LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. My mother was a hard-working mother, who raised great children, while she juggled career and family. If my mother can do it, I am sure I can, if my mother can do it, I am sure all women can. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...and where was dad? Working his best to make somalia "better" , at that time.(in other words, he had an important job to fulfill)
  2. ^^^Hibo, you are kidding right? And all the feminist wannabes,, save ur breathes.. we all know the truth. Maybe when u have children a little hardwork kicks in, but as new wives... u barely do anything. This is a joke right?? It has to be a joke, because no one on their right mind would stay home waiting for a hand-out from dear hubby. Your husband, is just your husband. Your husband isn't your parent, he is your husband, he shouldn't have to be the only one out there working day/night and earn a living for two two of you and the future children. Allah gave you the will to do anything and everything, therefore fetch for yourself. I don't respect housewives, I will never ever respect housewives, because thats just a fancy way of gold digging. House-wives just want a pat on the back and say, good job, she is taking care of the hubby, well hubby can get a maid while she goes out and earns her share of the income to support their family, not "his family" and the maid that will do your supposed work.(maids need to earn a living too) Layzie is really the definition of lazy, I don't even like to pick up after myself. I'm sure I would make a great housewife, but I refuse. I have never depended on anyone outside of my parents, I don't plan to, even though I know I am lazy and would make a wonderful housewife. My mother was a hard-working mother, who raised great children, while she juggled career and family. If my mother can do it, I am sure I can, if my mother can do it, I am sure all women can. I also realize that for as long as we live in this world, housewives would exist, and thats ok, but it pains me to see intelligent women scattered all over the world who still carry this old mentality of "being the woman of the house" while hubby dictates how much of his earn dollar you will get? How would you be able to feel, knowing that another being is counting the percentage of his income you should get? (counting the pennies away) HOUSEWIVES, I ADVISE YOU TO GET YOUR BEHINDS OUT OF THE CHAIR, GET A JOB, ANY JOB, EARN THE INCOME WITH YOUR HUSBAND, SHARE IT AMONG YOURSELVES. For those of you that have a day job, and get paid regulary, how does it feel when your cheque is deposited into your bank at the end of the week/month? Doesn't it feel good to look at the balance in your account, knowing that you have earned these few hundreds/thousands of dollars weekly/monthly? Doesn't it feel good knowing that you can spend that money you earned as you please? I feel good when my cheque is deposited, knowing that I earned it on my own, without anyone's help, I do. Imagine, giving away that freedom, and waiting to depend on your husband so come payday, he will share another portion of his earning with another lazy human being waiting for a handout, how would you like that picture pro-housewives? (I rest my case against pro-housewives/housewives)
  3. LayZie G.


    Lazie, How many times you have to eat your own words back.. I'm forever gonna eat my words, but all y'all piston fakers will choke on your own words caawa. Playmaker, every man who plays for the league is talented, and so is each team that exist in this league, or else they wouldn't be professional basketball players, would they now?(dont ever bring talent into a ball discussion booooooooy) and don't even mention T.duncan the guy didn't even want the ball at the crunch time and he supposed to be the super star?. I will mention timmy, I will always mention wake forest's finest. He is not suppose to be a superstar, HE IS A SUPERSTAR. A back to back MVP OF THE LEAGUE, 3 -time NBA FINALS MVP, THE HEART OF THE SPURS, SPURS START WITH DUNCAN, AND SPURS END WITH DUNCAN, PERIOD and you , a little person have a nerve to question his superstardom?(WHAT A NERVE YOU HAVE PM) Timmy said it best caawa, "I DON'T NEED TO LISTEN" HE MEANT LITTLE PPLE LIKE YOU WHO ONLY OPEN THEIR MOUTH WHEN A FUTURE HALL OF FAMER DOESN'T PERFORM UP TO HIS ABILITY ON FEW GAMES.(FOR HEAVEN SAKES< THE MAN IS INJURED, HOW MANY MORE MIRACLES CAN HE PERFORM, HE DID GET HIS TEAM TO THE FINALS, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT OF HIM<< I'M FINISHED ADDRESSING YOU PLAYMAKER, GO TAKE TIME OUT. LANDER, DEAR LANDER, LANDER LANDER LANDER... Was IT JUST YESTERDAY I WAS TELLING YOU THAT TIMMY WOULD COME OUT WITH FIRE, OR WAS IT YESTERDAY? Hmmm, not too sure. 6:18 left in the third quarter, defensive rebound, but back the ball, and a foul....dude dives on the floor to grab the ball, calls time out. Timmy feeding his teammates on all ends of the floor, timmy shooting a three, was it just me or did you see all of that? Timmy with 10pts in the last few minutes of the 3rds, hmm, or was that TIMMY REALLY? I DON'T KNOW LANDER, SOMEONE IS GOING HOME EMPTY HANDED, AND IT AINT TIMMY. TIMMY HAS TWO TROPHIES, PISTONS HAVE NOTHING, ZERO, NADA... I SUGGEST YOU GO ON HIDING LANDER, FOR A VERY LONG TIME, BECAUSE THIS IS THE LAST TIME IN A WHILE THAT PISTONS WILL SEE A FINAL, UNLESS THEY COME TO WATCH AN NBA FINAL FROM COURT SIDE IN THE NEXT FEW SEASONS. PS: HOW MANY MORE NASTY DUNKS CAN GINO---WHO, DO ON Y'ALL? HOW MANY? WAS ANYONE COUNTING??
  4. LayZie G.


    Boys, I am sure u know no team has ever come back down a 3-2 series and won an nba final in the other team's home. I am a firm believer of "first time for everything" but its highly unlikely that pistons will pull a miracle. The spurs were just out of fuel lastnight. Couple of stops, a free throw here and there, and this game would have turned to a celebration instead of a game 7. Good news is, we still have a season next season. The bad news is Lander was on hide-away, he was hoping pistons would pull out a win so he can step up here like the maryooley he is and talk some more bs. To the person who said to "hold celebrationS" I could care less who wins this series, I just thought I point out to old boy lander that game 5 went down the same way I had explained to him previously.(eat your heart out lander)
  5. LayZie G.


    If Lander and the other fake piston fans are reading this, let me start by saying "I TOLD YOU SO". Lander, call me a psychic, call me phil jackson, whatever you gotta call me, but I sure know my boy horry, and I told you just couple of nights ago what he will do. Everyone who watched lastnight knows that if it hadn't been for duncan missing those crucial three throws, spurs would have been up by 3points and this sh*t wouldn't have gone to a tie, but then again, let us thank Duncan the soldier.(he will come out of this struggle soon enough) Lander, if I were you, I would never step up to the Lazy one ever again and bs about how good your maryooley pistons boys are, because I TOLD YOU COUPLE OF NIGHTS AGO, AND I WILL REPEAT IT AGAIN, ALL WE NEEDED IS JUST ONE WIN OUT OF ALL THOSE GAMES, AND WE GOT IT...GO HIDE SOMEWHERE LANDER, BECAUSE YOUR MARYOOLEY BOYS ARE GOING HOME FOR THE SUMMER WITH NOTHING TO SHOW FOR, I HOPE THEY REALLY TAKE A GOOD LUCK AT THE FINALS ON TUESDAY, BECAUSE IT WOULD BE THEIR LAST APPEARANCE FOR A LONG TIME COMING.(IF THEY ARE REAL MARYOOLEy, THEY WOULD PUSH FOR A GAME 7, BUT ITS HIGHLY UNLIKELY)
  6. LayZie G.


    Now Lazy wah u doin on da computer durin da game u call yaself a fan but on da computer durin GAME 7 DAYUM dun 4get Some of us work Capital Z, I am sorry you dont know the meaning of the word itself. Game 7 or not, we still gotta go on with our lives, but in any case, don't start with "we gonna re-sign this and that" fess up, your team was on top and they just came down hard in just a short time. Talk about we are "deadly in american airlines arena", YOU LOST IN "AMERICAN AIRLINES AREA" bla bla bla....NEXT....PISTONS GONNA GET BEATEN BY SPURS LIKE THE ANIMALS THEY ARE...
  7. LayZie G.


    y'all said he sux jus showin u guys that ur knowledge of da NBA isnt as high as u think but atleast we both agree on sumtin he a good 3 point shooter and we gonna need his scorin touch if we wanna get to da finals. The end of 3rd quarter and Mr he sucks so bad, Mr back up point guard has Zero, 0, nada points and this is suppose to be a do or die game? Excuse me Capital Z, you are comparing our IQ level for the game of basketball with how well we know of Damon JONES? For a second there, I really thought u knew what you were talking about all this time, but the more you talk, the less likely I believe that you are clueless. I am sorry to tell you this, but a back up guard, will always be a back up guard, no matter how many nights he hits 3point shots that are as wide open as a day in the beach. Get a grib of yourself, Capital Z, DAMON JONES WILL NOT SAVE THE MIAMI HEAT, I REPEAT, HE WILL NOT SAVE THE MIAMI HEAT.
  8. LayZie G.


    ^^^PlayMaker, your name ought to change to BsMaker. This isn't about what you believe, lol@"I believe suns will come back" hahaha. Suns got beaten down badly in game 1, and again in game 2, with spurs not even playing their best on game 2. Excuse me when I say, "I TOLD U SO" The only team coming off the west is SPURS, I've said it before, I will say it again until you get it through your thick skull, as for the EAST, I said it before, its up for grabs, let the best man win.(STILL SAD ABOUT INDY'S LOSS BUT THEY AREN'T MY TEAM, SO I COULD CARE LESS) I'M EXCITED THOUGH ABOUT MR CHEEKS AKA MR WONDERFUL, LOVE HIM, I STILL CANT BELIEVE CHEEKS ACTUALLY CAME TO US AFTER 2 YRS OF SOLELY SEARCHING FOR HIM ONCE BROWN BAILED ON US...(I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT SEASON, CANT WAIT TO DESTROY TEAMS) ps: YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THIS....SIXERS #1 IN ATLANTIC DIVISION, AND POSSIBLE #1, OR #2 IN THE EASTERN CONFERENCE FOR 05-06 SEASON(IF THERE IS A SEASON)
  9. LayZie G.


    Lol@^^^. PM, Seattle upsetting the sonics........ please dont get my blood pressure high.. The only upset that sonics will be part of is a 4-2 defeat in beans town tomorrow night..(if they are scheduled to play that is) I believe that dallas could win @home on game 6, and force a game 7, but it be pointless for both teams because neither team will advance to the finals. Spurs are coming from the west, and the east is up for grabs right now but I still have faith in pacers, i think they still have plenty of energy to make a push for the conference finals. PS: capital Z, soon we might have to ask a translator to speak on your behalf yao style. Only thing I could make out was "d-jones this or d-jones that, your newly found admiration for damon jones is so yesterday.
  10. What in the world did you think you were going to gain by posting a googled sample letter from the net, is beyond me. Is this topic suppose to go somewhere, if so I don't see it. PS:don't even try to say "it isn't a sampled letter", because I can find the link to it as quickly as I've read through the first few lines of the so called "LOVE LETTER"
  11. So kindly find something better to occupy ur mind with than cyber grudges. Who are you to instruct pple on what they should/shouldn't occupy their minds with. (You ought to be worried about yourself a.k.a amnesty intl.) Maxaa ku cunaya adigana? ...very typical.(who on earth talks this way besides u)
  12. When i was in last summer, i boarded a train (metro i think they call it), after maybe 5 mins of my journey i see this guy beaating the hell out of his mrs and calling her all sorts of derogatory names. Northerner a.k.a Mr.Northness, you were so eagered to contribute to canada bashing that you started to get delirious. Talk about "I was riding the ttc and a dude was slapping his woman and carrying a piece around". YOu sure you were in canada, because it sounds to me that u were in a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY.(NO LAW AND ORDER IN PUBLIC TRANSITS) No one in their right mind would ride the TTC and have a nerve to waive a piece in TTC METRO OF ALL PLACES. Yes pple, there are criminals everywhere even in canada, yes there are women beaters in canada too, just like your own backyard @ Northness, but please, if you want to come out as being a funny dude with sad tales such as what you came up with, you need to try to make it seem a lil more believable and a lil less of a bad play gone wrong in the dessert.(HOW DUMB DO YOU THINK ARE CANADIAN THUGS TO WAIVE THEIR PIECE INFRONT OF A STRANGER LIKE U?) Then he turned to me and says "can you believe this b*tch threw my piece down the garbage shoot" while i was trying to figure out what exactly he I'm sure that this so called crazy dude you came across in your lil mind would have pointed the piece in your face before he ever said another word to you. PS:"But right now he ain’t no GANG member." Afronaut aka Gorilla unit groupie, you are a joke.
  13. ^^^ In one hand we have you saying that you have never set foot in a church, and in the other you are talking great deal of the ins/outs of the catholic church IN RESPONSE TO They won't even allow a non-European male Pope I NEVER MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT A FEMALE POPE, JUST MAKING A REFERENCE TO WHAT YOU SAID.(U MADE YOURSELF SEEM AS IF U KNEW WHAT U WERE TALKING ABOUT)
  15. DAWACO, DAWACO, I gotta be honest with you. You know that saying "GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE" well amen to whatever you just said, because thats exactly what I was wondering myself. Creativity has died in this forum, DEAD I TELL YA.
  16. Where's the female Pope? They won't even allow a non-European male Pope, forget about a female one. In one hand we have you saying that you have never set foot in a church, and in the other you are talking great deal of the ins/outs of the catholic church. If I didn't know any better, I would say you were a cardinal trainee WT.
  17. Marriage is one of those things you would not know how it turns(good or bad) until you try it. All your do's and dont's are cliche. Nothing is guaranteed in life Bishaaro, but then again, to get to know someone who you will share your lifewith isn't "CLICHE" at all. The reason the divorce is high is because some men trick women into marriage. Bishaaro, had you understood what I wrote previously, you wouldn't have said women get tricked into marriage, as if women don't have a mind of their own. Hello, earth to bishaaro, if pple took time to get to know each other, they wouldn't be under false pretense for long, one way or the other, their true personality would come out. The fact that couples are in such a rush to tie the knot, makes it very difficult to detect any sort of pretenses the other holds. I'm not saying time would heal all wounds, but when making important decision such as who you will marry, and you bring that into the equation, couples owe it to themselves to give it all they have, and make the best possible decision. He pretends to be someone he isn't. He's an amazingly good actor. Putting on an act. A pretender than only pretend for so long, because sooner or later it will catch up to them, and thats why I say once more, if you knew who you were marrying, you wouldn't be trapped into these things, your lives would be drama free if you just took the time to get to know the other.(BE CAUTIOUS)
  18. My task will not be to elaborate what made DIVORCE rate high in somali communities living abroad but to ask all of you to help me discuss it... Discussing the high ratio of divorce isn't going to help eliminate issues relating to divorce. At the rate new marriages are going these days, I don't think the percentage of divorce rate among somalis would decrease anytime soon, if not climb higher than it already has. Everyone is rushing to reach something or somewhere, without knowing what or where. Getting married these days have no real meaning. Marriage at one point in time was a time of joy, couples looked forward to their whole lives with one another, it was celebrated for days, and weeks at a time. Nowadays, couples are meeting on a friday, and are married 3 saturdays later. Marriage no longer holds up to the great value it was held by our parents and great grandparents. To me, it seems like marriage in this day and time is like running a marathon, the more you complete finishes, the more trophies you get, until that is you get divorced. There is no communication between couples. I am not saying that people have to take years inorder to find out how one another's brain cells operate, but please, don't think you know someone because you went out several times, and was way in over your head when you agreed to marry without even thinking about it, you were living the moment. People these days, dont care whether or not they have feelings for one another, ok, I understand that, you just want to marry for convenience, but atleast marry someone you can tolerate, dont make a mistake of marrying a total stranger, thinking you know them and later find out your surprise. When you considering marrying someone, don't you have to atleast know what ticks them off, what moods are they in the morning, what drives your significant other. Do they have goals, what do they want in life? Do pple that date talk or basically let their hormones take control for that period of time? THese things take time, but it sure doesn't take an hour, day, or even a week, or a month, its something you know once you find out, then you will know whether he/she is right for you.
  19. Nova, I must say, you brought up some very good points for someone who has little information to go by. This is just another one of those, mr right/mrs right type of topics, all these threads about who is right for who is really getting tired. To the poster/future posters: If you are willing to take time out of your lives and are really sincere about certain issues and you want results because you left it to the hands of the public forum, then you will have to do alot better than "HE IS SINGLE, SHE IS SINGLE MOTHER, AND HE WANTS TO MARRY TWO WOMEN".(just using this subject as an example, didn't mean to hijack your topic) There is a trend going on in SOL, where pple are posting issues relating to their relationships as a subject that says "HELP ME". My questions to you pple is, how is someone like NOVA(I used nova as an example because nova brought some very good points and even took some to give out suggestions and ask questions inorder to probably further help you with your issue) how can nova or others like nova help give you the results you are looking for, if you are not willing to take that extra step thats needed of you? The reason why I find topics such as this phony is because, pple are constantly bringing up things that relate to them one way or the other, without willing to take that extra step to give out detailed information, yet expect results.(sounds phony alright)
  20. LayZie G.


    lol@lander, thats so true. (what u said about carter's knee when it comes to tough times) Capital Z, it looks to me that we will be facing the celtics once more,(if pacers lose that is) but I can't wait to see a series against the heat. Not to worry, heat have their hands full, not knowing who they will be facing, but I gurantee you that nets will give the heat a series, where as cavs wouldn't.(lets hope nets win caawa for cavs sake, their misery would come to an end)
  21. LayZie G.


    Its not like you're the 76ers fan, you DR Iverson so whats the difference?? Always looking for attention, too bad you didn't get enough of it growing up, you might wanna try harder next time. This whole "you ain't a fan" is really getting old.(your bitterness is just pitiful) Getting back to the rest of you, zzzz, the only thing you wanna worry about is how will the heat get passed second round of playoffs. If and only if they get passed second round, how will they deal with the pistons, because we all know the only thing standing between that trophy and shaq is the detroit pistons.(one step at a time, CAPITAL Z, heat are far from capturing a title.) ps: who cares who finishes 8th we all kno dat my HEAT gonna sweep'em neways. You really don't mean that, heat don't want to face the nets. Pray that sixers come out with a W, because right now, CAVS ARE THE ONLY THING YOU WILL SWEEP OFF THE 8th SEED AND THEY AIN'T LOOKING TOO GOOD TO EVEN COME ALIVE AND FACE YOUR TEAM, FROM THE LOOKS OF THIS AFTERNOON'S RESULTS.
  22. this is insanely funny, what a joke that was.
  23. LayZie G.


    Qabiil = Dumb, and s.tupid anyone who uses Qabil = dumb and s.tupid thats the end of it I couldn't have said better myself, Nin Yaaban. Qabiil is overrated, and for those of you that said it matters when choosing a mate fall under the categories listed by nin yaan. I can't possibly understand how someone with any sense of logic left in them would ever let qabiil dictate who they ought to be with for the rest of their lives. Don't you pple ever learn from the past? QABIIL RUINED YOUR LAND, YOUR PPLE, YOUR COUNTRY, AND NOW YOU LETTING IT DICTATE YOUR PERSONAL LIVES AND THE LIVES YOU MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE WITH SOMEONE? WHAT A BUNCH OF RETARDS...
  24. maraxsanaa, waxkalo ey qabato may wayday? LOL@u, buubto, I haven't heard that word "marax" in a long time. The woman is doqonad, because she broke the code of lying. Once you lie, U can't go back on it. She should have went through with her lies, and for that alone, I am very disappointed in her.
  25. ayaan the daanyeer with the bumper forehead is not worth my breath and spit. You calling me naag waalan, yet adiga aa isku dardarsoontay, waxa aad dhaheyso ma ogid..."talk about she aint worth my breath and spit", yet there u are still talking about her