LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^LOL, why are upset@ che? Did you pick another fight with adeero shangoole? Fabre, you didn't answer my question, when will you get your jihadi dignity back from xiin?
  2. ^you want the old papers faxed to you so you can start an investigation and find out if high officials were involved? Fabre, is your jihadi dignity still intact? Waxaa iga kaa dambeyse xiin oo skinkaaga jaraayo, oo sida oodkaca hal hal meel u safay, oo lafahaadii inuu karsaday, ayuu luuxa ka dhuuqay ee ma adaaba whole again eh? BTW, which way is paradise? adaaba war haaye
  3. ^how about my family and the many others who never once paid a bribe? We had our papers in order, we were never stopped for the entire 2 and a half yrs we lived there. There are many families that will tell you the same thing, so don't give me this bs about, she is a victim, have mercy on her. NO CALOOL JALEEC FOR A CRIMINAL....
  4. ^is it an assumption that she did not report her arrest and kept silent while being held by the kenyan authorities and decided to alert the media after she was out, which meant that there was a good possibility that the real Sucaad surfaced then? Why is that too far fetched? Somalida do this crap every day. You know of people or you have heard of people doing it all the time, this scam is not a new scam. Is it an assumption that she admitted to paying bribe to the Kenyan authorities? Is it an assumption that the photo id's she presented look nothing like her, except the top one, which is her citizenship id... is it an assumption that the star only reported one side of the story and didn't wait around to get the other side? did they sent a reporter to kenya to verify the woman's identity? They didnt print any of this. all we know is she somehow contacted the newspaper and all of a sudden, the case got undeserved exposure. So give me a break ya Che, I didn't make up any of this but can you say the same about her?
  5. ^you won't name her because you fear her, its that simple. On the other hand, I fear no one and I can name you a thousand times but tell me, did eebe tell you that I was a" wanna be canadian"? And what exactly is wannabe? I'm either a Canadian or I'm not, no in between. Your bit of wadno jileec and the letter has inspired me to write to my mp and encourage him to get involved in immigration policies and bring about harsher penalties, so the next timE you are stopped at the border because you have been suspected of carrying double identity, you won't be allowed to re-enter. Besides, how do you explain your devotion to this lady's case? Perhaps you identify with her and you feel she was dealt a bad card, soo maaha? BTW, of all the things to comment about, why didn't you address the points I raised about the case, better yet, why dont you be more useful else wherE? say, lending a hand to the refugees etc? PS: Re-read my previous post and pay attention to the part where I did not mention the star but the sun....and while you are at it, why dont you get to know the paper you read daily? A hardcore left leaning paper, who threw their journalistics standards out of the window and whose judgement is questionable should not be the trusted source. For all we know they may have rushed to publish the story as a way to beat our outlets, and if thats the case and this woman is fraud, it just discredits the paper even more. Heck, toronto sun has better standards than the star, and the sun is a tabloid paper.... In any case, if it ain't global and mail, it aint my cup of tea Senor MMA
  6. A Somali Pimp? Alow yaa ituso...Not inaa wax kusameyn lahaa, just suu u egyahay lee inaa arko... KK, saaxiibtaa told me to tell you to picture the pimp by remembering an image of Don Cornelius with long beard who has muslim capri pants on.
  7. ^, ouch... MMA, aiding a criminal should be criminalized in cyberspace and you should either be fined or jailed for giving this lady additional exposure that she neither deserves nor should receive. Typical of tabloid newspapers like the sun ravaging over this insane woman and her global criminal enterprise. So far, the case is very clear. A woman was caught at a Nairobi airport. We know this said person was ready to fly back home to Canada. This impostor, whether she was someone else claiming to be Sucaad Max'uud or "Sucaad Max'uud" herself, we may never know. From the time the said 'impostor' was detained, until she was let out in bail leaves room for doubt and a possible identity switch as the Canadian Officials are known to drag their heel when it comes to detention matters, because such cases have low priority, especially if it involves immigration fraud because most times, the said people have committed one crime or another, as the margin of error for wrongful detention is low because the number of innocent people detained without probable cause are slim to none. (they are known to leave criminals behind bar for a long period of time before the media picks up the story, in this case, tabloid media of all outlets) Having said that, from the time the said 'impostor' was let go on bribe/bail, there is a very good chance that during this period, the identity of the real subject was switched back to the said Sucaad Max'uud, hence why she called attention to herself and got the media involved, means she has now come out of the hole she was in while another person was attempting to fly off with her identity, which means she wants this nightmare to be over, which means the victim card was the one to pull out. She has called for her DNA to be taken and tested, via fingerprinting, which means this said person who took the test recently may in fact be Sucaad Max'uud but the person who tried to fly from kenya may have as well being the real 'impostor'. Furthermore, the various photos blasted in this thread raise more suspicion as the period when you get your passport and when it expires is only 5 yrs, and no amount of weight lost, or hijab or no hijab can convince me that the person on the healthcard and driver license is in fact the same person thats on the passport, in person and the citizenship. The lady that bears the healthcare and driver license photo is not the same lady who bears the Canadian Citizenship and probably the passport that was withheld and may be in the hands of the Canadian authorities in Kenya by now.(its there for all of you to see, unless she had plastic surgery?) With all that said, it is easy to always blame the big bad wolf, aka Canadian government and its incumbent prime minister and his party. It is so easy to say, as MMA put it, neo-conservative party that has zero tolerate for immigrants yada yada and such but at the end of the day, MMA and Co, you are granted a privilege, to hold the citizenship of this fine country, in other words, a gift, in which you MMA, if you have papers signed on the dotted line agreed to abide by the rules and to uphold them to the highest regard, no matter what. In other words, you can't turn the other way, when a fellow somali breaks few immigration laws and put it all on the harper government. Thats just preposterous. You sign a social contract with your host country aka adopted country, you agreed to up hold the right to citizenship to the highest regard but if you break the contract, you pay for it, its that simple ya POSTER aka MMA. Why waste your energy on a tuug? Why not be outraged by the starving children in the Dadaab refugee camp, they need your attention not naag rabtey iney few measley dollars sameyso. BTW, your citizenship ought to be revoked for bringing this insane woman and her insane allegations to the forefront of this forum. PS: Sucaad Xaaji Max'uud's citizenship should be revoked as well Pss: North, if this said Sucaad had her hijab on, especially with the updated pictures, you would have cried foul and demanded justice for the good muslimah eh? WOOF WOOF MMA has nothing on this Immigrant Blogger's Diatribe
  8. ^adeer Shangoole ayuu daawadaa
  9. ^ We know which way you voted.. Thank you 9th voter PS: We have just learned that AT&T voted twice with two different screen handles. He voted for marx as AT&T and voted against him with the other handle.
  10. Poll Results: 1000 posts! Another 1000? YOU decide! (48 votes.) 1000 posts! Another 1000? YOU decide! Choose 1 Another 1000 posts of self-opinionated bile please. 52% (25) No More. We hate you and wish for you to leave SOL. 48% (23) David Plouffe has nothing on the LayZieOne PS:Serena, if you can't beat him, join him eh? No calaacal please
  11. ^adiga, ugaliga aad habeen walbo isku daldaleysid iska yala yare, iina daa sophist, kan anaa sida kubada loola tuurtuuro aan ula dhacaa. Ilaa iyo hada wuu dhaqdhaqleenaaye, meel aan iskula soo hareenaa. PS: your turn will come soon, ee be patient. Say jambooooooo
  12. This is just in and the sources have been confirmed so far for 5 out of the 9 votes casted against Marx......... It is with great regret to have to inform you all that the following characters did in-fact cast a vote against Marx: Che, voted against Marx Jaanjumow, voted against Marx, Ibti, voted against Marx, Underdog, voted against Marx and finally, we just got report that Serena voted against Marx. and the remaining 4 votes will be named and shamed just like the folks listed above very shortly.....(STAY TUNED)
  13. ^Xaasid waaxid. MY vote is the only vote that really counts. PS: I can't believe those cowards that casted the nine votes against you. Watch me rally my troops, they dont call me the comeback queen for no reason.
  14. I don't have an issue with the niqab because it was never a problem for me. However, I did share my concern of the garment in question and at the same time I questioned its legitimacy and supporting the full ban of this garment from the public sphere, hence why I agreed with Sarkozy. With that said, I have yet to read a well defended argument from the proponents of niqab. So far, I have heard very little from your crowd, except the usual nacnac from a grown man who lives and breaths his qabiil. I opened a thread, welcoming everyone to contribute and make a case for why you believe the Burqa is not a thread to public safety? YOu have failed not once but atleast three times and thats why I think you are not the man to argue for the relevance of this garment. Instead, I think I will keep an eye on you so you dont fall off the swing, playground is your scene, isn't it? (keep up ya sophist) In addition, I asked the likes of north why he believes this garment to be voluntarily when more women complain of it being forced down their throat? I asked him to defend his position when it comes to being an obligatory piece of clothing for women? And ofcourse, you can read his response on that other thread. And as for you, you are embarking on the same uncovered territory and I dont believe you are capable of giving me the answers that I am looking for, instead, you did what you do best, you took it upon yourself to form your own opinions on my beliefs, therefore casting a judgement on your own Iman. Whose more important to you? Ilaahey mase the leader of tolka? How many times aad tolka's leader usujuuhdaa? C'mon, lets play.
  15. ^He did answer part of your question in his second post when he said, My answer is a tsunami has been unleashed, a volcano erupted and forces of change came into being. These forces have a dynamic of their own and they are destroying the old orders. The old systems, these forces are in essence agents of development instead of destruction. To use your words they are agents deploying Slash-and-burn tactics. Globally, the support for extremist Islamic elements remains high and Somalia and Somalis are no exception. Aboowe me wants to use this growing phenomena to neutralize the internal war and win over the TFG and its masters. He is sick and tired of same old politics. He is disgusted with various entities that continue to change shirts, one day a warlord who loots the shacabka and the next, he is an upstanding citizen who wants progress and change. For once, aboowe me wants to see another group at the helm of the national politics. He wants a new engine because for him its out with the old, in with the new. He knows the shabaab are imperfect, so what they kill few thousands and display nearly a million families? What's a half or a million displaced to aboowe me and shabaab? As long as a taliban like regime is created, who will eventually fall, which means we have to pick up the pieces once again to bring about a country we can once more call truly ours is not much to ask, is it ya posteR? He just wants his inadeero with the aid of his pakistani masters to lead, just once.
  16. Me, incase you forgot, the TFG stands for, Transitional federal government.......
  17. Me, don't you dare sing the "what kind of a sovereignty does this TFG claim to have" tune. Firstly, TFG does not enjoy its sovereignty over its internal and external affairs. This is due to TFG not being able to exercise its sovereignty of its territory, air space and seas. Secondly, you only speak of sovereignty the minute you read the news that our affairs are actually not in the hands of the same politicians that you condemned of being good for nothing thieves who don't want change, hence why you support shabaabka. If and when progress is made and the TFG begins to take control over its affairs, only then can they have a say on whom to hire to see over their books, until then, its best that others tend to the affairs of the country and make decisions on their behalf. I think this is a good move on behalf of the donor countries and it should be welcomed by all, including you me, after all, you disapprove of them, so why should you trust them to manage the funds?
  18. ^ the old, iga ganbiso oo oday cirid la aan ahay routine? What to do with grown men who talk the talk but can't walk the walk, so they resort to "gabay baa tahay xishood" line, hoping that will safe them? Only nin rag can say that What happens to the old man who is always going about "my qabiil this" and that and who always throws a hissy fit when called on his fake persona? How about I give you one more chance? Or is this the time where you will open a thread announcing your departure? Grow some xaniinyo ninyahow, oo hadda ciyaal ma tihid, waana ogtahay. Ceebtaada iska astur, waa isku yaacyaacde.
  19. A bunch of horny goats aa meesha iskuku yimid, bal arag kii habana gari aka fufu is getting all excited. Taa hadaa heshid waaba raaaxeesan laheed, oo habeen walbo barkin (pillow) cushy eh aa ku seexan laheed. Duceysane, waa in lagu meeleeyaa, oo dadkeeda la waco, nuune aa waxaas ku taqalusay, asaga ayaa soo hagaajin doono. Waryee Fufu, contain yourself, oo dareenkaaka xoogaha soo celi but then again you wouldnt know what to do with a real woman, even if she was standing in-front of you, ee leave her for duceysane aan ku idhi. PS:Mr Uk looks decent but then again he was lucky as he had other fufu looking guys in the competition, so no wonder he won the title last year.
  20. ^oh, you want a little foreplay? Don't mind if I do Senor. How is Laascaanood this fine evening?
  21. ^ You are itching to play the celebrity game eh ? If you agree to play R. kelly, only then will I play the role of Ayan Hirsi so all your fantasies can be fulfilled at once.
  22. Cara, I don't object to anyone making a living and doing outreach work, especially if it empowers women. Having said that, I refuse to believe that Hooyo Na'ima is a saint. A mother, a devout muslim who happens to be a convert. Former party girl, who just woke up one day and decided to put the hennessy aside so she can play house and become the next Mother Theresa for the poor, misunderstood niqabi group. Now she is giving her opinions about what its like to be behind the veil, when she all but had 5 minutes with the veil? C'mon eedo, who are we kidding here? Blessed, sister, Na'ima has made quite the impression on you, hasn't she? You are probably under her spell but dont let Hooyo Na'ima fool you for even a minute. Did I tell you that I went out of my way to drop a line inviting Na'ima to SOL about this very article, hopefully she will be gutsy and take me up on my offer and face the SOL music. As for the greasy cafe business, no amount of analogy can excuse her sleazy car dealer technique, it speaks volume. Doing a make-over, transforming something out of nothing and making it great is one's goal in life. She is all set, a business savvy at that, she has found her target audience and by God if anyone should stop her. For Hooyo Na'ima, the first order of business is not selling the product but breathing and living it. She has to play the part in order to sell the part. Only then can she sell the product and no one can say she is not a good sales woman, so for that reason, I don't object to her marketing strategy. She is a clown, in terms of speaking the issue of the veil as thats out of her element. Did I tell you that I am wary of my realtor? You better be very wary of this angel.
  23. If only I had the violin around to hand to the pretty lady.
  24. ^u are a nomad, waana duushaa, ee why don't you facilitate the discussion? For instance, what are some of the factors contributing to the growing number of plane crashes? The crashes are becoming very common (all sizes), so much so that the number of crashes in a month can be two or more if not every other month, especially in the first half of this year. Ps: I love flying but I'm fearful now of all the reporting of big planes crushing lately, at the same time, I don't think that will stop me from flying in august. The best part about flying for me is the take off, I always request a window seat and take in the scenery. (I guess thats as much as I can contribute to the topic and brrrrrrr, brrrr to all the pilots and all they do for us passengers) Pss:Nuune, no one can forget your intimate knowledge of the AIRBUS that recently crashed over the atlantic, especially the fine reporting you did of the crash itself. Did they ever find out the black-box? Why did that plane take a noise-dive over the atlantic?
  25. he never did this. a guy called johnny b hacked into his kombautar. You are a sad sad sympathizer, ya paradise boy. Besides that, very fitting satire.