LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ozzy, what is this business about " hoos hoos ugu sheeg".... been(lie is lie) inta aad sheegto, soo xaraan maaha@OZ? Haddii qof muslim uu yahay, oo honest yahay, why would that person deceive the system for few measly dollars? Why would a muslim lie and cheat about who they are in the name of begging? The reason why social service exists in the first place is to strengthen the social and economic well being of groups who are incapacitated for health reasons, elderly to help make ends meet, the disabled(worker compensation with low income), low income families etc..... social service is not a way of life for those people that do not follow under the group categories listed above, so why do people like yourself, who probably work for a living have the need to defend leechers over and over again? Do you fancy yourself to be some sort of a messiah for the leechers? As for the Ayan hirsi crowd, if you have problem with their methods, is one thing but to criticize just for the sake of criticism is just a waste of your time. It makes no sense eedo, these leechers are not muslims, they are not humans, they ARE VAMPIRES AND HOOS HOOS WAX UGU SHEEG AA SHEEGTE, KOR KOR WAX UGU SHEEG MA ISTAAHILAAN...however, what they deserve is nothing short of death ....they should die for their sins. PS: only person oo wax hoos hoos loogu sheegaayo waa NUUNE PSS: I dont understand how the above example given by you is relevant to this discussion? A woman reported her husband for being a leecher and somehow thats news? Why is that so wrong? He wants to milk the system and she said NO WAY JOSE
  2. POLANYA the unknown is all bark. I dont believe he knows what or who he is talking about or talking to for that matter. And I very much doubt that he knows freemasonry beyond what he googled just before he posted the rubbish above. With that said, welfare sympathizers must think that money grows from trees. They, the sympathizers probably go as far as thinking that the benefits these blood sucking vampires aka welfare leechers receive are not funded on the backs of honest, hardworking tax payers. For every dollar given to the leecher, thousands of dollars are sucked from the tax payers annually in order to pay for xalimo's 9th child because she can't say no to her dead beat husband long enough to leave him or for that matter, long enough to search for a job to pay for her growing family. The dead beat dad, who happens to be her on/off boyfriend LIBAN when the hat fits is too sharing on the wealth that the benefit system has bestowed on these blood sucking vampires on the backs of honest, hardworking tax papers. spineless leechers that they are, weyba isla fiican yihiin, so much so that they have a base that shields them from outside criticism while providing leachers a safe and nurturing environment for the sake of hibernation.....NOT ON KHADRA''s watch, I SAY, surely not on the many that will follow her footsteps, wherever, whoever they may be, shall attack and attack they will. Instead of showering his brave soul with commendations for flushing out the waste in the broken system, she is made out to be the villain in this nightmarish narrative. I for one commend her for all she has done for her community, as well as for staying true to her convictions. Overall, I commend her for being a principled human being. PS: I just have to say that as I was laughing out loud@nassirs little rant, I almost missed to ask him how his circumstance is any different from the leechers? For instance, if nassir says I too can be labelled as a leecher, does that mean you are sucking the blood of the tax payers in your area? The answer is probably no, because something tells me nassir has a daytime job, probably has a real state property to his name but somehow he feels that being a a sympathizer to vampires sucking the blood of fellow tax payers is the "muslim thing " to do, better yet "the somali thing" to do. Dont you dare air our dirty laundry, how dare u to the so called "ayan hirsi wannabes", says nassir. In all seriousness @NASSIRr, leechers may be victims of circumstance but they do not have to allow themselves to be prisoner of their circumstances. Sure, they are disadvantaged but nothing in life is given, you have to earn everything and anything you desire in this world and you have to be willing to take it. You have to be able to bring yourself up from nothing and make yourself of something. You can not sit around and moan about how bad you have it without really doing anything about can protest all you want and throw fits @nassir but only you can remove the shackles of your past, no one else will deliver the keys in hand and foot. Opportunities that these leechers are afforded are the same opportunities that fellow somalis will kill to get(some of our pple die trying), only if they had have the chance. Instead, hundreds of thousands of our people are stuck in hellholes like yemen, prostituting themselves, begging just so they can have enough to feed themselves and here, we are discussing families who choose to remain at home, mother and father and continue to get handouts when both adults are blessed with a clean bill of health to work and earn an honest living. YOu can rant all you want but makaayeelin with that violin you just played above. THEy, the leechers CHOOSE TO BE PRISONERS OF THEIR PAST AND FOR THAT NASSIR, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG.
  3. Che, walls are closing in on your boys, yesterday it was shamo, today it was muna hotel, tomorrow they will take out an entire community for just being good muslims. Sure, your western tummy can't handle watching graphic scenes of the blood spatters on the hard concrete floor, blood that were gushed from innocent bystanders whose only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time but nevertheless, I would like you to savor on the below scenes just in the small chance that you will entertain the idea, oh wait for it "denouncing" your boys or better yet handing in your resignation as the cheerleader in chief for the al-shabaaab camp in the Diaspora. Who knows, you might have a change of heart once you see the below scenes if you haven't already. Remember not to turn away. Waayo, if you can cheer your boys day in and day out, you can certainly find stomach to look and maybe admire their artwork. STUDY YOUR MASTERS BOYS@geele and che and them now or forever hold your tongue. Lady in the picture above was an innocent bystander whose crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Heck, she compiled with the orders of the terrorists, she covered herself up, made sure she took her place at the back of the room but guess what? If you keep killing people, who will be left to hear robow's barking orders? You can't maim and kill your way into submission...which means that your boys days are numbered unless they reassess their situation which isn't looking too good right now.....and not the AU, not TFG as you stated earlier, just your boys. ...and from the above picture, you can see the victim is wearing what appears to be a wedding band, which must mean she is married and probably has children. Sure, her injures aren't visible and may not be life threatening but it doesn't take away from the fact that she was terrorized by your boys, the same terrorists you and others cheer on these pages. More scenes from the bloody massacre at MUNA HOTEL, 08/24/2010.... and the list of atrocities committed in the name of "foreign invader" aka pakistanis keeps growing and growing. FOREIGNERS ARE shelling at SOMALI HOTELS, full of somali people because OSAMA said it was the "muslim" way of doing things. The below picture of the young man tells the narrative of the day. Does he look like an ugandan mercenary? No Is he a foreign invader, occupying a land that isn't his? If his eyes could tell a story, he will start with, my crime today was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I committed no crime, I did not invade any country nor am I a foreigner who needs to be shelled by other foreigners..... I JUST WANT TO LIVEEEEEEEEE, LIVE I TELL YA When che's boys aren't terrorizing our people, they are starving em to submission as the below scene can attest to.. ...and in between maiming, killing and starving our SOMALI people, foreigners of PAKISTANI, INDIAN, AFGHANISTAN AND ALGERIAN descendants are practicing bomb making kills and deadly target practices. As a result of the target practice that took the lives of their fellow 'mujahidins', foreign invaders retaliate by shelling SOMALI hotels, killing and maiming somalis. To make matters worse, we have somali apologists who are cheering and dancing on the graves of fellow somalis, all along claiming to be cheering in the name of religion.....tsk, tsk , tsk
  4. Salan Ibti and RAMADAN KARIM to you too. lol@fighting, no, I leave that at the ring but MURUN? I love murun but just so you know, no one protests as much as north, kaa waa king of murun. North, waan iska kaa daaye, waaye, your murun is very exhausting and I just dont have energy oo aan kula murmo anymore than I already have. Ilaa iyo shale waa soo taagneed, knowing full well that you were on the wrong. Lets agree to disagree. Finally, as your old buddy's famous saying goes, "WAX FAHAN" ngonge, 2010.
  5. ^I keep telling folks, put your emotions in check or be prepared to swim with the sharks and geelka keeps coming back for more of the same.
  6. North, stop with the half-truths already, this is more exhausting than expected. North, when you are wrong, you are just wrong. Only one person missed the boat here and its you. You pay too much attention to the media and not enough attention to the opposition and why they object the park51 project. I told you, over and over again, no one cares when the building was bought(summer of 2009), who used the space since late 2009 as as an overflow space(imam faisal's words not mine) or what the plans of the project are, they just dont want this building altered in anyway, which means they want the ground zero masjid building project moved as far away as possible. So, now what were you saying again? As far as your beloved imam faisal is concerned, he is such an apologist(and we both know u hate the apologists) that he is willing to consider building inter-faith chapel and a memorial for 9/11 families, imagine that? It went from being just a masjid to appeasing his critics, lol. (If this project ever materializes, I will be more than happy to go back to nyc and take pictures, especially one of the interfaith chapel and post it here for all to see) PS:Geelka sweetie, I am not one to give answers that are of no concern to me but I am almost certain that if you posed the question to your hooyo, she will say something along the lines of "I hadn't know a 'DULI' before I had my son geeljire". You dont believe me? bal hadda orod oo weydii.
  7. North, is it especially relevant to folks like yourself who see the world as black and white. You believe that this battle over the masjid is more than locale, you believe its a battle thats waged against Muslims and Islam, don't deny it. (If you right and this is more than a masjid its a war on Islam and muslims will not take it on the "chin" , what would you say to those that say "our opposition to the ground zero masjid is a moral opposition, its not one of political at all", they even go as far as advocating for the masjid to be build anywhere but park 51 ) Just because newt gingrich is grapping the headlines, it doesn't make his assertions any more factual than say the folks who drew the flag for the ground zero masjid. The undertone of your statements(che or anyone else) says everything I need to know, which is why you should never judge a book by its cover is an appropriate phrase to use here.
  8. ^hey, chronic baby, if my views were of very little value to the subject matter, why did you feel that you had the need to afford me a response? Why look for validation from the so called 'opponents' and 'developers' as you put it(not that I ever uttered those words) when I have loyal fans like you who are anxious to hear what I have to say and glued to my every word? Tell me again why you felt it was necessary to respond if you didn't value my opinion? hear hear, CHRONIC baBY, you are suffering from layzie syndrome, go get treatment and I mean that in the best of way. RAMADAN KARIM CHRONIC baby As for the ground zero masjid, lets call this park 51 project for what it is, a place of worship, a masjid of a kind, the end.
  9. ^north, indha-is-tiriska aan kugu jeclahay. IF you read what I wrote, you would know exactly what I am after, which is the investors. I dont care for childish outbursts by few on the right or left of this masjid debate, nor do I have time to entertain folks who have mob mentality. With that being said, I am after the backers of this project, who are they? What are their motivations for proposing this project at this location? No one cares about whether the 2x4 room was there or how long it was there nor does anyone care under what premise was the construction given the go-ahead. IF you are an objective observer(which I am because this project is local project, which means it should be left to the building commission, ,residents, 9/11 survivors and family of the victims) and you are genuinely curious about this project, then you are after the big fish thats swimming in the hudson river that no one cares to discuss, atleast not yet and I dont believe I am alone in this at all. As for the 9/11 deniers, I was discussing that in the context of this thread, if the critics of the ground zero masjid are islamophobes, then their assailants are 9/11 deniers.
  10. ^D, none of the above. Some credible surveys conducted recently found that the die-hard NEW YORK STATE has the most masjids, 220 or so masjids across the state of New York. New Yorkers are so tolerant that tolerance is coming out of their noses like a runny nose on a cold winter day. They beat michigan for heaven's sake and they have more bloody arabs than most would care to know.
  11. ^ you are as predictable as ever. When you are left speechless, you come back with, 'bal maxaad tidhi'? Bal orod ee quiz-kii aan meesha kale kugu soo qoray kasoo jawaab.....
  12. Stop being apologists and embrace what you're entitled to (the building of a mosque). YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A NEW YORKER AND VERY FEW HERE ARE, IF ANY AT ALL. WITH THAT SAID, just as I have said on the che thread, I will say it again, you can not and will not pass judgement on issues that are of no concern to you. THIS ISN'T us VS them battle, it will never be. This is a battle between good vs evil, evil being the 9/11 deniers and the good being the victims of the 9/11 attacks. People who deny the 9/11 attacks should not cast stones at anyone or anything. If you are critical of the 9/11 families who vehemently oppose the construction of the ground zero masjid, you are in fact a 9/11 denier. You are probably having an 'ah-huh' moment, should because a 9/11 deniers believe the anger and protest from the so called right(which is really few opportunists but mostly the 9/11 families) is not genuine, in fact its rooted in deep hate for the muslims aka the title of the thread. A 9/11 denier believes that the attacks were not carried out by islamists invoking the name of allah as they drove those planes to those buildings, in fact, it never really happened, it was, how should I say? "jew propaganda", says your average 9/11 denier lol. Really, these 9/11 deniers, some of their presents are felt in this thread believe that 9/11 attacks were just another ploy to make 'islam' look bad. They live in this bubble, so much so that they, 9/11 deniers believe the attacks were not carried out in the name of "islam", so they deny that the attacks ever took place in american soil. The mildly delusional of the group believe that it was President BUSH who carried the attacks, so they feel that they are owed and should be vindicated, hence north's "take what is yours" mantra lol. Some of these 9/11 deniers never set foot in ground zero but they are the first to cry wolf against families who have to relive the loss of their loved ones over and over again but thats if this construction ever materializes. The families of the 9/11 victims wound would never heal but nevermind their loss, they are neo-cons, hell bend on destroying everything "ISLAM", they are, how should I say it, islamophobes. All in all, this isn't about whether the construction of the masjid is good or bad idea or whether its right to build so close to the site which took thousands of lives in abruptly and the site which holds the memories of those victims and the horrific acts committed against all of humanity NOR is this protest against whether this SHEIK who is leading the crowd has any compassion for the families of the victims of 9/11. Is the sheikh's intentions genuine? I dont know as I'm still waiting to see the financial records of this project, who is who in the multi-million dollar investment, thats how I will judge this project not who is throwing fit today.
  13. I'm truly sorry for I do not mean to reign on your parade@che but Obama did not defend anything or anyone at the iftar meal. However, he did put on performance for his guests by casting a light on a local issue that found traction in the national if not international level and not 24 hours have passed since he backtracked his earlier statement about the ground zero masjid. With that said, Obama did not come out in support of the masjid by declaring his unequivocal support for the site construction near ground zero and you know this because few hours later(or next day) when he was asked whether he felt the investors were right or wrong in picking their project so close to the ground zero site, he unequivocally denied in saying whether he felt it was "good idea" or "bad idea" to build a masjid near ground zero that would bring more harm than good. As far as the iftar meal remarks are concerned, no one cares or wants to hear whether private citizens have a right to build on private sites and no President should weight in on local issues as its out of his jurisdiction but he felt it was necessary inject himself into this debacle of a controversy by making remarks to the handful of guests that gathered around the table to break the fast so he misspoke, he had a 'biden moment', he knows it and probably regrets saying anything about the masjid construction and thats that ya CHE. As far as this subject is concerned, its difficult to pass judgement on something you know very little about.(you know who you are @NORTH AND COMPANY) This whole mob mentality of , us Vs them is getting tedious. Lastly, I feel that until the financial record of this investment site is made public, and the real perpetrators are outted, there is no debate to be had and the whole argument, especially from the supporting cast of the masjid will not amount to nothing more than frivolous distraction. PS: If North and Co can answer the following question correctly, then they have the right to protest and the question is ladies and gents, which state in the United States of America has the most masjids, and yes, its multiple choice: A: TEXAS B: CALIFORNIA C: MICHIGAN D: None of the Above
  14. ^hugh grant the hooker man? HUGH GRANT HAS NOTHING ON NGONGE. Marka kale, war ma i maqleysaa? Haddii haad imaqleyso, grab a seat and listen carefully... Wax runta kuusheego aad u baahan tahay and thats why I am here. Being romantic is not just something you see in the movies, little efforts go along way, namely flowers, poems etc but I am sure you are more than capable in that department so I won't spend too much time lecturing SOL's own casanova. cooking for the family once or twice a week is not going to suddenly make you 'kept man', quite the contrary, you will put your beastly like skills on display, putting everyone on notice that you can be just as dominant in the kitchen as you are on everything else. Remember, you are the indisputed champ, the king of your castle and no ifs or buts., so go ahead, cook them a hearty meal once in a while. now, what were you saying about hugh grant?
  15. Modern man oo xaal qaado Kaalay, adiga caadi maa tahay? Modern men cook, they clean without any expectations. A modern man would rush to the grocery store as soon as he gets off work, fill his grocery bag with fresh vegetables and fruits and all the necessarily ingredients for cooking a tasty dinner for the family and he will hop to the train and get off near local flower shop, grap dozen of freshly cut roses for the wifey and rush home with all the grocery stuff on one hand and the briefcase on the other and he is ready to roll up his sleeve and get to work. War meesha wax maku haysid ee orod wax baro.
  16. Having a wake for brother peacenow is more than paying my respects to him, it is also a time to reflect and recognize his many achievements in SOL. To this end, I hope he enjoys the short montage I put together for his honour and what an honourable man he was. In short, peacenow was was brother to few handful people, a friend to many, most of all, he was a personal confidant to me. All in all, PeaceNow was a man loved by many but hated by few for that, Peacenow shall live in our hearts for a long time to come. May you rest in peace while you rejoice in the pain and suffering of your enemies and the total destruction of the ARAB race. Amen, Amen, Amen ....and now, I present you, PEACENOW... Peacenow on being born to the Somali race I'm cursed. An address to the Somali people The shame you are. Peacenow on the curse of the Somali race The cursed. Peacenow on the subject of SOmalis pandering to the Arab race Utter Utter embarrassment. Shock horror Arabs now accuse Somalis of bringing in Aids in Yemen. PeaceNow on the rise of insurgency No sympathy for those who want to turn Somalia into a Arab colony where we worship backward arab culture and beliefs while they live it up in their developed cities. PeaceNow's ultimatum, you made your bed, you must lie in it, you cursed lot No more Arab worshipping. No sympathy for the islamic thugs. PeaceNow's warning to the white race: They are coming!!!!!!!!!!!! They have been venting hatred against blacks for millenia but they are just starting to know who is their real enemy. The Arab and the Asian. The arab wants to destroy his civilization and enslave him and the asian wants to destroy his economy and take what he has. Unlike the jews, the blacks have never been a threat to anyone. They are not dangerous to the state and never subvertive. They are harmless and whites are starting to notice that. The arab and the asian must be destroyed. ...AND FINALLY, PeaceNow, a poem dedicated to President Sharif, edited by me "Mr President no more", January 31st, 2009: He is a not a Killer He is not a Warlord He has not sold out his country He thinks with his head(and/or his testicles) He is pious and educated He care about ordinary people.(only if they are have long legs and a booty to go with) That is President Sharif I'm proud to call him my President for the first ever time. (or mr Pimp, who is minding the house, Mr President) Time to stop the bickering and name calling. The nation is in ruins and we come last in nearly every international standard. Our message is clear. Now that the war is over, we must rebuild the country on a much fairer basis. We must rebuild the infrastructure and educate a generation of people lost. There must be an equitable redistribution of Somalia'sresources. This must be a redistribution of funds on a just basis, so that the whole country will benefit from the country's revenues. From the bottom of my heart, to the depth of my soul, I Thank you for being you peacenow...... filed by: LayZieG
  17. Malika, sweetie, are you walking with your blindfolds on again? CHE IS A BIG BOY, he likes to swim with the sharks, so let him be. LET THE BOYS BE@MALIKA ps:north, ilaa iyo hada waxa aa dhahde ma fahmin and no, you didn't answer anything of value. I want to know how you can tell the religious and non-religious apart, very simple question, really, I promise, its not a trick question at all.
  18. North, you know you will not get off that easy. Explain to me when one says hebel and heblaayo are more religious than the other, etc etc or less religious, what does that mean exactly? Do we have a point man/woman who goes around keeping scores? Or do you solely base your biased on the outawear? The topic was not about who should be labelled secular and who shouldn't but a question based on personal observation and you have yet to answer the growing trend of new arrivals clinging to religion more so than the farah who lived in the west for 10, 15 yrs. What gives?
  19. Ibti, Jb does not need to say anything, we will say it for him with his bleeding intestine and all. Who cares what the illegal aliens claim? The fact that they escaped and survived harsh climates is reason to grant asylum but ofcourse fat arabs are not decent muslims, they were never known for their hospitality towards humanity, never, only subjugation, distortion of history and brutality , those are what the arabs are known for, fat cows that they are. PS:North, how much do you get paid for being an arab lackey or do you freelance these days? Its almost given to find North in an arab bashing thread, there he is, kneeling down for the arabs at the expense of poor southerners, anything to stick it to the southerners, isn't it north?
  20. ^disgraceful human being that Mo farah. There is time and place for everything and bringing politics to the track and field is distasteful to say the least. Not an adult moment in secession-land@Ibti. How come you know so much about Mo Farah and dont say becuz you have build-in interest in track and I wont hear of it.
  21. First of all, its reasonable to assume that the subjects in the video went through extensive checkpoints and searches before they made it to the gate and proceeded to board the plane. That being said, I don't know the day to day job of a desk attendant, which may or may not mean that her duty is to simply check the boarding pass of passengers before boarding for any clerical errors. Her main task may not be PROFILER IN ChIEF, which is it to check the faces of passengers, instead her job could be to simply allow the boarding to go smoothly and match the gate# with the said boarding pass and etc, in which case the poster of the video jumped to conclusions. Canadian transportation authority are good at what they do and I thank them for keeping us all safe. I'm sure this was a video taken out of context as we are not seeing anything more than a desk attendant checking boarding passes, profiling maybe above her pay grade. In this case, I refuse to rush to judgment. If you have been through an airport, you will know that as passengers, we have to empty our pockets, put all of our contents in a container, take our shoes off and go through the x-ray machine,(some are subject to random profiling especially if you fit the jihadi profile or if u are just a douchebag, either way, you will be scrutinized) its that simple. Niqab or no Niqab, everyone goes through the same checkpoints and in between that and the moment you enter the airport, there are plain clothes officers searching and profiling and if you have not spotted one yourself, you are a fool. Also, the source that Sanka shared is misinformed about the banning of the niqab in Quebec. Last I checked, Bill 94 was making its way through the Quebec National Assembly with its first reading and ever since then the bill was halted for reasons obvious to the competing interest at the local level but thats neither here or there. The battle is still being waged, Insha allah, in time, God willing NIQAB WILL BE BANNED FROM ALL CORNERS OF THE WORLD.
  22. So you watch 'Soccer' too? I knew Philly will do this to you. Bob: In sports, there are the spectators, then there are the players and in the case of spectators like Ngonge, we leave them to watch the sport(3 decades and counting), while folks like myself(the players) are cheered on by the fans, whoever or wherever they maybe. In high school, I was a rising star where I played junior 'soccer' as starter but I quit after 1 year because the coach kept benching me for missing her dawn practices and my sister was not impressed. She was the reason why I played high school 'soccer', as I was fine with track and b-ball..(she wanted us to play together as some point) she pushed me to try 'soccer' as she was a team captain in the girls senior team in high school and played uni level briefly.. She was a top prospect in the province but personal circumstances stood in the way of going forward with the sport or else, she would be playing for the national woman's team today. One thing is true and that is that I wouldnt have known about the importance of players like zidanes or baggio's of the world if it weren't for my sister's screaming matches with the television or even when discussing the love of the game, my older sis had more love for it than I ever would have..b-ball, thats where my heart was until ai broke it to pieces. (naturally as a fan, when your star signs with the most hated team in all of basketball, you have no reason but to throw the towel) I was a b-ball junkie. She wore 8, I wore 3 and we dominated the game and if it wasnt 'soccer', it was basketball and if it wasn't basketball season, it was track....again, some pple fantasize about the sport and players, while others play it.(note to ngonge and the ONLF WATER BOY IN AN OLD MAN'S BODY AKA AT&T for faking it and pretending to be sports fans) disclaimer: I still wuv Ngonge....dont send the silanyo dogs after me, please, pretty please.
  23. Ladies, I DON'T WANT TO BE A PARTY POOPER BUT I HAVE TO BE, WAAYO, there is NOTHING TO SEE and NOTHING TO CELEBRATE as there are two criminals from big families exchanging hand shakes and pretending to be civil with one another, while the whole clan watches. Ofcourse, in order to make the inaguaration legitimate, they invited two asian friends who are looking to invest in the area, as well as a fat arab to make this official. Who are you kidding pple? Marka kale, the power hand over is suppose to go peaceful. You were suppose to have peaceful elections, the two men were suppose to behave like gentlemen, so why should you be rewarded for doing what you were suppose to do in the first place? Why wouldn't you have peaceceful election? You are not Mogadishu, therefore nothing short of peaceful conduct that should happen in the tuulo. Why the sudden relief? Didn't you think Riyaale wasn't going to give up easy? GET OVER YOURSELVES AND WELCOME THE TERRORIST BUT REMEMBER, YOU ARE NOT FOOLING ANYONE HERE. NOT NOW, NOT EVER
  24. Dukey,all the more reasons why I believe Sharif is sleeping with the enemy. How do you not command use of 3,000 foreign soldiers who are at your disposal to take the fighting to the enemy? A year has passed and the closest he got to engaging the enemy is BY PLAYING DRESS-UP AND grapping the microphone to talk trash when he is not begging for international aid.....or discussing when his soldiers will be ready for combat..... Its scary thing to admit but I think SHARIF FOOLED US ALL, except dukey, you knew him to be imcompetent fool.
  25. ^NG, don't mistake me for that BBC reject aka 'I do weekly documentaries, look at me, aren't I relevant'? Besides, you are creating distractions as always. ...but say, be objective aa? Why indulge in a fools play? The hot climate of today does not allow one to be objective nor will I indulge in such a hot mess...... Besides, its not that I am not capable of being objective but that even if I entertained such ideas where the northern enclave is concerned, you would not hesitate to call it for what it is, "war tii meyna aheyn a southener, waligeed maxey kasugeyne" and so it goes..... Folks in that part of the country see things in black and white....and about the matter of GODANE, war ADIGA WAX FAHAN, its precisely that he bombed his own city that calls one to suspect that there are bigger things at play....its SL's way of saying, "look, even the self-described leader and founder of Al-Shabaab hates us, he bombed our city, why would you suspect us"? SEE, we are innocent, our hands are clean, I SWEAR, etc, etc. At the end of the day I am not one to point fingers but fingers were long pointed at the direction of that man and others in his circle. The reason why I dont buy either argument, the one about him being iffective old hag who can not possibly put his sandals on much less run a tuulo or the fact that he is aaboheena, we know him, we trust him, both arguments are irrelevant.... Anytime a man commands 270,000 strong votes out of a population thats reported to be just over 2 million, there is reason for concern. This man is not someone that you can easily dismiss, which is why questions have to be asked, starting with his history. (I know you want to forget his history but it matters to the discussion about silanyo) Now, if you are disputing about his leadership role in the terrorist movement also known as SNM, then its something that needs to be corrected from bottom up as there are multiple sites who are under the impression that he is the founder of the diasopora branch, where as other profiles done on him say he was the chairmain....either way, he was in bed with the terrorist organization, which means his campaign is purposely misleading multiple media outlets about the leadership record.....all the more reasons we should know the man behind the suit, don't you agree? Whether he led the movement or was the founder or he was among the top diaspora ranks of the terrorist movement matters little here, except that he was a member of the organization (this much everyone agrees) and once a terrorist, always a terrorist, this much matters to the public. You are probably wondering, what about RIYAALE? Riyaale's card is not as hidden as this man's shady past. At the same time, Riyaale can be bought and sold, which is why Silaanyo's critics should not underestimate the old man nor should be be discussed as just another old hag with a big heart, instead people should be focused on uncovering the truth about this man, layer by layer. PS:Oadweyne, besides Silanyo being the leader of the clan and your ability to draw the family tree, what else does he bring to the table? Why do you think he was the right man for the job? These are relevant questions....btw, was it gaffe or simple truth when your beloved Silanyo said he never meant for the small enclave to breakaway from the rest of SOmalia? LOL