LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^shame on you for not reading the speech in its entirety. Obama said: As the Holy Koran tells us, "Be conscious of God and speak always the truth." That is what I will try to do - to speak the truth as best I can, humbled by the task before us, and firm in my belief that the interests we share as human beings are far more powerful than the forces that drive us apart. In other words, a presidential speech that will become a scholarly favourite. This occasion was meant to clear any and all misconceptions that the west and muslim have of one another. The speech was meant to inspire the young, the man, the woman, the elderly. It was meant to help establish a dialogue as someone said earlier that will allow the old wounds to heal and help form new relations. The truth of the matter is Obama can continue to talk about change until his face turns blue but you, the reader, the listener, the citizen of the world that he speaks to needs to change. YOu have to be willing to change by examining the world and culture around you for your children's future. The action that you all seek from Obama has to come from within. Obama and his administration can not change what's on the hearts and minds of the world's citizens. He can't twist an arm to get you to see the wrong direction you are headed when you cheer for the destruction and death of your fellow somalis daily. Ng, Mr "action aa loo baahan yahay addressed the secessioner's criticism. The speech did not lack depth, matter of fact the speech was well crafted and so far I have only read it in text only. The Cairo speech is by far his best work up-to date but I will have to see his delivery in order to come to a full conclusion on whether or not he surpassed the delivery of his inaugural speech. This is a scholarly speech, one that will be studied and digested for many centuries to come. As for the SOL gang and what this means for you in terms of improvement in your lives and the lives of your sisters and brothers in Somalia is that you, the sol gang member will have to want to achieve peace, you will have to say no to extremist and become better citizen, better son, better father, better husband, better manager, better human, above all a better muslim. YOu will have to enrich your life and the lives of those that are closest to you. You will have to want better for you and your loves ones and not settle for anything less. That means, peace and security for all. It means you will have to want the same life you desire for yourself and your family for say a 'family that resides in HODAN district, Somalia, who are barely surviving on $5 a day income for a family of 5 or 6'. You need to reject the 'us' versus 'them' mantra. You need to limit your ignorance to a minimum. YOu need to stop waving the quran infront of fellow muslims faces and calling jihad on fellow muslims because you disagree with their political and social views. With all that said, I couldn't help but share parts of the speech that will forever be remembered by some more than others. Obama on nuclear annihilation:- When one nation pursues a nuclear weapon, the risk of nuclear attack rises for all nations. When violent extremists operate in one stretch of mountains, people are endangered across an ocean. And when innocents in Bosnia and Darfur are slaughtered, that is a stain on our collective conscience. That is what it means to share this world in the 21st century. That is the responsibility we have to one another as human beings. Obama, the history student:- Given our interdependence, any world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will inevitably fail. So whatever we think of the past, we must not be prisoners of it. Our problems must be dealt with through partnership; progress must be shared. Obama schooling jihadists:- The Holy Koran teaches that whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind. The enduring faith of over a billion people is so much bigger than the narrow hatred of a few. Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism - it is an important part of promoting peace. Obama on America's rich but dark history:- For centuries, black people in America suffered the lash of the whip as slaves and the humiliation of segregation. But it was not violence that won full and equal rights. It was a peaceful and determined insistence upon the ideals at the center of America's founding. This same story can be told by people from South Africa to South Asia; from Eastern Europe to Indonesia. It's a story with a simple truth: that violence is a dead end. It is a sign of neither courage nor power to shoot rockets at sleeping children, or to blow up old women on a bus. That is not how moral authority is claimed; that is how it is surrendered.
  2. ^ , H&M oo wasaq eh maa saa loo faaninaa, idinkaa war haaya. KK, niyada aad dadka u dhiseyso maad iska deysid or else buurka uu ka dhici.
  3. ^she is back. Welcome back Ibti. Voting green is the way to go. I have joined the green party of Canada early last year and voted green the 1st time in last year's federal election. I'm an active member and we are working hard to get our riding to stand behind our candidate, we want him to emerge victorious in the next election. We are actively seeking the dissatisfied voters, the minority votes, the women votes, the environmentally conscious nut jobs votes. BTW, why block griffin's votes when you can go after those responsible for the mps that were recently outted for indulging themselves w/ taxpayer dollars?(griffin is a teddy, he is harmless and dont worry, he wont send you packing to somalia anytime soon)
  4. View the interview here, UK residents only and to all others, you need not watch to know the end result, the minister won hands down. The man of the hour:- The interview started with Sackur's usual spiel about, "you said this on reuters, or he said that mantra" but ofcourse the minister gave in just as hard as he was getting it from Sackur. Sackur sounded Kasha at one point, talking about the puppet government of Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, heck he even brought the fact that the minister, mohamed abdullaahi Omaar was an absentee citizen the better part of post civil war. All in all, the minister stood on level footing, defended the government and his boss Sharif. He mentioned that the government had 4-5 thousand soldiers and two thousand more soldiers and police officers were in training. He spoke about the governments plea for international support but denied asking for more foreign troops. Minister Omaar said the government of Sharif Sheikh Ahmed was in control of major strategic areas of the country and have taken over areas that were once controlled by the opposition groups and for this reason they now control major parts of south mogadishu, contrary to other reports. When asked by Sackur of the government's mandate, foreign minister Omaar was firm on the 6months to a year timeline of achieving security and stabilizing the country and not just Mogadishu. He was on point throughout the interview, he is a man's man, a real thoroughbred. He repeatedly said the government was still pursuing its earlier goal of mainting peace through negotiations and they have not stopped calling for peaceful negotiations. In conclusion, minister Omaar talked about the foreign powers that be who are commanding the al-shabaab group and who are fueling the insurgency but still called the opposition to put down arms in order to take part in the reconciliation process. Foreign Minister Omaar did not fall for Sackur's hardline approach, matter of fact, he bombarded him with his own talking points. Somaliyeey, foreign ministerkiina barta:-
  5. ^ Waxaa ladhahaa, aduunyada waxa ugu xun kuwa beenta isku sheego, oo dadka kale farta iney ku fiiqaan ay dhahaan, waryee, ma aniga igu wecee waxa aad adiga tahay because in some sick way, it makes it ok for them to go on with business as usual. BTW, emperor ragii waaye. Wuxuu yahey aad ayey u cadahay because what you see is what you get but adiga too many kastuumo aa xirata, which means you have something to hide, which also means ng is on the right track where you are concerned.
  6. ^War waqtiga ha iska dhameenin, inaad calooshii, clankii shaqeyste tahay shaki kuma jiro. The Clan theory works and Che of Sol is a successful formula. Waayo, Che always claimed he was against the so called TFG stooges of Adeero Yey because they did not have the well being of the somali Shacab. Fast forward to february 1st, 2009, the infamous shangoole, uncle of che is the ideal candidate and che is ready to say and do everything he can to clear the path for adeero shangoole. Folks, don't take my word for it, ask CHE, what has your clan done for you lately?
  7. ^waaku sidee dukey? The story has the M**ryaan and their foreign allies imprint all over it. Tii ay ethiopianka ku sheegeen aa hadanna lasoo celiyay. Recycle news aa waxaan ladhahaa but what I want to know is sida farxiyo yariisey loo helay? Iyadana yey aheyd? Tolow amey tahay gabar oo M**ryaanta la dhalatay. Watahee, tan inee soo socotay qof walbaa ogeed oo gabdhihii somaliyeed iyo islaaniinta habeen walbo ayey fuulaayeen. Banaanka intee geystaan ayey hal hal u kor fariistaan and to top it off, the poor girl cant identify her attacker in broad daylight. Was it her 13 yr old shabaab cousin or the 40 yr old paki fighting along side her couzin, after all, they are all covered from head to chest.
  8. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    Last night's nuggets did not come to play, they were a bunch of morons who stood around while the lakers feasted on them. I was very disappointed. I don't think I will be able to tune in for the finals next week as Kobe will take it all the way and I hate to see him holding the mvp trophy of the nba finals. I was so disgusted with the nuggets but you really can't be mad at the Lakers and phil jackson, they excuted their game plan to perfection. Carmelo nacalad aa ku taalo.
  9. ^lol@gheele, age is nothing but a number. Ng, magacaagaa xataa masheegin ee why aad da'daada uga caroonee? So dumarkii lagu ogaa iney da'dooda qarin jireen, ee man up, I'm sure inaad tahay duq wali is heysto oo dheylo eh sida hilib ari. Bob, eedo, caruurtii and familka wey iska fiican yihiin, wax oo hadda laga tabaayo aaba jirin, alxamdullillaah. PS:AT&T, is qorqorka maad iska deysid? You know I only have eyes for one senior at a time. @ng, Mr 1964.
  10. Che, marmarsiyada inta aad iska daysid, adiga sheeg midka aad taageereyso, ma Shabaab ma mase dowlada Sharif Sheikh Ahmed uu hogaamiyo? PS: Emperor and Dukey, ii noolaada, viva p-land.
  11. LayZie G.

    NBA 2009

    ^gheelle, caawa one of your picks could possibly pack for their fishing trip earlier than expected. Just imagine if your dream final is just that, a dream? How will you handle it? I told you monkey james and his team were overrated and to always expect the unexpected. Personally, I didn't think magic would be the surprising team that would come off the east. However, the series isn't over until the final buzzer, we shall wait and see caawa. PS: If nuggets lose the series, they will forever be hunted by game 1 of the western conference finals, the one that got away. Lakers are really jellying together as a team, Odom stepped up. Give phil jackson credit, he bit his head and it worked. Lakers of the last 2 games are not the same lakers that faced Houston. Their role players found their mojo again and this time it may be what they need to push them over the top, unless nuggets get their act together, either way game 7 does not favor the nuggets of last-night.
  12. heh@78 and 82, nin oday oo qamiiray aa tahay haddii aad markaas nooleed oo hadane ciyaaro fiirsan jirtay. Here, I was thinking inaad giovane eheed. Bob, you are the only brother in SOL who talks smack about Kismaayo boys and their footie talent. How many times aan aqriye faankaaga about Kismaayo boys but waxaa qosol eh waa how some of my homies, two of em who hail from kismaayo have continued to use the same line as an advantage over others by area as a way to justify their knowledge and talent of football. You remind me of them everytime aad ka hadasho kismaayo and football. They throw names of players from other regions as thought anyone can verify their BS, ya dig? (cabdullaahi xaaji was last to come out of bari etc )
  13. LOL, ragiisa waaye. Wallee run buu sheegay
  14. ^take it easy there pirateboy. YOu have to learn to respect peoples views and you have to learn to follow the rules of the forum. Remember, this is a public board, everyone is welcome to express his/her view and no one has a right to call a fellow muslim kafir, especially you my burundi brother.
  15. ^ says the man who supports the armed group who caused the death of another 200 innocent women and children? Johnny maybe Johnny but Johnny does not support armed militia who rely on foreign fighters to do their dirty work of killing and raping civilians and dancing to the tunes of allahu akbar in the background as they slaughter more innocent people, including culumo.
  16. lol@xunxun, waxaaga xoog miyaa? The hell do you mean by "inaynu"? Why couldn't you just say afsomaligeena isku mid maaha, oo turjubaan ii raadi? lol@ inaynu isku somali ahayn siida ku garro Haddii somaligii uuna isku mid aheyn, oo afka somaliga uu kuu gambiyay oo aadan fahmin afkii macanaa ee somalida, magacii somalia maxaa ilaa iyo hada aad dabada ugu sidataa? War magaca ka fuq, furuq haku dilee. Mida kale waxa waaye xunxunoow, dalkeena and magaceena waad inaad noo daysaa oo magac kale raadsato, sida aad xornimo u heshid. Waa uun talo
  17. Pirate, please don't address my post or me unless you are ready to acknowledge the AMISOM troops as your BROTHERs in arm and you also acknowledge the sacrifices they make daily on your behalf.
  18. Dukey, what is wrong with asking for support? Are you forgetting that Adeero yey was on his knees, begging the amxaaro to lend him a hand, which he used to his advantage to oust the courts? As for your likes and dislikes, you have the right to like and dislike personalities because thats your God given right but not long ago, you were all for foreign actor intervention under yey's watch. Today, you turn around and object to SHARIF's plea to the international community. It just doesn't work that way Dukey, you are either for ousting the m**ryaan or you are against it, which will it be? Don't make this personal. Matter of fact, each and everyone of you need to acknowledge that the man behind the calling of the air and sea blockage was none other than SHARIF SHEIKH AHMED. Furthermore, he was the one that sought to Eritrea's quick exit out of the AU membership. AU sided with SHARIF's government and its open for all to see. You can't deny the truth and the truth is SHARIF sent his best men to axmaaro land and for over a week they were behind close doors working out the last few details that sought the resolution for sanctions against Eritrea's passed and in turn caused the body of the AU to turn against one of their own.(Sharif SHEIKH AHMED MADE THAT HAPPEN FROM THE COMFORT OF VILLA SOMALIA while battling AWEYS gargaduud.) take that folks. All in all, all is fair in love and war as they say. If the opposition are using foreign troops to oust the government, why can't the government do the same? The opposition should either send their paki fighters packing back to SWAT valley or wherever they hail from OR quit crying about SHARIF's plea to the international community. BTW, RR is entitled to his/her view about SHARIF just as Dukey is entitled to his views about the TFG. I will go even as far as saying yes, it is true that SHARIF's hand was forced and thats because SHARIF did and continues to prefer dialogue over violence. PS:GOOD NEWS, YOUR AMISOM BROTHERS ARE STAYING PUT WELL INTO 2010, THEIR MISSION HAS BEEN EXTENDED.
  19. ^how nice of you yaa XUNXUN. The somali version is exactly what JB aka lord secessioner needed. and the verdict is? drums and more drums please: Lord Malloch-Brown: My Lords, this is one of those perennial issues which, quite rightly, come up every time that Somalia lurches back into crisis. The noble Lord knows our position, which is that we try to give Somaliland support but we think that its status and potential independence must be dealt with through African forums: first, through talks between the two sides in Somalia and, subsequently, through the AU. We do not think that British recognition of Somaliland would help its goal of independence. NO, MAYA, INYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOW.
  20. ^lol Waryee wiilka u tartiibi, si farwaaweyn wax ugu qor ugana sheeg. Kistoo madaxa uu ka culus yahey.
  21. ^Earth to Abu whitey, Earth to Abu Whitey, adiga markaad walaalahaaga AMISOM ugu weceyso N**** maxa isku moodaay inaad caucasian tahaY? Remember, adiga iyo AMISOM troops waxaa tihiin adoonkii illaahay.
  22. lol@NG, you are right, I do wuv the sheikh but how will that help you get off the hot seat you find yourself sitting? You said to North that the discussion was about one of arguing for position and support etc but you don't have a clear position, you never had a clear position. You beat north's head for switching sides and you belittle my sheikh and at the same time you call for yey's return but that is not a position to have eedo, ee maa warka cadeysid inta aad North waabsiga aad kuhaysid aadan waxtiga isaga dhameenin?