LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. kixkixkix@Peasant. Can anyone ask the highly spirited separatists, also known as the Ethiopian cocottes why Hargeisa was bombed?
  2. ^even thought you echoed the seriousness of the so called "debate", I can't help but wonder why people continue to fall for the phantom thats created by the mainstream media time in and time out by 'demonizing' a man that has very little to do with the problems that face british society? Griffin isn't the one who signed off on the uncontrolled immigration by letting the gates open and welcoming illegal aliens from all walks of life into the country. He is not the one who put strain in the economy by not regulating financial institutions nor was he the one responsible for nurturing young extremists by handing them government subsidies and accessible benefits that made them more dependent on the system, which made them that much more resentful. Griffin is not responsible for the incompetency of the British government nor should he be 'demonized' for their inaction. Instead of always looking to blame someone on your problems, lift up your communities ya Muslims and raise your children, this way they will not be susceptible to external forces. Provide your children safety and security and make sure you have influence over them instead of a predator who is lurking close by and waiting to cease the moment because you failed at being a parent by not providing your children with adequate protection. As for Islamic matters, you should all be rushing to Griffin's defense when he says the west should take its hands off the middle east and the affairs of Muslim states but I bet you didn't know Griffin sentiments echoed your own. But then only the Somali-Ibti's version of the BNP will be sufficient in these corners. Lastly, the subject of repatriation, what's wrong with sending pakis home? How about the khat chewers? They are a burden on societies, might as well get rid of them and send them packing me thinks.
  3. Ibti, why do you detest the man? Lets hear your "nac nac" for once. FYI to all:- If you have not had a chance to watch the segment on the BBC's question time and would rather judge for yourselves as opposed to taking Nehanda and Co vile and at times personal attacks on Griffin as gospel, then catch it here:- The so called "Griffin's torment, 1 of 7"
  4. Dear Reader; Most of you, if not all of you would agree that Ngonge is the proverbial forum bully in SOL. Well connected and ruthless that Ngonge is, he can also be personable, humorous and at times timid man. In short, every woman wants him, every man wants to be him. But underneath all that elegant visage lies a deep, dark and at times troubled soul. What is more troubling than anything and it is by no means Ngonge's struggle with himself but that the lengths he will go through to conceal the truth from you, dear reader. Believe me when I tell you that once you know what Ngonge is capable off, no woman or man would want to go near him, much less speak of him. It was a sunny afternoon in early January, 2009 when SOL's beloved Nuune that most of you came to adore approached me. Nuune and I go back a long way and because of our history he felt the need to confide in me about his grand strategy. Out of respect for our friendship, I will not go into the details, except to say that it involved a well known figure who I admire, perhaps far more than I admire Nuune or even the bully, whose name this thread bears. Yes, I did admire Ngonge but once I found out of his meddling ways in this grand strategy, any respect I had left diminished considerably, so much so that I feel nothing but contempt for him at this very moment. (tomorrow is a different story) In any case dear reader, Nuune's plan was partly in play and the final outcome was agreed on sometime in mid to late april. April came and went and not a peep out of Nuune. Hourly updates in mid January and all of February and part of March turned to a call a week in late March and early April but when the deadline approached, Nuune not only stopped calling, he stopped emailing, he stopped faxing me the weekly progress report and he even ignored my text messages. Soon came avoiding my calls, instead his answer machine that had the entire Chorus of " Do you believe in life after love" by Cher playing and soon the inbox was full, so I couldn't even leave messages after a while. By now, I knew the song by heart that I started to sing it at all hours of the day for part of May. Dear reader, you are probably wondering why go through this trouble? I was possessed by this project that I had to find out why Nuune pulled the plug on such a genius plan. This was a project we spend weeks planning because Nuune said that it will only succeed with my involvement and his direction. According to him, he wanted nothing more than to see to my happiness and this plan dependent on it. He only wished that I seek his guidance when the time calls it. It was natural to think of him as a guru of sort. In the past, I had taken some lessons from him and he was just a natural, we were jellying. He was inspiring me and instead, he pulled the plug without giving me heads up, not a peep from Nuune. Naturally, this made me suspicious and in mid May of 2009 to June 15 of 2009, I embarked on search to find the truth about the grand strategy. The search took me to 3 different cities in 2 different continents, finally uncovering the truth. Upon reading the findings in a report compiled by some of the good samaritans who helped the way, I was left stunned when I locked my eyes to a familiar name, referenced in 13 different times by the first name only in this said report. This name was none other than Ngonge. In the most shocking and most unexpected way, I come to find out that Ngonge was responsible of the unexpected way this grand strategy was defeated before it even saw the light of day. He literally and figuratively pulled the rug under us. By us I mean Nuune and I. But you are probably wondering how Ngonge was behind all of it and how did I find out, right? I did it the old fashion way, I confronted him. I asked him how he could do this to me and most importantly, how he could do this to Nuune? And how did he do it? Of course, he was connected. This man knows everyone. He told me that it was by chance he found out of the plan because Nuune had mentioned it in passing. Ngonge said it was purely accidental but that he couldn't leave it alone because it meant that I, LayZieG would get my way and he just couldn't let it happen, especially when he, Ngonge was waiting for the opportunity to ask me if he can be, get this, "MY GURU". I told him, you must be mad man to think that I would choose him over Nuune and we got into an argument. But of course, he said what Nuune had planned was stuff and nonsense and he couldn't allow it and that I must forget that it ever existed. He said I should be lucky to have someone as thoughtful as him in my corner. Someone like him who has my best interest at heart and to prove just how sincere he was, he pointed to his falling out with Ibtisam of SOL and he told me that it was all for me. Again, I accused him of being mad man but he laughed it off and said that I will come back to my senses in due time and only then will I appreciate all he has done for me? At this point in time I was just as confused as you are at this present moment, dear reader. To make a long story short, I was set on inflicting pain. I was mad with vengence and the moment presented itself when I least expected it. I guess, I have to thank Ibtisam at this very moment for creating a thread about the SOL of the year poll. Having people at the right places not only works for Ngonge but I come to find out that it works for me too. I was let in on few of the conversations that Ngonge has had with his confidant when he expressed to this said confidant that he wanted nothing as bad as he wanted the Male SOLer Of the year award because get this, he had to stick it to Abtigiisa and Tolka just one time and show him who is the real MALE of SOLER. Especially with Abtigiisa and Tola being more popular with the ladies than the said bully. When the moment came for the male finalists, it was not by chance that he made it to the top 5. With the help of a certain Admin, who happened to have owed me a favor pulled some strings and made sure that I had the access code to tamper with Ibti's poll. At the same time, he told me to be mindful of the forum and its members. I was happy to have been given the chance to redeem myself and it was not easy to resist taking all of Ngonge's votes from him but I had to use restraint by not assigning it all to AT&T of all people. Nuune was more cooperative and volunteered 10 of his votes(anymore and that would have aroused suspicion from all of Nuune's admirers), which meant that Abtigiisa and Tolka was ahead of Ngonge by few points, which meant assigning Nuune's 10 votes in the final tally of the 1st round in order for Ngonge to make it to the finals for the male category. I couldn't just stick the dagger at the bully's plastic heart without making the wound bloody and deep, which brings me to the final result. I took 3 votes from marx (he played the part, thank u marx) and the rest from the secessioner to award to Abtigiisa while at the same time assigning some of Nuune's to Ngonge so as to not arouse suspicion, especially from Ngonge and his people. This was all done in secret and at the last possible hour and I have to thank all those who worked diligently behind the scenes. Today, Nuune is back to his bouncy self but will he see to it that the plan is executed? Stay tuned..... Filed by: LayZieG
  5. Tuujiska, indha cadeyska aan kugu jeclahay, waayo, xale saa u calaacaleyse aa mardanbe waxaa kaasoo fakatay adoo dhaheyso; "BA-ayey, wey igu fadhiisate, ee ma-anaa tabar haayo"?
  6. J11, if you would be so kind as to define gar and gar issues, only then would people understand your opposition to mixing genders on such an important issue.(after all u oppose the idea, so it must be important) Just like anything in life, before you assign ownership, you have to define it and ask yourself the central issue. Does it have an impact? Why and why not? Above all, what is its significant, the gar issue that is? C'mon, own up to your gar issue and dazzle me so I too can oppose such gender interactions and the power of one.
  7. Che, haddii aad mardanbo waxaan meesha la imaatid, God is my witness inaan dheecaanka beerkaaga aankaa liso . PS: how is that for literal translation?
  8. Tusbaxa is for finance purposes, counting the money kix kix@nuune, nin caadi aheyn inaa tahay shaki maku jiro. Tolow, are you accusing wadaadka inuu maaliyada qaranka lisaayo as the cartoonist depicted him above? LOL@dukey, shaki maku jiro inuu illiterate haye, waayo, xisaabtiisa xataa wey liidataa even thought I hate to disagree with nuune's assertion that the wadaad is some sort of a financial wiz. Waayo, suit cusub ayuu marhore gadan lahaa haduu lacagta sifiican u tirsan lahaa.
  9. ^ Great nephew of Adeero yey, I think you have found your calling because the above manifesto not only has the potential to succeed but it can be used as a base to form much needed unity among opposing views. But only if the individuals in questions have the ability to listen and reason. Even so, you would probably find much objection to this rather minor element of your manifesto, Members of Parliament must be of sound mind, Somali nationals, older than 30 years of age. They all must have a degree minimum, must not chew Qad. Ideally they should not have been part of any militia or any of the main rebel groups, SSDF, USC, SNM, SNF, JVA, SPM, AL SHABAAB, and ICU. They must not have served as cabinet members of the Siyad Barre regime, A large portion of the population will not have a fair representation because of their background, whether its due to literacy, level of education or whether some of these willing parties may have had former affiliation with the above rebel groups or whether they themselves were former militiamen but then again, nothing gets done without comprise.
  10. lol@dukey, facii iska celiye inaa tahay been maaha, ee iska celi SHARIF's tolka from spreading propoganda. Besides meeting with the Diaspora community, the highlight of Sharif's week came when he pleaded with international community and emphasized the need to work with other countries collectively in order to defeat the Jahiliya movement and their sponsors, wherever they may be and and the other accomplishment of the week came when he denounced terror havens aka the famous center in North America. Besides that, he has been to more cities in a week than I have all year, waa ragiisa kaas ay dhahaan SHEIK SHARIF AKA suit man aka SHARIF HOTEL. PS: Wallee inaa tahay Adeero's great nephew shaki makujiro@dukey.
  11. lol@ On the contrary, he was said to be an aid to warlords Ali Mahdi then Mohamed Omar Habeeb (Mohamed Dheere). Classic waxa la yidhi line. And about Ali Mahdi being a warlord, was it meant for some to titter more than others? And Abti Johnny, whatever Dukey's motivation is regarding the home grown terror is minor in comparison to the groups who contributed and profited from the lives of the said young men. Besides, the question you and others should be asking is not whether or not Dukey condemns the center but why now? Why this weekend? This condemnation should have happened long ago and no amount of rage will bring back the dead. These children were robbed of their lives, considering that most of us take life for granted and in turn, their families became social outcasts because they demanded justice for their sons and asked that the Masjid be accountable only to be met with intimidation by the masjid officials and their supporters. They had the audacity to question the establishment and neither the leaders of the community nor the administrators of Al Bakar were willing to acknowledge fault, directly or indirectly. Do you know what position the supposed center took? Don't blame us just because it happened under our watch, we had nothing to do with it and if you speak about this out loud, the authorities will get you and sent you back home, so you better keep your mouth shut and remember, "WE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT". They didn't ease the pain of the families of these boys, instead they did the unthinkable, they raised funds, more funds this year than previous years. This was a good year for the Abu Bakar center, even if it came at the expense of human lives. But does it matter that our President who came from a long way and who is battling the source of evil had to reaffirm what we already knew to be true in our heart of hearts? Does it matter that he said what many of you should have said upon hearing the news of the disappearance of the young boys and the connection to the center? Oh no, don't let that rage go to waste and instead, you should condemn Sharif for denouncing teenage profiteers aka Abu Bakar Center.
  12. Omar Jamal, executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center, said Ahmed assured him when they met Friday that he would denounce the terror group at Sunday's rally. Dukey, did Sharif denounce Abu Bakar center at yesterday's rally? C'mon, you can do better update than this. Where are the pictures? By the way, Where is Xiini? How is Xiini boy feeling this morning knowing that his idol Sharif is no longer on his side? Drop me a tear ya xiini, don't hold back.
  13. ME-ME, we are in the era of clannish uproar, you are either with your clan or against it ya me, ee will your support lie in the strengthening of your clan or will you continue to humor yourself on the ways in which clannish sentiments are long gone? As for the wise one who said this of xiini, "Me, when it comes to Kismaayo good Xiin supports Al Shabaab although I believe his support might have changed in this instance". You are on the spot. You are observant and its no accident. Xiin is for anything and everyone as long as his interests are protected. He will even sell his soul, which he kind of did but I'm sure he would share it with you all in time. But you are probably asking yourselves, why say this of the most spoken bunch of the TFG and Sharif? perhaps the caravan was a cover up for his sinister ways that is tire-sly revealed on a daily basis by xiini, coupled with his tell-tales. Xiini, would adeero approve of your conduct? I think so
  14. Under no circumstance should a candidate be considered for the below positions, especially if the candidate happens to be between the ages of 18-35, single, supports a long beard, or if he says he is married but his wife and children live abroad. They should be denied and red flags should be raised once the candidate's appearance is revealed in the one On one interview, even if they pass the screening test and the security clearance, denial should be the new and standard practice of HR personnel. Examples of such jobs are the ones in the defense sectior, as well as those found in the transportation field. Most importantly, you should not be hired as a nurse or medical administrator or even a doctor if you look like an aspiring jihadist, as you will risk the safety of the sick. This should not alarm you in any way or shape, matter of fact this is said to assure your face, whether you are in NYC, LONDON, Melbourne or even Dubai Let the latest terror plot from denver to nyc be a lesson. The young Najibullah Zazi, who Bill Maher referred to as a "f*ck up teenager" had a job as a shuttle driver at a near by airport and on the side, he was running his father's business by selling coffee and donuts in the meat packing district in Manhattan before finally settling in Denver, Colorado. This Zazi kid worked all of his life, never amounted to anything but a lazy laborer who counts his pennies daily. His job at the airport meant he had access to areas that normally an ordinary person would not be allowed entry, that in itself is alarming. With the growing threat of "HOME TERRORISM", the hiring practices of certain industries have to change and if it means discriminating an innocent gardheere for a criminal one, so be it, as long as the safety of the public is at the forefront. Below are a list of jobs that should be denied to any and all gardheeres. Train porter, Railway train driver, Bus Driver, Truck Driver, a pilot/co-pilot, Flight attendant, a police officer, army personnel, and finally security consultant for a private company. PS: If Zazi hates his life, he shouldn't have to take it out on the public. But then again, what do you expect from a high school drop out who has been working out of his his father's coffee/donut cart all of his life?
  15. Dear Adeero Yey, Have I told you lately how much I have missed having you around as the leader of the most fierce nation of the entire continent of Africa? Do you know how truly sorry I am that you are no longer around and not just that you are out of office but that we missed your matter of-fact ways, as well as your decisiveness. Adeero, you were truly one of a kind and overtime, history will be the true judge of your tenure, not the cheerleaders of the Jaahiliya movement. Oh, how I wished you were in villa Somalia, leading the charge to exterminate the foreigners that have invaded our land and those that harbor them, including their apologists. Adeero, xal qaado and not because I think Sharif is an ineffective leader or that I lost faith in his leadership, far from it adeero because I still believe Sharif can lighten up an entire city with little or no effort. He can still make the people rise up to the occasion. He is capable of leading because people would follow him but not without action but necessary, bold steps that would achieve the goals he set out to accomplish under oath. He is a people's president, a true disadvantage on your part. But thats not why I miss having you as the leader our nation. Adeero, I miss your courage, why can't Sharif still be the people's president and carry some of your great qualities? Sharif is a natural born leader who lacks the will and courage to do what is necessary, a natural quality that you never apologized for and for that alone, I am thankful to have had you as my President. Yes, I have criticized you and your office many times but not for the reasons that immediately come to mind but that your lapse of judgement on occasion, coupled with your age that handicapped you into carrying out your agenda and as a result created disconnect between you and the public, the very same public that elected you to lead was the heart of my criticism. The timing was all wrong. Besides, Adeero, if only you didn't have the Geedi's and those that came after him that ultimately let to your fall, you would have risen up to the occasion, that we may never know but nevertheless, accept my sincere apology. Speaking of the public, you never acknowledged that you were accountable to the people. On the other hand, Sharif understands the needs of the people, perhaps more than you ever did but does not have your courage adeero. Oh, if only he had your courage , if only he was as bold as you. If only he was little bit more like you. But adeero, you probably played the very same tune to yourself many times. YOu probably wished you had done few things differently if given a second chance and believe you and me, you would have been a great president. Under your leadership, Aweys wouldn't have had the balls to return to SOmalia and roam the streets of Mogadishu under your watch because knowing you, you would have sent assassins after him. Every day, we are hearing reports of the opposition gaining more ground but rest assured Adeero, if you were in charge, we would have heard the news of your soldiers capturing this jaahiliya and that jaahiliya, no doubt in my mind that you would have dealt with the jaahiliya movement in a manner only suited them. You wouldn't have allowed this madness about blowing one self up to take place on Somali soil, you would have called on their madness, you would have made them piss on themselves. Ohhhhhh, Adeero how I have missed you. Suicide bombing was foreign to us in your day. The only bombing we heard was that of the axmaaro and we loved it. I wanted the axmaaro to take more of the jaahiliya out, as much as they could possibility take out. Not for any other reason but to get rid of every last jaahiliya member.. Oh, Adeero how I have missed having you in charge, how I wish you were back in charge, speaking your mind to the media, belittling the opposition to little boys who ran out their mother's breast milk and were willing to raise hell until they were once more fed and bathed but adeero, we know you were no babysitter. YOu were the only leader of this generation who actually knew what Somalia and Somalida needed at a time when we didn't truly know ourselves. You knew tribe was everything and you knew how tribe would have to play a bigger role. More importantly, you knew how to get us to where we wanted to be but I have to say adeero, you lacked the drive to execute your plan, that was your ultimate downfall, along with the weakness of your staff and cabinet members who failed you. That and the fact that you were stubborn. Dukey can attest to that but Adeero, I wonder what you are thinking now and what would you have done with these lunatics from the Jaahiliya movement? How would you have dealt with them? God BLess you Happy Eid, goodnight Mr President. filed by: LayZieG
  16. ^are you bitter because you can't have a proper burial for your loved one aka Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan because there is no body ? For one, the man's guilt or innocence in the hotel bombing is not an argument to be had because this isn't a time or place to offer samir to deceased fugitive. I say this not to be cruel but because his guilt or innocence will never be proven and we will never get a chance to find out the outcome had he come forward sooner or was caught alive. So, why do you insist on burden of proof? He had close to 7 years to convince the world that he was innocent and he was a not affiliated with terror organization and that he wasn't infact a terrorist nor did he have any extremist tendencies but no, he just proved the opposite. He went to other people's homeland and directed the locals, i.e young Somali boys to carry attacks against their own and you stand here shouting, justice for the muslim? What and who? My advise to you is simple ya yariisey. Take a step back before you hurt yourself because this is the same man you are supposedly defending in the name of Islam who, in his defense had close to 7 years to come forward and vindicate himself from this said connection of the hotel bombings, instead he was on the run ever since the connection was made and you dare defend a murderer in this platform and a dead fugitive at that? Thirteen or so people died because this man and others were responsible for taking out human lives, which was unprovoked act and you dare sit there and accuse people of vomiting back the same diatribes they overhead the neo-cons use? For heaven's sake, lives were lost. The lives of thirteen people who wished no harm to this said man or the others who blew themselves up and were directly targeted for practicing their faith, the same way you and your loved one, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan want or in his case, did want to practice. And to add insult to injury, most of the casualty were the local workers, the ones who came to work that tragic day, believing that it was just another day at work but instead they never lived another moment to see their families nor where they given the chance to say one last goodbye. The Kenyan's crime was only to have worked for a jewish establishment but did you for once think about the victims families and what this news meant to them this week? Or whether or not it has eased some of the pain that was inflicted by this said man and others? (more locals died than the intended targets, its a shame if you are this dead deceased, knowing he was responsible of taking fellow countrymen) On the matter of the dead ones faith, its nonessential. This isn't a thread about muslims turning on muslims but fugitive who was on the run for close to 7 years and whose live ended only in a manner suited for his likes, hunted like an animal and taken down like an animal. Heck, his body wasn't even spared, may the pain of the families of the victims ease upon this news of the said subject,AAAAAAAMiin.
  17. On the question of history repeating itself, George Bernard Shaw summed it up best when he said; "If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.", harsh but true, you would agree, yea? The cheerleaders of the the youth movement or as they like to be called the Al-Shabaabs, have not only convinced among their circle but work tiresly around the clock to convince anyone within an ear shot that these boys, led by few men and their idols are fulfilling their divine calling and no one should stand in the way of that. The cheerleaders are convinced that this movement are immune to corruption and in fact go as far as arguing that they are not touched by greed for money or lust for power that may pave the way for future political ambition. So, does this mean we are suppose to take their word for it? Are we suppose to just accept this as the absolute truth and hope and pray that they will be right and we will be wrong? Are we suppose to ignore history and take the word of few unreliable, incapable human beings over the evidence of past events? Didn't the Prophet's(peace be upon him) own companions fight among themselves for the way in which they can go about selecting a leader of the celestial empire and what steps should be taken in the event of his death? The bickering was evident long before the Prophet(peace be upon him) was laid to rest and it went on long after he was dead. He( prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him) fought the corrupt few, he got rid of the greed brought by merchants by turning it to do good for the poor, because he (prophet mohamed, peace be upon him) was getting rid of evil in hopes of building a celestial empire for the majority of muslims, only to resurface centuries later. YOu might argue and say there is no evidence of paganism, not even traces of it returning, especially with the youth movement but if you are right, how do you explain the cult like mentality of this group? How do you explain the constant reference to their idols or the fact that they make no secret in sharing the original source of their decrees and how these groups discuss at length the admiration they have for few men, whom some have never laid eyes on. These very same figures that are described to the ummas, the true victims of this pagan cult, who are forced to submit to the calling of few humans, not asked, but forced to submit to this cult or face the consequences because they are supreme beings. The figures that those groups admire have been in hiding in the mountains between afghan and pakistan borders, near the pakistan tribal areas for a decade or more. Men who are hid from the rest of the world, whose death can not be confirmed one way or another but are seen by some as godly figures who deserve nothing but praises and worship, just as must of Arabia once idolized many gods. In the dates when Arabia was called just that, the ummas honored the long traditional of idol worship and continued from generation to generation because thats what they were taught to believe and the same goes for these ummas in southern somalia and the youth who brutalize them daily, because thats the word of Robow, so it must be true. It appears that this time, it has caught on, not in Arabia but present day South Somalia, in the horn of Africa. This alone should be alarming to most of you, if not all of you because as you know because similar figures were worshipped in some part of Arabia before Islam. In those days, pagan rituals were the norm, for some, it brought luck and for others it got them through praying through difficulties of everyday life. In other words, it was the order of the day to stop short a minute to bow to a stone, or a figure resembling one of their many idols if they were away. Today, we can except the shabaabs to order various decree in the name of their supreme leader(s). To give credit first and foremost to the Robows of their world. But tomorrow, it may be actual figures, the sand, the grass, the waters, who really knowS? This in itself is showcasing their animalistic instincts. To leave God and to give grace to a fatherly figure, the commander(s) of the savages and to oppose talks of any kind because of their allergies and the savagery traits they carry in their genes would not allow them to reason because they know anarchy and only anarchy will bring them that much closer pagan cult. The temptation is too much to ignore. They resist any and all ions, including civilization and modernization but is this the return of Paganism or just a mere coincidence? Filed by: LayZieG
  18. MARX, edit your post immediately. Don't give Sophist the snitch the satisfaction. PS: ahem, ahem@xaajiyo xidigo Pss:: every last post, especially your second to last as it was offensive to the core and it can not be tolerated ya marx....
  19. ^do yourself a favour and hit the book store and make sure you get mr wright's "evolution of God" as in Robert Wright inta aa meelahaan meereysaneysid. PS: both Johnny and North are onto something but only if North can come off his cave long enough to hear abti johnny sermon.
  20. For now their goal must be to educate the masses. Restoration of educational facilities, infrastructure and renovating decrepit buildings is already underway. Roads have been cleared of obstacles and transport flows smoothly across a wide network of cities. The Somali people need something they can take to the bank and no amount of "must be's" would assure Shacabka that a local m**ryaan who take orders from their foreign sponsors aka God Fathers will have their best interest at heart. But it doesn't mean you can stop pumping oxygen to the "must be", the "could be" or "the would be" and the rest of the be's, as long as it makes you feel better. Infact you can resuscitate it one last time ya labo? On the matter of shabaab's revamp of the nation and their restoration projects, it is neither here nor there because we can't confirm any of their extra curriculum activities beside the reports of suicide bombings and mass civilian casulty. With that said, you can delude yourself all day and all night but YOU CAN NOT bend the truth to further your self interest and the interest of those you idolize. To further touch on the restoration process, if any such rebuilding is happening and progress is seen in some counties more than others, surely the credit heavely sides with the community and the local businesses and not the shabaabs as you claim. The same Shabaab whose operation is reported to be on life support due to shortage of funding, which is due to the heavily enforced bans of recent month. And to add insult to injury, they can't feed the soldiers, so how it that they will manage to do anything but plan where the next sucide attack will occur? Suicide attack=one less mouth to feed Face it ya LABO, these m***ryaans and their foreign backers have a mandate to carry and none to do with attempt to transform the social and political landscape of our beautiful country. PS: If I want to tan off the shores of kismaayo, I will not be asking anyone's permission, I will just do it but then again Dukey is ready to build a house in bosaso for me and a condo in garowe, so I don't think that will be a problem, dont u agree?
  21. Fufu, I hope sida marke hore aad iga xumaatay inaanad hada iga xumaanin . Waano lee iga eheed inaad hips-ka quruxda eh oo aad qabto nidaad sida ku deysid. Waxaan umaleynaa inaad xasuusato markaad AFro-Girl handle wadatay oo aan kugu wacay qabiiliiste maalin maalmo kamid ah oo aad iyo aad iga caroote but eedo, remember the days markaad igu wici jirtay eedo macaan? Waligaa elastic oo g-something ha igu soo qaadin, waayo how will it cover all of my wrinkles? Markii hore oo dumarka aad aqbalsaaneed, aad iyo aad ayaa u xushmeyn jirtay eedo kaa ween, oo hadal walbo aan ku hado sida waano camal aad u qaadan jirtay, ee gabadhii yareed, oo afro-girl ladhiji jiray oo dheylada eheed meesha kasoo saar, ee ceebta qarso, nagana daa fufu business iyo muscle aan rabaa, waxaas nimanka aa loo daaya. Gabar yar oo sharaf leh iska dhig, oo dhiig qabto and embrace your femininity. aniga iyo adiga aad aan isku naqaanaa ya fu fu, formerly known as afro-g
  22. ^awwwwwwwwwww@abaayo fufu. Did I offend you? Why wouldn't you want to embrace your beautiful hips?
  23. Fufu, why ruin your hips? Dumar aatahay ayaa laguugu sheegaaye, ee keep your figure and don't pick up unnecessary weight iyo muscle aa tabar uhaynin. PS:lol@che, energy badanidaa?
  24. ^sokor iyo saliid ma rabtaa? Dadkaan SOL joogo waa fake, waayo, sida inuu qof kaaga dhintay ayey kugu soo tacsiyeenooyaan. There is nothing in this world that you can't overcome, so what if you had a bad day or even a bad week? NG waa ragiisa, waayo he is the only one oo ilaa iyo hada runta wajiga kaala dhacay