LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Ibti, a neighbourhood watch dog is getting paid 10k a month for expenses?LOL how far do they have to travel exactly? PS: my hooyo heard the news from friends(presumably s-landers ) lastnight boosting about how several of their kindfolks won seats in last week's election....but then that was before sanka busted them for being neighbourhood watch dogs, hahahaha...and now ibti says they get paid upto 10K a month. Secessionist propoganda iska dheh
  2. Tuujiska, wa sida nin qalal ku dhacay aa noqotay, ee iisheeg waxa aan badalay? The purpose of opening this thread was to help you realize the same self-defeating behaviors you have adopted from others(you know who you are) as of late and why your behaviour is unislamic. You were two posts away from calling Ibti gaaalo if I did not attempt to halt this madness. A good bililiqo boy like you oo Muslim ah dadka inuu ku dhaho maaha diinta aa ka baxde, mase diinta aa daciif eh, mase waa gaalowday. Sheekeo oo adiga kuu taalo maaha, waayo, adiga slave of allah aa tahay, which means you are out of your element when it comes to making declaration about Islaanimo. YOU ARE NOT THE MUSLIM POLICE. Ailamos waxa aad ku haysatey for days, which you brought my attention to was because he refused to confirm or deny inuu Muslim yahey. Ibti's crime was telling you to stop your qeylo and to behave with dignity, another moment and you would have declared her unfit and even gaalo. and when I try to help a brother out by confronting his madness head on, you accuse me of being dafiic, why? because according to you, I know less about Islam than I do about anything else, which is why I have a favourite religion, how else do you explain your madness? What does favouring a religion have anything to do with my knowledge or lack of about Islam? How did you make the connection? You are mad, you know it and I know it. People with aqli xoolo leh will always find ways to deflect attention from themselves and come up with sideshows so that they dont have to confront their problems head on, namely YOU. If my only crime is to say, hey, Tuujiska you have a problem, you are not helping yourself or Islam by calling people gaalo and your respond to that is, ma aniga? I LOVE GAALO, I am so tolerant that I can even tolerate gaalo aan la shaqeeyo but I cant accept that a Muslim can favour another religion, even if the Muslim says so. You , like most people here, make unsubstantiated accusations about people, public attacks on cyber characters (today its the internet, tomorrow ak-47 aa qaadanee and you will declare jihad on the neighbours)especially those who you declared to being unfit and gaalo like or gaalo raac without due process. You dont confront the individual and demand an explanation, instead you turn on the attack mode without first understanding what it means to bash a religion? Adiga oo Tuujiye eh, maxaa bashing u taqaanaa? what does it mean to you to bash something or someone? Better yet, define bashing for me. Its one thing if people attacked Islam, its another to accuse them of such and its ridiculous for you to even pretend that you are on the right when you promote hate and bigotry against gaalo and anyone that isn't Muslim. A good muslim leads by example. Your idea of dadka Islam wax ka sheege is ailamos who refuses to confirm his religion status, so it must mean that he is offensive to Islam and even a gaalo according to you, including and not limited to the subjects he discusses in the open. For me, I opened a topic about you, gave you examples of gaalo, so that means I know nothing about my religion, if any, which means I too need help? Thats aqli xoolo walaalo. Thats not something like a maryooley like you should even speak off. In order to communicate with another human who has the equivalent of aqli xoolo, one would need to write it in big letters, spell everything out for them, ABC style. YOU NEED TO TELL THEM THAT BECAUSE YOU DID NOT DISCUSS ISLAM, IT DOES NOT MEAN THE POSTER KNOWS ANY LESS OR MORE. QUITE THE CONTRARY, I WOULD LOVE TO DISCUSS THE HISTORY OF ISLAM AND QUIZ YOU JUST SO I KNOW YOU KNOW THE ISLAM, THE TRUE ISLAM AND NOT SOME CIYAAL FAY AY KU BAREEN, BECAUSE NOW I'm DOUBTFUL about WHAT YOU KNOW OR DONT KNOW. (LETS CALL NUUNE AND TAKE HIS OFFER TO MEDIATE) TUUJISKA, if you have a question, just ask, dont assume you know anything just because you had a lapse of faith and now that you are reborn Muslim, true to the word of ALLAH and the hell with everyone else and their gaalo raac- like attitude eh? C'mon, dont give yourself heart attack, admit you were wrong and tell me how you will change, dont tell me how much you love gaalo. I want to know the steps you are taking to m ake a change in your attiute and behaviour in general. For now, I will wait for your reply about the folks who attacked Islam here and why it is you are still claiming to be tolerant yet show no sign of improvement. If I were not a nice person, I would call you a bigoted Muslim but because I am nice, I will refrain from such talks. Ibti, waali or not, xaalka aad ninkaan ka heshay u gudbi Cara because she has been victimized by everyone here....(and u owe me 1, waali or not you love it .) Also, I didn't read all of your replies but count on it that the next spring cleaning will be about you when I return later. (PS: in defense of Nuune, for as long as I can recall, he was calling me LayZie-Gaal because in his defense, carab laawe waaye....) PS: Tuujiska, I have been very consistent, you can go back and re-read anything I wrote, I never once retracted my statement but you on the other hand, you went from loving gaalo to hating to loving them in just 2 days, 10 pages full of evidence )
  3. Oz, am I that predictable? You are wrong about the karbaash. I don't bring out my karbaash for just anyone and the least of all people that disagree with me. We can all disagree with one another, thats what's so great about it, no one is right but they all think they are. For instance, Tuujiska is flustered, look at how many times he posted today? I destroyed his bee nest and he has no where to hide, no shelter, so what does he do, he engages personality, instead of addressing my questions. Tuujiska's idea of tolerance is the same way as a redneck accusing of being a racist claiming to be not racist on the grounds that he once had a black neighour, mr Tyrone luke who he wants lend his lawnmower to, so that makes him tolerant not racist, see what I mean? Tuujiska, you keep saying you are tolerant and you have christian colleagues etc but you are still gun-*** about me bringing up the example of Saint Ignatius of Loyola or why I have a favourite religion? Those examples were shown in order to show you that you are not tolerant because you can not phantom why a Muslimahawould happen to be interested or have a favourite religion, most of all a christian religion over any other. The nerve eh? How dare I bring up a saint? Why couldnt I bring up caliph abu bakr or caliph osman or my favourite warmonger aka mehmed the conqueor or even the greatest leader of the umayyads mu'awiya. Why couldnt I have used them instead of saint ignatius of Loyola? For the simple fact that this topic is about you and the intolerence towards gaalo. So I used a gaalo figure to bring my point home. I will just say quickly that I don't have time to go back and re-read everything you have written but I can say that you are contradicting yourself. On the one hand, you are tolerant and loving, on the other, you cant digest the part about catholicism? I will continue this another time, for the time being, just take the time to actually read what you wrote before you post it. Remember, Islamnimo ma iga xigtid, no matter how many times you scream gaal, lol.
  4. Tuujiska, I think you missed the boat here. I truly believe that you are allowing your emotions to get the best of you. We are talking about your attitude towards gaalo and why is it you find people who you deem as being "gaalo" despicable human beings if you are a tolerant person? Why is there so much animosity against christians? Gaalo-christians, non-believers=non believers, kuwii diinta ka baxay etc etc, do not mistake the two. You want to define someone who does not profess to have faith, call them a non-believer.(I think nuur from Islamic section called Cara something similar) As for my imam, whether its weak or not that really isn't relevant, waayo, I know who I am as a person and anything I do wrong in regards to my faith, allah is a witness, thats something I can not conceal, so I suggest you leave that bit for the time being so we can discuss you, since this thread is about your animosity towards so called 'gaalo' and tackling your unresolved issues with gaalonimo. In terms of faith, when I brought up catholicism is that to give you an example of the one of the worlds religions that I find the most fascinating, it is not for me to clarify whether my own religion is my favourite because someone of faith already knows that their religion is the best, which is part of the point I made earlier.(I can say I'm morally superior to geeljire, geeljire will admit that but it doesnt make it right, you see where I'm going with that?) I don't have to defend my position on catholicism or Islam, all I have to say to you is that every "faith-head" in the world believes his/her religion is superior to all others, so the question then is how to you reconcile that simple truth in order to understand and build a lasting connection among religions without resorting to violence, intimidation or any other tactic you can think of at the moment? Do you accept the simple truth that almost all believers dearly clinch to their religion as much if not more than you do of your religion? If so, do you believe they are right to clinch to their religion? If yes, should they denounce you for being of different faith or intimidate you in anyway? My point is that why can't matters of faith be resolved peacefully? You claim to respect the christian faith but your behaviour says otherwise, how do you reconcile that? Its natural instinct to be the protector as a man, its just natural but who are you to defend and protect Islam from fellow muslims or even accuse fellow muslims of lacking imam or shifting away from Islam or decide who is a believer and who isn't? Its a disease, I have diagnosed it and its your duty to either accept the diagnosis or to explain why you feel its a misdiagnosis on my part. So far you have not provided any relevant answers to the questions I proposed and its really expected because I have forced you to confront your own demons, lol so buufiska iska qaad and si tartiib ah ku hadal, no one meesha kugu qeelinooyo majirto. Remember, its healthy to discuss matters relating to faith, you never know, maybe I can learn a thing or two from you. Don't be ashamed and dont be defensive like others, be open. As for your lapse of faith moment, not everyone has the same experience and if you had a moment of reflection who is to say you are over it now? Perhaps its an ongoing battle for you to discuss that moment at the university, maybe it will help to talk about it. You never know who else is having a lapse moment in this forum, so you could help others as well as help yourself. As for me, as far as I can tell, for as long as I have been a rational, thinking adult, I have not had a lapse of faith and I pray that I do not. As far as you are concerned, if you did have it, its part of the growth, one of the best catholic saints, Saint Ignatius of Loyola continued to struggle with his imam and had many moments of lapse of faith but in the end, he was resolved to overcoming the doubts, becoming the founder of the jesuits and a great figure in the catholic church. I can give you many other examples of some of the greats who too struggled so really, there is nothing to be ashamed off.... As for Zacky boy, I think you should leave Islam to Muslims, tribal people who waive fake flags and indulge in tribal talk and cheer tribal militia should not profess to be Muslims, anything but a Muslim, so go find an ONLF militia to cheer, will ya. (PS: U need to be cured from your tribal disease) B, I'm open to exploring and understanding sub-culture practices, as long as it gets the job, who am I to object? PS: Just a bit of fact: I do not subscribe to cable news but when I did I occasionally watced o-man aka the factor aka O'Reilly. I do not like or dislike glen beck because I have never watched a full episode of his show(just the ocassional anecdote) or ann coulter(even thought I do read her columns from time to time), etc etc. If I lived in baadiyo and I had not heard of these names, you folks would have found something else to pick on. The point I'm making is, while you are busy addressing personalities why not concentrate on the issue at hand, i.e, why do we accuse critics of so called "Islamist gang" that are holding the world hostage by labelling them Islamaphobes and call them racist but we (example the Somalis) dish out anti-semitic views from left to right, so much so that it comes out from our noises? I guess you folks believe hating on a group of people or a particular faith is somehow justified but not when the table is turned on you? Again, if I lived under a rock, you will find many other excuses and probably throw many names at me but I will entertain your talking points for the time being, so go on dazzle me.
  5. B, are u asking rudy or me? As for me, its simple, there is lack of tolerance on both sides and ignorance not only flames the conflict but it makes nearly impossible to establish inter-faith dialogue and institutions that are really dedicated to taking up the cause of unity and understanding. For muslims, its simple, all gaalo are gaalo, to them all anglo-saxon whites are gaalo, all are viewed the same. And from the christians, the same goes for their take on Muslims, they are all violent as well as militant and backward, very few truly believe that not all Muslims hold a view that is not consistent with the ideology of Osama and his cronies. Its rare that you see influential scholars (on the Muslim side) educating the masses about interfaith subjects or christianity, except to share anecdotes about negative elements of such faith and vice versa. These so called scholars of both religion are breading grounds for hate and bigotry on both sides of the aisle but the topic is about Tuujista, so let us wait for him to start the discussion. PS (I'm not defending one religion over the other ya rudy not do I favour one over the other) PS: Alternative sub-culture? care to expand on that so as not to assume what you meant by it@B PS: ofcourse this position that few take about one faith being superior is a talking point and is strategic, its purpose is to incite violence and plant hate on the hearts of many in order to meet their end game, which is to take over towns, villages, consolidate power over their masses etc etc. It has less to do with religion than it does with politics of warfare and the sad thing is people take these talking points as gospel and truly believe they are waging jihad of sort against the enemy, or atleast those their masters deem a threat against their interest.
  6. ^Rudy, I'm glad that I'm lost to you forever but answer me this question, do you not have friends of other faiths? Christians? Namely colleagues, people you respect or share mutual respect? I think you are fooling yourself if you think you can not respect or admire a religion or someone of a different faith because you happen to be a Muslim. Just because you are a Muslim it does not mean the world and the people in it are off-limits to you. You are just another slave of Allah, so is everyone else, so at the end of the day how much you think of others is reflection of your own worth, Muslim or not. Remember to practice tolerance and to discourage bigotry. Respect is earned not given.
  7. I have to start by stating that Tuujiye and I go along way back and I know he is good people. He is truly a compassisonate young man who cares about people. However, I do have to confess and say I have never known him to be this passionate about anything as much as he is about the "gaal question". (not even his bililiqo days, which he use to take crush courses on people's possesions was he this passionate) The question I'm struggling with is why Tuujiska resort to bullying tactics when he does not get a satisfactory answer about the faith of others? Why does he insist on others to professing one faith over the other? Why can't Tuujiska take the hint that the business of faith is one between individual and the almighty, which means it neither concerns bullies, namely Tuujiska or anyone else for that matter? This talk about "gaalo this and gaalo that" or "gaal aa tahay" or "gaal yahow dhimo" is really troubling and sometimes it shapes personalities, namely when I talk to Tuujiska, I find that I too take the same approach and call him "gaalka tahay ba-cun" or gaal ku dil or "gaal buufiska hakaa saaro". Recently, I have taken a step back just to realize that this business about declaring a faith is more about the individual posing the question and not so much about the target. So, my question is why do people of other faiths(namely Muslims) question the faith of others who they deem to be unworthy of a particular faith? In addition to that, what is wrong with being a so called 'gaal'? Some of my best friends are gaalo. My favourite religion in the world is Catholicism because its very complex and its history fascinates me since its inception but this does not make me a 'gaalo lover' or a 'gaal' for that matter. So, why is that so difficult to understand or even accept as an answer? Matter of fact, learning other faiths and the various belief systems made me a better muslimah, it made me tolerant and made me have open-mind to understand the division across the board when it comes to faith. Above all, learning about other faiths does not mean necessarily one leaves his/her faith for another, believe it or not, it builds character, it allows the person to grow, to be able to tolerate other faiths without prejudice or so much as adhering to the values of that system. It does not mean you agree with everything a gaal says but understanding the position of a gaal regarding a particular element of their faith, such as why gaalo differ on the question of eucharist is fascinating. For instance, take the different views expressed in this forum, the ideological divide between Camp A and Camp B is at all time high, one disagrees with another but the camps are dismissive of one another. There is no compassion, no understanding of why Camp A holds a certain view about the subject or willingness to listen but to disagree respectfully, this in turn is reflect in the intolerance society that we live in today. We are reenacting the behaviours we see on televison, read on magazines, newspapers, the streets. We no longer recognize ourselves and I think Tuujiska is suffering from similar symptoms. SOL and the body that makes up is reenacting the attitudes it adopts from familiar grounds, i.e If Camp A beliefs to be in the right, Camp B is irrelevant and is dismissed or even gaalo for holding certain views or even accused of bashing other faiths. So, if thats the approach people of faith take to dismiss one faith or believe their faith, I.e Islam is superior to other faiths, (we as society have no chance of surviving) because people who carry such attitudes and allow ignorance to define them are deluding themselves because everyone, from all walks of life hold similar view and believe their click/religion etc are superior, so what makes Tuujiska take this approach and now that he is diagnosed , what will his treatmeant be? How will be be treated? Tuujiska, barxada wey kuu furan tahay. Filed by: LayZie
  8. Bob, who here insults Islam openly? Care to name names? Your outbursts are very unusual, especially with an old school lad like yourself from Kismayo, oo bulsho eh. Reer Kismayo waa rageedii but you are falling for this act of "people are insulting Islam openly in SOL" yet you don't give example of when this occurred, who said it etc? As for the topic, nothing wrong with Somali community engaging other communities, cultures and people of different faiths in order to build business relationships. Yes, you are a Muslim and yes the folks in question are of a Jewish faith but no harm could come from achieving the ultimate goal, making business contacts, possible business venture with the said organization and a further clientele and above all a lasting experience, one that these young professionals will take with them wherever they end up. The above opportunities are rare and when opportunity knocks, you take it. Now, your problem is that the mentorship programs are offered by jewish organizations, which is quite possible to say that your above statement echoes anti-semitic sentiments, one that should not be tolerated in this forum nor any other. Disliking a particular faith, just because some people from that faith have committed great injustices against certain group does not make it right nor is it a view that a remarkable young Muslim man like yourself should hold and I encourage you to reevaluate your position about judaism and jewish people in general.(this can't be good) PS: Its always good news when you read about outreach programs such as the mentorship project, Somalis are slowly but effectively coming out of their dark holes....
  9. Xiini, your idea of religious discussion is to reiterate what your local spiritual leader tells you is right, which is not quite the same as knowing about Islam or having your own opinion. You go out of your way and plagiarize few hadith phrases here and there and next you call it expert opinion because you have to keep up face over your scripts, online script for heavens sake. Now, if you want to engage in a meaningful debate about any number of topics, not limited to the blanket aka the veil, I'm ready to put you in your place, you just name the place and date. As for MMA cleaning up, I believe you called him into this thread because you wanted the bit about your criminal background deleted but the real question is why? is it because the truth hurts? I think I'm the only one in these corners who knows how to push your button and when to push them. You lose your mind whenever you read a post of mine, especially one that is meant to challenge your tard of a brain. Now, hadda haddii wax isku hayso, I wouldn't lose face over your scripts(they are important to u, right) if I were u, I would take the challenge and engage in any number of topics but thats if hadaad nin rag tahay. Haddii kale, be the lil squirrel that you always were(with a hit and run, hoping the MOD will safe you) and discuss chastity, purity, extremism and Mcveigh in the same sentence as the blanket as an attempt to make sense. You are not articulate, you never have been and its really sad. As for the veil subject being a weakness of mine, I never claimed to be expert on the subject, I just believe it to be menace to society, one that has no place in this century or the next. anyone who reads my posts about the subject will sum up my position as totally being against it. Now, the problem with you and others who hold similar view about the blanket is that instead of taking time to refute my position, you just act out like a big baby crying for attention, calling people names, which really hinders the overall objective, to prove me wrong, to explain why you think I'm wrong and the rest of you are right about the blanket and its place in Islam. Where did you read that the blanket was Islamic? Where did you get the idea that those that don't wear the blanket over them are somehow haran and those that do are halal? Who is really making the judgement here? Is it really the sound bites of your leader or truly a view you hold? If you truly believe that its a sign of preserving chastity and guarding the subject, expand on it, give me cases where such claim is permissible in Islam(and where it rejects and dismisses those that do not wear the blanket as nonbelievers and prostitutes, haran etc), don't just repeat what you heard. Again, your problem isn't just basic comprehension is that you refuse to do any independent thinking of your own, your mind is constantly being violated by your spiritual leader(u are like a victimless child, numb about the abuses). Who knows, many more like you are being violated inside your cult like recreation centre. He tells you to jump, you ask, how high, no question, no nothing. All in all, your approach is flawed and you need to work on it, instead of throwing temper tantrums. Remember, I don't just bully anyone, only the ones that show weakness but at the same-time potential to grow as people. Work on your character, build yourself up, be a man for a change or else I will continue to have you for dinner and no amount of underhanded comments will discourage me.(I can take as much insults if not more than I dish out, u should know by now) Only words, words on a screen yours, LayZie aka your tormentor
  10. ok xiini, so a **** like you can equate chastity with the blanket... I want some evidence that supports this claim of yours about the innocent of women and how the blanket preserves and even protects that...give me some stats of how many of the blanket wearers, according to the numbers, they are small, were in fact virgins and continued to be from the moment they started wearing the material? Proponents of the blanket(any garment that conceals the face), some of the folks you agree with say that why ban the veil when only a small percentage of women wear it, about 1-5%(as a form of dismissal) of the muslim population(we are talking a billion people here, half of them being females).....and now if you are equating it with the chastity and calling it the blanket its locket, you are in fact calling, millions of muslim women prostitutes who lost their virginity because they do not wear the blanket or who are filth? Thats quite a charge yet you have no prove. So, what we will do is, we willl concentrate on your original analogy about the american terrorist and whether or not you can explain yourself further on that about I give you one more chance? As for calling millions of Muslimah's prostitutes just so you can draw me in with the crowd, because you are angry that I continue to expose the fraud that you are, so you want to raise temper tantrum and call me names, i.e, prostitute etc, why not just call me names without having to call millions of other women the same, just so you can make your point? This is why I accused you earlier of being fraud and not so bright... You just dont know how to call tit for tat. For example, when I want to address you directly, I speak the truth. I think you are a cheerleader, who is one day praising pro-government forces and the next calling them gaalo with other scripts, you do this everyday....and when someone calls you a militant supporter, who has been questioned by the authority(i.e your family member), you start raising hell because you are a criminal or is linked to criminal enterprise who supports shabaab, see, thats how you call tit for tat, not beat around the push. You engage in filth every day of the week, you know it, I know it and that what matters, that you know it. If anything, I think you sold your integrity to your local spiritual leader for the so called price of paradise, thats filth nin nayow, so why not own up to your true self? Say, **** **** **** **** so, lets try one more time and dont hold back eedo PS: I think you used the intellectual **** once before and it didnt work [ May 04, 2010, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  11. xiini, you are very predictable...but the question remains, where is the connection? Explain yourself, give us an example, support your claim about the connection between extremist and Islam/veil and a very clear, coherent paragraph or is that going out of your script bubble? Probably you will expose yourself eh if you say more than a line or two.
  12. Xiini, what does timothy Mcveigh and his driver licence have to do with him blowing up a federal building? Matter of fact, why is that relevent when the topic is about veils and its banishment? Some proposed that it be burned, I agree, some said its unislamic, I agree but more importantly, I truly believe you know nothing of this subject, why else are you having difficulty articulating your point about veils and extremism? YOu have never been a bright fella, ya xiini, so many scripts, too many viewpoints to count, one day you are labaxiniinyo, calling on the same government forces you chear gaalo with your Islamist manifestos and this day you are sitting comfortably in a chair somewhere discussing the link between extremist and the veil by drawing analogy between extremist/veil and Mcveigh.
  13. Both the blanket and xiini are unislamic but who cares?
  14. ^it won't be long before you start speaking fluent Somali, who knows, you might even respond to kasha with a comment like eedadada usheeG about the bra's being banned, sooner than later? To Kasha, are you saying the so called 'bra ban' law is is unsubstantiated and inconsistent with the social structure proposed and implemented by your m**ryaan boys? If so, care to share reports that repudiate the so called ban on bras? Here I was thinking how the hell can I part with my bras on my upcoming visit to the base and wondering how one is expected to walk naked underneath that blanket with no chest protection but reading your good news, I have to say your boys don't sound too bad if they will not regulate what's underneath a woman's garment.(very intimate you know, unless they want a show) PS: Who are these so called daughters of Somalia fighting on the side of your M**ryaan boys?
  15. ^Ibti, I was never a refugee. when I came to canada, I was a landed immigrant, but thats beside the point. When bill 94 becomes law, you will see alot more than just refusing service in the health sector in quebec to veiled woman. You will see and hear university students being denied to enter the university grounds with a veiled face.
  16. ^Ailamos, it is, especially when you put pressure on a community clinic, whose staff might have to accommodate its residents who are heavily muslims in some areas than others, and who request to seek a female physician or lose the patient to another off-town clinic, thereby losing funding from the government or accommodating the patient by hiring more female physicians, nurses than males. Same scenario applies to the ministry of transportation offices in quebec, ontario , etc. A veiled woman comes, demands that the only way she will take her picture is if she is put in a private room, with a female representative because she is comfortable with a female than a male, prompting that office to indulge in unfair hiring practice by seeking female candidates and discriminating against male candidates. With a growing population and these cultures taking over, services are demanding and those that offer the service have to accommodate them because their choices are limited and this bill puts common sense back on the table. No single industry or institution or government body should have to accommodate one group over the other. We should all adhere to fair practice when accommodating clients, customers etc, muslim or not.
  17. Ibti, You talk about few hundreds or even few thousands, for me, it only takes 1 veiled woman to lobby a legislation on banning the veil to be carried out and implemented into law, waayo, primitive and backward cultures have no place in western societies, along with their refugees who flog to the borders of european towns. I'm sorry to say that english Canada where I reside isn't doing enough to uncover the veiled face but I did applaud french Canada with the news in March of the introduction of bill 94 being read in quebec national assembly as early as this june.(and making rounds in the committees as we speak) Bill 94 makes it illegal for veiled women to seek social and welfare service, government loans, applying for a job in the public sector, taking a driving test with a veiled face, seeking assistance in the healthcare industry. When bill 94 passes, Veiled women would no longer be able to seek a doctor without showing their face, nor would they demand a female doctor when going for physician visits on the tax payer dime. As for the quebecers, an overwhelming majority of the citizens support this bill and its passage to law for the simple reason that someone has to take a stand on drawing the line on the sand when it comes to reasonable accommodation. The movement has started and its just a matter of time before it spreads to Arab nations, who too will join and take a stand against the garment.
  18. I'm not in the business of knowing the life and work of terrorists, past or present. I do not go out of my way to get acquainted with the life story of terrorists posing as Islamic Clerics. Cowards who can not face their accuser, instead make youtube videos singing death to the non-believer, etc etc. I asked you a question, how do you except me to familiarize myself with work of terrorists, past or present when I detest them? My dear, I'm not in the business of seeking credit nor recognition. First and foremost, I'm a private citizen. I express my views solely on the basis of being concerned for myself, others, including you. I do not want harm to come to anyone. I detest people who falsely accuse others of wrong doing but never own up to their own atrocities. I detest people who in private confess that suicide bombing is wrong but yet never say it out loud in public. I detest so called refugees who take up shelter in western countries, including the United States of America yet talk of their host country as if they are the enemy. I detest ungrateful refugees who condone the action against the aggressors, so called Jihadists who are waging war on everyone, including fellow Muslims. I detest those refugees for the simple fact that they should know better, they are living the American dream. They have a roof over their head, they live in a stable environment. They no longer fear for the lives of their loved ones or a mortar landing on their room in the middle of a town in Idaho. United States security comes at great cost but the first sign of the host country taking up a defensive position, they denounce them and call them the big bully of the world. They accuse them of singling out Muslims. What a bunch of ungrateful qaxootis For heavens sake, why are you in America if you do not condone their foreign policy yet you want to reap the fruits of progress made else where? IF you believe America to be the devil, why not go back home, where you will be welcomed with slow death? Why not go to the Arab countries and they will welcome you with open arms? Its simple, America never misrepresented itself, you knew what country you signed the dotted lines and took the same flight 13, the same flight as Kasha. Not once did you stop to think why am I residing in enemy territory? So, please, next time a recycled lines about seeking credit ila imaatid, think....just once, think I, LayZieG, know right from wrong. I know its right to denounce someone who looks to harm others for no reason other than for having a different faith. I know its right to speak the truth when the moment calls for it. I know its right to preach to fellow Muslims that keeping silent is like getting away with Murder. You are not doing favours for yourself or anyone else. I know its right to denounce people who use religion as a weapon and who bully the population to taking up their rhetoric because its the only way to stand as one. As for wrongs... I know its wrong to aim a mortar at a masjid or send a suicide bomber strapped with explosives into a populated area in order to make a point and to terrorize civilians, muslims and non muslims alike. I know its wrong to target mothers and children and carry atrocities in the name of Islam. I know its wrong to remain silent in the face of adversity. My dear, this is no act, its simple instinct. My instinct tells me that it just isnt enough reading a material or believing that a suppose cleric was once authentic but now calls muslims to take up the bombs and ignite markets...(giving the benefit of the doubt just isnt enough, asking for evidence just isnt enough).or make video...either way, whether you knew his work before or after he became a terrorists, he is no longer a Muslim Cleric and you must denounce him....failure to do so will make you a sympathizer and soon, who knows, he might convince you to strap a bra full of explosive on you before shabaab asks you to take it off for being illegal in Somalia....just to put you in a public field and stone you to death..... I can go on and on....
  19. NinBrown, legitimate handouts? You call having 3 different identities legitimate just so the imposter can collect welfare cheques from different boroughs ? You call making a living by cheating the benefit system of the United Kingdom a legitimate handout? You call playing injured just so you can be labeled as disabled or running into a bus so you get a cheque written and a brand new car paid for with the tax payer money a legitimate handout? YOur assertions are repulsing to say the least. I hear nick nick nick, Malikah chants his name more than she recites the Qur'an nowadays. Seriously, Nick Clegg did not deserve to be crowned the king of the 1st debate. I watched the debate in its entirety and I would not in a million years crown that miserable lad anything remotely close to a debater. According to Nick Clegg, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, when it comes to Education and the youth, he believes in down sizing the class room with more tax payer money, which he did not explain where he will get the funds from but insists its the only alternative. When dealing with delinquent children who act criminally, his solution is to smother them with love and attention, says Nick Clegg. He does not want the youth offender jailed, instead, he wants him to become a repeat offender, just before the youth offender faces his victim to explain why he acted criminally against victim and re-offend not a moment sooner. I got migraine just listening to him, forget watching his body language. On Average, Nick Clegg had 30-40seconds more than his opponents to either think of a joke, pose a certain way or write down the names of the audience members who asked the questions, just so he can appear warm and caring but most of all concerned. On average, this man was left to himself for 30-40seconds more than his opponents had to put on a show without really performing, yet these so called experts crowned him the King of the thursday debate. Nick Clegg on Immigration: I, Nick believe not only in keeping the system thats in place now under the labor party but I want to enhance it by adding new elements, namely, putting immigrants in regions in which they are needed by employer, which will prevent them from being discriminated against and solve the immigration problem. On the other hand, David Cameron had a short answer, cut the size of immigration and put a cap in place, says Cameron.(its simple, UK does not need anymore illegal aliens, so throw out the aliens and limit to only economic immigrants and valid asylum seekers) If a voter were to seriously consider voting for Nick Clegg, he might as well forfeit his citizenship rights. Only people that should be for Nick Clegg are people that are depended on government assistance. People that should vote for Nick Clegg are people that do not work, do not want to work and never worked in their lives. A vote for Nick Clegg is a fraudulent vote because Nick Clegg is a fraud. PS: I believe Cameron handled himself. In the past, I have seen very little of David Cameron clips speaking publicly and to watch him was a welcoming sight, he was a breath of fresh air. The real aggressor of the night was the no good labour leader aka Gordon Brown.
  20. Yariisey,Haatu, abaayo, I dont care waxa aa tahay, "ina baqti laqde" xataa noqo, I just dont what were you saying again?
  21. The prayer leader should be forced to resign or he should be forced out by the Masjid administrators for the following reasons: 1)He relied on hearsay, namely "Waxa la yidhi deceased never prayed" 2) Prayer leader said, "I, the prayer leader, demanded that someone to step up to refute the allegations made against the deceased by the waxa la yidhi crowd. WAxa la yidhi crowd are muslims (they are tiqa) but deceased was not a Muslim"? 3) The prayer leader is not fit to lead a prayer, nor should he be in a leadership position, where he will come in contact with young people, thereby passing his twisted views onto the youngers. 4) Prayer leader played God in the house of Allah. 5) In the interview, he said he got calls from all over the country, advising him, prayer leader that the deceased gaal ayuu ahaa, therefore he should not die a Muslim but as a gaal. Prayer Leader swore in the name of Allah that he did nothing wrong, just followed procedure. Now, as a prayer leader, when you fabricate a story about people calling you from all over the country just to voice their objection of nin weyn, who, the prayer leader admitted to saying was ill and hospitalized for a very long time, for him to make up a story that people would take time to call a prayer leader from another state just to object a gaal from being buried as a Muslim? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever yet he swore in the name of allah. 6) This is just in: Waxa la yidhi crowd just wired this news: "The prayer leader is a self confessed Gaal" by waxa la yidhi crowd. SHAME ON YOU PRAYER LEADER....may you die a slow death favourite quote from the interview: "If you do not pray, you are not a MUSLIM, gaal yahow Gaalka dhalay..." Prayer leader
  22. C&H, some would argue and say that your idea of diin jaceyl is not inline with LayZie's, especially if you think increasing your knowledge of the diin is visiting terrorist sites and reading and listening to material written and spoken by terrorists posing as Islamic clerics. On the other hand, I and many others look to always confirm the source of the material we read, we rarely rely on the world wide web with the exception of downloading qur'an in audio or athan applications etc. We seek to increase our knowledge the old fashion way, reading textbooks, actual source and wealth of material is available for anyone seeking to increase their knowledge on the diin but you already knew that, right? Therefore, I can't help wonder how you except me to familiarize myself with a known terrorist, its not like I frequent their personal blogs? Instead, I read foreign policy blogs and articles of experts on foreign policy and who is on the wanted list and who isn't. Who blew up who and how many. Instead of visiting the personal blogs of terrorists, promising paradise and virgins, I would rather read about their handy work on foreign sites and judge it for myself while also criticizing them on a daily basis. I'm repulsed anytime I read a line that starts with.... Sxb this is where people differ. As thought carrying the attack on innocent people was settling until you see or hear the news of elderly people being flogged in public for missing prayers or heads of fellow muslims being chopped or their body parts scattered all over the streets for public viewership. Thats where people like you, C&H , blessed and this girl haatu differ with the hardliners. You girls can not phantom the seriousness of this issue, which is why I have to continue to remind you, the choices are clear between one of two. Be more aligned with my favourite sol brother Kasha, who does not mind hearing reports of human rights violation, w here sons of Somalia are firing mortars from heavily populated area against government forces or the recent news of young boys being hunted by "sons of Somalia" for deserting the militia and their family members being targeted, some even held hostage or family members being killed if they do not produce the whereabouts of the child soldier, etc etc. Kasha, time in and time out said he is willing to live with the consequences and will overlook the atrocities committed by his boys, "sons of somalia". He is willing to overlook the human rights violations, the intimidation's, the butchering, the rape because in the end, it will be all worth it for getting rid of gaalo and gaalo raac crowd. guess what? I have more respect for him than you lot, waayo, I know where Kasha stands on most issues that face the country and people, where as your crowd goes back and forward, not knowing which side to take in the name of staying neutral, criticizing each group whenever it benefits them. you lot should be ashamed of yourselves and if I have to force your hand, I will succeed in making you choose one group over the other. You are either with the terrorists or you are against them. Not much to ponder on, seriously, wake up and smell the human waste around you. People are dying everyday, why is it so difficult to say that suicide bomb has no place in our religion? Why is it so easy for you to side with say, a masjid who recruits young boys to fight in foreign lands? By supporting such masjid, it does not mean with money or being a worshipper in the place but STAYING SILENT, NOT SAYING OR DOING ANYTHING ABOUT THE SITUATION. (I used the masjid as an example because your lot, not necessarily you get away with murder when you remain silent) All in all, I see your own house is burning(the ultra radical group vs more moderate aka C&H and HAATU arguing about how far is too far), so I will not add anymore, except to say its about time you made a decision, the sooner, the better.
  23. Blessed, there is nothing funny about siding with a known terrorist and a wanted man, nor it is a laughing matter for you or anyone to make light of this situation. The fact of the matter is the target does not claim to misrepresent himself, for that reason, he should be haunted for the dog that he is and preferably killed. He claims to be a warrior of Allah but what he means is that he is a slave and his master is Osama Bin Laden, therefore, he will carry his masters orders to the grave, so why not speed up the process and hunt the dog? His skills as an orator and once a promising Islamic Cleric career bit is irrelevant because it does not prove his innocent nor does it disapprove his guilt, which means that Obama's proclamation stands and its relevant. It also means you failed at your task of simply articulating your views about the man, apart from his earlier career as a gifted orator with a soothing voice that brings you to your knees. The days when you people took a neutral position is over. You are either with the terrorists or you are against them, no room to hide and I will call you out on it every single time. As for making things up as one sufi priest in these boards put it, I say to you, there just isn't enough material for me to use for fabrication. All you need to do is read Khayr's previous post and put two and two together. Khayr, according to his terrorist manual says that a fellow Muslim can not be killed by a non-muslim and a fellow muslim can not hand over his muslim comrades, as its haran, which means that Muslims can kill non-Muslims, because its justified but a death of a Muslim isn't justified, especially when all the killing is being done by men who claim to be Muslims. What part of that did I make up? Everyone else is game, just don't touch the Muslims, even if they are mass murderers. As for C&H, I like you because of the simple fact that you do not care to dance around most issues. You call it as you see it, which is why I believe you will make a great ref someday. Besides, for you its clear, if you oppose my views, you must be with fellow rednecks and Islamaphobes, no two ways about it. You are saying, you are echoing their sound bites, so why should I take you serious or believe that you are authentic Muslim critic? After all, I'm not rooting for team terrorist, so I must share the views of those you categorized as rednecks and Islamaphobes? C&H, to one extremist to another, I solute you. (lets exchange ideas not suicide bomb vests/bras) As for my favourite fan aka Geelka, you are right, I know very little of the content inside your terrorist Manual published by Jihadi Inc., except the excerpts I read a while ago, which isn't much to go on when the prologue calls for the death of everyone, including Muslims who stand to criticize fellow Muslims repeatedly. It was disturbing to say the least. Instead, I read my Qur'an in solitude, I own more than one copy and I pray to Allah that your souls be freed before you self-destruct. Now, pray with me and say Aamiin waryaa.
  24. Blessed, I don't believe I asked you about American Foreign Policy, past or present, I do however recall asking you about your views about the case and whether you agree or disagree with Obama's decision to pursuit this target, dead or alive (or as they called it, "kill or capture"), along with hundreds of others like him.......and what was your take on the Anwar Al Awlaki indictments? Instead of answering my questions, you decided to embark on west Vs Islam and decided to remind me how American policy in the name of 'intelligencE' devastated Muslims families, killed hundreds of Muslims, past or present, and etc etc. We are not talking about American Foreign Policy, we are not talking about Muslims but we are talking about one individual, a world renowed Mass Murderer. You either condemn or condone his past and present role in various bombings, both in the US and yemen and various plots to take out American personnel both at home and abroad. Its simple, you prefer to side with a mass murderer over so called 'evil Americans' and the American aggression against so called 'muslims'. A self-confessed alqaeda soldier and a recruit. An American Citizen who targets Americans both at home and abroad, civilian and Military personnel alike. A man who boosted about his role in the forth hood shooting, and hailed a hero the self-confessed mad man aka Maj. Hasan of the Fort Hood shootings. A man who says that its an Islamic Duty to kill an infidel, especially an American Infidel is innocent in your book? Neither I or you have the actual intelligence gathered on his target or how much of his work is directly attributed to the hundreds of lives lost (muslims and infidels alike), both in yemen and other locations, so, you can not pretend to say that he is innocent when you do not have the facts on your side. Besides, I can with total conviction say he, Anwar Al Awlaki is guilty and deserves to die in the cross fire, die a worse death than Jesus because of the following reasons:- America, whether you acknowledge it or not is at war with the likes of your beloved cleric and many others because they declared war on America and their home turf. They plot and plan mass killings every minute of every day in the name of my beloved religion. Therefore, when in war, no love is lost, you take out all and anyone associated with terrorizing civilians, children, mothers, something you can relate to. You take out plotters, so called clerics, anyone who has extremist views or aims to turn the views into action should either be jailed or killed. If you want to mix religion in this discussion then yes, I will say it, they are at war with so called Islamist' and the 2007 air raid in Somalia was justified and if I were in a position to approve such targets, I would do it all day long and put my support behind it. Now, why is it so difficult for you to say; " I, blessed support a mass murderer and I believe this to be true because he is Muslim and I will always choose a Muslim over a so called 'infidel' and it is never about innocence or guilt, its about which side of the fence I'm at and I will always be on the side of the terrorists". Why is that so difficult to say, ya blessed? You believe him to be innocent on the grounds that he is Muslim nor for any other reason and thats exactly what I wanted you to defend but instead, you took on the road less travelled, so I had to say it for you. PS: NG, Khayr and blessed and many more who share their view believe that killing innocent civilians is justified, especially if they are non-muslims. So, what now? (as for a mass murderer, it can be an individual or an organization that directly orchestrated the killing of innocent people at once or over a long period of time, i.e fort hood, it was not so much as the crazy so called Muslim maj. but his teacher and the organization that represented them, al qaeda.) Pss: Khayr, the only thing thats haran around here is you, old boy.