LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^xiin didn't say "to get over it" the author(s) did. Did you even read the article or were you too busy reading nimankaan oo sida naagaha is jiid-jiidaayo oo is daandaansanaayo? Go ahead, give it a try ya ng.
  2. Ayatollah Montazeri's denunciation in its entirety: In the name of God People of Iran These last days, we have witnessed the lively efforts of you brothers and sisters, old and young alike, from any social category, for the 10th presidential elections. Our youth, hoping to see their rightful will fulfilled, came on the scene and waited patiently. This was the greatest occasion for the government’s officials to bond with their people. But unfortunately, they used it in the worst way possible. Declaring results that no one in their right mind can believe, and despite all the evidence of crafted results, and to counter people protestations, in front of the eyes of the same nation who carried the weight of a revolution and 8 years of war, in front of the eyes of local and foreign reporters, attacked the children of the people with astonishing violence. And now they are attempting a purge, arresting intellectuals, political opponents and Scientifics. Now, based on my religious duties, I will remind you : 1- A legitimate state must respect all points of view. It may not oppress all critical views. I fear that this lead to the lost of people’s faith in Islam. 2- Given the current circumstances, I expect the government to take all measures to restore people’s confidence. Otherwise, as I have already said, a government not respecting people’s vote has no religious or political legitimacy. 3- I invite everyone, specially the youth, to continue reclaiming their dues in calm, and not let those who want to associate this movement with chaos succeed. 4- I ask the police and army personals not to “sell their religion”, and beware that receiving orders will not excuse them before god. Recognize the protesting youth as your children. Today censor and cutting telecommunication lines can not hide the truth. I pray for the greatness of the Iranian people. PS: NG, you are not suited for half liners. Do tell why it is the Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, the former chosen one was critical of Ahmadinejad's policies? Go on, explain in detail. (f-t-s-o-i, are you saying his words dont carry weight?) Pss: Dabshid, its unfortunate but no, this kind, gentle hearted Ayatollah Montazeri was dismissed as the successor of the 1st ever Ayatollah Khameni and even jailed at one point for speaking out against the hardline approach of the government and the various bodies that control the Islamic republic. To some, he was just dangerous because he used logic as form of guidance. I guess the title "Grand Ayatollah" just stayed with him ever since his selection.
  3. Breaking News: Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri today denounced the actions of Ahamedinejad supporters and the conduct of the government forces toward the public. "No one in their right mind can believe" the official results from Friday's contest, Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri said of the landslide victory claimed by Ahmadinejad. The Grand Ayatollah went on to add: "A government not respecting people's vote has no religious or political legitimacy," he declared in comments on his official Web site. "I ask the police and army personals (personnel) not to 'sell their religion,' and beware that receiving orders will not excuse them before God." Source
  4. ^danbiga iska daa. Never question another man's iman. or get in between him and his God (acuudika qabso) go pray to allah inta aad ahmadinejad aad cheerleading u sameyneysid. PS:ciyaalka caafada, try your best to address the topic(thats if u have inside) instead of focusing on naxarla.
  5. ^ how about you relocate to mogadishu and see how long you last. PS: the O man is more reasonable than all of you simpletons put together and using that tired old "fox news line" does not help your cause of going everything extreme, jihadi style and using the masjid to execute your plan of defrauding voters, how sick is that?
  6. ^You will never be an Iranian The Leverett's article appears to lack credibility. For one, the author appears to have ulterior motive for contributing this article, along with his wife to politico because of its timing. The author and the nuclear Iran argument is foolish, especially if everything Mr leverrett's said were to be implemented but nevertheless Mr leverett just got his big break by getting the opportunity to perform in-front of a striking crowd, made up of the heavyweights of broadway after struggling in the small market. Besides, the author's past history handicaps his rather weak effort into swaying the views of the public towards the legitimacy associated with Ahmadinejad's so called landslide victory. The fact that he (the author) was once in bed with the government is one of the main reasons why his argument for the incumbent is ineffective. His delivery is flawed because he made frequent references to the so called American "Iran experts" instead of focusing on his subject by demeaning their experience and their inside knowledge of Iran politics. He is looking to sell an expired product that can no longer be stomached by the Iranian youth and women votes. I think that Mr Leverett is looking to settle a score with the United States government and he is using the Iranian election and the recent publicity the voting irregulaties generated to fulfill his agenda. The Leveretts attack on the " most American “Iran experts” " makes their argument and their bellittlement towards the so called American "iran experts" contradictory because they too are part of this core group of experts, author included. For that reason, his argument and his wife's arguement come across as nothing more than two couple blowing hot air and using the occasion to show their displeasure like a couple of angry teenagers. Mr Leverret is in the same boat as the so called american "iran experts" because he has the same background. They, the so called american "iran experts" are scholars who wrote countless books, published journals and given advise to high ranking officials, including the United States of America. Besides their irrelevancy, the article references the TFT firm as a legitimate source of information and their findings of the Iranian election as the last words of the gospel and delegitimize the opposition and the 10+ million stolen votes from the iranian youth and iranian women who make over 60% of the population, mostly women. What the authors of the article do not address is the voting irregularities that have been reported from every possible foreign reporter that talked to eye witnesses, voters etc. They did not answer why the pro- government forces are using excessive force to maintain crowd control? Why are the police officers, armed, some dressed as c ivilians are going out of their way to harm the people? Why do you think the youth and the women of Iran are out setting fire to buses? This excess of protest was fueled by the government forces and their conduct towards the public on saturday. It is undemocratic to repress votes and at the same time call the process a free election, where every vote counts and use the west as an avenue to dismiss the people who put their lives at risk in order to stand up and fight for their lives, their sole right to exist as humans and to live in peace, as all of you do and most importantly, to be heard because their voices were stolen by Ahmadinejad forces.. Getting back to the author(s), he and his wife did not address both sides of the argument, instead they dismissed the opponent and called for Ahmadinejad's victory by boosting support to perhaps score points with the man himself for whatever his reasons may be. Lastly, with all of the author's vast knowledge in the field and the many years of research , Mr Leverett has failed his audience by not presending a very persuasive argument to the world wide reader as to why the 10 million Iran youth and women feel that they have been robbed of their right to choose their candidate. In addition to that, how do you, geele jire, typical farax, explain the conduct of the officers, both uniform and private security forces, shooting and beating harmless protesters? (how about u just go ahead and dismiss the actions of the pro-government forces and only concentrate on the actions of the youth and women out in the streets of Tehran fighting for the same freedoms you take for granted) Furthermore, can you excuse the action of the paid group aka the so called pro-government militia who forced their way into the University of Tehran in the hopes of doing harm to students and staff that were inside the premise? How about the fact that the government shut down all communications, especially to social sites long before people went to the voting booths? How about the reports that were filed by the reporters without borders and the hundreds of foreign organizations, independently conducting their own investigations? Are they working for the united states? You and anyone who feels that these people are just blowing off hot air and there is not much to their revolt, think again. Jeb Bush corrupt ways and nearly destroying half a million vote is minor in comparison to destroying 10 million votes, especially the votes that were casted in the mosques. This author and his article are a failure, just like the Iranian authority has failed its citizens. Uprising is officially in effect, may allah ease the pain and hardship of the Iranian youth and women.
  7. Dearest NG: On the other thread, you asked the folks why are they blindly supporting Sharif, when his national policies, whether it may be domestic or foreign are very similar to that of his predecessor? I would probably say to you, NG, the question is thoughtful and at the same time koser but only if you didn't ask it the 20th time, each time getting an answer similar to the last and the answer is always the same:' "This was never about personality contest between Sharif and A. Yusuf". For most people, Sharif was the man who injected life and energy into the people, motivated the young, and has shown that he would work tires-sly for the people and bring about hope in the hearts of every somali, day and night. The people you asked the question told you, time in and time out that they were never enchanted with the man and charisma had very little to do with their decision to support him, not that his good traits hurt him in any way. He is simply a man who selflessly took up the task of protecting innocent people, men and women, tolka or not tolka. He held up his hand and lifted the spirits of those around him. He made promises to strangers and their children that their son or daughter will safely return home, some promises were fulfilled and some were not. All in all, he always had the best interest of the people. He organized movements locally and eventually moved to the national level. At the time, Sharif was confident with the decision he made to align himself with men of similar faith, men he felt shared his values, principles and his vision for the country he loves and the good people that make Somalia the nation that it is. Men who in turned on him and the shared values and core principles, men he wished would reevaluate their position to serve the greater good and end the violence once and for all. Sharif hopes that his former comrades could come back to their senses in time to carry out their plan of securing the country and bringing about peace and stability together, as a unit. For that, Sharif has no regrets because he did and said what he had to because at the time he had people to protect and a nation to restore. The war was not a war of choice it was a war of necessity. A war to bring about security and governance back to the country, by cleaning up the streets, making the neighborhoods safe for young children, assuring that each child got their fair chance at a decent education. In part, he and others succeeded in their cause. Then came the government and its tyrant leader who refused to comprise, contrary to what some clan based sites reported at the time. A. Yusuf was more of a soldier than he was a politician and you know what they say, once a soldier, always a soldier. The military formula never left A. Yusuf, Under A. Yusuf aka Adeero, the death toll was just a figure. A growing figure (civilian casualties) and very little progress proved disastrous for the old man, so much so that he had to let others take the fall (deep down, he knew he was losing but he couldn't face the possibility of losing the war), hence the firing and hiring of his PM's. For A. Yusuf, he had to do anything and everything to get to the finish line, even if it meant losing tens of thousands of lives at the cost of his "war". The lives that were lost, were just war casualties, it meant nothing to him. Besides, my view of A. Yusuf can be summed up with the following quote by a United States Commander during the cold war, who once said; "Restraint? Why are you so concerned with saving their damn lives? The whole idea is to kill the bast*rds. At the end of the war if there are two Americans and one Russian left alive, we win". To him and other commanders during the nuclear stand off, war casualties were just that, casualties, nothing more or less. They were willing to part with millions of their fellow americans in the name of winning the war, so excuse me if I am wary of former soldiers. In spite of that, I truly understand your skepticism of politicians, I feel the same way about soldiers. Apart from having no position, I never once believed you had ulterior motive where Sharif is concerned. You are right in that you are not a cynic but a skeptic, in that your skepticism is infinite. As for Sharif and his naivete, all I can say is, time will tell, time will tell. For curiosity sake, if Sharif is everything you say he is, in terms of having all the qualities of a good leader, in which you state; a humble, genuine looking, educated, gentle speaking Geography Teacher, who was once the head of the courts , why do we need a president or a government? Why can't we govern ourselves? No man is without a flaw, sharif included, ee QEYLIDA AAD WADO DAA. Besides, Sharif is a human being and the day he crosses the line or does not live upto his promise of restoring the republic, thierry or I will be the first to call for his resignation. We won't pull a 'Dukey' or 'Emperor' moment and live in denial. In conclusion, we all want a better result, regardless of who is in charge, as long as you and others are aware that Sharif supporters are concerned as much as all of you, if not more. We just choose not to be as vocal as some of you.
  8. ^waryee shangoole, put a fork on it eh. Brrrrrrrrp, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp@S herban.
  9. Wacdaro, waan o'gahay inaad expert ku tahay the saying "No means yes", and this is no different and I am happy to oblige. Besides, I know that you know how much you want my approval because deep down you know you are irrelevant, why else would you continue to trouble youself with the LayZie one? Just work a little harder if you want your wish to come true. Emperor, eedo, the problem with you has always been emotions, emotions, and more emotions. YOur emotions limit your ability to reason and come to a sound judgement. Over time, your love and adoration for the old man has clouded your judgement which is understandable and I admire your devotion but that doesn't give you the right to diminish another's man's character without truly doing your own research. You dont like the Sharif crowd because they did not approve of yey and thats why you continue to oppose him and his government and I'm fine with that but your position is similar to that of Ngonge, you have no position, NADA. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better for everyone. As for Ngonge, he is a man without a position. He wants a leader oo somalida turuufatoore ugu wacaan(if u want to know the meaning, ask nuune), oo maalin walba inuu isa soo sharaxo oo media been usheego and sings the democracy tune but never dances to it. Haulting elections, threatening his opposition? Talk about a tyrant leader ya ngonge. Sharif will never be your Riyaale. Sharif has integrity and he will not go around taking part in public events just so you can approve of him(remember, you said you wanted to see him more), instead, be patient and wait and see how things unfold, new tanks and all. Besides, Ngonge you know inaadan saaxib qabin, waligaa adoo waxaan aan jeclahay dhahaayo maku arkin. Qof walbo wax aad kasheegtaa, so even if Sharif was to promise to take you to the moon, wax baad kasheegi and thats that. With all that said, I can't help but turn the question over to you one more time. What are your objections based on? Personality? Sharif is charismatic leader, but it all comes back to you Ngonge, anti-social, anti everything. The closest you got to warming up to a leader was yey but that was only to piss off the rest of us. As for Sharif, he opposed ethiopian presence, yes ethiopia is no longer relevant but what does that have to do with his interview? Sharif understands that no one somali movement/group can turn the situation around in south and all over Somalia alone.He understands that Somalia needs support that will take everyone to pitch in and for that reason, differences have to be put aside for now in order to tackle the security situation. FYI, Sharif knows now more than EVER that he can't do it all and he needs support in every way possible and that means handouts from Kufars as well as listening to what the donor countries have to say. You can't have it your way and reject kufaars when they meddle on your affairs and at the same time hold up your hand. He had to decide, values and personal beliefs or his love for his people, where as Aweys, his former mentor is just happy dancing on dead pple's graves.
  10. ^I asked a question, who was the student, adiga mase Sharif?
  11. ^^ the only gaalo around here is you WACDARO. Unless you are more of a muslim than the 500 lawmakers in Sharif's government. I think aqritaankaaga aad ku liidataa@wacdaro, ee why dont you take your silly comments somewhere else and instead take the time to brush up on your coffee shop talking points for odayaasha caawa over shaah and khat. All his current words and postures now make me think that the Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya was not to liberate the land from forigeners and Ethiopians but from Abdullahi Yusuf and his clan says the sol cyber lord? Ma adiga uu Aweys mentor kuu ahaa mase Sharif Sheikh Ahmed? ARe you telling me that you know Aweys more than Sharif knows of his former mentor? Stick to only facts ya ngonge.
  12. Emperor, incase you didn't get a chance to read the transcript, what Sharif highlighted was his motivation, his drive and his promise to lift the government and bring up stability in the country, starting with the capital. With that said, he spoke of ways to tackling piracy, he mentioned that he will organize local groups to reject the thiefs in their areas and he spoke about the appointment of the head of the navy. He spoke of the need for the international community to provide all logistics. He discussed Aweys and his ambition that has nothing to do with Somalia. He did mention Aweys drive, which was always to oust Ethiopia and nothing more or less but now continuous to support the status quo for however long it takes, prolonging the war etc. He was eloquent, Sharif that is in articulating his position and his vision for Somalia. He is hopeful and determined, no one can stop Sharif, not even the naysayers.
  13. ^nice try wacdaro but you are still as clueless as ever and more importantly, your opinion is worthless.
  14. @Dukey, where is J-Baro, the geeljire w/ the PC?
  15. ^indhaha maa la'dahay? If you have an idea to share or a discussion to start, do so otherwise take your nacnac to the general or women's corner, meeshaan ciyaalka caafada oo alkolada cabaan maloogu talagalin. PS: this thread will be taken out soon, you just watch MMA oo caraysan oo ordaayo aa mar dhow imaan doono, waayo, waaniga oo on top of this section ku qoray ma aqrin or else qashinkaan meesha maku soo qori laheen.
  16. ^preach on brother. I urge you, Tuujiye and others to continue discussing ways to move our people forward. YOu are right, work occupation is the least of our problems. Any and all groups who migrated to Canada in the last 50 yrs all started somewhere. Long before them, the first settlers of this former colony started somewhere, out in the bushes, worked hard to turn a hostile land into a gold mine, a profitable one at that. Fast forward to the early and middle part of the 20th century and the migration of Italian-Canadians and their integration to society. They have taken all and any jobs, nothing was beneath them but they had a plan to execute and by God they did. Their job@ the cookie factory or the pasta factory secured Georgio's law school fees and secured the future of their grandchildren who are now making contribution to society and it makes Canada that much better. The point is the odd jobs then and now aren't the same as far as benefits and retirement package is concerned but that shouldn't stop anyone from climbing the ladder. Nothing is given but everything is taken, so go out there and take back Canada. Tuujiye, you maybe a bajaq jilicsan but your heart is in the right place and I couldn't be more proud.
  17. ^take it for what it is ya Gheele. No amount of data is going to change what the shabaab m**ryaan did and continue to do to our somali sisters. Mogadishu and its women are becoming the women of the congo.
  18. Wacdaro:--tanks are game changer and you are a hater, thus you don't matter. @dukey's thus
  19. ^tan waa Paki oo hadanna deodrant marsan or so she tells Sir Qalbi. PS: Aduunyada waxaan ugu necbahay Somalida oo sheegtaan iney somali aheyn oo ajnabi iska doondoonaayo, oo hadanna wadan walbo sheegan karaan but choose to iney kufaanaan iney Pakistan of all places ay-kayimaadeen. Pakistan waa meesha kaliyay oo dadkeeda ay si isku mid-ah ay isla uraan.
  20. ^hey there kiwi ****, learn to tone down. This isn't about clan X or clan Y, this is a somali disease, it just so happens that the south is blazing for the time being. [ June 07, 2009, 02:12 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  21. ^over 40 people died so adeero AWeys can catch a flight back to Asmara? Whatever happened to waging a war on Sharif and the government? The leader of the xisbiga kufaarka aka Aweys was on the run when he got injured, what's wrong with that picture?
  22. Me me me me, who is your enemy? You don't have an enemy Mr Me-Me because you don't hear madfac day and night, so much so that your ear drums are used to the sound. You don't have an enemy because you, Mr me-me are not beside yourself wondering when your last moment on this earth would be or say to yourself, "would I be alive to see my children after my maqhrib prayer?". YOu don't have an enemy because you dont see your loved ones suffering daily in south mogadishu and your children witnessing the corpse that are laid 5kms long the path after a night of shelling in one of the districts. Matter of fact, your loved ones are safely tugged while you declare jihad in cyberspace and carry Kasha's talking points about the enemy and axmaaro. Your children, if you have any, are out playing in a clean and safe park somewhere in lala land, while the children of south somalia are in camps, somewhere between somalia and Kenya, waiting for their daily handout from UNHCR. You are delusional and at the same time selfish ya Mr Me-Me because you deny the rights and freedoms you enjoy for the people of Somalia. The same rights that you take full advantage off daily. The right to practice your religion and raise your children. The right to be employed, the right to express yourself without fear of persecution. The right to walk the streets without fear of being shot at or getting killed by madfac. You are denying those rights for the poor families that reside in Somalia to earn a living so they can support their families and live in dignity as you do. YOu, my friend Mr Me-Me are selfish and cruel to think that your exaggerated history of axmaaro will work for you this time so the people of somalia will continue to live in anarchy while you enjoy and reap the fruits and freedoms that the world has to offer. BTW, you said: Somalia needs a government that is created by the Somali people not a foreign backed, foreign supported, foreign created TFG. Al-shabaab are foreign created militia group, who among them have 12 yr old impressionable young somali boys fighting as a way to sell to the people of somalia that they are infact a pan-somali movement as you put it on your earlier post but make no mistake, your precious militia are foreign created, foreign funded and foreign run. Speaking of young men fighting to liberate the homeland, what are you doing for your homeland while the 12 yr old boy thats high on opium is murdering the family in Hodan district? Are you comfortable where you are today? Go get a cup of shaah and take a moment to reflect what it is you are really supporting because I don't think you have a clue about anything or anyone. PS: a little originality will go along way for the title of your thread
  23. ^waryaa, answer Abti Johnny's question, yaa saxsan, adiga mase dukey? How can puntland be one third of somalia and at the same time shabaab control 50% of somalia, unless dukey's beloved garowe is in shabaab hands? Xisaabta sax ee huuno
  24. Get out General Petraeus, here comes the General who commands Somalia's National Army, Somalia's Somalia's Navy, Somalia's Police force, the new gunner of the brigade unit and transitional national security commander. The heavy weight of all heavy weights, HERE COMES SHARIF SHEIKH AHMEDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, securing MADINA TO Kismaayo. Che, ma adeerkaa shangoole and his boys aa political movement ugu wacde? You sure have your adeero's fire. Eedo, your adeero shangoole is a criminal who is leading a team of young gunners, made up of 12-21 yr olds into their death bed. I bet you if you were to go around to take survey of just few of the gullible ones and ask them what it is they are fighting, they wouldn't know what to tell you because they are high on opium.