals. Something tells me that they will not cruise through this series but at the same time it will be a bore. I think for magic to have a chance, that turk has to bring his A game as well as R-Lewis's ugly 3-point shot has to get in for them to have a chance. Howard can not do it alone without those guys and some help from the magic bench, either way, I DO NOT CARE FOR NEITHER TEAM, I AM JUST ANGRY. GO NUGGETS
  7. Liqaye, nin yahow get a grib. Waa run that dukey misspoke but perhaps you misunderstood his question? From what I have read and understood by this 3 page long thread is that its neither here nor there when it comes to some of your posts. I say this not in defense of Dukey but that reading the headlines of the major news papers does not make any one of you an expert in Sri-Lankan affairs, goodness gracious pple, get a grib and tend to your own affairs. Besides all that, I feel that Dukey was talking in terms of government action and lack there off and how the government of somalia should take note by committing to this war against the M**ryaanta in similar fashion, nothing more nothing less insiders, ee please give it a rest. Also, to add to this topic, I feel that even thought the Sri-Lankan war went on longer than our own war, Sharif's government ought to take a note of the major events thats unfolding in the world and seek ways to defeating the global war on terror by studying the various ways the tactics of war have changed over the years and to adopt different strategies. Todays global war scene is much different from the wars that were fought in past history, especially the two World Wars. Chaos is everywhere and you are either committed to taking the necessary steps to defeating the nabad-diids and dowlad-diids by adjusting according to the rules of engagement, which is much different nowadays and be open to carrying methods that are unconventional and willing to get your hands dirty and always brainstorming various ways of defeating the enemy or he and the rest need to step aside.(so far so good) They have to think and fight like a muhajid because thats how you defeat a muhajid, one neighbourhood at a time. Most global security experts concur and I hope Sharif thinks small when he is in the warroom with his people. So far, Sharif has proven that he will not roll over and play dead and he is committed and I think I will continue to support him. In any case, my advise is for those of you that are looking to flock few feathers to just come out and state your business but hagu marmarsiyooyin waxa uu Dukey soo jeediyay, waa simple question oo u baan a simple jawaab. Hanii macaanaato PS:For heavens sake, we have nuune challenging dukey over Sri-Lankan affairs, hahaha, go figure, nuune, mr I report gossip. A TMZ reporter talking about foreign politics, waa cajiib.
  8. Emperor, warkeena aan cadeysano hadii aa adiga tahay Emperor jaqaf jaqaf, tiisa u cad and haddii aan aniga ahay LayZieG, reality check wajiga ugu nabto, runta sida dillaac bilaash u kariso, AMISOM loving sista and last but not least"slave to the ethios" as Kasha put it. Adigii, hadaa tahay Emperor said this of the subject:- Well, the security minister of this government, Omar Hashi was saying just that in 2008, but is sleeping today with the enemy! Warkeena aan cadeysano. First thing is first, ninkani aad idhahde warkiisa dhageyso, waan dhageyse. I have to say that I have not come across this character until today. I have never heard him speak until today and besdies that, I don't know anything about him, except that in his year old interview, he mentioned that he was from Beledweyne, gobolka Hiiraan. From what I have gathered from the interview, the man's arguement is simple. In that he says, "I had no part in bringing axmaaro to the country". I was not part of the group who solicited the assistance of the axmaaro prior to the invasion, says Cumar Xaashi. Furthermore, the man says that because he was not part of the decision making apparatus and was not member of the brains that cooked the plan that gave the greenlight to the ethios to enter somali soil, a move that was later called the "axmaaro invasion" that ousted the islamists and sharifka in 2006 and for the reasons mentioned above, he, CUMAR XAASHI feels that he should not take the blame for any crime that the axmaaro may have committed during their so called "occupation" as Kasha would have us believing. In spite of that, I was intrigued because I learned what it was that ticked you off about the subject. I think it was the early part of the intervieiw, when the subject belittled Adeer yey and Co by referring to them as dab*dhil*fs" and tigre loving nijaasiin, ahahha.(I added the niyaas part) For that, I couldn't help recall all the other times when you came in defense of adeer yey.(u are very loyal subject and for that I applaud you) I distinctly remember how anytime anyone said anything inapproriate or truthful about yey, you raised a fit and today is no different or your reaction to the subject. I just love it. Getting back to the subject and your reaction to him, I couldn't help notice that part of the interview was about the rumor that he once allowed axmaaro to invade somalia, atleast in the hiiraan region and area. In his defense, which I found to be quite persuasive said that he had not given permissin for axmaaro invade somalia under his leadership nor did he allow invasion to take place in his watch. He said the ethiopians and his side of the border had an agreement and that was to harmoniously co-exist and to support each other when it came to protecting each other's fences. He mentioned in the interview that the border dispute and the invasion, which appears to be inaccurately reported event of history by denying the event of ever taking place. This immediately made me question the the interviewer and his sources but I quickly stopped myself because I remembered that we were dealing with somali people. Waxaa layidhi ayey source of information u sheegtaan so whether the questions that the interviewer asked was accurate or baseless matters not to me. However, Cumar xaashi said that during his leadership, no axmaaro had the opportunity to invade hiiraan, somalia as there was no need to because the harmony from both sides was undeniable, says he. Whether or not that is accurate or whether he is fabricated the events, it remains to be seen. This does not mean that I am taking his side over yours but you have to admit, you are personalizing your subject instead of taking the situation for what it is. AXMAARO ARE COMING TO GET KASHA. To sum it all up ya Emperor, Cumar xaashi put it best when he said, "wax xoog lagu qaato, xoog aa lagula dagaaltamaa", in other words, he belittled the axmaaro but at the same time did not denounce the axmaaro, he denounced the individuals who went into bed with axmaaro, the individuals who disrupted a peaceful period in our post civil war era that was welcomed by all, except adeero yey and all. Lastly, whether the decision to seek axmaaro's support at a time of relative peace in Mogadishu and area was a good decision on the part of adeero or whether it was bad remains to be seen as history has not been written yet. As I said before, adeero's legacy will not be diminished just because some oday spoke ill of him, ee cheer up eedo and let us convince this Kasha that his adeero's days are numbered. PS:Kasha, have you known me to be anything but consistant? Remember, I am no flip flopper, unlike adeero aweys. I bet you, if Sharif handed the PM position to him instead of Sharmarke, he would welcome it with open arms and denounce shabaab all in the same tone. Thats just my take but remember, your adeero does not have your best interest at heart. He just uses the religion to recruit more youngesters, nothing more, nothing less. AWEYS said it best when he said, this is not about anything but politics. Meaning, your adeero isnt fighting for the self-determination of the somali people. He is fighting for himself, the sooner you get that through your thickk skull, the more you will ease to your therapy sessions. Either way, dont let ninkani inuu meel xun kaatuure, inta aadddddddddd kujirtid "thoroughbed", tolkeykii mooye?
  9. Emperor and Dukey, take it easy fellas. If the rumor is true and axmaaro are indeed back, what's wrong with that picture? You probably know this more than anyone and as far as axmaaro goes, they were never the problem but the rest of these clowns though otherwise. Kasha meeshaan uu ku calaacalaa because he knows the doors are closing on him. I called for the government and sharif to take drastic measures not long ago, where I said step-up or step-down and so far so good. I want to see the criminals either killed or caught and put in a hole. Axmaaro are not somalia's enemy. We just like to think they are when we know better. If I had a choice to make as far as choosing foreign fighters to fight the m**ryaan, I would instantly pick my friendly neighbours, whom most of you used as an excuse to oust them, when infact you folks continued the killing without the axmaaro presence. So, who are the real killers now? Who have wiped out another 150-200 people in the last 10 days? Injured thousands? Axmaaro were behind their borders when all of that was happening, so please, I dont want to hear how axmaaro are the enemy when we have real monsters among us. Heck, right now, I will take my african neighbours other pakistani and chechnya soldiers when it comes to picking foreign fighters that will fight for this government's existence.
  10. ^kaada and kasha's adeer's throat and Dukey will toast to the occasion.
  11. ^fuley waaxid, saa maa axmaaro ugu baqee? I think you are worried for your adeer Aweys. You are scared shitless on his behalf because you fear that he wont have an exit strategy and this time axmaaro army will get hold of him and do the throat cutting, shabaab style.(GOWRAC IYO NUS) They are coming for him and no amount of connection in asmara will save him this time. ASMARA DOES NOT WANT ADEERO EE INTUU AADI?
  12. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    Gheele, allow yaa ku dhaho I told you so. Whatever happened to the lakers aad buunbuunineyse? I will be the first to say, how about em Rockets? I was wrong about them twice. First they demoralized my Blazers pick and now they are eyeing the conference finals? Talk about silencing their critics eh? If rockets win and thats a big if, this is denvers year to take it all the way. I mean, literally, take it all the way. I'm just baffled that another GM yet again let go of Billups. First it was that white good for nothing former celtics player turned GM for the T-wolves who failed to retain billups when he has playing the best b-ball of his nba career, then Dumar, another respectable GM just let go of Billups once more when infact he should have traded the excess of Hamilton+2 as Billups wasn't the one who created the piston recession. Fast forward to the western conference finals of 2009, the nuggets are reaping the fruits of Billups talent, talk about christmas coming early to the nuggets. Billups, Billups. I first noticed his talent when he was a backup guard for the T-wolves. I saw his fire then but I knew right away that T-wolves made a mistake by not doing everything they could to keep him. I believe that had they signed him then, KG would have had 2 titles under his belt. All that aside, history repeated itself again, when yet another GM did the unthinkable by letting go of Billups instead of working out a plan to keep him. Yes, it is true that I detest the Pistons but thats beside the point because the AI-Billups trade was not a logical trade as one team was doomed from the start, read my AI thread about this trade. AI was not a good fit for the pistons and the pistons were not a good fit for AI. Seriously, what was that GM's name that failed to sign Billups during his T-wolves days? Does anyone know his name? On to Boston, RONDO who and RONDO WHAT?? Did you see how many rebounds he grabbeD? A small man thats capable of doing the work of the celtics big men. Why do the celtics need to pay Perkins and Fatso G-Davis? Any big foot lover out there? Can anyone explain to me why Perkins is an NBA player in name only? Besides, Big foot Perkins and fatso G-davis lack of performance, Ray Allen was in it, Pierce continuous to have more off nights than I can count. However, I have a feeling that everyone will be on board and ready to battle come sunday night. I predict the game to be a high scoring game, especially on the boston side. All in all, I'm looking forward to an up tempo game.
  13. ^really? with what? M-society shillingS?
  14. lol@johnny, you can become their chief collector, ee why dont you grow a beard abti? Ayoub, waa maxay Here comes Johnny... The Babtist ? Ma eraybaa?
  15. Is it my b-daY ? No, it can't be and neither is this news about the missle attack in aweys compound. Talow yaa sheegay inuu madfac faniiinaayo helay oday gaduude's jaw.......tsk tsk, tsk.
  16. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    ^he is busy working. I didn't get to watch the full game lastnight between lakers and rockets, just the first quarter and didnt look too good for the lakers at that time. Rockets got on to a good start but I don't think they will have the same opportunities on game 2. This morning, I was chewing on the highlights over breakfast and it was just disaster, a loss at home in L.A? thats huge but I wouldn't count the lakers or celtics out, I WANT A RE-MATCH but even if that isnt possible, I think a showdown between the two top teams in the league will be just as exciting to watch. PS: Gheele, in defense of the celtics, when you get on to a slow start as they did on monday, you can't expect to rally behind, after all, d-howard is not the bulls or noah. In addition, don't forget, all the bulls wins game at overtime and it was between 1-3 points that decided those games. All in all, I give the bulls credit but this was celtics doing, they should have dominated the game as they have on GAME 2 against bulls and game 7, thats the celtics you will see come next game and against the cavs in the conference finals.
  17. My dear NG, this isn't about Amxaaro or Burundi troops and whether one is opposed to the presence of all foreign troops or the very same people prefer some foreign troops over others based on geographical location OR ethnicity. For instance, your buddy JB, Mr Secessioner feels that arab presence in the south should be able to ease the tension and help establish a dialogue in the capital that will bring about change. In reality, that couldn't be further from the truth but then again, you can't expect much from out of touch secessioner blogging from the comfort of his living quarters in hargeisa. He is probably sitting in half air conditioned room with a big smile on his face, hoping and praying for the south turmoil to go on. Besides JB and his secessioner agenda, I feel that sharif is running out of time. He needs to make things happen, especially now that the donor conference is behind him. He knows he has alot of work ahead of him. He knows he needs to establish a program for recruits, perhaps develop an incentive that will sway the youngsters into joining the somali force, police and army and what have you. With that said, this is an important moment for sharifka, he needs to show the effectiveness of his leadership and the strength of his government to rely on, in other words, the rhetorics towards the criminals has to change. He can no longer advocate peace talks in public with the nabaddiidyaasha and diin diidyaasha. Personally, I will never put the faith of the people in in the hands of criminals, after all, they are a known M**ryaans, especially with that mansuur along his adeer gar-gaduude. Sharif has got to change his stand with these criminals, perhaps adopt the divide and concur strategy. You, yourself NG said that QABIIL is somalia's cancer and at the same time the cure. Sharifka can not, and I repeat, he can not put the peace efforts in the hands of these criminals. He needs to be adaptable and that means changing with the situation. He needs to reach out to the opposition tribe(s), the people(I believe its just one tribe that has been problematic all of these years and who bore warlords from ceydiid to ceyrow to aweys and the mansuurs of the world) of these criminals. Besides, the ordinary folks that these criminals claim to represent needs to be inticed, they are craving for alternative and SHARIFKA CAN BE THEIR ALTERNATIVE. In doing so, he will provide essential services that they need to be independent from their warlords masquerating as wadaados and jihadists by rewarding them for their efforts and willingless to negotiate and to separate themselves from the criminals and to want peace and security. The only way that will happen is to buy the people of that tribe, the everyday farah and xalimo, along with adeer cilmi and co, not aweys and mansur as the spokesmen for these people. This is a doggy doggy world, only the big dogs are allowed to play and Sharifka needs to either STEP UP or STEP DOWN. Time is ticking ya NG and I am glad you are back from your vacation.
  18. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    lol, say what you will say of the celtics but I think their series against the bulls allowed them to come together in time to jell as a team. Mind you, quite a few injuries going around. Celtics front court is thinning by the series. In my opinion, I think loss or no loss, they will prevail against the magic and will face off your mighty king and the Cavs in the eastern conference finals.(u heard it here first) I truly believe celtics have what it takes. CAVS HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE GREEN WARRIORS BEFORE THEY CAN GO BACK TO THE NBA FINALS AGAIN. As for the denver and Mavs series, either one will do but I believe nuggets have what it takes to compete against Lakers and put on a great western conference finals show. With the exception of Kobe, Nuggets back court are far too talented for the Lakers back-court. You know, I know, and all those that watch chauncey know the type of point he is and how he was deeply missed by his former team. Look at how great he is in making nuggets big buys look good on the court, dishing the ball left and righT? Rockets are toast and let me just call it now, I WILL BE SHOCKED TO SEE THEM WIN A GAME OVER THE LAKERS.
  19. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    ^I'm not happy. Blazers are in trouble ya gheele. 76ers just showed their youth, letting turkey uraaye get a clear shot? and the celtics heartbreak loss was the most exciting playoff game by far this season. On a positive note, go mavericks. Talk about big foot perkins and his disappointing game? I was praying that they will take him off sooner but I guess better late than never. In all honesty, perkins needs to be punished because his inability to be effective big man kept the bulls in the game and put the celtics in a position to tie the shot the last moment, it was just disgusting but nevertheless exciting to watch ray be ray again. PS: do you believe the celtics checked out by the 2nd overtime? What was rondo doing? they stopped being aggressive and instead settled for outside shots. I really cant fault rondo for that last shot that could have won them the game, in any case, rondo was just outstanding.
  20. Geeljire, I don't know why aa meelahaan u joogtaa when the Jazz handed a loss to your beloved lakers. In any case, I always felt that somalia had bigger problems and the presence of foreign troops was the least of their problems. I support Sharif and I opposed yey for the simple fact that yey refused to take responsibility for all that went wrong during the axmaaro so called "occupation". Yey never put the people of mogadishu first. Yey was always about yey. I never opposed the TFG as a governing body. Matter of fact, I was one of few people who always came in defense of the wasiiro and their families when MMA was playing the name game with some of them. I was in support of the government then just as I am in support of them now. Dukey and I were always for a somali republic under a federal system. I am not for Sharia but I understand why the cabinet and the lawmakers voted as they did. I think they were willing to comprise and at this point, Sharif and Co proved that they will put the people of mogadishu first above all else, something adeer yey(love him or hate him) never did. I'm afraid yey would never have comprised if undermined his authority. Yey is and will always be a stubborn soldier. He never showed shacabka somalia that he had their best interest at heart.(he was too busy firing and hiring pm's) Sharif has extended his hand time in and time out and what did your beloved shabaab do? Everytime, canduf ayey wajiga ugu tufeen I think you know that I have supported Sharifkaa longer than most people here and you know that I supported him since his days with the ICU. I will support him until his six months probation comes to an end, at which time I will re-evaluate the state of affairs and if need be, withdraw my support. At this time, sharif has not given me a reason to withdraw my support. I believe in his vision for somalia because I believe its everyone's vision, it is one that looks forward to the future, one that welcomes all factions to come together, regardless of ideology or clan to work for greater somalia and I'm sure his other supporters feel the same way. PS: Geelkooow, don't let "mr ng, mr clan solves everything" talk you into riding the shabaab speedboat, kaas meel ayuu kaa tuuri, ee jump ship and come on board sharifka's cruise, maribella.
  21. North, I don't think the opposition knows meel ay u-socdaan iyo meel ay ka-socdaan. Aweys gaduude is not interested in peace and reconciliation. His stand is that if he were to extend a hand to the TFG and accept their implementation of Sharia, he would become a laughing stock of the bunch. According to him, history will repeat itself. In his speech, he narrated a time when a fella jihadi sheikh took upon himself to lobby for sharia implementation in the 60s. This hero once went infront of the somali parliament in the 60s(his words, not mine), based on the tolka's talking points and this fake sheikh was lobbying for sharia to be implemented at the time.(aweys wasnt sure when in the 60s, his estimation is that it happened between 1960-1966) The man that aweys referred to as a "sheikh" felt that sharia should be the law of the land at the time. By then, some lawmakers heard him and advised him to bring the manner infront of parliament in order for a proper debate to be had. The individual did as instructed, according to aweys, mr propaganda. When the individual came infront of the lawmakers and proposed that sharia be implemented, laughter erupted across the aisle.(At this point, Aweys wuu qoslaaye as he narrated it to his tolka in the outdoors somewhere in mogadishu) Ofcourse, Aweys was not present. How does he just expect people to take his word over it? Does he believe that pple are that gullible ? Maybe he does, after all, his cult like organization warka wey cuneen. Either that or he just thinks waa warkii aweys, straight from ASMARA pothole. As I was listening to his speech, I couldn't help but wonder the relevancy of the narrative. I thought, ok well, maybe he is just articulating his skepticism in such a manner because he is mistrustful of folks. Blame it on a former lover or what have you. He laughed more times than I can recall at the moment. All of his laughs were nervous laughs and I couldn't help notice the heavy security in and around the area. All in all, I don't think sharif and CO can expect much from a dellusional oday who pretends to be wadaad, when infact he spends most of his time sitting under a tree, touching his 15 old stylist inappropriately as she dye's his gar. CILAAN anyone? PS:some of his guards were wearing shabaab like uniform
  22. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    lol@gheele, yes Marshall went Toronto on the magic with that clutch 3, that was a sick shot.(donyell is known to make those shots, he has made those shots night in and night out when he was in town) Generally, I think the 76ers need to make minor adjustments for next game besides that, they will be fine. We can live with howard scoring double double everynight for the next few nights.(assuming that magic role players wont have a goodnight, which is highly unlikely) Speaking of D.Howard and the magic, I can't remember who I had words with about Rashad Lewis with his trade for the magic a while ago but I just hope they now realize waxa aan usheegaaye iney saxsaneed (was it lander or was it playmaker). A waste of space if you ask me. So far so good for all the teams that I picked, with the exception of the blazers. I believe blazers will recover, they just had a blonde moment, it will pass. On the other hand, the Dallas series is proving to be worthy of a series, especially now that I can taste a sweep. Don't you dare underestimate Dallas. I'm actually watching the start of Game 2 right now. Speaking of this game, I just got done watching the celtic/bulls series, what a difference a day makes eh? The big buys stepped up tonight for the celtics and I was very proud of G.Davis. Matter of fact, I'm very happy, so happy that I won't say anything bad about big foot perkins. I didn't mention Ray Allen because last year around this time he started out cold and warmed this way into the series.(I sort of expected the same outcome on game 1) Tonight is an example of how Ray just needed to let his shot come to him. PS: I still believe the jazz will make a series out of it. Jerry Sloan will not roll over, you just watch markey utah ku noqdaan.
  23. Xunduf, Rwanda iyo Addis Ababa maa marmarsiyo kuu noqotay? Wallaahi oo billaahi inaad new talking points ubaahan tahay. Waayo, nin rag ah oo dalkiisa u shaqeynaya hadaa war ka dhigatay, oo dhaheyso, inta uu tagay, maya xaga uu tagay, maya xaga uu ka baxay, waxaasi waa caqli xumo, ee maad war kale ku hadashid? Talo ayey iga tahay Sharifka's timing trip to Addis Ababa was wrong but a man has got to do whatever a man has got to do and thats to execute his masterplan. A man without a plan is wacdaro and thats thief riyaale, ee maa nimanka sifiican u fiirisid. About Addis, the trip was not a way to just get acquainted with Riyaale's master(Melez) but to get a chance to meet the AU leaders and the distinguished guests and get an opportunity that allowed him to voice his concerns of the state of security as well as to present the outline of the framework of his plan. Among other things, he formed relationships. But I am wondering is whether or not you knew Thief Riyaale's whereabouts on that day? Did Riyaale meet the UN secretary and other prominent african leaders? Did Kagame extend an invitation to Riyaale? C'mon now eedo. Kagame has a political history and a track record thats longer than the resumes of the s-land leaders put together, especially abow riyaale. I think Sharifka was better for meeting the leader. Kagame is not someone I would dismiss off the list because he is a man who fought and experienced the pain of losing over a million of his people, a true patriot. The country is better for it today because they are slowly progressing and on the road to recovery. The Somali government is lucky for gaining support from a nation that has opened the door for the largest majority of women legislators in the continent. All in all, I wouldnt dismiss Sharif's foreign trips. I'm sure its not healthy for you obsessing over our leader, day and night.
  24. ^lol, your boy being back among the living agrees with you.