LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ...another one for the sane people A span of 6 days, 7pages and over 90 replies and hundreds more in viewership and Juuje, the aimless TFG wonderer has nothing to show for? After all the note taking from master xiin, juuje fails to master the art of screaming the loudest among the crazies so that big papi can come to the rescue, especially if his teacher is none other than bun-bun,who is currently away on a solitary retreat. (how very disappointed he will be ya juuje) Note to Juuje, if you can't pull a xiin, you need to skip over to the next hot button issue about the TFG or better yet, post a cartoon or two, anything but crying wolf. Furthermore, ask the poster why he felt necessary to post a topic about reflection, accountability, dialogue and possible lasting reconciliation? Instead of asking the why and how, you are consumed with ever lasting anger and hatred. You are a mad man who needs to be put to sleep. Remember, we are better than qabiil bashing threads and this thread is far from it because it is not targetting any one clan or group of people but every single individual who had a hand in the atrocities of post Barre Regime. Gentlemen, this is a holly month and as muslims you are better than the pickering that goes on here 24/7. Remember, this is a time of self-reflection, forgiveness and a possible reconciliation process that would bring about a lasting peace and what better way to celebrate this month than to come together and bring the man closer to God so as to not be preyed upon by evil? Be good, show the good in you ya Juuje, I know you can and embrace this topic for what it is, coming together as people in order to rise above the daily nagging of this section and to finally have one voice, not 10 but just one simple voice. Moreover, the poster is right when he said that the healing starts with ordinary people and unless you heal, you can't progress and if you can't progress you can't have a functioning goverment and if you can't function, anarchy will go on for sometime to come. And if you cant grasp this simple message then you are a loonie. More importantly, juuje and Abwaan, aideed's ato and the MphonySociety, try to regroup because this one is on the record for the sane ones, headed by poster and his tag team. PS: I commend the poster for this gutsy topic and more importantly, I urge him to keep up the fight and to keep on marching. Confront each jihadi and each warlord one day at a time. Don't shy away from the truth, face your fears. filed by LayZieG
  2. Hello SOLers, The Burqa, the second most discussed and most controversial issue of our day behind jihadists finds it way in mainstream media, again. This time, burqa ban is in effect and fines are being handed to any resident who wears her burqini in public pools and beaches. Read more here: Why not a 2 piece, it costs less
  3. Abwaan, brah, are you convincing yourself or me that the lady is smart? I didn't question the lady's intellect in any of my previous posts but I did question sharif's reasoning for selecting her and others and at the same time I commented on her qualification, which can not be confirmed by any of you. Now, answer my question about why you think Sharif chose this group of people, including the lady in question and at the same time, answer me why he is using mp's from yey's administration if he was so dead against the man who led the previous term etc? Whatever happened to delivering change? Change isn't putting on a clean shirt without really showering. As for Wacdaro beenloow, marka hore please meesha wax macquul eh la imow, marka kalena beentaada tartiibi, oo iska kala yaree. Mida kale aan kuusheegaayo waxaa waaye inaad ogaatid marka aad hadasho oo aad konton eray afkaaga kasoo baxo, afartan iyo shan ah aa been eh. Taa adiga xataa aa ku raacsan, ee nin yahow waxa aad ku hadleyso iska fiiri ee awareness yeelo, waa talo. Marka kale, when you are in the presence of a dumar, lower your gaze and in my case, bow down and say please and thank you whenever you address me and at the same time be grateful. Never utter anything without saying it out loud to yourself first in order to make sense of it all. Remember your place in this world and in case you forget, its the bottom of the pack. Remember to enter and leave through the back. Master always knows best, be thankful that you have me as your master.
  4. Gheele T, there is no specific expertise requirement for any cabinet position even in the western world today but it doesn't mean that should stop sharif from considering qualified candidates, does it? Yes, the decision is his alone but he has to be responsbile, which means he has to select people that are capable of doing the work and are qualified in their respective industries in order to spread head the department etc. In the case of the health minister, Sharifii could have selected among a pool of candidates that were more qualified, no disrespect intended to the lady as I dont know her personally. Whatever her qualifications are, her background does not agree with the field she was chosen to lead. Ultimately, she is responsible for directing a group of doctors, beauracracts into making proposals that would be considered for law and etc and for someone who has no background in the health industry or public health masters to aid her with her decisions should not be trusted to lead a group of professionals who know more than her. This is a disaster however way you look at it because even if she was a long serving government bureaucrat, which we would have to assume she was and it may not be the case, which means the public will pay the price because we can't give the president's pick or the members of the cabinet the benefit of the doubt and thats a BADOW MOVE on his part. Bottom line, we all know why she was picked and why many other cabinet members were picked and if you continue to pick a farmer to lead education BECAUSE WALAALKAA WAAYE and pick a thief to lead finance, waligeen meesha aan joogno MABA KA TAGEENO. Now boys, calm down and see the decision for what it is, a mistake. The real question is not whether or not the woman is capable of doing the job but what was sharif's motivation? Was he fulfilling a quota? if so, it was a poor decision on his part. As for ina abti AT&T, the chief of Staff of Madina Hospital was one example among many qualified candidates, candidates who happen to be suited for the job. Men and women who have been providing resources and treating the sick and at the same time know the need to take bold steps into reforming the system and implementing legislation that would help bring about more resources, such as ensuring that more hospitals are build and jobs are created, thats the type of candidates you need. On the job training folks are not needed as the country and the people suffering can not afford to wait until the minister is on board with folks in the field, ya dig old man?
  5. ^Ramadan Karim to you ya pilot. Aaliyah, Ramadan Karim, I didn't know inaad soo noqoday, ee meesha why aad ugu soo noqotay?
  6. Ng, you can't be serious.
  7. ^they all want to have their 15mins of fame. Did you see the lady who said she was woken up by the health care debate on hardball? Lawrence O'donnell was interviewing her and he said, you slept through 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan war and now you have been awakened as u put it, " you have awakened the sleeping giant" by healthcare reform? You would be surprised by her answer. (babies, those little ones popping up make you forget the global war on terror, dont they?)
  8. ^dukey, my habo said the lady was a member of the previous administration, she was part of adeero's cabinet but taa ka dhaadhacsii ninkani wacdaro ladhaho and his neuro-surgeon spin-off, waayo islaantaan qof kale ayuu ku qaldooyaa.
  9. Layzie the women you're implying to have a Suuqa Xoolaha Shaahado is an Neurology Surgeon and with a second degree in Chemistry and been educated in France. She speaks fluently in 7 languages and I know parts of her family personally of which all of them are doctors maashalaah. Dont make assumptions pls and am not in anyway related to her but I admire her work she did with with Somali medical students in Russia and Ukraine. Wacdara, please ha iga qosol siinin. After I posted lastnight, I did some digging around. You would be happy to know that inaad beenlow tahay waayo, word from one of my habo is that the Islaan was a school mate of another relative, who at the time was a law student, sometime back in early 80s. Graduated from Mogadishu University back in the day but nothing close to a chemistry degree. On one hand, you are right, she doesn't have a Veterinarian Degree but that does not qualify her to hold the top position in the health department. Waayo, there exist individuals who are far more qualified for the position. I.e the chief of Staff of Madina hospital, a real doctor who has been practicing medicine long before I was born or the countless doctors who treat the sick day and night.' PS:LOL@neurology surgeon, inaa lillaah waa inaa raajicuun@ wacdaro, iskoolka afmiinshaarnimo aad kabaxde aan umaleynaa. Are you sure islaantaa oo health minister eh inaad ka hadleyso?
  10. According to the TFGSOMALIA.NET, no minister of Education has been listed. Most of the cabinet positions are vacant as far as I can tell. Why aa naagtani Minister of Health loogu dhigaY? Does she have Suuqa Hoolaha shahaado? Sharif did not think this position through and I hope to God he does not name another muufo for the Education post. and look at Minister of humanitarian Affair:- , he looks like he is been selling the aid on the side. Suuqa ceel-gaab anyone? PS: Jaanjumow, faroole maybe tuug but he has some formal education, ee can you say the same about Sharif's cabinet? PSS: You can't take karti to the bank. Sharif's badowyaal ministers remind me some members of this forum oo habeen iyo maalin hunqanaya, truly out of their element and Dukey is right to call tuuga looking aka Finance minister an illiterate. Teeda kale, why did they name the youth and sports position but not the defense and national security post? Priority ya Shariifi
  11. LayZie G.

    One feature

    Duceysane, nothing normal about your somali forehead, ee lets take a measurement, shall we? meeye Pamela Anderson? PS:This picture is for information purpose only. It is directed at, and is intended for viewing only. It is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person that isn't a D cup or Double D. For details and consultation, i.e viewing of overseas candidates, including UK candidates, are directed to Duceysane's International Private Group site. Good luck
  12. Juje is not rational, waayo, wixii yey lagu sheegi jiray ayuu Dukey kala murrmooyaa, soo why aa Dukey loola yaabaa? The man's concern is genuine and he should not be dismissed as just another critic, waayo yey maalin kasto ayaan saa ugu hadli jirey until uu is casilay. Dukey, as you know Sharif isn't the problem, its his snake of advisors. He has surrounded himself with war profiteers and until there is a cleanup in that administration, nothing and I mean, nothing will change. Dukey, Sharif is weak because the people he trusted the most have failed him but not for any other reason. PS: Bun Bun is here, tolow grand jury summon aa dhaweyn aan umaleynaa, right bunbun? You on your medicine caawa?
  13. Tell the anti-shake crowd waa iney marka hore xaarka iska soo dhaqaan, markaa kadibna iney qooqooda iney banaanka la aadhaan, waayo dadkeena marka ay dhimanaayaan qooqaan makasoo baxo, not even a sound but marka ay arimo kawaaween ay maqlaan ay waligood cabaadaan.
  14. ^ like hell she is. Marx taasi waa fuusto, weyna kugu fadhiisanee markaas ay ku jab jabinee. BTW, where is IBTi's video? Abtigiisa of all people saw you IBTI, so you might as well post it on this thread today and let us take a poll on it. Is she or is she not real?
  15. Allah u gargaaro? Are you kidding me folks? You want allah to watch over a gang of people that were planning on parting with hundreds of innocent lives? Are you kidding me? What will it take for you folks to see that these terrorists dont deserve your sympathy? Yesterday it was Germany and MN, today Australia. Can't you see that your lives are in jeopardy and we could be attacked at any moment? THESE HOOLIGANS DONT CARE ABOUT YOU FOLKS BECAUSE THEY DONT VALUE HUMAN LIFE, WHY CALOOL JILEEC FOR A BUNCH OF HOOLIGANS EH? PS: North, waxa sifiican u aqri inta aa meelaha si orod leh usoo galin, waayo, germani sheekadeeda aa ilaa iyo hada wadaa. Orodoo aqri The authorities were warned by Somalis
  16. SOLers, Do you remember where you were and what you were doing on January 31st, 2009? Did you ask yourself where did the time ago and just how far did we come along from that sunny, cold winter day when our beloved President, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed was elected the President of the Transitional Federal Government? Much has changed since Sharif Sheikh Ahmed was elected. For starters, we have lost thousands of people since the Djibouti accord. We have mourned deaths, some of us have lost loved ones within the conflict and outside of the conflict and may allah grant them all Jannah, RIP Adeero and Che's Father. For all the lives lost, only allah knows the path one will take but one thing we won't forget is the stand some of you took when those thousands of people were dying each and everyday, the Jihad cause. The debate about who is right and wrong have been argued time in and time out and we have not come to an agreement and we may never come to an agreement for as long as we debate about the basic principals of democracy but remember farah and xalimo, democracy always prevails. We fought you tooth and nail over your support for the opposition and you are still convinced you are a better muslim than all of us put together but what does that say about you? We even went as far as questioning your motivation and judgement and we still do to this day but thats because we really care, or I care as I want no harm to come to some of you more than others.(just kidding) Speaking of Jihad, most of us remember watching that memorable youtube video of the Shabaab leader in Marka lecturing the youth in the area after they have taken over the town, discussing at length how he will bring Sharia to Alaska and as far as Solomon Islands. We laughed at his absurdity but I'm here tonight to tell you that I am not laughing at him anymore, nor will I ever laugh at him. That man, the one who took up the mic that afternoon, the one in the video knew what he was saying and how his message will be perceived. Besides, only one person is having the last laugh caawa and it is he and others like him. They are having the time of their life at our expense. But the real question tonight is how many people are still laughing at him? Do you still think he is talking out of his a*ss? Wake up ya SOLers and look around you and ask yourself, do I really know who hebel is or who heblaayo? Open your eyes ya SOLERS and question yourselves, who is he, who is she? Can she be trusted? Are these people on a sound mind? They say its difficult for logic to prevail over emotions, especially when our resident tear dropper has a well he can draw from. But the one who really should be asking these questions is Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. Six months have passed since he last took office. He made promises to the people and he took steps to executing some of those promises, only to fall short but nevertheless he tried and that is telling of the type of leader Sharif is. I for one support Sharif because I know he is a competent leader, a people's president. It is why I supported him then and why I still support him today. But just how strong of a leader is Sharif? Does he sell his vision to the naysayers as effectively? Do his followers still have the trust in him today that they did six months ago? I don't know, I can't say that they do but thats because he is not demanding of his people. He needs to be open and honest with the people. He needs to directly communicate with the average Farah in order for his message to be effective. He needs to be a force and start building back some of the trust that was lost. He needs to go back to being the Sharif he once was and by that I mean he needs to display a good sense of character and connect with the people again. He needs to remind the public of his values and beliefs and most importantly his motivation, which is the people. But none of that means much unless we understand the people behind the man. For one, how well do we know of Sharif's camp? Who are they? Why do they insist of going with business as usual, as thought that wins wars? Who has the man's ears? They needs to be named and shamed and booted off but is is easier said than done. So, what next? His current advisors have failed him, this much is evident but will he come to the same conclusion or perhaps he has he and he is waiting for the right moment but when is there ever a right moment? What should the man do? How do we know that these men and women(advisors) aren't prolonging the war for their own self interest?? Matter of fact, how do we know who is really on Sharif's side? People are switching loyalties left and right, including some pro-government supporters in this forum but are they really pro-government or are they covering up something? You decide Bottom line is, for Sharif to succeed he has to take out the big dogs aka the so called advisors, the ones who have the most to lose. He has to surround himself with trusted knit of people, folks he can count on the same way he would count on his close-knit family. He needs to revaluate the click if ever he and the country are to have a chance. But getting back to memory lane and on the eve of the most historic meeting of this government, I can only hope for the best. I can only hope that Secretary Clinton will do the right and in doing so, she will put pressure on our neighbours and call on them to commitment troops, especially kenya. Kenya needs to do house cleaning and that includes cracking down on Somali business in the Eastleigh area who are funding the opposition and who are in plain side. They need to start arresting these folks and even step up a notch and freeze their assets. You need to cut the life line that feeds these animals if we ever want to be safe and thats that. Secretary Clinton needs to step up her game because her hubby today out did her when he showed the world that he is still the biggest pimp that ever came out of America when he paid a visit to Kim Jong-il and got him to hand over the two journalists. LayZieG contributed to the post
  17. Where: At the 8th U.S - Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation (AGOA) Forum in Nairobi, Kenya When: August 4th-6th Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's Travel to Africa Ian Kelly Department Spokesman BUREAU OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Washington, DC July 27, 2009 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will begin a seven-nation trip to Africa on August 5 at the 8th U.S. – Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum (known as the AGOA Forum) in Nairobi, Kenya. This trip will highlight the Obama administration’s commitment to making Africa a priority in U.S. foreign policy. This will be the earliest in any U.S. administration that both the President and the Secretary of State have visited Africa. While in Kenya, Secretary Clinton will discuss new approaches to development, including an emphasis on investment and broad-based economic growth. The Secretary will be joined in Kenya by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, and Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Johnnie Carson. During the visit to Kenya, the Secretary will deliver a speech at the Ministerial Opening Ceremony for the AGOA Forum, participate in bilateral meetings with Kenya’s senior leaders, discuss global hunger and agricultural issues at a major research institute, and engage with Kenyan citizens. She will also meet with Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, the President of Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government. The Secretary will continue her travel with stops in South Africa, Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Liberia, and Cape Verde. In each nation, she will emphasize Africa as a place of opportunity, built on an ethic of responsibility. She will underline America’s commitment to partner with governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and private citizens to build societies where each individual can realize their potential. In her bilateral meetings and other events, she will encourage new solutions to old challenges, harnessing the power of innovation and technology to provide a foundation for future stability, human development, and sustainable economic growth. She will stress the importance of facilitating social and economic entrepreneurship, encouraging a new generation of young African scientists, small business leaders, entrepreneurs and civic leaders who are solving real problems and establishing new models for economic success and social advances, with women as full partners in this progress. And she will discuss ways to foster good regional governance, partnering with regional leaders to band together to prevent conflict and violence, including gender-based violence, democratic erosions, and transnational threats. Following her visit to Cape Verde, the Secretary will return to Washington, DC. Hillary+August+Afric a = Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Ka-ching More D-Day hype
  18. ^Fabre, are you in a sound mind? and are we still talking about Sucaad Max'uud? Israel? Masjid massacre? I wasn't aware that the subject was in the middle of a war zone?
  19. apologize? You must be mad@ papichulo Fabre. I said this about the outcome of the DNA test, From the time the said 'impostor' was detained, until she was let out in bail leaves room for doubt and a possible identity switch as the Canadian Officials are known to drag their heel when it comes to detention matters, because such cases have low priority, especially if it involves immigration fraud because most times, the said people have committed one crime or another, as the margin of error for wrongful detention is low because the number of innocent people detained without probable cause are slim to none. (they are known to leave criminals behind bar for a long period of time before the media picks up the story, in this case, tabloid media of all outlets) Having said that, from the time the said 'impostor' was let go on bribe/bail, there is a very good chance that during this period, the identity of the real subject was switched back to the said Sucaad Max'uud, hence why she called attention to herself and got the media involved, means she has now come out of the hole she was in while another person was attempting to fly off with her identity, which means she wants this nightmare to be over, which means the victim card was the one to pull out. She has called for her DNA to be taken and tested, via fingerprinting, which means this said person who took the test recently may in fact be Sucaad Max'uud but the person who tried to fly from kenya may have as well being the real 'impostor'. So why would I apologize when I have discredited her? There is room for doubt, regardless of the outcome. Next time, read what your celebrity writes, don't just get updates from the fan site, ok papi? PS: I feel sorry for you papi because you have been stripped of your dignity. If only xiin left some dhuux for me, just tiny bit but oh well, Che will do for now. Pss: I said this before and I will say it again, the teenager jihadis's guilt was never proven, the german authorities didn't have enough evidence to hold them, therefore they were let go but it doesnt mean their guilt or innocence were ever proven.
  20. ^you saw the real che before any of us did, you warned us over and over again, che isn't what he claims to be, watch out for him and did anyone listen? No, then he pulled my "warlord" is better than yours card and the rest was history ya dukey. People should be thanking you for exposing Che and his adeero shangoole. PS: he told me today inaad shangoole's# haysid, warka maxaa kajiro?
  21. ^about the ways of your warlord? seriously, lets stop this nac nac and see the case for what it is, an attention grabber. We should be condemning criminal behaviour, instead, we as a community are willing to look the other way and even so far as championing for her case, its disgusting to say the least.
  22. Abwaan, if I may, I have addressed my suspicion, you may not agree with it, but it is suspicion nevertheless. I do not give everyone the benefit of the doubt, especially when there are alot of holes in the lady's story. I didn't say anything thats was over the top, I shared my concern as I am entitled to, as you are but nothing I said should be dismissed just because, somalis tend to have this tone of "us vs them". The world isn't out to get the lady, or you or any immigrant. If you are honest and hard working and you follow the rule of law, there should be no reason why someone would be arrested and if and when one is detained without probably cause, then allah will have mercy on them and grant them the will to fight the powers that be, but please, makaa yeelin, ANAGA AND AYAKA none sense, not today, not ever and anytime I see this none sense shared by other members, I will confront whoever and whenever.
  23. ^LOL If and when you side with a loser, you get a bad hand and you have to live with the consequences, you should know your history@che, speaking of native americans.
  24. ^ wuv u 2, abuu shangoole boy (shangoole stole my land) Fabre, typo aad sameyse, because you meant to write a man vs a boy Listen, the day you get back your dignity, alert me, that way I can school you about paradise, you seem to be lost whenever the subject comes up.