LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Somalis aren’t known for violence and destruction in Canada, lets keep it that way. ^^^ You gotta be kidding me. Talk about somalis in canada aren't known for violence and destruction. You have no idea what you are talking about Farm, no idea at all. X, and Nova, sorry for your loss. Allah U naxariisto your friend and his friend.
  2. Why Do Battered Women Stay In Abusive Relationships? Because they love it.
  3. Hibo, my memory isn't that great, but I do recall at one point in time where Jacaylbaro himself opened a topic to the likes of "cooking for your woman" and at that time, it sounded as if he was married, because he kept going off about how he cooks for his wife. Unless the dude got divorce overnight, its highly unlikely that he is single, so why is he participating in your single match? If I may suggest something to you hibo. I think its a good thing you are playing match maker, but I also believe that you can be great at it if you do background check on everyone who is participating. The last thing you want is to hook up gabar yar with oday oo grandchildren qabo, na mean? PS: Dawoco is a nice girl, do not set up her with a divorcee, she might never recover from the nightmare.
  4. it does not matter where their from - if they attempted to do this they are criminals - and somalis are not Immune to criminilaty courtesy of not immune to criminality eh? Not if Mukhtar & Yasin have anything to say about this.
  5. LayZie G.


    Congrats to G-Child's team. Lets just see how long he lasts in the Knicks bench, that will be the prize of all prizes. Marshall made a good move getting out of TdotO. My boy green and korver are locked with us for yrs to come, we will have dalembert on lock down soon, eat your heart out Capital Z. He knows with or without big bucks, ATL ain't got what sixers got and thats Mr cheeks, Ai and company. Who can resists the philadelphia 76ers, who, tell me CAPITAL Z who? PS: BIG UPS TO MR KING AKA MR GM.(He finally earned his pay, I thought getting Mr cheeks made up for all the bad moves he made in the past but now he showing that he out to put soldiers together for battle, LET THE SEASON BEGIN KIDS.
  6. ^^^, I agree with you, the skirt would have been defined better had it been shorter than that length displaced in the picture. This way, only shoes to wear it with is flat, as it appears in the pic, but had the skirt been shorter, then the shoes would have been a whole another story. Getting back to all of those materials that have been posted so part of your desire, don't you girls want to be realistic and post something that you still desire but affordable, no sense in dreaming girls... I just bought them in black, unfortunately the black isn't available in the site. Affordable, tasty and kudos to Kenneth COle, the minute I saw I just had to have it, its called apple cedar made in brazil. only $69 prize tag. Did I mention comfortable to walk on, believe it. (I am set for the rest of the season)
  7. ^^ why, because all somalis are innocent?(*shakes her head@above poster) This is getting old. London has officially turned to baghdad of Europe, yet I don't see anyone discussing baghdad children who die everyday, I don't see folks dedicating threads to baghdad. Give it a rest, this is old news.
  8. hahahah, I am tea person fox, just had me a large cup of earl grey tea, getting back to the topic. I don't recall what I had for dinner lastnight, much less remember the sort of games I had taken part in my childhood yrs.
  9. The poster, I think it's a fabulous idea for you to go back home and snatch yourself a young 17/18 yr old. Please do, and wait couple of yrs while you are @ it until she makes her own friends. Report back to us and tell us how good you have as a wife, and how devoted she is to you, to the point that your laundry will rotten somewhere in your basement, and whether or not sun(poison) ay kugu shubto cuntada ey kariso, because I guarantee the marriage won't last, just like the thousand faraax's before you who went this same path. You can't buy love genius no matter who the woman is or what part of the world she is from.
  10. I don't know waxa aad kahadleyso fox, too early and too long of a post.
  11. LayZie G.


    OUCH@^^^, LAKE IN TRAINING, YOU REALLY GOT CRUSHED BY JAY. I gotta agree with golden boy here, wizards got rid of a nuisance, and in return got butler, and to sweetened the deal atkins as a bonus.(potential backup for any point man that wizards might put up) Hopefully they would let my boy juan dixon be a starter in the point, arenas in the shooting position and butler in small forward come tough times atkins can be a back up to dixon.(atkins has experience as a starter, but he would benefit the team by coming off the bench hungry) I still believe kwame can benefit some team, some day(and I stand by it), and I think that team might just be the lakers, since phill jackson is known to pull miracles, and this is the time for kwame brown to shine, but wizards will benefit off this deal better than the lakers would. This whole nonsense about big *ss james coming off the westcoast into knicks uniform, that I just would like to see it happen, lets wait until some time around middle of november-december and see what impact james makes, whether or not the offseason moves by isiah will work, or be doomed, once again. (remains to be seen boys)
  12. This story is full of bs, from what I understood of the overral story line is that a man met a woman in a chatroom, think) According to the man, once he met this alleged woman, he had asked her if they can get to know each other via msn messenger, halkaas ayey email address exchange kusameeyeen. After a short time, or according to my own conclusions, the man had asked if he can see this alleged woman's picture because he wanted to put face with the woman he thinks is made for him. The woman agreed to sent a picture, and after a while(probably after days) the man still didn't receive any of the pictures that was promised to him. Maalin maalmaha ka mid ah, the woman logged on msn, and the man was online at the same time as her, after a short time, he had asked her where are the pictures she had promised to sent, and she said, hadda ayaan kuusoo diraa, so she emailed him some pictures. According to the man, the pictures weren't as clear, therefore he had asked her if she can get a web cam, she had said something about her not having a webcam or something. The story shifted to the alleged woman having some financial problems, therefore the "man" had asked her, why haven't you told me about your problems, I can help you. So the alleged woman said she really needed $60, so the man says okay, I will sent it, but I need a phone # to sent it with the local dahab shiil. The alleged woman said I don't have a number, something about one of the reasons why she really needed this money is to get her phone number. The man agreed to sent the money, still eagered to see this woman via webcam. Shortly after that money discussion, and no indication on whether he had sent the money, the man logged to msn messenger, sees the woman logged in, and he sends her a message. Shortly after, someone sends a message backs, says ma ihi qofka aa umaleyneyso or something to that like. To make a bs story short, this suppose person says I just came to use this pc, its an internet cafe, and msn was already logged in, and I just answered your message, I have no idea who you looking for or who this messenger is opened to. The man from chat was just shocked, he had asked this person who he was, the innocent person says i am a dude, just came to take my turn in this net cafe, and i am located in mogadisho. The innocent man says, a man just walked out of this cafe, using this same pc, maybe it was him that belonged to this messenger address. THE MAN FROM CHAT WAS JUST SHOCKED WITH THIS BELIEF, HE JUST COULDNT BELIEVE HE WAS CHATTING TO A DUDE ALL THIS TIME, AND A DUDE SENT OUT THE ABOVE WOMAN'S PIC...AND SOME OTHER BS I DIDNT UNDERSTAND, OVERRAL, IT WAS A MAN PRETENDING TO BE A WOMAN AND SHUKAANSI ON A MAN..LOL(JERRY SPRINGER)
  13. LMAO@@@@@@@@ LEGEND Z, you crack me up.
  14. LayZie G.

    This is it!

    ^^^lmao@u zeph. I don't want to fight. Who said anything about a "fight" or you just like the sound of it.
  15. LayZie G.

    This is it!

    ^^^ It's because of your way of thinking that men get off scot-free and do absolutely nothing to help around with chorus. I don't know what you are campaigning for these days nor do I want to know, but its getting old.
  16. The Title of this thread lacks relevance.
  17. Irrational people cannot be engaged rationally. And the name is Coofleh dammit! damn right, u tell them.
  18. how come you, Ofleh, have come across this website? lol, just becaue he came across the website makes him what exactly, dawoco?LOL(I knew this question was going to be asked)
  19. LayZie G.


  20. LayZie G.


    I knew you had some serious mental issues all along. You don't want to address me but yet you are still addressing me. ...and speaking of "BOYS", don't one have to grow basketBALLS inorder to be a boy. Speaking of mentals, talk about richardson is bigg??? Isiah Thomas got the worst out of this deal. Thomas could sometimes be useless and lazy, but at the same time when he is really motivated, he can really be make an impact in games, and this is exactly what suns were looking for. A hungry center like thomas who is willing to work hard and be part of a promising franchise like the suns. Can someone tell me what richardson brings to the table for the knicks? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING....if they want another useless "shooting" guard who is willing to just stand behind the 3point line missing one shot after another and making 6 in a row after he has taken about 20 or 30 shots, then isiah has his hands full. Useless richardson will never make an impact in a team like the knicks, but once more isiah proved that he has no business being a GM, and if this doesn't work out this season, he might be looking to just find himself another career real soon. Suns are just getting better and better without really changing their roster that much, they are getting one of LayZie's favourite player's, RAJA BELL, thanks to ISIAH THOMAS FOR TAKING USELESS RICHARDSON OUT OF THE WAY. DEFENSIVE MINDED PLAYER, WHO WILL BACK UP THE SHOOTING GUARD POSITION AND PLAY SMALL FORWARD AT THE SAME TIME. SUNS ARE JUST BALLING OUT THIS SUMMER WITH ALL THE IMPRESSIVE MOVES THEY HAVE MADE SO FAR. TO ALL Y'ALL PHILLY HATERS, RAJA WILL ALWAYS BE A PHILLY PRODUCT...just remember that
  21. LayZie G.


    Nahh you're making yourself look bad by sucking up to her.. I'm sure you would want to trade places with Jay@any given day, but it ain't gonna happen LAKEHEAD. I know your type and kind you're weak.. Thats just it, you don't know jack about anything, and especially not JAY. If you knew him, you, yourself and your other personalities would all agree that you can't be half the man JAY IS, YOU WILL NEVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING LAKEHEAD. you ever had a disagreement with her? One minute you are calling him weak, the next you are asking him how many disagreements he has had with me, intee lakuu raacaa? (if you want to be his friend, just ask politely) Even thought its hard to believe, we have had many disagreements in the past, we will continue to have disagreements, and just because you don't witness to any of the disagreements, doesn't mean he is a "YES, YES MAN" AS YOU REFER TO HIM..."THE WEAK TYPE". this bird is on some other shit, she feels threaten thats why she has to reply all the time sounding aggressive .. By being threatened by you, you mean exposing your sorry excuse of a human being to yourself, and painting a clear picture so you can take a good hard look@yourself??? In that case, I really must be threatened by you. she wants us to take her seriously WHO IS "US"? YOUR OTHER PERSONALITIES? when really all she says is nothing arguments sounding lame and baseless If my arguments are sounding lame and baseless all the time, what does that say about you genius. I have asked you over and over again, point out a time I have sounded lame and baseless about an issue that was discussed in this same thread, or all of sports thread, matter of fact the entire form, point it out sonny and while you are @it, step up and back up it with your own lame and baseless arguments.( Hurry, I can't wait)
  22. LayZie G.


    Mursal/Guhaad, what sort of moderating do the two of you do around here? Allowing such wasaq to be said in sports forum, "does it pay to ride her" and for me to have to come here (not a mod) to have to see this hours after it has been posted, before the moderators have? DO not bother answering that and come up with an excuse like "we didn't see it" i am sure u have and thats all I need to know. Getting back to the filthy creature, I am sure it pays alot more than your cheap a*s can ever afford, I hope that answers your question. and as far as she said that Tim Duncan hit a 3 in game 7 and we all kno that he didnt Tim's shot was good as a three, too bad if the refs have to count alil foot that sticks in the 3 point line and to call it a "20 footer" rather than what it was suppose to be, a 3 point shot, smooth as ever. I still stand by my comments, Nets could have given y'all a run, but at the end of the day where are your heat capital Zero? the same boat as everyone else...Whatever happened to "heat will dominate the east"? Y'all got beat with the best record in the east and in your home, and you have a nerve to question my knowledge for this game? You were the same "know it all" kid who said D-jones will save the day, what happened to him? a pathetic back up pg will save an entire team, and I don't know what I am talking about?
  23. Is Tuujiye celebrating the birthdate he had put on his papers prior to coming to qurbada, if so, happy- belated birthday. I know it must be difficult to remember the actual birth date, since he cant remember as far as his geeljire days, and all the memory loss that had occured, who can blame him.