LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. ^^^Zu, you tell them brah. PS: Go on ahead folks, go buy yourselves several houses, lets see if that would make you more of a somali than the LayZie one.
  2. ^^^ honestly? :mad: Abti Qani iyo Cumar are the only two pple I know who are locked in okaloosa correctional, do you know them?
  3. Originally posted by Action Jackson: it seem like many SOL'er dont mind a "living in boyfreind" !! How did this topic take a sudden 360 turn, mr Action Jackson? Weren't you concerned about two young pple living together, and further more werent you shocked about the young girl not feeling embrassed when she saw you for the first time? How did that all of a sudden change to SOL'ers minding or not minding such behaviour of living with boy/girlfriend? Do you think that many of these SOL'ers as you call them dont mind such behaviour because they asked you why it is that you were putting all of that has taken place solely on the girl's shoulder and not the boy's?? Where is the logic in that Mr. Jackson? It's one thing to take a shot@pple, but to take a cheap shot@that is just pathetic.
  4. LayZie G.


    Was it my eyes, or did we drop 45 & ll on capital H's team. Impressive isn't it, boy? We are first in our division, even thought we are under .500, which doesnt matter, because we know that even with injuries and all the struggles we went through so far, we can overcome and still be #1 in atlantic.
  5. typos are known to occur once or twice, in a sentence. In your case, it keeps re-occuring, dont turn a blind eye, I think the male Chauvinist character suits you alot better than the Chauvinist character you hold dearly.(if u don't like it, deal with it)
  6. ..please do continue living, male chauvanist because it won't happen in this lifetime
  7. its the year 2005 Section6er, is that your solution to everything? Male Chauvinist, you are right, it isn't Mr. Jackson's business to be overly concerned with the young couple's lives, but nevertheless, mr. jackson raised awareness and thats probably why he used the couple as an example inorder to bring it to everyone's attention. YOu were out of line when you accused him of being jealous,male chauvinist because that isn't the case.(atleast it doesn't seem to me that he is jealous of the fact that the young boy met her first, instead of mr. jackson...hahahahaha j/k) Mr. Jackson on the other hand, went out of line when he stated "I met her last week and damn.. she was acting like she was in her parents house...... no embarrassment what so ever!! " Mr. Jackson, you have no right to expect anything from anybody, including the girl. She doesn't have to feel guilty or embarrassment, because you think she should. Maybe she is happy, thats why she isn't feeling guilty, did that ever occur to you Mr? Why is it that you only got hot and bothered by the girl's behaviour, why weren't you bothered by the boy's behaviour when you visited them? Is it because the girl moved out of her way to be with him, that makes the boy a saint? Is that so? I really can't wait for you to rationalize...(oopz, give out an excuse on behalf of the boy) [/i]
  8. hahahahahhahahahahahhaha@Mr Action Jackson, you had me cracking up there for a moment. The girl might wanna consider adoption to solve her problem incase Plan A doesn't work outfor her.(just a thought)
  9. ^J-baro, good question. ^^^ Rudy, this is a first for you. I'm just in shock right now. This is the first time I read one of your posts from beginning to end, and what do you know,it made sense????(go figure lad)
  10. well s-thank ya, -s-thank ya legend of Zulu.(thank the mrs as well, and anytime I can contribute to your daily dose of laughter, you let me know now, won't you legend?)
  11. LayZie G.


  12. LayZie G.


    Capital Z, the next thing that will come out of your mouth will probably be, why wasn't damon jones selected to the all star team?(I honestly wouldnt be surprised if you asked that question next) Where did you get the nerve to come out here and praise Damon Jones of all pple? A former backup guard from the detroit pistons.(A no good guard, who at times was selected as a third option to come out of the bench for the pistons is all of a sudden the best 3 point shooter in the league? Which league is thaT? the "reject league" maybe, but not in the national basketball association, not that league) He was traded from team to team, until he landed his behind with the heat.(that really says alot about how good of a player he is, doesn't it capital H?) All of a sudden your backcourt got hotter because of his hot hand? The heat have nothing going for them besides shaq & wade. Eddie jones is the next best thing, and he is no show, damon jones is just impressing the coach because he wants more minutes, there is nothing else that needs to be said about your precious team.(NOTHING) Here you are talking about how Damon jones is this and that, have you forgotten that you are speaking about a former backup guard. Is that how much you know of this game?(or do you really believe this man can save the heat if they ever find themselves digging a hole as they had recently with the wizards? I just believe that you are praying for a miracle to happen, and you are hoping the miracle might be damon jones) Remember where he came from and why he was traded in the first place. The next time you praise Damon jones, you better remember his ugly days as a pistons backup ... he was nothing and he is still nothing and that shot he made during crunch time against the wizards last week means nothing....(HE JUST HAS A HOT HAND AT THE MOMENT, IT COMES AND COMES WITH EVERYONE...) Y'all got lucky that one time shaq was fouled out against the wizards, dont think djones will repeat that shot again, and dont let your hopes trip you on the way to the bench.(If he doesnt make plays or shots, he will be going back to the bench, COUNT ON IT) SPEAKING OF VC AND THIS SILLY TRADE, I THINK THAT ROB BOBCOCK FELLA(RAPTOR's GM) IS EITHER SMART OR VERY St*PID .(I DONT KNOW WHICH WAY TO LEAN WITH THE RECENT MOVE HE MADE, BUT IT BETTER NOT BITE HIM IN THE BACK BECAUSE THIS MOVE MIGHT MAKE OR BREAK HIM AS A GM) PS: CAPITAL H,YOU BETTER PRAY YOUR PRECIOUS BOY KEEPS THAT HOT HAND HOTTER , OR ELSE YOU ARE GOINGBACK TO SQUARE ONE;PRAYING NIGHT IN AND NIGHT OUT INORDER FOR SHAQ & WADE TO STAY INJURY FREE SEASON.
  13. LayZie G.


    i see Lazy still be cryin dun worry i bet O'brien is cryin too ahahahahha Capital H, I wouldn't laugh if I were you or worry about Jim O'brien's tears. Had the playoffs started today, you would be facing the Wizards on their homecourt.(how pathetic, since the heat are suppose to be a powerhouse of the eastern conference?) Whatever happened to "We have the SOUTHEAST DIVISION on lock down?"? I can understand why the Magic are the leaders of their division(THE RETURN OF THE GREAT, AND A COMBINATION OF BOTH FRANCIS AND DWIGHT HOWARD:-ROOKIE OF THE YEAR CANDIDATE),but what is your excuse with the sorry-excuse of a ball team like wizards ahead of your team? Atleast the sixers are two games back on the Knicks on first place, and a game behind the celtics, with a lengthy road trip ahead of them.( injuries among other things were a factor for the sixers poor start, but what is your excuse, CAPITAL H?)
  14. LayZie G.


    First I will start with Jay. I am addressing him for the same reasons I have addressed all the over dooro's before him. Attempting to take a crack@the Layzie one is like praying for bush to grow some brain cells.(THE IMPOSSIBLE) These dooro's have all taken the same path, it all starts with "notice me comments" and ends up with their emotions scattered all over the forum.(Its humiliating for their manhood, and for the entire forum) We have been having very civilized discussions in this same thread that Quc Qac opened a while ago, over 7 pages and still counting. All of a sudden I have to start being civil, in this very thread?(THERE IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE, JAY) i been here with you layzie...and u know it girl... Yes, you have. Look@where you are now, behaving like a real human should.(All thanks due to me TUUG, because I have made you human again, showed you the light at the end of the tunnel. More importantly,these members can actually take you serious for once, and might even have open debates with you in the future, time will tell where you are concerned) getting back to u even cried for my post to be deleted one time... Crying is for wimps, and we all know how the story of the lonely wimp ends. If I remember correctly, you were disrespecting another member and you had to be deleted because you were crossing the line.(FOUL MOUTHING MEMBERS IN THIS FORUM IS INTOLERABLE AND YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED.) Ar lazy girl, ma saan baa kuu danbeesay, qac oo miskiin ah aad iska bursan jirtay, hadda waalagu helay, mac sonkor looooooool.. Qux Qac, am I suppose to get all bothered by that statement, and throw a fit over it now? We are not children here Qux Qax, let us continue with the subject in question and that is y'all almost got lucky tonight against the heat.(Carter must have had his heart bumping like a bomb that is about to blow up, because he sure was acting as if he was in the eastern conference finals those last minutes, getting all tough and ish, pleaseeeeeeeeee?)(rematch; they will be burned, mark my words) PS:Finally, nd Lazie..B* never stood for what u thought, my intention was something else, how do you know I was trying to call you that ...and I was born yesterday. Quit crying and lets get it over with....(LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU HAD ENOUGH OF THIS, BECAUSE I HAVE ALOT MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM)
  15. LayZie G.


    Your Quite right Lazie that particular post by Lake was quite insulting and i should have deleted it on first viewing. Should have, could have.(ancient history) The only hand you have is up in your behind, why don't you go hide your face somewhere because you are pitiful This particular statement served its purpose, after all he brought up the hand part, and I told him where to look. lates just say your not exactly clean urself sis Totti, lets just say that you are not exactly doing your job either. However it doesnt mean that i took the wrong course of action and i'd like you to accept that . I adviced both of you to keep it Civil in light of the tit for tat exchanges that you where both becoming embriolled in. War waaye haddii aad meelkale aad fiirineysid whenever aad maqashid layzie girl lasheegaayo magaceeda, aaanad waxna kasameyneynin but aad attentionkaaga soo jeediso mar walba oo aan jawabaayo, waa war aad ucad, ee ii sii wado shaqadaada totti. And dare i say it, we have been here before lazy havent we? There is no "we" involved here. The only person I see who has been here once before is you.(fact: Had you done your job all the other times, we wouldn't be in this same predicament in the first place.) Haddii aan "bet" sameen lahaa inta mar aaa dooroyinkaan afka layzie kusooqaadeen, millionaire aan noqon lahaa maanta. In fact, I would have been much much wealthier had I counted the amount of times you pple turned your backs on this same nonsense, but u somehow find the energy turn your attention to me whenever I react to it.(funny how that works eh, totti?)
  16. LayZie G.


    LAKE-SIDE WROTE: I swear if we could only have duc tape to wrap around this lazie B* mouth..she's always trying to make the most simple shlt personal Totti some nerve you have to call me out to be civil, yet I'm the one that is being called a B*tch ^? lol(U CALL YOURSELF A MODERATOR? PLEASE...) What would your excuse be this time around, totti? WHILE I EAGERLY AWAIT FOR YOU TO TAKE SOME ACTION AND PERHAPS DELETE MY POST, LET ME FIGURE OUT SOME EXCUSE's, shall we begin Totti? "oopz, I didn't read the part where he called out the B*", totti says or "I didn't know what the B* was intended for", or "I just didn't see it because I was too busy concentrating on what layzie said that I was blind sided with everything else." LAKE, DOORO KEEP IT COMING.(MORE CALAACAL PLEASE) ur a girl I automatically have the upper hand on this shlt..please remember that The only hand you have is up in your behind, why don't you go hide your face somewhere because you are pitiful.
  17. LayZie G.


    Lake-Side Or whatever you call yourself, I can understand why all of a sudden you are confused but I assure you, you are not alone.(U have friends who suffer from this same disorder, they are spread all over the forum) Here you were all alone, in hopes of having all Eyes On the Lake-side and by doing so, you tried the oldest trick in the book(taking a crack@the layzie one), in which case you failed miserably if I might add. Let me settle your nerves first. Out of nowhere you made a bold statement, which was:- LOL@lazie girl schooling some of you fellas to a ball talk (although she tends to ramble about things she doesn't know about, but for a girl she's coo) In response to the above statement, I wrote and said:- Little man/Little woman, ramble about things I don't know anything about, what? You are rambling yourself by making a statement such as the one above without facts. U might need to look in the mirror real hard next time. In slow language, it means since I'm the one who is rambling about things I don't know about,WHAT WAS IT EXACTLY THAT MADE YOU SAY WHAT YOU SAID?(you have a reason to believe that I don't know what I talk about, what are your reasons, state the facts and don't just talk the talk.) By not stating the obvious, you came looking same way you were describing me(ramble about things you don't know yourself). Was that really that difficult to understand, or shall I spell it out for you some more? The rest of my previous post didn't concern you @all lake-side, only the first paragraph.(I can't for the life of me expect from someone like yourself to understand something so simple as that, not in this lifetime) And everybody knows artest didn't deserve that that entire year suspension even David admited it, they just gaved him that because of his past , if this was any other players he would have played another game this year. Who is everybody?(you don't count) David stern came out and admitted that Ron Artest didn't deserve the lengthy suspension, is that what you are trying to say lake-side? Anytime a player crosses the line, he is indeed a marked man. Regardless of Ron's past behaviour, he got what was coming to him, there is no "But's" or "Ifs" involved.(END OF STORY)
  18. How come some people don't like soccer.?????? I guess because soccer isn't a high scoring sport itself, and pple like myself would much rather watch a high scoring, high intensity sport game, were all the players are making an impact and it isn't just left upto the strikers to make the impact of the game itself.(for that reason alone, I can't stand to watch longer than I have to, but I still enjoy watching because it's a physical game.) Question: Why do men almost always make excuses about everything?
  19. LayZie G.


    LOL@lazie girl schooling some of you fellas to a ball talk (although she tends to ramble about things she doesn't know about, but for a girl she's coo) Little man/Little woman, ramble about things I don't know anything about, what? You are rambling yourself by making a statement such as the one above without facts. U might need to look in the mirror real hard next time. It might not be fair for artest to get a lengthy suspension such as he got, but he deserved every bit of what came after that outburst. In truth, the man did what any bloody person in their right mind would do had they been in his situation. The man isn't an average joe, he is a professional sports figure, whether he knows it or not, and he has to act in a professional manner or else deal with the consequences. He asked for time off, and he got an entire season, fair trade if you ask me. My issue is with the 25 game suspension against jermaine O'neil, I didn't think that was fair at all. I also didn't agree with B. Wallace's 6 game suspension. On one hand anthony johnson got 5 game suspension knowing full well that he didn't do as much damage as B. Wallace and yet only a game separates the two.(not very logical @all) I can certainly understand the role the media played in these lengthy suspensions, but nevertheless it was a fair call aside from the two errors made with O'neil & A. Johnson. With that being said, how about them phoenix Suns??
  20. LayZie G.


    he da best pg in da east rite now and yeah Lazy he better than AI The keyword is "rite now" You said it, I didn't. I will not even argue with you about wade, we all know he is good, but he is not great just yet. Comparing him to AI is pointless, because we both know what AI brings to basketball all over, to this league and you don't need to go there with "WADE BETTER THAN AI", you only stated that to piss me off, and it isn't working CAPITAL H.(ONLY IN STATS HE IS BETTER FOR NOW, AND HE ONLY PLAYED ABOUT 10 GAMES OR SO..STILL TOO EARLY) I TOLD YOU THIS BEFORE, AND I WILL TELL YOU AGAIN, LET US WAIT AND SEE HOW THEY FINISH THIS YEAR, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY HOW THEY CLOSE OUT BEFORE THE ALL-STAR BREAK, AND THIS JUST DOESN'T END WITH THE HEAT TEAM ALONE, ALL TEAMS INCLUDED) To the rest of you, I do not need to address you, because JAY SAID IT BEST FOR THE BOTH OF US.(AFKAAGA CAANO ALLAAH CABSIIYO jay, or HOWEVER THE SAYING GOES)
  21. LayZie G.


    PLAYMAKER, I am not calling it anything but what it is. There is a huge difference between trading a player and a player being a free-agent. Don't try to rationalize your earlier statement, when you are wrong, you are just wrong. Tuug, you don't understand yourself, how can you possibly understand me or Jaylaani? The next time you want to address him, address him by his name. i think, artest would be suspended for the rest of the season... jermain o'neal like 7 games, jackson like 15 games. and 7 games for tinsley.. I didn't know we had our own David Stern among us here in SOL. What gives you to determine the length of each player's suspension when the league doesn't even know it yet.(some pple) Only 4 players are suspended indefinetely, and it doesn't include jamal tinsley. Artest provoked the fans, but that doesn't excuse them throwing beer at him, and that man sure got what he deserved, but the bottom line is Artest doesn't deserve to be suspended from the league altogether. This man adds spice to the game, when was the last time an nba fight broke down that was worth talking about.(I'm not even talking about that miserable of a fight between the wizards & bulls). I miss the early knicks/heat fights, and I haven't seen anything close to it for quite sometime.(I'm glad this took place, because artest is an entertainer, and no one can punk him around. lol@him laying there on the announcers table after he provoking b. wallace) Who else but artest can possibly do that with style and can turn the entire arena into a riot?
  22. LayZie G.


    PLAYMAKER, dio mio, stop before you hurt yourself boy. Josh howard and M.Daniels are the reason that nash was traded, if you watched the playoffs those guys can play some deffense Steve Nash was never traded, he was a free-agent. Dallas wanted him, they just couldn't afford him, plain and simple.(Please, let us discuss facts around here and not fiction) He went with his former team who just so happens to be the team that traded him to dallas in the first place, and unlike dallas mavericks, suns had the cap room and were willing to pay what he so rightfully deserved. as u dissing me, if u watched the game u would know the raptors were leading by 14, and the nuggets came back on us... so get ur facts straight next time, don't just bla bla.. If you want me to get my facts straight, you need to go back to my previous post and re-read it. I never commented on the lead the raps had over the nuggets most of the game, I just didn't acknowledge it.(HUGE DIFFERENCE, I'M NOT SURPRISED THAT U DIDN'T SENSE THAT@ALL) Leads come and go, and they are sore losers right now, especially with the loss to the sonics tonight...but you will never hear me admit to any lead raps will have over teams, especially when they will end up losing the game anyway...not worthy of mention@all. of course kmart would dunk, he is that kind of player, and raps are soft in the middle.. so no surprises there What do you mean, "he is that kind of player"? K-mart is a powerforward, its his job to make teams suffer in the paint, thats why he is getting paid the big bucks. Don't you ever forget who K-mart is, and the fact that he brought life back to the nets line-up(along side J-kidd) and made them title contenders two consecutive years as an NBA FRANCHISE for the first time.(their only title came in their ABA yrs)
  23. LayZie G.


    nuggets scaped from us tonite,... I don't know what you meant by "scape" qac qux, but the raptor's heads are still feeling the pain from lastnight's torture. K-Mart did a # on those raptor boys, he just dunked left and right, in/out, but I don't remember anything about nuggets scaping from the raptors lastnight, buT maybe you were watching a different game than I? Qac Qux, I don't blame goldenchild one bit, I mean who can honestly take you serious when you yourself were quoted saying "forget the wolves, the texas trio, especially dallas and san antonio". We all know that San antonio will stand tall among the league, as long as they have TIM DUNCAN ON UNIFORM, BUT "DALLAS"? Where is your head @boy? YOU THINK DALLAS MAVERICKS ARE A POWERHOUSE IN THE WEST? IF YOU REFERRING TO THE FANTASY B-BALL ONLINE, MAYBE, BUT IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY MIXED THE FANTASY B-BALL WITH THE REALITY, ITS OK, WE ALL HAVE OUR BAD DAYS. DALLAS IS NOT WORTHY OF DISCUSSION, BECAUSE THEIR SITUATION IS SELF-EXPLANATORY, BUT I WILL SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU ANYWAY. DALLAS WAS NEVER KNOWN FOR THEIR DEFENSE, AND THE MAN WHO DICTATED DALLAS'S OFFENSE WAS STEVE NASH AND HE NO LONGER RESIDES IN THE TEXAS HEAT. DALLAS TEAM ISN'T AGGRESIVE, AND THE ONLY MAN WHO BRINGS A SENSE OF AGGRESIVENESS INTO HIS GAME AND TO THE REST OF THE TEAM IS MICHAEL FINLEY, AND HE SURE ISN't ON THE LINE UP DUE TO INJURIES, AND THE FACT THAT HE IS AGING SAYS ALOT ABOUT DALLAS'S FUTURE AND HIS NAGGING INJURIES. OFF-SEASON TRADES WAS A HUGE DISAPPOINTED FOR MARK CUBAN, HAD HE PAID ATTENTION TO HIS BUSINESS INSTEAD OF COPYING "THE DONALD's" TO A TASTELESS REALITY SHOW THAT WAS DOOMED TO BE A FAILURE, INSTEAD OF RECEIVING WASHED UP STACKHOUSE FOR THE WIZARD TRADE HE PROBABLY WOULD A CHANCE TO SALVAGE THE SITUATION AND LOOKED ELSE WHERE, INSTEAD HE IS STUCK WITH HIM. DARE I TOUCH ON MORE ON THAT SITUATION?(I DON'T THINK SO) DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THE GERMAN FROG AND HIS ON/OFF SHOOTING SPREE WILL TAKE THE TEAM THAT FAR AHEAD?(EVEN YOU HAVE YOUR DOUBTS ON THAT, QAAC QAAC) LETS BRIEFLY TOUCH ON THE DALLAS BACKCOURT AND LETS SEE IF THESE WORMS ARE WORTH A MENTION, SHALL WE? Marquis Daniels, WHO is he?(are u kidding me?) Josh Howard, WHO?(u think having a hot streak during playoffs qualifies him as a legit shooter during regular season? hahahaha Jason TErry, WHEN? (Terry is asleep half the time, and the other half he is shooting. The big question here is when will terry grt his act together, before or after the season.) PS: Breaking news FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T HEARD THE RUMOURS. If you are as passionate as I am off getting rid of carter, then we almost have our wish coming true. This is the best news out of the entire league, SHAREEF ABDUL RAHIM WILL SOON BE COMING TO T.O, GO TO YOUR BANKY,GET THOSE SAVINGS OUT(if u dont have any savings, SAVE SOME $$$) BUY THOSE SEASON TICKETS IN AIR CANADA AND WARM THOSE SEATS BECAUSE SHAREEF IS COMING AND VINCE IS BYE BYE IF EVERYTHING WORKS OUT ACCORDING TO PLAN.(JAY, too bad SHAREEF ISN'T GOING TO PHILLY, HE IS COMING HERE INSTEAD, HAHAHAHA)
  24. Jamaal, waxaa ka fiicneed inaad dhahdid 'lazy waa runtaa oo waxaad soo jeedisay waa hadal qiima iyo macna leh, laakin waxaad go asantay inaad qosol iyo joke macna la';aan ah aad soo geliso...etc etc(and on the side aad edit kusameysid) Hadaba waa iska caadiyo ragga somaliyeed waa lagu yaqanaa ineey admit gareen qaladkooda, adiga ma ugu horeysid. PS:...waxaad xanaaq u aragto, aniga waxan u arkaa opinion aad iyo aad strong u ah. Laakinse, haddii dumar walba oo wax sax kuhadasho ay xanaaqsan tahay, adiga ii farax sanow.