LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. if influential means being quite the "patsy" or "sheep" for a cause that has nothing to do with u and wants to harm the believes we should hold dear...then please I would rather wallow in obscurity....and forever shun being influential... as I would never want to appear any list that has George w. one of its members... Take it easy there, the candidacy for Most righteous individual in SOL doesn't start until fall, you still have plenty of time to work on your acceptance speech, but I gotta tell you, there are alot of good candidates out there who are just as righteous, this might be a tough election for SOLers.
  2. In your attemps to show indifference and an "open-minded" attitude, you're coming across rather as utterly ill-advised. "attempts"?? The only one I see attemping to steer up something is you.(btw, you are failing miserably) There is nothing open minded about my attitude, I feel that the only reason why this individual brought the subject up is because he is envious of her success. He might not not know it, but he sure was hot and bothered enough to bring it to everyone's attention for pple take one last shot@her, prove to pple that being named one of the most influential is like having a cup of shaah, because Ayan Hirsi made it, therefore every hebel and heblaayo can too.(pitiful) Just becuz majority of the somali pple are condemning her for her own personal views, doesn't give him and others the right sh*t all over someone's joyful moment.netherless i am sure she is ecstatic about the news, with or without your approval. PS: in the eyes of the world, this woman is yesterday's news and tomorrow's trash, but the only ones who keep bringing issues relating to her are bitter pple like yourselves.
  3. Just thought some of you might take a I, personaly, couldn't believe. I guess ya all know what to do if you want your name b on this list..damn what's this world coming into..shidh You know you want to be in her shoes, keep on hating somalis.
  4. OG-Girl, I have no choice but to praise you for taking a stand in what you truly believe in your hearts of heart. YOu stood with both of your feet to the grown and you made a stand at the start of this thread and kept going, to me, you were champion in my book. You are truly a strong woman, who does't let bs slide her by easily. The thing you said that summed it all up for me was "wherever somalis are, way qaribaan,"(something to that like) meaning they spoil it, and this time around, these men didn't get away with it, even thought in my opinion I thought it was a harsh sentence, I don't see what the big deal is, pple die everyday, these criminals aren't special, they shouldnt be fussed about. Demonstration aan sameyneynaa kulahaa, lol, thats a joke. You demonstrate for a cause, you don't stand and voice an opinion over a bunch of criminals who were meant to die, their time came, it just so happens, they died this way.(sad but true, all y'all can do is pray for them, nothing elsE) THere is nothing that anybody can do that will have these men come alive, waxaan wey qornaayeen, the sooner y'all righteous pple realize, the better you are off.
  5. You sound like you have doubts about your faith because if you believed in what your religion tells you wouldn't be ashamed to tell someone what they're doing is wrong and commend others for doing right. I knew one time or another, one of you would bring up my faith, and question my commitment/loyalty and beliefs, since I am supposedly for condoling the acts of sinners, why not go ahead and question her beliefs towards her religion isn't that right UNDERDOG? Congrats boy, you beat the rest of your righteous friends to it, by being the first to bring up my faith, but I don't think you are worthy of a response regarding that, because you are illogical being, scraping empty walls, as if you really have to find something bad to say, just so I would "FIRE BACK" as you would say, it isnt working out for you underdog, not this time around. It's because of non-caring people like you who choose to "mind their own busniess" that everything haram becomes normal. You really do crack me up, underdog. You actually believe that prostitution and crack-cocking could have been avoided among our pple had less non-caring pple like me gave a d*mn about them?LMAO YOu are going to sit there with a straight face and say, you actually took a time to help out a sister who just so happens to go out of her way and do things that only allah knows, and you advised her to get out of such messy business, or was it you admitted to giving a helping hand to the brother who is addicted to coke and sniffing a look alike salt in a papercupboard in the alley because he had no money to buy the real thing , therefore you took him to the nearest treatment center, or did you have a chat with the 17 yr old boy who you saw at the nearest bar a while back, did you sit him aside and talk to him that drinking under age, and having a bottle in his hand wasnt cool, and that he is a muslim, therefore you being a good saint, you offered to mentor him about drinking and you even agreed to help him learn how to pray?? DID YOU REALLY DO ALL THAT?(DID ANY OF YOUR RIGHTEOUS FRIENDS DO IT?) You are right, I don't care about the girl who turned prostitude, I will not lift a finger, much less blink once her way, all in the name of somali and being muslim, nor would I even attempt to let a crack-head stay off drugs, because that isn't saddaqa, thats crazy business and I might be heartless person who is self-centered in her way, but I AM NOT CRAZY.... I think you have a misunderstanding about what sadaqa actually isn't about helping a prostitude, or a crack addict, or alcoholic, no, those pple choose to be that way, and one way or the other they will realize the mistake they made in their life, and come judgement day, it will be between them and allah, that isn't your concern, thats why I always say, let pple deal with their own busienss, because at the end of the way, it isn't something oo kuutaalo. I don't need to know what sadaqa is, because as long as I can remember, my family and I were giving out sadaqa to those that deserved it the most, and no it didn't include a crack-head, or a prostitute, or alcoholic.(those were your sadaqas, will not step into your territory) I don't have to list how many good deeds I've done in my lifetime, and how many more I have to do in the future.(thats for me to know and for you to keep wondering off about), I don't do good deeds inorder for me to show it off to the likes of you and your pple, its pointless. I know myself better than you know yourself, I am not a faker, I don't lie, not do I pretend to be good, so everyone else who is reading my post can admire me and say, ""OOH WIIL FIICAN WAAYE, HE DOES TALK ABOUT THOSE THAT SIN, HE GIVES BACK TO THE CRACKHEADS, WHAT MORE CAN WE ASK OF HIM, HE AGREES WITH EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING, OO THAT BOY UNDERDOG, MASHA ALLAH??)(you probably are so eagered to hear that, you wouldn't mind hearing it all day, everyday) BOTTOM LINE IS, YES, I AM HEARTLESS< YES I DON'T GIVE A SH*T ABOUT ANYBODY BUT MYSELF, AND AS I SHOULD. I AM PROUD TO NOT GIVING A SH*T, SO WHAT? WHAT WOULD YOU DO, CONDEMN ME OF MYSELF, LOL
  6. I did not hear the prophet (S.A.W) say that!Girl that is u'r own creations,u just made it up. YOu are right, you are hearing things, but you did not hear the right note this time around, shyhem. When doing a quoation, you have to actually quote an actual fact that has been said, one time or another.(not anywhere in my posts did I outline an actual quote from the prophet) THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN QUOTING THE PROPHET AND LAYZIE MAKING A CAUSTIC REMARK @ DESIRE PERSON, SHYHEM. (Do yourself a favour, and learn the difference between the two)
  7. X,scandalous( I always wondered how you supported all those kids with a Zellers Pay-Cheque all on your own)
  8. There really isn't a need to dispute over the concept of "ROCK-STONING". Whether rock-stoning is meant for adulterers or sinners(pple that commit pre-marital sex), makes no difference what - so-ever. Rock-stonning, is still rock stonning, however way you want to justify or call me ignorant because I don't know the definite terminalogy for certain cruel acts against humans(allah's slaves) , all in the name of religion is the least of my worries, but I can see that it means great deal to you, since you want me to perfect on which abuse is which and what terminalogy goes with what.(PLEASE, GIVE ME A BREAK, I AM CRACKING UP HERE) PS: a piece of advise, quit upsetting yourself and make sure you dont pop-up a nerve somewhere in your face, all in the name of stoning pple to death.
  9. U-Dog First of all, I don't want you to get the impression that I am worried about a bunch of pple who don't know how to utilize their time effectively, other than know how to judge an individual based on what they read or hear about others. If you think I am meddling in other pple's business, then by all means, I want you to experience how it feels when you yourself meddle in other pple's business.(it takes a real meddler to know another) Bottom line is, there is an effective way for voicing opinions on issues that matter, but voicing your opinion on other pple's business isnt one of them. Yes, you do have the right for speech, but speech is used for only when its effective, so you can be heard, and when you are critizing total strangers, no one is hearing you except your own voice. Try to form a constructive critism, but talking about what's right and wrong in other pple's business is the least bit constructive. By all means, continue to voice your opinion in thin air, but I wanted to know what drove pple like you to have a nerve to talk about others, and yet not look themselves in the mirror.(U haven't given me a definite answer, u just by-passed the question) Are you god? are you a saint, do you not have anything that you regret doing, have u ever made a wrong decision in your life? again...when you judge pple, you have to first judge yourself based on those questions above, and when u think there isnt anything left judging of yourself, then by all means u will have a right to judge whomever you want, until then, save your energy for the better things in life, rather than nagging about things that are the least bit important to you. As for this other person Desire goes.... This has nothing to do with Somali people as our prophet encouraged us to display our disapproval towards anything that our Religion frowns upon, if not through action through words. Did the prophet also say that women ought to be stoned to death because they had pre-marital sex, yet the man can stand there and watch while the woman is beat to death? I am ultilizing this holy recommendation and ain't nobody is going to stop me. For a second there, u seemed ready to attack with rocks and just utilize it the same way the afghan men utilized it by beating pple with rocks, as if the prophet himself would ever approve of such distasteful behaviour in the name of whaT? prophet? Illah kacabso and do yourself a favor, rest assured, no one will hear u, so go on ahead, and utilize whatever it is you think you can do with words.
  10. The fact that the girl and her man are save and sound@their home is irrelevant. All you somali pple talk about is other pple's business? Many times, I've asked you pple why is it that you make other pple's lives your business? are you her mother, dad, sister, brother, aunt, uncle? WHAT BUSINESS DO YOU HAVE WHETHER OR NOT SHE LIVES WITH HER MAN? POSTER, I rEALLY HAVE TO ASK THE RELEVANCE OF YOU POSTING THIS ARTICLE? What were your intentions? WHO CARES IF SHE IS SOMALI OR NOT...YOU PPLE NEED TO START WORRYING ABOUT YOUR LIVES, AND LESS WORRY OF STRANGER'S LIVES. LEARN THAT, AND Y'ALL JUST MIGHT LIVE IN PIECE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES.
  11. LMAO@Phantasmagoria, I think you are hilarious. The best part about what you wrote was Steps 1, 2,4 & 5.(U nailed it) PS: I don't think it matters how long the poor girl was seing her ex, that is beside the point. Y'all ought to help her or ignore it all together.(U decide)
  12. LayZie G.


    rockets are your team, Since when? Whatever happened to the raptors, wasn't that the team you were rooting for all this time. I knew u weren't a one team man, u just go for whoever is hot at the time...if thats the case, take a good hard look@the and kidd making noise, that ought to make you a nets fan as well as celtic fan, becuz they hot on the month of march....
  13. plz don't personalize this....its really not my issue aight hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha, I don't believe you Kutubeey. Are you positive that u aren't involved in this lil fiasco, Kutubeey? It seems to me that you are the roommate with the significant other visiting the apt. You probably sensed that your roommate will be having discussion with you real soon, so you probably wrote this lil piece to get an idea on what to tell her when you are confronted by her or something?(j/k.....I am just messing with u.) On a serious note, this whole thing u cooked up is a joke.
  14. What does it matter if you are called somalis or somalians? Poohoo for y'all crybaby's, get over it. At the end of the day, in the eyes of the white man, y'all still a bunch of lousy immigrants who have no place to call home, and y'all have the nerve to question what other pple ought to be referring to y'all? Go on back home, start building the country, gain back whatever sense of decency y'all lost all those yrs ago, then debate on what other pple ought to be reffering you & those other pple, instead of just sitting and talking about it. DO something, PLEASE.
  15. Nuune, once again, you made absolutely no sense. Juba, or whatever you wanna call yourself, I didn't know I was waiting for your approval?("your other questions were good") I didn't mention my name being the hottest thing around, but now that you brought it up, damn right I am the hottest thing created by far, and I don't mean lame *ss nickname of mine. On a simpler note, I think you should shift your focus more to the topic at hand, and a lil less layZie.
  16. Why do pple in SOL come up with blah topics?? Why is it that Rudy never made sense until today?? Why do SOL folks come up with the lamest nickname's like ANIGA, or ABAAYO, OR CILMI, or sweetheart? WHY, WHY AND WHY OO WHY?
  17. I don't think so.They just lost to the kings minus Peja,and Weber had a chance to win the game but as usual he come short. Shyhem, its a shame you think that everyone has to be perfect right from the start. If my memory services me correct, it was a 2point loss, you lose some as you win some. The nets game was unexcusable, that I must admit, but we got back on our feet lastnight against cavs, and to me thats a true definition of a team play.(total team effort) Regardles of webber's health status, I still think this is a team who can capture the atlantic division title without a worry. Lake the Agony, your comments are insignificant and so is your opinion in general, NEXT.
  18. Shyhem I'm not abig fan of NBA until the playoffs starts... You said it , "not a fan". Stick with football shyhem. Your criticism should be limited to those giant football players, and who got traded to where. Worry about Randy Moss for a change or whichever dude you favor the most. Playmaker, a wise man once said what you said, but nevertheless, I believe that Rogers can be the perimeter shooter he once was in the Celtic uniform under O’Brien. I also believe that Webber with all of his past trouble, he can start fresh in Philly, and feed off Ai’s energy. Webber needs a chance, just like any other great player before him. Finally, I really believe he would come through for this team, he has been hungry for a NBA title, long before he was a king-man, and with Ai’s long time search for a big man, he finally had his prayers answered. This is a dangerous team folks, watch out.
  19. Y'all thought having shaq moving from coast to coast and landing right on Wade's lap was the best thing that happened to the eastern conference, THINK AGAIN!!! Some of y'all Pro-ball fans might have been biting your nails, shaving your armpits, stuffing your faces with all sorts of food because of deep depression, no one can blame you for being depressed about the Big news. Webber coming to philly is the last thing eastern conference contenders such as pistons, heat, wizards,cavs imagined would happen. Having said that, webber playing along side AI is one of the best trades thus far, only the shaq trade was better news in hollywood, but this news sure has fans all over scratching their heads with a big question mark, except the sixer fans. I don't want to rub the good news in anyone's face, but y'all might wanna put your money where your mouths are from this beyond on, because we not only have the east on lock down now, but the entire league from today on. R.I.P to Brian skinner and corliss williamson(wuv U), and a big hallelujah goes to GM King for finally giving the boots to kenny thomas and big Dog.(BOUT TIME) WHERE ARE THE HEAT FANS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@, WHERE ARE THE PISTON LOVERS@, COME OUT, COME OUT, LAYZIE WANTS TO PLAY
  20. Live up to your nickname and RUUUUUUUUUUN from her, RUN FORREST RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN. hahahahha, cons. Runaway-V, I don't know why you bugging out. I don't believe that this is the first time you have known of her sexual preference. You must have atleast detected it in the past, but just didnt want to see it.Now that it has been confirmed, you just shocked by it, whatever for? YOu say she was your homegrl, if so you should have known or atleast picked on it over the yrs, nevertheless, its her life, this isn't about you. PS:dont lose sleep over this
  21. I wonder what you will say about the mechanics, welders, builders and tradesmen? Legend of Zu, he can't say anything about them until he graduates. Ppple have no business talking down on other pple's majors when they themselves haven't gotten through sophomore yr, let alone passed the midterms. Gentlemen, you need to graduate first. After graduation, feel free to have an open forum discussion on certain subjects. Talk openly on how well you have done for yourselves, until then just keep it quite and concentrate on your studies.
  22. chicka....u sound a little worked up....i find it ironic that u have the energy to type all this ....considering u r so lazie and all....i must've hit on some nerves....chillaxe.... ....hey....peace on earth..... ...what the----...? I understand you have nothing to add to what I said to you, but why did you write my words back to me? DOes that even make sense to you? Did you read what you wrote before you posted it, spicy?(I don't think you did) PS: This post is supposed to give brotherly advice and a reminder LazyGirl, besides Muslims should remind each others as brothers and sisters Ima have to watch dumb and dumber again, so I can have a better understanding on what these girls are talking about.
  23. 10. Pretzels Surprise, surprise. Remember, just because something doesn't have fat doesn't make it good. This is just white flour, water and sugar masquerading as a healthy snack. Fuggedaboutit What's your beef with Pretzels? I think Pretzels are by far the best choice of snacking, dip it with low fat honey mustard and dhareer aa kaa imaanaayo....need I say morE? Again, you gotta come up with alot more than there is "FLOUR, WATER AND SUGAR " in it nonsense. ...SO IS EVERYTHING ELSE YOU EAT, UNLESS YOU ARE ANOREXIC(U CANT AVOID FLOUR OR WATER OR SUGAR IN MOST OF THE FOODS Y'ALL PUT IN YOUR MOUTH) PS: Y'all should be encouraged to stop snacking on dounuts and eating alot more pretzels and fruits, not vice versa
  24. Whats 'US'? Wareer badnaa... Lol Spicy girl a.k.a baasto besbaaso, or whatever else you wanna call yourself, there really isn't a need for you to get worked up over nothing. I don't preach, I just tell it like it is and lately, I've noticed the "know it all pple" constantly preaching to others on what to do and what not to do, as if the rest of the pple are children that have no mind of their own to make the right choices. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine, no one made you a spokeswoman of the "know it all" click, take it easy and peace on mother earth. ps: if u r so psyched to celebrate the "event" plz do so on ur own.... What I celebrate on my own private time is really non of your concern, why don't you worry about you for a change, spicy?
  25. Dawaco, what are you trying to say about flowers, because I don't understand what it is that you wrote above^. Are you comparing the life expectancy of flowers to that of a relationship? I just don't get it To the rest of you girls, if pple decide to go on ahead and celebrate with or without having any knowledge about V-day or how it was originated, then its upto them to answer to allah come judgement day. Let the muslim pple make the choices for themselves, without any preaching from know it all folks. To the poster, if you are irritated by all the fuss that comes with v-day, then turn a blind eye. No one is holding a gun over your head and demanding that you cheer up about v-day.