LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Waligaa ma istiri, waxa aan qoraayo kor ayaan u aqrinaa haddaan jamaal 11 ahay?(indhahaada iyo dhagahaada aad ayuu u furmilahaa) Jamaal, haddii ee run kaa tahay, oo aniga muron doonaayo, maxaa kugu kalifay inaad *EDIT* kusameysid waxa aad horey usoo qortay markaad post-tigeyga aqrisay hadaaye, mase waxaad isku maleysaaa mr.qoslaayo? Lol@Lazy, walaashiis, waligeedba waa la iska heli jirey, ee hadaad iga heshey, ii sheeg nooh , intaad muran aan meesha ku jirin keeni leheed. Hadduu theory-gaan oo kor kusooqortay^^ oo macquul kula yahay, dad badan oo forumka jooga oo runta wajigooda mar hore kasaarey xataa waan ka helay aan umaleynaa. Hell aa fariisgoomaayo maalintii aan qof meeshaan kahelo, adigaba iska daa. "Magaca 'Dood-wanaag'" haga cabsan inuu i khaldo, ee ka fikir your precious odayaashaada. PS:"Muraan doon iyo nus.. " Ameenah, haddaad rabtid in lagugu waco or be labelled as "odayaasha" waa tal oo adiga kuutaasho.(shaqadeyda ma ahan waxaas, imisa waa wax lagu qoslo) Adoo dumar ah, haddaad dooneyso in dumar nimadaada lasheegin, oo umaleyneysid iney murin tahay, waa inaad orodaa oo miraayada isku soo fiirisaa.
  2. Soo dhowaada odayaasha. Waxaad sugtaanba, waa yimi af-soomaali section. Meeye odayaashii iyo dhallintii afka hooyo aadka u jeclaa? Nin Yahow, isku noqo ^^. Mabba umaleynaayo inaad waxaad qoreyso aad aqrisid intaadan soo send gareen. "ODAYAASHA" Haddaba odayaashiina oo SomaliaOnline joogo maa somali jecel, ooo maxa dumarkii iyo dadka age-groupka ahaa aad cod u siinweyday, moderator aa isku sheegee? Maxaa kugu kelifay inaad wax aqli gal aheyn inaad qorto,isku noqo nin yahow. Dadka aad kalasaareysis iska daa, waa wixii somaliya burburiyay, waligeedna majoogsaneyso intaa dadka sida camalka ah ay kunool yihiin aduunkaan. PS:Aamino, aad iyo aad ayaan ku qosley post-kaaga, aniga maba ka filaneynin inaad odayaasha ka mid aheyd.
  3. LOL@Section6er^^, adiga maad hadda isla hadleysid? Or were u quoting someone else ^^? Totti or whatever your name is, does it really mattter if another somali was involved, do you really think it would have made a difference?(don't answer that) The poor gal got killed, may she rest in peace.(allah unaxariisto, and nothing else should matter) SOMALIS AREN'T AS INNOCENT AS SOME OF YOU MAKE THEM OUT TO BE, THEY ARE MURDERS AMONG SOMALI PEOPLE, RAPISTS, ROBBERS, CHILDREN MOLESTERS etc. THERE ISN'T A WRITTEN MESSAGE OUT THERE THAT SAYS, IF YOU ARE SOMALI, YOU ARE A SAINT. WE HAVE THE GOOD AND THE BAD IN OUR SO CALLED PEOPLE, SO DON'T BE SHOCKED WHEN YOU HEAR THAT SOMALIS ARE BEING VICTIMIZED BY OTHER SOMALIS OVER BS.
  4. LayZie G.


    Capital H, it was a sweet sweep, 2-0, back-to-back. It must have been sweet victory for wade with 22pts 9 assist, but did he also have good numbers on saturday night?(I didn't watch the two games, just the highlight for tonight's game) Everyone knows arenas is envious of young wade, he probably wished it was him representing the US team this past summer instead of wade, or else he wouldn't lash out on a young talent without probable cause. Getting back to Golden Child and to the rest of you who think just because your teams played 3 or 4 games that it will determine the faith of their ??? Gimme break, lets talk about standing records after december. I really wanna know how raptors will fair the end of the year, thats the most important piece puzzle of their season. For starters, will they stretch their winning streak to 8-0/9-0 in the coming week & a half, or how will they close out the 2004 year, with 10 wins/10 losses or start 2005 with 0-4 record?(those are the questions raptor fans should be asking themselves, not getting excited over a 3-0 record start for franchise history) Golden Child, you do realize that knicks were 0-2 coming into tonight's game, and you are excited over a ridiculous win?(76ers will make them pay with the next three meetings we have left with y'allz, don't you worry about that.) I didn't watch the entire game^^^, I just caught up with the last three minutes off the 3rd quarter and the entire 4th quarter. I must say, there was various attempts made by the 76ers to make a comeback, and it didn't go their way tonight. All my props goes to the Knicks front court defense, y'all hammered the 76ers tonight, and I did say this before, over N over again this habit of late; scratch and struggle with last minute comeback attempts, it just isn't working.(this isn't pre-season, even though they got away with the lazzieness of late during pre-season). The effort they showed during the opener against celtics, and the drive they had to come back from double digit deficit and win away from home in opener, doesn't mean much if its temporary. ( O'brien has to go back into the books, he needs to draw better plays for his guys. I just don't see the effort from the coach@all, and as a fan, I don't expect much from the players when the coach isn't leading by example. With that said, these last 3 games falls solely on the coach's shoulders, and he needs to get his act together the sooner, the better........and I already smell the injury bug with Sam sitting out...not good, not good@all)
  5. KK, I didn't think I would see the day aad adiga meeshaan kanoqotay relationship Counselor. Getting back to the scenarios you presented ^^^, there is so many events unfolding at once, and because it hasn't happened yet, there really isn't a point to speculate further more. A VOTE FOR KK, IS A VOTE YOU CAN TRUST. KK FOR WARD 645..
  6. DCS, maxa kafikireysay markaad "JOKES" aaq kusoo biirisay meeshan? Adiga aad aa topickaan u dhanaanisay, hope you happy with yourself. Baashi Masha Allah brotha man, well said. IL CAPO, I guess if some pple aren't in a relationship, then they wouldn't relate to your topic, plain and simple.(thats exactly what happened with the first few posters, they just couldn't relate to it and therefore, they just spoiled it for the rest of us who happened to have read it late)
  7. LayZie G.


    Jay, once more you spoke like a true champion. Capital H, I never once doubted shaq's ability to lead the miami heat, but this team isn't as deep as it was last season. The heat sure has a Plan A, but there is no Plan B, because their entire season depends on SHAQ. It sounds to me that, you (capital H) are putting so much importance on a game against the challenged Nets, without Kidd in the Line-up and no Kenyon Martin.(do you think thats a fair challenge for the heat, even without shaq on the line-up??? ....I don't think so) I've watched some fantastic finishes caawa, courtesy of "Court Surfing".(I caught up with it around 9pm, and I couldn't have watched better court surfing than the one I did caawa, they did a great job putting all those live feeds together for the first time since "COURT SURFING" surfaced in canadian television.(...bravo TheScore...) The Pacers/Cavs game was fun but miserable to watch, I mean, they were literally struggling with one another, and no one was able to make an importance stop on the defensive end when it really counted, but the double overtime was a blast. If there are cavs fans out there now, imagine with jermaine and reggie on the line-up, y'all wouldn't have lasted past 3rd quarter, forget 2 overtime's. Yay 76ers, but I don't like what I see with them. This new habit they have been developing since pre-season, fighting from behind and winning last minute, thats just unacceptable during regular season and especially against much stronger teams. PS:Grant Hill's cluth jumper with 30seconds left was beyond believable, I mean you new the minute he started to dribble over Van Horn, and him challenging hill's ball and almost losing it, he just had to have it at the end, even though the game was on the line, and he just reminded me of the old hill back in the pistons days.(I will keep my finger's crossed for hill's health, becuz I sure don't want to see him going back for another surgery, and you know this time around it will probably end his career, but its highly unlikely)
  8. LayZie G.


    WELCOME BACK JAY. As much as I hate admitting Eric Snow's loss, deep down, I believe it was for the better of the team. Don't you dare for one second doubt how good he was for the 76ers team of 3 yrs ago, not the sixer team you have seen the past couple of years, but he will forever remain in my top 5 favourite point guards to watch list. Getting back to the rookie known as Andre Iguodala, yes he did earn a starting spot, but there is so many minutes Jim O'brien will give him, even as versatile as they say he is, it remains to be seen.(news about big dog on the trading block?? DEFINITELY GOOD NEWS) Speaking of rockets, you did say that they took three steps back, and thats the same thing the miami heat did, they went back 3 steps(caron butler, odom, grant), and regained their 2 steps for shaq.(ultimately, there is no miami heat season success without shaq, and thats pretty scary for the heat fans) I still think rockets season will not be drowning this early, but they do have another season or two to get their act together before they become serious contenders in the west. A little note from the nuggets that I want to leave with you all. Denver nuggets are the team to watch this season, along side T-wolves, and yes Jay they will be very exciting to watch, but will make immediate impact in the league. Nuggets might seem fun to watch right now to some of you, but denver fans & basketball fans all over will be taking notice when you see them end up with one of the top 3 or4 best records in the west this season, and thats a guarantee.(THERE IS NO TELLING IN THE PLAYOFFS WHAT SORT OF DAMAGE THE NUGGETS CAN DO WITH KENYON MARTIN IN THE LINE-UP, THATS ADDITIONAL 2.5 STEPS THAT DENVER TOOK THIS OFFSEASON) WOLVES FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP WITH A HEALTHY CASSEL, AND WHOEVER WINS MVP THIS SEASON, THEY WILL HAVE TO DO 3x THE WORK KG PUT ON THE LAST TWO SEASONS ALONE IN ORDER TO TAKE IT BACK THE TITLE FROM THE MAIN MAN OF THE MIDWEST, OTHERWISE, KG FOR MVP.
  9. LayZie G.


    Capital H, ouch@^^^, thats cold, but it needed to be said. Getting back to the top 3 spot, I very much doubt that the pacers are going to make noise this season(or atleast early on), because the injury bug already caught up with them. First Jonathan Bender's knee troubles that never go away, then O'neil being sidelined for foot injury, and now Reggie's hand is broken? What is next for the pacers?? As Qaac Qaac put it early on, it remains to be seen, but I still stand with #2, or #3 spot in the EAST for my team. PS: I doubt the rookie will make much difference to the team, unless he can really make some noise with whatever minutes that will be provided to him at first, and earn his way to making a real difference for his team, because they can sure use his quickness and youthness on the court.
  10. KK, and Legend, why should they question what they are supporting, as long as it has "somali" somewhere in it. yeah! so now yall think u is WESTERNERS, cuz u know how to buy a big mac, watch opera and follow wasteful live basket, baseball or football game! The bigger question you should be asking yourself is, what have you done for somali people lately? Did you lend a hand to caasho from 4 blocks away , did you help her fill that application she is been asking you to fill because she doesn't understand the language? Or showed her how to use her bank card, or did you take time off, just so you can ran errands for her, or go to the doctor with her and her child because she wants you to translate? Did you make food for the local masjid on the weekends, and share it with those devoted somali muslims who attend the masjid regularly? Matter of fact, did you give away your clothes(such as coats) from two seasons ago to the somali new comers?? and you have the nerve to ask so what have u done lately! but add more kaka to our gene pool!! Unlike you, I have done all the above I just mentioned,but do I go around shouting my lungs out @ how proud and loyal I am to strangers from different country who happen to be striking for their own personal cause, which I know nothing about? (who is the laughing stock now, who hasn't done absolutely nothing) Getting back to I think those who are relactant to support other Somalis, or other Muslims in that matter, are in their teenage years. Maybe we should wait till when they grow abit older. It maybe a certain phase that they are going through. That is what I thought. I have heard all this before from your fellow brothers, infact they are spread all over this forum. I did expect just the same, maybe even more from a typical somali commoner like yourself, because you have nothing more to add to this, and neither did they.(Continue to shout out your somalinimo, and see who really cares, because I sure don't)
  11. Queen you know who talks and thinks like you? Girls who are despert for a man.. TUUJIYE, you really ought to consider getting therapy, your anger is getting whatever is left of your miserable personality. You just hit a new low, even for you. You should real get your self a man any man and stop telling your self your all that. with an attitude like that will make you 50 year old woman who is still looking for her first man... This is an outrage, and the fact that moderators aren't calling this man out, just shows how unfair this forum is. TUUJIYE, you should really start thinking about yourself, and what sort of a future you will have, if at all, instead of worrying about others. Getting back to the poster,MQ that was hilarious, I really enjoyed reading it.
  12. Lazie: You have doubts about your Somaliness? Huh? If yes, then, good on you, if not then, what is burning you? This isn't about me, but from the sound of the above statement, something is definitely burning under that cool, collective self. I asked you very simple questions and you went around the questions and started shooting blank shots in the air. Next time, either answer the questions directly, or ignore it. So my pride in Somaliness offends you now? Did I say I was offended? Or are you still shooting those blank shots, I can't tell. And might I add, who are you for these people I refer to? Who are you to make a statement such as the one you made on your initial post? Back to my devoted Somali loyalists, continue with your crusade. Make sure you show up early on the picketing fence and march until your voices are heard, whatever they might be.
  13. LayZie G.

    W O M E N?

    LOL@THE LEGEND ^^, hehehe X, I didn't know your sexuality was in question, how did that happen? Here I was reading along calmly, and I come across Moti's response to you and he is going on and on about "X, sxb..." --"X, brotha..." and I'm like X is a brotha? DAMN IF I KNOW, DAMN IF I DIDN'T KNOW. Hahahahhaa, but shooo, that was close call. MOTI WROTE: Aeryn Sun if you dont care now, you will care when you get divorced because of you... please join the group to stop or at least reduce the divorce that we are facing in our nation.. According to MOTI, he knows who is getting a divorce and he probably knows when it will happen, isn't that right Mr. Know it all? Aeryn suneeeeeeeeee, hurry and participate before you get divorced. (orod aan kudhahay)
  14. Written By Krupt: TO ALL THE SOMALIS LIVING IN MINNASOTA "NOT TO EXCLUDE ANYONE". BUT WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING TO SUPPORT YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS THAT ARE ON STRIKE AT TELEPLAN. The keyword here is "SOMALIS LIVING IN MINNESOTA". To those pple that aren't living in the state of MN, ask yourselves this question. Why did I bother to respond to this thread? Written By: Mr. 11 Rudy, not everyone is as visionary as you and as proud to be Somali as you and me! Some people still dont know who they're Who might the "somebody" be? How is it that you know so much about people, especially the ones you are referring to. YOu might be proud of your somalinimo and showing it at every chance you get, doesn't mean the next person isn't because you don't see it. To the poster, just because a hundred or so somalis decided to strike for their own personal cause, doesn't mean every person who happens to be somali by blood and living in the area has to get involved. There is no law that says if you are somali, you have to be loyal to other somalis, its ridiculous but I understand why you had to ask the question. You probably wanted to know if there were any real support from the somali community in your area through SOL. PS: The little information that was provided through the link just happens to mention that only the hundred or so somali employees were the only ones who walked out of the job, not anyone else. Go figure, it probably started with one somali employee who had the actual cause to walk out, and yet again, all of them walked out together at the end.(how very noble of them)
  15. LayZie G.


    Reasons Why the 76ers will rap up the atlantic division with a huge margin this season: #1 Superb front court & Back Court that remains to be seen by haters. #2 Offensive & Defensive Minded Jim O'brien, who will make sure that the backcourt push the ball, and will make teams pay this season with high scoring, due to the easy fast breaks that will come off the defensive end of our front court.(THIS SEASON, ITS ALL ABOUT ATTACK ATTACK, ATTACK) #3 We have Brian Skinner back(I wuv him) #4 We added the big nasty, a.k.a Corliss Williamson...(low post presence that we lacked for so long, and it has finally arrived...hallelujah) #5 76ers seem to have gotten over the injury bug for the first time in yrs.(I don't wanna jinx it) #6 Excuse me, but we have back-up for every position again, for the first time in 3 yrs. #7 Not only are they gonna take the title for their division, but look out for the record come all star break. The difference will be huge, compare to the so called raptors, knicks, nets, celtics, and so far all those teams dont have the things that I mentioned #1 through #6 #8 Why am I explaining this to Qaac Qaac of all people? (U CAN NEVER UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS TEAM OR ANY TEAM IS CAPABLE OFF) #9 Strong Bench. When was the last time you seen the 76ers with one of the top 5 strong benches in the league??(not since 2001) #10 76ers's line up is versatile as ever, we can stop, score on opponents better than our rivals in the atlantic. Nevermind the atlantic division, we are talking about taking #2, or #3 spot if healthy in the ENTIRE EASTERN CONFERENCE. PS: Notice how I didn't mention Big Dog, because that remains to be seen.(INJURY-FREE BIG DOG WILL BE A HUGE PLUS FOR THE 76ers.)
  16. Og the Dreamer, Listen up brotha man. Security guard at the national airport, maybe, but the head of the national airport, no no. I am ready for such position I do have experiences that can help build that Area effectively and efficiently.. :rolleyes: You can be ready all you want, but just remember, you will be guarding the front entrance of the airport. You talk of having experiences, being stopped at airports, doesn't give you the the experience or the inside knowledge to lead and oversee the day-to-day responsibilities of a national airport, nor do you have the mental capacity to deal with the responsibilities that come with such position as the one you are seeking. Don't let your anger get the best of your judgement, but wait...its too late. Getting back to the issue you brought up; the somalis that are forever stranded at the dubai airports for days, because they missed their flight or didn't have proper documentation and somehow were mistreated in your opinion, right? Who told them to fly thousands of miles if they didn't have the funds to check themselves in hotels, why should they have the expectation that somehow they are going to be taken care off? No person should fly, especially if they have limited funds that will only get them so far, you have to be able to prepare yourself incases of emergency, such as delayed flights, being stranded etc all the time. There could be many reasons why they are in the airports and getting such treatments, chances are they didn't think ahead of time nor were they prepared for such unfortunate events, therefore, THEY GOT WHAT THEY DESERVED. IT ISN'T THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE AIRPORT OFFICIALS TO CHECK EACH AND EVERY STRANDED PASSENGER INTO A HOTEL, AND IF THAT HAPPENED, THEY BE DEAD BROKE BY NOW. Kuwait Airport-- Big poster these following countries are allowed to enter without visa.. guess who they are: All western (kaafir countries) the only muslim country is Malaysia and brunie.. Why shouldn't they enter without visa?? Is there a law that says no arab country should allow "KAAFIR COUNTRIES" ACCESS TO THEIR COUNTRY? NIN YAHOW, USE SOME COMMON SENSE BECAUSE I DON'T THINK YOU REALIZE JUST HOW LAME THAT SOUNDED, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU READ IT OUT LOUD. [quote- In side kuwait - the salary of a white man is triple of that an Arab man and the white man has knowledge of 10% of the ARab man ... is that justice? Is that your affair? Are you a kuwaiti? What business do you have about their inside politics or how they conduct their affairs? Saudi Arabia Airport - you going gor HAjj they say you are somali u are maskiin Hajj is not must on you.. who the hell are they to tell me Hajj is not must on me and who the hell are they saying Fatwa on me and telling what I am... is that Justice? DRESS WELL, SO THEY WON'T CONFUSE YOU FOR A HOMELESS PERSON, AND YOU WON'T HAVE SUCH PROBLEMS IN THE FUTURE.
  17. LayZie G.


    Capital H is back, and delirious as ever. You are right about having your division on lock this year, only because there is no competition, unless Kwame Brown/hughes/Arenas are a challenge for the challenged HEAT. Gotta love that comment arenas made about wade, talk about wade ain't a shooter, he proved it at the olympics, hehe. Did you mention championship and the heat in the same sentence, or was it just my eyes being funny? One thing I know is the sixers will hold down the atlantic, talk about my boy brian skinner being back again... (BIG MISTAKE TO LET HIM GO FIRST, BUT WITH A HEALTHY SIXERS, IS A RAP FOR THAT ATLANTIC DIVISION TITLE, AND I AM LOOKING EITHER #1 or #2 SEAT IN THE EASTERN CONFERENCE.) PS: SIXERS ARE YOUNG & HUNGRY AND THEY WILL BE IN A CITY NEAR YOU
  18. ^^^LEGEND, SPEAK ON BROTHA. First of all, no nation, even as corrupted as somalia would ever trust you to sit in office, much less vote you in to lead anything, anywhere, anytime. People with your way of thinking, are doomed to failure, OG MUG. Therefore you will never get anywhere with that type of mentality. Forget politics, you can't even be trusted to lead a group of kindergarten children to cross the streets, during play hour.(thats just the plain truth)
  19. "REER BAADIYAD" must be your new cayd, innit? It must be sad being you, if all you had to come up with is the two words above to sum up your jaahilnimo, over N over again. So little time, so much caqli being wasted on one person. PS:X_quizit, congratulations, you have loyalist, a very dedicated one at that.(sharp, but a little edgy.)
  20. LayZie G.

    W O M E N?

    Hey gals, there is a story about a group of clowns that were forever responding to the same old threads, posting the same tired topics among themselves, day in and day out. Lame but true story. (haddaba they are nuisance to me) Among all of you men, one very smart brotha said it best, and he wrote: I dunno why you really worry about what Women want.... Salaamat ...that man was Legend of Zu...A.K.A Zulu Research:"systematic investigation to establish facts". You haven't done any of the sorts, therefore your findings of these stats aren't based on research, its based on fabricated tales of unidentifed sources. There can't be any truth or relevance to anything you have stated so far, unless you can provide the source's behind your findings.
  21. Nuune: Leezigaal, adiga wax aan la oran haku hadlin, nobody said they ain't into relationship with the oppossite sex, there u go, u had a break Nuune, I can see you have been taking those private lessons from Tuujiye, because you sure know sida loo hadlo, maybe I should send you to "sida loo hadlo without borders" conference. Hadal hadal badanaa wiilka, waxaa maqashay waa la hadlaa, fariinka aa kuu go' ay aan umaleynaa. actually when you said "LayZie, waxan la oran, haku hadlin", I just assumed that you only read what LAyzie wrote and somehow managed to skip the other posters. I will just post quotes from your dear friends, since they were the ones who wrote it. your brother Qaac Quc Qaar wrote: as for me... Boyfriend girlfriend.. i don't even believe it.. and as u saying u all have one.. i hope u r talking the ladies here, coz for the guys atleast i got no girlfriend think going on, Og Mug wrote: Ala bf beel, it is not tradition or islamic to have a bf.. i reject this topic Og Mug I will conclude and say, hadal, but ku hadal wax micno leh, nuune yahow.
  22. Yes stay healthy!!!!I never go for check up and I'm healthy alxamdulilaah.. I'm healthy, but being healthy, working out and eating proper still will not guarantee me 100% health. Only allah will, but atleast I know I made the effort to stay healthy. Waxa lagugu abuuray anaga hanala imaan ayaa lagu dhahay... your ceel gaab ways are taking over again. Haddaa kawadi waalidgeyga aa igu abuureen my ways of thinking, you are wrong. All my parents ever did is paved the way, but unlike you, I don't listen to my comrats on the streets of ceel gaab and stay with the mentality of "I'm healthy", without any real proof. Only allah knows who is healthy, you don't know that, and I don't know that either. Hadith, Hadith, Hadith. Who said anything about Hadith??? Illaah wuxuu ku yiri taxadir, but Illaah never said anything about being ignorant about it, and avoiding ways to maintaining a healthy living. Tuujiye, According to a number of researchers and studies done by them concluded that many modern diseases occur because we have abandoned the fiber-rich diet of our ancestors, in other worlds, we no longer are eating the things we use to eat back home.(thats just one of many ways oo lagu jirado) mise waxaa dhahosaa waxaan ku noolnahay dhul baraf ah oo dhul gaaled ah. Cuntada dhulkaan waa cunto kimakeesan haa iyo cuduro kale wee jiraan laakiin ..Atlast, some sense coming out of you, and thats exactly what I mean, but there is no "BUTS" there is no "LAAKIN" involved. Due to the condition of the foods we are eating and the air we breath in itself can cause some common diseases nowadays, yes it can. Do you realize that Liver Cancer is common among africans??? I had a member of my family die of Liver Cancer , one minute she was healthy, the next she was in comma. Doctors didn't even know prior to her death, and by the time they found out, the cancer had already spread.(she was the most healthiest person I've ever known, alllah u naxariisto) If the mentality of "I'm healthy" will make you think you are healthy, because cabdi and farrah hate doctors and check-ups and therefore you hate it too, then good luck. There are many suspected cases of cancer, but the most common suspect cause is eating no or low fiber foods, that simply causes cancer. This is a quote from the curry health center library.. Dr. Burkitt's suspicions were aroused when he observed that colon-rectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. and the second most common cancer for both sexes, is almost unknown among black Africans who eat the traditional banana and millet diet. Among Westerners living in Africa and Africans who assume Western ways, however, colon-rectal cancer is common. Dr. Burkitt and others theorize that the slower "transit time" of low-fiber diets may allow intestinal bacteria more time to multiply and keep them in longer contact with the intestinal walls; the prolonged exposure may produce cancer-causing substances or create an environment in which such substances flourish." " and it goes on, and on and on. let me briefly touch on the subject of diabetes, very common, and known even by you, yes? Children between the ages of 2-8 yrs old are being diagnosed with type two diabetes, thats very common among somali children as well, since your concern is with somalis. It has become epidemic among young children, at first they thought it was pretty much common among young people asia and europe, but more and more children in north america are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, what do you think causes it??? Speaking of women, I'm a woman, breast cancer is a top priority, do you realize more women need to get checked for it, or you still feel you shouldn't be getting annual check-ups? I can go on and on about reasons why you should have annual check-ups, but I will only bore you with it, since you won't be able to get it through your thick skull, therefore I will leave it as is.
  23. Ala bf beel, it is not tradition or islamic to have a bf.. i reject this topic and i complain to highest authorities of SOL to ban this girl till she admit no more bf or gf.. and stop poluting our innocent xaliimos minds ... hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha I gotta give it to this guy, he is in his own world. Why do I have a feeling that most of you men who replied to this topic are lying? I know this topic itself isn't appropriate during this month, but you all seem as if you never had a relationship with the opposite sex. Give me a break. Its obviously, the girl is still in her early teens, she wants to test the waters, but atleast she is honest.(even though honesty itself is a foreign language to some of you people, I still wouldn't expect you all to understand it.)
  24. Do you think waxaas ee aduunka meelaha kale ka you know dadka aduunka u health fiican in eesan waxaan oo kale wiligood sameyn..6month..waxaas waxaa la imaday taqaatiirta iyo dentistiyaasho oo raba in ee dadka lacagta ka gurtaan..reerbaadiyo waaxid caqli isticmaal.. Marka aan kudhahaayo go get check up twice a year, doesn't mean go get tested for AIDS twice a year, it means, your heart, kidneys, get tested for diabetes, get tested for high blood pressure...Do you realize what could happen to you within a 6 months span, in this day and time??? TAlk about aniga aa reer baadiyo eh, aniga atleast I am healthy, adiga oo iska dhigaayo nin aduunka yaqoono, oo nin reer magaal ah. Which is worse, reer baadiyo oo healthy, or reer magaal oo cudur qabo like yourself??? talk about dhaqaatiir lagac kaa cunaayo?? Dhaqaatiir see lagac usameeyaan, oo lawyer see lagac usameeyaan, ooo adiga see lagac usameysaaa??? Caafimaadka is priceless, and no one is ripping you off, doctors are making a living, just like you, if you have a 9-5 job, they have a 9-5 job, are you telling me that your line of work, you are ripping people off??? Nin yahow, wax macquul ah kuhadal, but waa leeska hadlaa war ma aha, qof walba wuu hadli karaa, but aqli aa lagu hadlaa, and I don't see any aqli in you. Maxaa u shaqeysaa?? inaad nolol caafimaad ah aa ku noolaatid soo maahaa?? If you don't believe in getting check-ups twice, or even once every 3 years in your case, then adiga ee kuutaalaa, but don't come up with nonsense about doctors ripping you off, thats waxaa aa ceel gaab kusoo maqashay, don't repeat he said/she said to me. If you have a job, you should also have health benefits, take advantage of it, god knows they are taking a percentage of your cheque out of your hard earn dollar, now tell me who is getting ripped off. What kind of caqli do you have when your employer is taking out a chunk of percentage for your health benefits, yet you don't take advantage of it, because you think "SOMALI" pple are healthy??? "ANAGA WAXAAS MANAQAANO" hahaha, you should go back and re-read waxaa ooo qortid, maba umaleynaayo inaad adiga aa aqrisid waxa aa qortid.
  25. LayZie G.


    my pick would be Detroit or Spurs?.. Houston next year after this one.. after t-mac and yao get used to each other... Let's just get through this upcoming season, as far as next season is concerned, we will discuss it when we get there, insha allah. First thing is first... Let me break down the powerhouse of the eastern conference, and then I will break down the western conference powerhouse. :::Eastern Conference::: I will start with my favourite division, the atlantic division. 1: Sixers 2: Knicks 3: Raptors 3T: Celtics (T=Tie, either team can capture the last spot) The new Southest Division is as follows: 1: Heat 2: Wizards 3: Magic Central division a.K.a The powerhouse of the east is as follows: 1: Pacers 2: Pistons 3: Bucks (Eight out of the ten teams I mentioned above will come out of the east, guaranteed) ~~~ The End ~~~~ :::Western Conference::: The so called Northwest Division's Top 3. (This division will get very competitive, and its very tough division to play for, and against...this division is the new powerhouse of the west, and it will be very tie race all the way to the end.) 1: Timberwolves 2: Nuggets 3: Sonics 3T: Jazz (T=Tie, either team can capture the last spot) Note: This division will have atleast two teams competing for the western conference finals this season, either way one of the top two teams will fight for a trip to the finals. Pacific Division a.K.a the No Show Division is as follows: 1: Kings 2: Suns 3: Warriors (No worries, this division will be lucky to come out of the first round of the playoffs this season.) Southwest division is as follows: 1: Spurs 2: Grizzlies 3: Rockets Note: I will expect the same effort from the grizzlies as last season, but maturity will be a factor this season. They just might give the northwest division a run for their money, along side the spurs. As far as rockets are concerned, I will agree with what qaac said, its still too soon to tell and even though they might barely make the playoffs, they won't come close to competing with the likes of grizzlies or spurs, or wolves or even nuggest or the young jazz just yet. ~~~The End~~~