LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. The core doctrine in Christianity is the holy trinity because "The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion — the truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another." Meaning, the father is not the son, the son is not the holy spirit, nor is the holyspirit the father or son but that the Father is God, the son is God and the Holy Spirit is God, just the one God in all. With that said, how can the Quran interpret it as being many gods when in fact the opposite is true? On ayah 5:116 it says: Innallaaha laa yag-firu any-yushraka bihii wa yah-firu maa dunna zaalika limany-yashaa. Wa many-yushrick billaahi faqad zalla zalaalam-ba-iidaa. Which can be interpreted as not forgiving those who put Allah in the same category as all other Gods in the holy doctrine and that if someone puts him in the company of those other Gods, he has strayed from the path of Allah and so on and so forth. But the reality is that Catholics and most other christian dominations do not believe in the holy trinity as three gods, which says: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all God, one in substance and will, but distinct in some way, but not divided. In addition to that, on chapter five, verse 116, it says: And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah ?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen. To this end, some interpret it as Jesus misrepresenting himself as God, along with his mother mary, which can be further from the truth... will add more examples later.... for now, it seems that many of the translations in the quran are lost because it dismisses the "Gods", to which it was never declared as more than one. Once, a friend theologian told me that just as the miracle of jesus's birth is from God and can not be explained, so is the explaination behind understanding the holy trinity of christian doctrine. He says its a phenomena
  2. ^Nur, you have some explaining to do. For one , what is government? Marka kale, who are the shabaabs? If, as you say in your title, "social issues alshabaab government can learn etc", do they in turn have a clear mandate from the people to govern? That is, once you define government and identify the shabaabs, do you believe they(shabaabs) are carrying the wishes of the people to govern? If the answer above is yes, should they really entertain social issues this early in the game by attempting to legislate morality when they themselves need lessons on morality?
  3. What does your faith in your imaginary friend Allah have to do with the topic of this thread? The Taliban also believed they had a friend in Allah but he wasn't there for them when they needed him the most. I guess Allah isn't the best of friends. We should all learn to exercise some restraint when speaking of Allah or the nabi(PBUH) because words are powerful and words have consequences. DO NOT BE THE BAIT in John Donne's poem with your verbal arsenal against the almighty, creator of this universe by making out to be somebody from next door or "describe him to be an imagined figure", For thee, thou need'st no such deceit, from Nur or atleast as John Donne would have us believe. Its no accident that in this world, there are more believers living than there are of non-believers and you do them disservice when you belittle their creator. Not believing and mocking are two different things, which is why I believe you have the right to question God to you heart's content and go as far as not believing "in God" but you do not have the right to mock God.
  4. lol@KK, I believe you. I also believe my friend who lives on the borderline @ burloak in a half a million home area and tells me about one of her neighbours who are on the system you can see why I was asking if you were serious and its because I believe the math you shared above, but is there no other alternative? Adeer, you are making this personal, like a boy who lost his teddy, talk about "respect this and respect" that. No one mentioned about respect, I asked you to come out of your little hole long enough to start a discuss of your choosing and you are backing out why? Because wax ma isku why the calaacal? Waa adigoo leh diinta diinta diinta, habeen iyo maalin, so lets hear you discuss diinta, share your baptism stories with me. Its very simple, if you half as serious as you seem, you will take me up on my offer to open a discussion topic......if not, then you are what you PS: if you can't handle the spotlight, dont step on the light eedo, taa waa un talo
  5. lol@#6, thats how I feel about Ngonge, a closet secessionist that he is.... do not engage him under any circumstance.
  6. KK, you can't be serious. Ciyaal fay, listen and listen day waa calaacalee, the next you are apologizing and now you call Somalida a religion and to top it off, you are offended because nin carab oo oo aqli xoolo qabo like you aa offended ka noqoday, talk about being emotional. I dont know what comic books you have been reading lately but thats not kitaab(u are confusing your comic books for the holly book), ee why dont you open a section for just the two of us so I can learn diinta Somalida oo "rasmiga eh" from the guru of the new religion aka "somalida rasmiga"? No more calaacal, lets get right on it. You have my permission to open a section and bring any discussion on the diinta so I can take notes and comment while you preach to me waxa aa suuqa xoolaha kasoo baratay. Again, dont be emotional, take the emotions out, I really want to know just what it is you know about I challenge you, right now, right here.(share your testimonial with me)
  7. ^you are not going to get any argument from me when it comes to Sharif and the empty pledges made in foreign lands, away from the conflict but the thread was and still is about "Riyaale, where art thou?"(not even a mugshot to accompany the pose)
  8. ^lol, so hadda soo u socday wuxuu keenay inuu dhaho Somalida waa diini, hahaha, inaa lillaah inaa raajicuun. I wonder if he thinks Islam is diin rasmi ah, since he thinks somalida is diin rasmi... Too much buufis aa ku haayo ee maad is dajisid, teeda kale, waxaan qashinka eh mar hore aa laga hadle why aa loogu soo noqnoqonaa, atleast xayawaanka oo article-ka kusaabsan waa fuley diin laheyn oo banaanka iskeenay, waayo, nin naagihiisa inkiraayo asaga aa inkaarin but what's worse is tani oo ticket lasiiyo from Italy (for refusing to lift her veil) oo ninkeeda banaanka ka mamnuucay oo yiri hadey veil gashanin bananaan ma ubexeeso, waayo, "nimanka iney iga arkaan ma rabi", aqli fooqul aqli, waxan aqli daanyeeeerka xataa wey ka daciifsan yihiin markaas ay muslimnimo sheeganaayaan.
  9. There are 3 types of feminists, the Betty Friedan kind, who advocates for women to identify their problems within through self-empowerment, then there is the Phyllis Schalafly type, who say "Women's Libbers Do Not Speak for Us"(thats the blessed of sol kind of feminists) and finally, there is the feminists who co-authorized the RedStockings Manifesto, very radical because they take the blame from themselves and put it on the shoulders of men, to which they say We Identify the agents of our oppression as men. Male supremacy is the oldest, most basic form of domination. All other forms of exploitation and oppression (racism, capitalism, imperialist, etc.) are extensions of male supremacy. The trick is to find out which of the three groups you belong to ya poster and stick close, identify some key elements that speak to you and if you do not know these figures, search them, plenty of reading material available.
  10. But she might build a minaret with the money if she wins. Not acceptable Lazy. No money involved, just scholarship, wardrobe and living space during her year long gig as the Miss USA winner, says the pageant rules. So, you see how this is non-issue? She is reported to be a college graduate who is planning on attending law school after her duties with the pageant organization is complete. PS: Nuune, lower your gaze Pss: Just recently there was a controversy surrounding the pageant and it was about that picture(lingerie pose of the contestants), it was very seductive and critics blamed the Donald for pimping out the girls.
  11. On Sunday, May 16th, 2010, The Miss USA Pageant crowned its first ever 'immigrant' and a lebanese-American beauty representing the state of Michigan. Rima Fakih is only 24 years old and was crowned Miss Michigan just last year. Controversy is brewing and some are questioning the choice to crown an arab-american for the Miss USA title. Daniel Pipes accused the pageant judges of political correctness and some right wingers followed his lead, coming up with colorful names, some going as far as calling her "Miss Hezbollah". Get it, lebanon, hezbollah? Duh.... As for me, I did not get a chance to watch the event on tv, not that I watch this type of programming but I have to say, looking at her pictures, she is a beauty and deserves to win as much as the next woman. Pictures of Rima Fakih
  12. The last series of the pacific aired lastnight and I have to say, that darn tom hanks has done it again. Band of brothers was another favourite of mine. North, stick to arab shows please. PS: You can watch the entire series for free and in HD in a number of websites.
  13. ^what is the alternative, not Adeer shangoole?
  14. Watergate? LOL Iraq and WMD? C'mon, I thought we were talking about 9/11 conspiracy and afghan invasion, when did we get into the Iraq War and Saddam Hussein? Because you presume to know what my belief is about the Iraq War and the so called WMD, you might as well know that just like you, I too believe that the Iraq War was unjustified war and illegal under international law long before Bush's ultimatum to Saddam Hussein on the eve of the war. I never believed the Iraq War was about WMD, just for the simple fact that the UN position at the time made more sense to me(diplomacy over confrontation, disarmament if such weapons existed and compiling with UNSC resolutions) than the findings of Bush's cronies and immediate action. Its unfortunate that Iraq was invaded under false pretense but thats done and over with, no sense in going back, don't you agree? As for the unfiltered news, why is it that I do not see you reporting the heinous crimes committed in the hands of your beloved Taliban in Afghanistan and the so called "Pakistani Taliban"? I think it was last year when the Afghan Taliban dropped poisoneous gas on all girls school somewhere in remote Afghan province, 80 or so girls were later hospitalized all because they did not want the girls to attend school, which means the girls did not follow the decree and as a result, they paid heavy price. Why don't I read about your so called unfiltered source of news about masjid bombings and suicide tactics by those criminals? Why is your reporting always about the pro-west forces in the region but never about the militant murders who are resisting surrender? Remember, nothing America does shocks me. American Presidents are all the same, whether it is Obama and his drones or Bush Jr, Sr or even Mr Watergate himself or LBJ and his mass bomb raids. American Presidents since Vietnam and long before that never misrepresented themselves. If America's interest oversees is threatened, they will do whatever it takes, even if it means invading other countries, thats how American Foreign Policy was defined since the Spanish-American War. In Vietnam, it was Mr Watergate himself who vetoed a bill to consult congress prior to committing soldier, this was the same man who was bombing north vietnam(left by his predecessor) while Kissinger was in peace negotiations with the enemy. Technically, we can declare the vietnam War as illegal in the eyes of the United States constitution because technically congress never declared war but they found themselves in the middle of it for close to 20 years. United States is many things but one thing it is not is a mastermind behind 9/11. If anything, they were out of the loop. Yes, an arab can roam around American cities the same way maryooleys can leave canada for the United States and take up an identity of a friend or relative in order to gain employment and keep up the pretense for a very long time without a detection. Thats the America you need to know, not the America that you think planned an attack on its infrastructure and caused the death of its citizens. This platform, balances the official story that you believe in, with another version that is gaining more and more believers as events unfold before us, and its normal that you see it absurd, just like many people thought the Watergate cover up was absurd. Based on your answer above, I will take the answer to my question as a yes. Balanced means representing the two sides equally and you are nowhere near close to being impartial on anything to do with that part of the region. Lets try again, shall we?
  15. ^Nur, forget what he claims, or what he or others belief. Lets focus on the issue at hand, are you an impartial observer when it comes to the 'Afghan Invasion'? If yes, why do you entertain the views of 9/11 conspiracy theorists? Why are you obessed with sources that support just outlandish charges, namely Bush was behind the 9/11 attack? Yes, 9/11 was indirectly due to past aggressions caused by American foreign policy but anything else is just absurd and unsubstantiated. The recent source you posted about the Professor is just another theatrical moment meant to entertain gullible audience. (most of his work lies with the grievances raised by folks like yourself and his own grievances against the 9/11 commission, thats just not enough.) If the answer to the above question is No, why are you wasting your time if you have already convinced yourself about this charade? Why drag this obession about 9/11 and the afghan invasion any furtheR? 2001 to present is a long time, dont you agree?
  16. lol@pakistani fashion week, very funny. Love the outfits, especially slide #9, very magol like. Just recently I came across a group of beautiful Muslim women who were showcasing their new Hijabi line, very colorful and appropriate wear. They were modernizing the outerwear for Muslim women and as they should.
  17. You are actually right. He made a video where two men have sex and are wearing masks depicting our prophet. He did not make the video, he was showing it as part of his lecture. The disturbing video was made a while ago by an iranian female residing somewhere in the netherlands I think. The lecture was about the limits of free speech in Art, etc etc.(something to those lines) Again, he did not make any video, he just showed a very offensive but controversial video of a former dissenter, whose life was too threatened by al qaeda. Ibti, lol@I agree but the point was poorly presented...tell me how I could do better next time, will ya? Maybe hold their hands? Is that acceptable?
  18. Hales, I dont have patience for people who argue for the sake of argument. I will tell you just this once. You do not call people decent when they look to harm others.(nothing decent about harming others) You do not go after old white men just because your feelings are hurt. If an old white man draws an ugly picture, it doesn't make it right. By reacting violently against an ugly cartoon, you are in fact validating the old man's work and you are elevating his work and affording him a global audience that he would not otherwise have had. Based on the few cartoons I have seen drawn by this old man, I can't say he is a talented cartoonist in any standards. His work did not deserve to be elevated and you should thank these irrational militants for reacting with their fist instead of their minds. Just because someone scribbles things with a pencil and puts a name beside it, it doesn't make it true. People need to learn that you can't always react violently against people that you disagree with or people that do things that you do not condone. Common sense should always prevail. Geeljire, get this through your thick skull. I condemn violent behaviour. I will never condone the action of militant groups nor would I call for anyone to take violent means on the bases of drawings and speeches. NEVER and two wrongs don't make a right no matter how much gaalnimo iyo cadaan you cry.
  19. you are preaching to the choir everybody here is anti-FGM so that point does not require a debate at all. SPeak for yourself and as for other people, let them speak for themselves, do not put words on people's mouth and assume that everyone is 'anti-FGM' as you put it. and as for the following: she implies that a model is a actually desirable .. whereas i think she is just 1 rung below a prostitute. If you are not attracted to women, thats your business. I'm not going to judge you but don't make excuses for yourself. Admit to yourself that you have a problem with women, only then can you seek help. YOu are a troubled young man with uncontrollable rants. Tan saa waaye, maya, tan saa ma aha, maya tan waa prostitute is not going to help you deal with your problems with women. For those of you that did watch the movie, you know this movie is more than just about FGM. This movie is an adaptation of Waris's book with the same title. Its about a young, nomadic girl who rose to stardom. It deals with various issues, from poverty to child slavery(her time in the uk with her aunt) to immigration to the world of fashion, romance and above all it deals with the painful memories of her stolen childhood, raised in nomadic life with a geeljire for a father and her ordeal with female genital mutilation and the near-death experience. The movie offers something for everyone. I have seen better movies, which is why I believe the movie was half decent. And 'blessed", sad day to be a woman eh? PS: Geelka, dont allow yourself to drift away again.
  20. Geeljire, the truth is you cant date a model, why else are you bitter about her nakedness? Ma wax adiga kuu taalo waayo? Did she take the clothes off for you or for herself? Who are you? You are nothing to her, so your opinion of her is irrelevant but what is relevant is her cause, not her body nor the path of her career.
  21. KK, Ayan Hirsi not long ago told anderson cooper that "Islam is the only religion remaining in the world with special privileges" and added that Islam is perceived to be above criticism. Not long ago, there was a south park controversy because they had a bear suit presumably nabiga inside the suit and already there was fatwa out shortly after the episode aired or was meant to air condemning the creators. I dont watch south park but I had to read about the fatwa because couple of losers from NYC posted on their website death to the writers and mainstream media picked it up. Of-course the losers that ran the website said in the lines of "they do not encourage violence but that if it happened, it would be justified". The post that incited violence against the creators of southpark was protected by free speech laws of the so called "west" but this old man can not stand infront of a lecture hall and deliver a speech to a room full of university students and visitors without getting a head-butt or being heckled by these militant people or both shown in the video. He cant walk the streets freely yet the couple of losers who ran the website can go along with business as usual and no one can say anything about it. How embarrassing for the University. Whatever happened to civility? (these people should not have been allowed to attend that lecture) Kudos to the officers in the video who took charge. If they find this old man(the cartoonist) offensive, why attend his lecture? Why be in the same room as him? This makes no sense at all.