LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Open Dialogue: Castro's wafdi Vs Nur's Wafdi CW: Do you support the AS? NW: You can not focus on trivial matters, lets talk about the infidel government aka TFG and their sponsors, the CIA CW: WTF? NW: You heard me, you cant trust what you read or hear but wait a minute, I can read the media portals because I have the sense to know who is telling the truth and who is reporting fiction. I tell you, the world is against AS, they are a muslim brotherhood, who ousted the "axmaaro" according to a delusional hamza character and according to NW, the muslim brotherhood aka AS have been providing food and shelter and educating the young as early as 2006 maybe long before that, so why are you against them ya CASTRO? CW: WTF? NW: Are you serious? Let us agree to disagree but I tell you my boys AS are better than the infidel government aka TFG...btw, no atheist should take part in the debate because even the TFG are better than atheists because atleast they are not atheists.....CARA, you are screwed...oh wait, you are an atheist, what was I discussing again? the End
  2. This year, the SOL committee who votes on world's best and worse people have been given vacation time with pay and instead, the chairperson, who should remain nameless has decided on making his nominations known to the public ahead of schedule with following candidates based on the best/worse category for 2009. This year, Xiini, was chosen as SOL's worst person of the year, along with SHARIF SHEIKH AHMED in the category for worse person. The Caravan has sunk, I repeat, the Caravan has sunk. For over a year, Xiin has refused to get his caravan serviced. He refused to visit the mechanic to have his punctured tires plugged, instead he drove on all four punctured tires for over a year without fully assessing the long term consequences of his caravan wheels, as a result, the caravan motor has blown up the tires and this time for good. May THE CARAVAN REST IN PEACE On the other hand, Dukey and Puntland have had a historic year and the chairperson has unequivocally chosen both Dukey and Puntland respectfully for SOL's best person of the year/Best region in the world for puntland. P-land with its oil explorations as Dukey has reported numerous times and the various deals being made on behalf of that region has made P-land the most outstanding region of Somalia for 2009.(especially with the piracy headlines that drew prospect investors to the region) May Puntland have another good year in 2010. As for dukey, the man, the patriot, the poet, he is undoubtedly SOL's best person of the year. When Duke wrote the Sharif narrative, the president did not throw his name to the ring to run for the president of the transitional federal government nor was the ink dry before Somalia's hope was shaterred to pieces. SHARIF SHEIKH AHMED, this year's WORLD's WORST PRESIDENT, MAY HE STEP DOWN ON HIS ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY, AAMIIN. Dukey and Puntland, congratulations, you deserve it. Filed by: LayZieG
  3. Nassir, waan kaa diiday eedo inaa taa video of the year ka dhigte. Waayo, the all star cast who made a tribute song for HOTEL SHAAMOW VICTIMS IS THE BEST TRIBUTE SONG/video of the year. BIG UP TO JOOQLE, I knew there was a reason why I loved his songs JOOQLE, NIMCO YASIN, FARAYARE and Co deserve big thumps up...if you haven't listened to this tribute song, SOMALIYEY SOO KACA, OO WAA QALIMANTIHIIN.
  4. ^dearest Geelka, CAIR should not be dismissed for CAIR is the culprit in all of this. Besides, it is your duty as a Muslim to teach people about your religion. To let them know that you are not violent and that you are a peaceful, loving muslim man who does tolerate all religions, races and you do not condone the actions of a few, who made their life long goal to speak on your behalf whenever they strap a bomb jacket in the name of your religion. After all, it is your religion, her religion and others religion, so why should Osama and his cronies speak for you? You tell me? By you keeping silent is the same as accepting the premise of their campaign to eliminate everyone that does not agree with them, even fellow muslims. My dearest Geele, may I remind you that the people you are forever shielding away from criticism are the same people who are willing to part with their family members in the name of "I do as my leader says". Innocent muslims and none muslims alike are killed in the hands of those monstrous men, who hold your scripture in one hand and the detonator in the other while they take out not 10, 20, 30, but hundreds of innocent people who did them no harm. Unless you share their martyrdom aspirations then your JOB DEAREST GEELKA is to condemn them day and night, while praising people like Torgerson and lending a hand in her campaign to represent the fine people of 5th confessional district of Minnesota. Waayo, because she is calling on the muslims in her district to take up the CAUSE and defend the religion. Remember, she read very few passages, used some quotes of some of the juicy chapters of infide to come to her conclusion as well as the daily Jihad preaching that goes on the mountains of Tora Bora that have taken some of our own youth from Minnesota. I can't stress enough that whenever there are few that look to represent the majority, especially when they look to instill fear and look to inflict pain and suffering on innocent people, that alone should be your motivation. Do not prove me wrong ya Geelka, wake up, instead of reacting to people like Torgerson, ask why is my home burning? Why do I allow few extremists to dictate the issue of the day and always find myself defending the defenseless? Torgerson points the flaws, it is you that needs to correct it and thats why education is important. If you can not stand up for your faith, I don't think you will ever stand up for anything. I know you are a decent lad and thats why I post topics like this so that one day your coma induced self will wake up to the reality thats in front of you. :cool:
  5. ^Because, among other things, she believes that a better America is what everyone needs and deserves. For example, she opposes gay marriage. She doesn't believe in abortion and while respecting the choice of a woman to abort a fetus, she says "we all due respect, abortion is simply wrong". She believes that the revamp of the healthcare system should include a public option and nothing short of it. Furthermore, she believes that America should cut ties with its addiction to foreign oil. As for Immigration, she feels that people ought to obey the law of the land, (aliens that is). When it comes to credit card and the new loan shark of finance, she says legislation should be on the side of the borrower not the creditor...she wants consumers protected..... All in all, most of these positions she has taken are what majority of progressives and centrists believe should happen. In addition, she is taking on CAIR after The author of Muslim Mafia was defeated by those beloved junkies. CAIR is afraid of this lady and the last thing they want is the attention focused on her because it means, CAIR's dirty secret would no longer be secret and congressman Ellisons connection to CAIR will be out in the open, even thought he says CAIR has not done anything wrong, or atleast anything that can be proven in court as of today. But ofcourse the anti Torgerson's would have you believe that she is a Islamaphobe, instead she asks the muslims to stand up and speak against terrorism. Once this issue is picked up by the mainstream media, CAIR will be walking in dangerous waters and for this reason, CAIR is looking to dismiss her as irrelevant and hate mongering white woman, when infact she is far from it. My only objection to her is her reference of the Infidel book as a source of info. I believe that her people should have done a better job at researching for other works, instead of solely focusing on Muslim mafia and infidel. At the same time, I respect her candidness because she knows no better but thats why she is challenging the Muslims to step up and defend the faith or else........ PS:again, visit her website if you are confused about the woman's position. Do not fear her and if you happen to live in her district vote for her on election day.
  6. ^eedo, I urge you to visit her website when you get a chance. And the only reason why I posted this thread is to inform the slowly brewing fight between CAIR and the lady, along with Keith Ellison. This is being going on for a while but CAIR has vowed not to address her more publicly in fear of backlash from the Islamaphobes and right wing extremists. They are fearing her in a heavily populated democratic constituency over a simple lady's antics? Give me a break. (At first, upon reading her website, she might come off as being a clown but you pay attention to some of her baseless charges and worse of all she uses AYAN HIRSI as a source of information) that alone should make you GEELKA to vote for her , while doing your own independent research about CAIR, thats if you are in the Minnesota area. PS:FABRE, read her website because the last part was said in the spirit of a jest...but seriously, what I have wrote here are just snippets but the real stuff is on the website.
  7. Hello SOLers: Meet Iron Lady, Meet Mrs Constitution, Soon to be Congresswoman for the 5th congressional district in the state of Minnesota, meet Lynne Torgerson, Attorney at Law, a Christian vigilant, an independent who will take the Muslim community by storm when she defeats the Muslim incumbent Keith Ellison soon. Some of you might have very crafty names for her once you read her website and the fact based, carefully sources information about Islam, especially her long diatribe about Islam but I ask you to ignore all that for once and truly understand the message behind her statement. Understand that she, a christian woman knows no better about Islam, only what Osama and his crew have demonstrated over the year. She doesn't know that you silent majority are in fact peace loving people and that your women are in fact independent and have their own mind and they do not allow their son to walk 3 meters infront of them and that you have the same rights if not more rights than your husbands. Yes, she might have fanatical tendences but she is not a Islamaphobe. Yes, she is misguided, especially when she is using Ayan Hirsi as a source of Muslim information but thats where you come in. YOu can show her the way to Islam, after all Togerson is a concerned Citizen. Instead, Iron Lady wants the Muslim community, the majority of muslims to tell her more about Islam, when she says: People say that we can't include the moderate, peace loving Muslims. Well, I agree. But, who are they? They need to stand up and identify themselves loudly and clearly say that they oppose Jihad and terrorism, etc. Who are these people? I cannot tell. It is not for me to go and try and find them. Rather, it is their duty to stand up and identify themselves, if there are any. Oh ya Silent, Muslim Majority, speak up, denounce terror, denounce suicide bombing and vote for Lynne Togerson as your Stateswoman. A vote for the Iron Lady is a vote to reject Osama and his crew.
  8. To my amazement, it was very hard to find current research indicating that religion and its followers were a force for ‘evil’. Liar Liar, pants on fire@NORTH. Just because he did not find research that argued against his position, which is that religion (especially Islam) is a peaceful religion and religious people are peaceful, God-loving creatures does not mean that non-believers are criminals or more likely to indulge in criminal behaviour, nor did he say such a thing. He just provided quotes from some scholarly research. He hand picked the stats he wanted to share that would make his argument more reasonable but he failed to discuss is why he didn't find the research that directly addresses the actions of human behaviour and their tendency to indulge in criminal behaviour and whether such research ever mentioned the faith of the criminal? It would have made his argument more objective, rather than subjective, which was the sole reason of doing research in the first place, so he can sound more objective rather than more subjective and full of biases that only credits muslims and discredits all other religions and non believers alike. As for a believer and a none-believer, who is to say that someone is a none-believer? The fanatics and religious extremists? If so, thats nothing new, for centuries, people who had agendas of their own use to accuse their opponents of being heretics in order to make their argument irrelevant. As for this Hamza dude, there is nothing a convert can say that will convince me that he used objective reasoning to come to a sound conclusion about the social psyche of a criminal non believer vs a saintly believer.
  9. In the beginning, when the land of the messiah was "independent" and "powerful" and all was merry, a roaring Camel was born and he was believed to have been born about 20miles outside of what is present day the supposed "land of the messiahs, aka ONLF". He was a talkative camel and would not stop bragging about being ONLF Patriot. One day, the goat, the sheep and the bull came to the camel and asked why he never marches with them on the front lines? Camel responded with "Humph". Next day, the goat, sheep and the bull came back and asked the camel, "Why do you insist on fighting our cause when you do not engage in the action on the front lines"? The camel responded with his usual, "HUMPH, HUMPH".(this time rather loudly) So, the goat spoke to the camel and said, " I would think that for someone who is so brought to carry our banner and struggle in public that you would at least lend a hand, instead of letting your mouth do all the action" said the goat. The Sheep was next in line and he said: "You humpy dumpy Camel, if you do not join us in the fight for liberation, you will forever have a chip on your shoulder and don't think you can get away with spreading false propoganda". and next came the BULL, "Howdy, you rumbustious Camel. Do you know what is more painful to watch? Struggling to recapture our territories from axmaaro and working day and night for our long overdue goal or watching supposedly one of our own not lend a hand and instead sits idle most of the day and later retreats to the shop to engage in unhealthy discussions, pretending to know our pain? So, one day, an aging leader of the tribe (an ox, he was believed to have been), who is in charge covers of the west tree and another tree to the south was walking by when the GOAT, THE SHEEP, and THE BULL approached him. They asked him, "you dutiful elder, do you think its right for the Camel to sit idle while we work and risk our lives by fulfilling our dream of one day reuniting our territories as one and the idle camel reaps the fruits by pretending to be one of us when in-fact he not only is clueless about our struggle but he misrepresents our objective whenever he talks shop with the others outside the land. What's worse, ya dutiful elder is that he tries to get lucky in the name of our struggle by boosting about knowing our pain and suffering. Oh, ya dutiful elder, do something about that Camel". and off the GOAT, THE SHEEP AND THE BULL went back to the front lines to continue fighting. For a moment the Dutiful Elder thought about the matter on his own and later retreated back to the nearest village in order to consult with his fellow elders. On the fifth day of eastern is when the Elder called upon the Camel to stand up in front of the village elders. They read him his judgment, which was expulsion from the LAND OF THE MESSIAH, the long struggle of the ONLF continued without the Camel. The END Filed by: LayZieG
  10. Simple facts about the SUICIDE BOMBER:- The young man in question is from qurbaha. He relocated to Somalia over a year ago, namely Marka, a m**ryaan controlled territory. Prior to taking off from Denmark via Marka, he was a happy, loving son, friend and boyfriend. His friends in Denmark and some members of his family were quoted to be saying that in the last few years, the suicide bomber has changed his lifestyle. He stopped playing football with his friends and hanging out with them and soon after he cut all ties altogether with his friends. Suddenly, he swore off girls and the dating scene. He retreated to the masjid and started spending time in the masjid with a new crowd. This is the period of his life that some suspect that he was indoctrinated and met with his recruiter from the masjid. The Denmark officials say he was a residence of Denmark. His friends from his home in qurbaha say he was an active youth, very much into the nightlife. All in all, after arriving in Somalia, he took a bus to Marka, where he met his supposed wife to throw off suspicion. The wife was not in the loop and did not know that he was going to attend the graduation ceremony in SHAMO HOTEL, instead, he was suppose to shop for the baby because the wife was reported to be due soon. The M**ryaan leaders, who have sent the suicide bomber to Mogadishu have made him call his parents to tell them that he was attending a friends' graduation and that he was happy and his wife was due anyday. For a man that swore off from secular friends, why would he want to attend anti-islamic celebration sponsored by an 'infidel' government and their sponsors? It just didn't make sense. In conclusion, I can't help but give the M**ryaan its kudos for coming up with an elaborate alibi for the suicide bomber, an alibi that assures that no one single witness survives.... Now, who in here still thinks that the small monster is dead and the big monsters are having the last laugh, eh badows?, do you still believe Al-Shabaab was not behind the violent killing of innocent people? PS: Why is aYOUB the secessioner expressing his views on this subject? Waxani waa wax Somalida only utaalo, ee please refrain from discussing somali affairs.
  11. C&H, don't be defensive, just answer the question. Adigu maxaad aheyd? Moderate muslimah/conservative muslimah? Inoo sheeg, why else would you dog other muslims for holding liberal positions? I'E, did you know that progressives believe in following the Qur'an but they also believe in using logic and reason, while at the same time having moralists among them? C'mon eedo, you can do better than that, especially if you are as vocal as you were earlier.
  12. ^ In that case , how about we add: "I'm a 'muslim' douche" "no, I'm only obligated to my leader not Allah" "EVERYBODY IS A KUFFAR" "I have 70 virgins waiting for me, why do I want a family in this hell hole, paradise awaits".
  13. ^What are Minarets? and will Minbars be banned?
  14. Gabbal, I can see inaad geography(among other things) aad ku liidato, ee please do try your best to contribute to the topic or leave on your own accord.....(SWITZERLAND IS NOT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) ABTI JOHNNY, lol@your question: Malika, How many churches , Hundu-temples, Budha-temples are in SAUDI ARABIA ( not mecca )? Leave Malikah alone........unless ofcourse she comes back four days later with an answer?
  15. North, why did you hold your tongue for four days? Why did it take you this long to come back with a claim about hostile Swiss, when in reality you are as clueless as your first post? I don't mind entertaining you for a little bit but I don't want to engage someone whose own biased blinds him from agreeing with Ibti. (Ps: Stop relying on heresy) Your harsh and anti-Islam stand can be drawn from the following reasons:- A) YOu had no argument then as you have no argument now.(What else could it be, beside you not having an argument? No evidence suggest based on what you have shared here today that you have any clue about what is it you are arguing against and even if you did have an argument, you couldn't express it in a clear and concise tone and lets not forget, you can never back up your heresy, after all they are heresy, abuu abdi and abuu yaxye talked it over at the coffee shop, so you want to spread the same nonsense without factual evidence) B) You were hoping for a different verdict and when that didn't pan out as you would have hoped, which meant you did the next best thing, throw the baseless accusation about hostile Europe back at our faces. Correct me if I'm wrong North and maybe I am but when I initially posted this thread, I made myself very clear by stating my objection to the Minaret. If I can clearly communicate my views on a number of subjects, why can't you (when I say you, I dont mean just you but every last one of you, with the exception of Ibti)? Speaking of ibti, I do agree with her position on issues that concern the Muslim. At the same time, I don't believe that education alone would be sufficient. I think the attitudes of the Muslims have to change as well as educate their fellow non-muslims on issues of importance. However, I do not believe the Minaret is all that important, especially in the middle of naters. Furthermore, the architecture of the Islamic arts in various regions differ with one another. For example, a masjid in Iran would not have the same architecture as one in Iraq. Likewise, one build in China would have some resembles of Chinese architecture and so on and so on.(pay attention to various models of Masjids with Minarets, from ASIA-Africa) Again, if you want to engage in a discussion about the root cause of the ban and Swiss history and religion tolerance in their territory, I would welcome it but I can not entertain people who want to throw fit every-time things dont go their way.(MUSLIMS ARE GUESTS IN SWITZERLAND...the arabs dont cater to fellow muslims in their lands as much as the christian states do cater to muslims in non-muslim lands) I'm just disgusted by that simple fact.......the day you break away from arab mentality, is the day everyone here would agree on issues that AFFECT THE MUSLIMS..... PS: What did you mean by muslims 3000 miles away? This muslimah has been to Swiss soil, both in Geneva and Zurich, so do not even attempt to know who has been to parts of Europe and who has not.....understand?
  16. Aamin@KANZY. I love adeero Yey. For those of you that accuse Adeero yey of criminality, please refrain from using such derogatory term to describe the greatest patriot Somalia ever produced, next to Aabo Siyad...wallee nimankaas were real nationalists and may Aabo Siyad be rewarded in Jannah and May Allah ease Adeero's pain in this life and the next. Aamin, LONG LIVE ADEERO YEY, LONG LIVE SOMALIA. PS: Adeero is everything his supporters said and more but what Adeero yey never was and never will be partake is the rituals the so called the Zack's apostate Militia indulge in. They carry Tusbax in the company of Abu Turki and Co and when they are in the company of Axmaaro, bring about their Rosaries. The Zig Zack, take the rosary off your pocket and go buy a Kitaab, we both know you don't own one.
  17. ^almost does not cut it@Indho. Are you Liban Abu Somal? Kool Kat had a beautiful and healthy baby girl. The baby and KK are doing great. On behalf of KK, Thank you SOL for all your best wishes. Sincerely, KK & Family
  18. Indeed North, change has come to the Swiss. Today, Sunday, November 29th, 2009 Democracy Prevailed in Switzerland: Early exit poll report revealed that the Swiss not only voted to Ban the Minaret but more than half of the 26 Cantons that make up the Swiss Confederacy have voted in support of a Ban. The Swiss on the exit poll results The BBC on early projections The fair and balanced news portal of Al-Jazeera on early predictions
  19. ^lol, waxaan qosol wey dhaafeen@malika but whatever you do dear, do not and I mean do not share the minutes of the meeting. As for Hindu temples in Switzerland, do your best to guess the number of dioceses in India, only then would you understand the tradition of Temples and their place in western society but it doesn't mean that you can't present an argument for the ban of Minaret, besides stating the obvious.... Remember, the topic is about Minaret and only about Minarets. Peace Action, I have no choice but to respectfully disagree with you, waayo, Muslims or people of any faith are welcome in Switzerland. The Swiss, from what has been reported have not come out to take up a vote in rejecting visitors and immigrants of Muslim faith. What they reject is the demand of a particular group of people who look to cause trouble and assert their authority in foreign lands and demand special rights while the same courtesy is not extended to other faiths, especially people of Christian faith in Islamic states. For example, the Kingdom does not allow the building of dioceses in its territory, why should a Muslim demand to build a Minaret in Switzerland or any christian state? Who are they do demand anything of their host country when the same practices are not extended to people of other faiths for the sake of tolerance? Who are we to criticize Switzerland for taking up a stand in preserving their heritage? Their laws dictate that issues of importance are decided by the people and if they vote down the building of Minarets in their soil, thats their prerogative ,just as its the kingdom's prerogative to vote on the building of churches in the holly land. As much as it saddens me about the crisis of Muslims in foreign lands and the polorization of "anything Islam" to score political points by some foreign actors, Islam itself is getting a bad rep because its a tolerant religion but its people are not kind to other faiths, for that reason, I ask you all to reconsider your position when it comes to issues of Islamization in Europe. You can not force your religion on anyone, especially non-Muslims. The prophet, (bless be upon him) did not and no Muslim has a right to reject other faiths and if you have non muslims living in Muslim states, you should be respectful of their faith and allow them to practice it openly as long as they are respectful of yours. This isn't science, you want special consideration for your faith, extend the same courtesy that we expect for ourselves in Europe/America or any part of the world for non Muslims, only then can we truly sit down and discuss assimilation and toleration of different faiths in the globalized world we live in today. GeelJire, predictable as ever. Now why did you have to ruin your last chance to become an Ambassador of Islam? Unknown fella, if you really wanted your question answered you would go back and re-read my earlier post.
  20. ^take all the time in the world ya Nur but remember that I'm looking for you to interpret the above quotes with the Qur'an, while sharing Enur views in the ever growing controversy of "to wear or not to wear the Niqab".
  21. The debate about banning the Minaret in the great old Swiss Confederacy has taken a noise dive as of late and there is a possibility that the Swiss will fold in the polls when they vote for the faith of the Minaret in the administered referendum on this sunday, November 29, 2009. In part, the federal government and the lobbyist group for the rich merchants are spreading a campaign of fear mongering among the swiss. They are spreading the coming of suicide campaigns , i'e the coming of a "Swiss 9/11" and about "Al-Qaida threat", economic decline due to trade with Arab states, which means put the fear in the swiss to 'vote No' for Minaret, so on and so on. On the other hand, the conservative party which were beastly like in planting hate in the hearts of the Swiss nationalist with the assistance of various christian coalitions are using similar tactics to get a 'Yes vote' in banning the building of future Minaret in Swiss territory. For this reason, I have no choice but to take the side of the debate that bans all form of Minarets and its because of no other reason except for the following articles outlined below: 1) Swiss do not owe any explanation in banning a Minaret, just as they owe no explanation to why they resisted to joining fully with the league of nations in the early part of the 20th century.(they did reserve especial rights which was exceptional on the part of the Swiss) Just as they hesitated to becoming a UN member, which took a good 80yrs+ before they decided to formally join the membership of the United Nations.(for those of you that do not know, it was an extension of the original league of nation coalition) In addition, the people of Switzerland, whose framework for statehood has been just as effective if not better than any current federal system have taught us(the world) that they will not sit idle, instead they will be political activists and engage in the political discourse of the country. They refuse to be political spectators and for that reason, no amount of fear mongering will deter the swiss from taking to the polls on sunday and voting yes for the ban of minaret. To this date, the government has no choice but to fully compile to the wishes of the Swiss people in rejecting the EU application, a remarkable period in the ever growing history of the swiss people. 2)No such thing as "Swiss Muslim". If you are a Muslim and a Swiss 'citizen", banning the Minaret should be the least of your worries because you, the Swiss 'Muslim Citizen' have other alternatives when it comes to taking up the subject of prayer. For example, you can pray in the confinement of your home. You, the 'Muslim Citizen" of the Swiss Confederacy can rent a community hall for prayers on special occasions. Equally as important, you can purchase a commercial building and turn it to a community center, which can house prayer halls as well as business for community outreach programs without the fancy involved in building elaborate Minaret in Switzerland. 3) The Swiss have overcome the griefs of major historical conflicts in their territory. They survived two world wars, as well as second to the longest War of European history, the 30yrs war all without directly engaging any one faction in either side and still came out on top and neutral as ever. 4) Historically, the Swiss were known to come together at times of great uncertainties through perseverance. They build coalition of communities that makes up their various cantons today. It is an ancient passed time for those of you that lack knowledge in the Swiss affairs. Part of the reason they expanded on their various cantons was their effectiveness in voting for local issues that affected them as a community. It not only improved trading relations but it made them stronger to have support in defending their territory with the help and support of neighbouring communities against foreign invaders. They knew the community of one was not as affective as the community of many and no amount of fear mongering and backlash from interest groups would deter them from going to the voting booths on sunday. All in all, a yes vote on sunday is less likely but I felt I should add my two cent into the debate for I have been a silent observer on the issue of 'Islamization' in Europe until now. Filed by: LayZieG
  22. Dearest eNur: I can't help but wonder when and how the veil, the garment that some Muslim women wear to conceal their identity from prying eyes became a public discourse. But it isn't to say that it is wrong for the public to take up the cause on behalf of women, when women ought to be champion of their own interest. Remember, the relevance of the veil comes from the ancient tradition of women covering up their body parts, which puts a wall between her and her society, at the same time guarding her privacy. Understandably so, women should and ought to discuss private matters concerning their body and their overall appearance. At the same time, we( both women and men) need to understand the premise of dressing modesty according to the Qur'an before we polarize the matter , by dismissing personal prejudice, while at the same time being critical of the opposing views that have long been expressed by Islamic scholars in the subject of the VEIL. While the subject of the VEIL maybe one of controversy because of its various elements thats in contention, accepting heresy for the sake of unity against infidel society could be devastating to Muslim women. For now, I will turn to you and ask you to share your views on the subject as well as openly interpret the following quotes from the Qur'an, Chapter 24,Surah Al-Nuur,ayyah 27-31, to the best of your ability, as a SOL scholar, praised by many, the floor is now open to you. 24:27 "Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoola tadkhuloo buyootan ghayra buyootikum hattatasta/nisoo watusallimoo AAala ahliha thalikumkhayrun lakum laAAallakum tathakkaroona" 24:28 "Fa-in lam tajidoo feeha ahadanfala tadkhulooha hatta yu/thanalakum wa-in qeela lakumu irjiAAoo fairjiAAoo huwa azkalakum waAllahu bima taAAmaloona AAaleemun" 24:29 "Laysa AAalaykum junahun an tadkhuloobuyootan ghayra maskoonatin feeha mataAAun lakum waAllahuyaAAlamu ma tubdoona wama taktumoona" 24:30 "Qul lilmu/mineena yaghuddoo min absarihumwayahfathoo furoojahum thalika azkalahum inna Allaha khabeerun bima yasnaAAoona" 24:31 "Waqul lilmu/minati yaghdudnamin absarihinna wayahfathnafuroojahunna wala yubdeena zeenatahunna illa mathahara minha walyadribnabikhumurihinna AAala juyoobihinna wala yubdeenazeenatahunna illa libuAAoolatihinna aw aba-ihinnaaw aba-i buAAoolatihinna aw abna-ihinna awabna-i buAAoolatihinna aw ikhwanihinna aw baneeikhwanihinna aw banee akhawatihinna aw nisa-ihinnaaw ma malakat aymanuhunna awi alttabiAAeenaghayri olee al-irbati mina alrrijali awi alttifliallatheena lam yathharoo AAala AAawratialnnisa-i wala yadribnabi-arjulihinna liyuAAlama ma yukhfeena min zeenatihinnawatooboo ila Allahi jameeAAan ayyuhaalmu/minoona laAAallakum tuflihoona" All in all, how would you interpret the above revelations? Where do you stand in the debate about the authenticity of the veil? Do you believe its voluntary or obligatory?
  23. LOL@Dukey, this brings to mind the famous proverb: "Always imitated, never duplicated". Take a moment or two to acknowledge these feeble minds but don't encourage them or else it will shatter their dreams of one day being the Dukey.