LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Someone is sure pmsing today,ma is tiri :eek: :eek: :eek:
  2. ^^^, are you saying if the title of the thread had "SOMALILAND" instead of somali, you would turn the other way, haruun? Who are you kidding... HornOfAfka, when you wrote and said I don't want to start an argument nor want to start a squabble, but why did you not make the title of your article and the name of your thread the same? You openly invited just about anyone who would see it the way I saw it when I read those lines. YOu turned an innocent article that lander posted and made it "SOMALIA" vs "SOMALILAND" in a matter of minutes. This isn't the political section, you just spoiled this topic for potential readers and its in your head.(I apologize lander for taking over your lil thing here, it couldn't be helped) Getting to the "how You got on my bad side". I have nothing personal against you or anyone else, get that through your thick skull and let it sit there. If I may, this is a public forum, you ask for an argument or squabble as you say, and you will get your wish, simple as that. As far as not holding my "cyper acquaintance", I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy and I mean that in a good way, so lets keep it that way, shall we sonny boy. PS:Watch what you write before you write it and you just might not go through it all, hint hint.
  3. Haye, Haye, Haye, you are one to talk. I don't think you realize half the things you say most of the time HornOfAfka. For instance, how am I yelling? How do I fit in all of this? I am not the one who swore and said Walahi I see so much more young Somali girls donning the hijaab (the one with indho-shareer), You probably thought you knew what you were talking about since you based your views and its entirety over several individuals you come across(which clouded your judgement overall)and to top it all, you swore on it. I called you out on it and in return, instead of saying LayZie, I shouldn't have to swear and talk of subjects I have no clue about, you just came up with Now what do you have to yell about? Acudibilaah shaydaanka iska naar walaal. TRY AGAIN SONNY BOY
  4. @Lander If it bothers you, request the admin to change the title to Love on the net enchants [insert your little tulo here] Teenagers , and I promise to overlook it LMAO@insert your lil tuulo. Good suggestion Lander. There is no "if"s about any of this. It bothered him so much that he couldn't resist inuu calaacalo in an open forum for everyone to take a crack@him. Who knew nimanka iney calaacal yaqaaneen better than the women, I sure didn't, atleast I didn't come across one for a while.
  5. HornAfrique, cajiib aa tahay wallaahi. Talk about "we" re-deemed ourselves. Excuse me, are you the official somali spokesperson for the Seattle metropolitan area!!! You sound like you selling the city hard and fast, and its just not working out for you. Just because you see one or two girls getting off the train and you see few more at the masjid, that all of a sudden Seattle has the official hot spot of all the somali community. How do you know who is doing whom and what they are doing? Yes you see few girls wearing hijab, but that doesn't mean anything in this day and age. What really puzzles me is just how naive you are sounding right about now. LOOKS CAN BE VERY DECEIVING; DONT LET IT DECEIVE YOU.
  6. Tuujiye, yaakaa xanaajiye?(whoever it is, just brush them off Tuujiye, they are just bitter yeah) I just read my interview with you and I can't say I am impressed. I thought we would have some r-rated things to discuss on your show to the point were your producers would have to *beep* out almost every other word, but you made me sound as if I was some nac nac girl, c'mon now,I know you can do much better than talking about jerseys. Lets see the real Layzie up in here.(encore, encore, encore) PS:Wassup Nova, are you still breathing? I didn't know tuujiye wore pajamas much less knew what they were, but I wanna see it.
  7. LayZie G.


    Capital Z, thats the same thing you said last season. We gonna show the world what Miami Heat is about. You can talk the talk, but Miamia needs to walk the walk, and that will only be playoff time. Your boy Jason Washed Williams has been around the block and back. You are talking of Jason the same way you talked off Damon Jones and look where Damon Jones got you, NOWHERE.
  8. Don't get me wrong Nuune, I wuv you, but I just don't see you moderating the sports section and have the time to sweet talk every girl on sight. Quite a task for you old boy. (all jokes) I wanna see a female presence's in the sports section. I don't think there is a need to have 4 guys moderating the sports section, just because they are guys don't mean a thing, let them guard the woman's section for all I care or poetry.(You should have one of the female mods added to that list) I think its time we stopped this barrier, females in female zone, and males in male zone is so old Libaax. PS:Rahima,Nuune, congrats you two.
  9. Tuujiye A.k.a Tuurloow, I wanna know what you're on.(its some good sh*t) You are on your way to being in Rudy's world. Nova, you really wanna know? You have nuune on one hand, tuujiye on the other and you add Qaac quux and mr suufi aka mr jacaylbaro to the picture, you really wanna know the outcome of that meeting? I didn't think so.
  10. Lexus, abaayo what happen? i think you forget to change your nickname or something. Did you not decide to leave this place? Talk about attention! LoL@ Nazra, you are harsh. I wonder if ppl who claim to leave this place publicy, actually leave? or forget to How sad! I agree it is quite sad, but I think amnesia ayey qabaan.
  11. My first ever job was at Tim Hortons,.(coffee shop for those that aren't familiar with Good old Mr Timmy). I was turning 17 at the time. It was great, I had some of my friends working there, in such a short period of time, I had turned the shop into LayZie's free zone/hot spot. I was having all my pple drop by, hook them up with free of anything from donuts, coffee/tea/biscuits/soup/sandwich, you name it. Exchanging fake $50/$100 bills for my friends. I was getting a tip of atleast $50 each day I worked there, that is about 3days a week, friday night, saturday afternoon and sunday afternoon. It was minimum wage $6.85 but I was bringing it alot more than that. My manager was a pervert, all he ever hired was young girls, because he wanted to look good, he didn't give a shit and I was the only black girl in the shop, so if a cx had beef with me, you know what that means. I had finally quit just before I went back to school for the fall, but in just less than 6 months I went from counter help to weekend supervisor. It was hell of a ride, I loved it.
  12. Nazra, you have been one busy girl, you bad girl you. Good topic and good start. I dislike 98.5% of SOL members, thats just given fact and vice versa, no love lost there. I don't think you should bet on all girls liking darman, as I didn't know if he was a he/she 4sho, nor did I care and I am sure there are many girls that feel that way. Now that you brought this topic up, I am beginning to wonder where the fella "mujahidiin" is @, he was a cool cat, if you are reading this "muhajidiin"wassuppppppppp. I never had a crush on anyone here, and I don't plan to. X from Wal-Mart is a cool a*s sista , dawoco F*to kuus is just amazing , Nova is just ridiculously funny , FF just kills me, Aorta is just Aorta(naa I stil don't know your handle name) , and Jaylaani is a dear friend of mine and thats about the only folks I like, and ofcourse the 4 other members that I know in real life :eek: . PS: I hate folks who bring up old topics out of boredom, I can't stand you all. Why can't you be creative like Nazra and come up with your own ideas, instead of bringing up a topic thats 3,4 yrs old?(you lot should learn a thing or two from Nazra)
  13. My Laziness motivates me. I get so sick of being lazy at times that I have to tell myself to get on up and get going. I just sing along the "get on up" by Jodeci as well. If that isn't motivation I don't know what is.
  14. LayZie G.


    Miskiin Macruuf, I don't know why you are so bitter towards the King. The man has a voice aad umacaan, he looks macaan, for a somali singer.(which is alot coming from me) The three songs you are referring to, he put life to those old songs, and because of him, I listen to somali songs.(I never did listen to a tune on my own before the king arrived, much less anything somali) Quit hating, u and I both know the man has vocals that can weaken your knees. PS: According to a friend of mine who happens to be a singer, 80% of the songs belong to hassan a. samatar, one way or the other. Majority of these so called artists are copycats, I don't see why you are singling out King Khalid on his own.(maybe u agree that he is macaan)
  15. LayZie G.


    Hey Liban, I was looking for King Khalid songs online for a bit now, until I came across your link to, they actually have the entire album. Just wanted to say thanx for the link.
  16. bro you are wasting your time talking to this lot.The only thing they care about is trash talk,negative talk,and talk,talk,talk.So if you are looking for some red blooded Somali patriots you can this lot out. Correction orgeeley, the only thing "you" care about is what you just wrote above. Getting back to the poster, forget somalia. LayZie needs help more than somalia does, help a sista out.
  17. i gave her thumbs down!! cuz she got red eyes!! she looks like shes on crack! loooool. LMAO@Rudy. This is the funniest you have been so far. I just can't get over the red eyes lol rudy. Unless you are a former junkie yourself, how did you come about noticing the red eyes? Shyhem, I think you have an admirer, and no it isn't me. Don't go ugly on him, just turn him down gently or else you would hurt his feelings.
  18. Nazra, you have a bunch of hungry girlfriends. You ought to be setting them up. Did you stay friends with any of these girls, or you forgave them?
  19. lol@I couldn't bring myself to bite into a negro. You are funny sheherazade..
  20. believer, recognize that they are correct even if you dont' implement them. As a true believer of islam, I do accept that the right and wrong to some degree, even though I don't implement some of it, I still do accept the right and wrong, but if I choose not to implement the idea of dating, thats my god given right and I will do as I please, and you need to accept it, but whether you do or not, I could care less.
  21. If you don't care about what Islam says or if Islam is your's view-point, you shouldn' be here at all or ignore this topic. Fair and square Excuse me, who gave you the right to miss quote me. Please practice your reading skills. I never said I don't care what Islam says about having a boyfriend/girlfriend, I said I don't care to look up for I don't like the end result. In english, mr Moderator, it means I don't want to know the answer to it. Plain and simple, english 101. PS: LMAO@EXIT. You are a joke
  22. Do you really pay attention to what you write? If you've never looked up what Islam says about dating and if you don't care too much to find out the end result, then why are you bothering us with your opinion? Hadaad cajistaay let me show you the door to opinions because this issue is not based on personal opinions. Earth to Taqwa. You are not the poster, therefore my views/opinions in regards to this topic and others shouldn't concern you, what is eating you? You keep referring to yourself as if you are a group, "us" this "us" that???? Taqwa, you really ought to follow your own advise and that is read what you really are writing, rather than being concerned with opinions, as they are my opinions not yours. I feel as if we really are hijacking this topic, and you are to blame for this, because you keep dragging this topic to the grown. Your focus shouldn't be what people say, it ought to me what you know of the subject @ hand.
  23. Taqwa, I don't need to read what I wrote 10/15 minutes ago. I don't write for the hell of just writing, I think before I write or speak for that matter, unlike some people. You are telling me to speak for myself, yet you are speaking of behalf of the so called "sisters"? PS: The "sisters" should know that those who speak positively of dating are NOT interested in what the sisters have to say. this had me laughing for few seconds.
  24. ^^^ You already hot and bothered, I wonder why. PS: I have already spoken for myself, can't you read?
  25. It almost sounds as if most of you are trying to convince yourselves more than anything. Hijacking topics isn't the way to avoid the real quesitons. Dating is dating, having a boyfriend/girlfriend is just that, having one or the other. There is no such thing as "islamic dating, "arabic dating" "gaal dating". There is just one type of dating, and thats plain dating. Let us not get it twisted, I mean y'all might wanna call it "islamic dating" in the hopes that others wont judge you for being you. Who cares what people think. We are all adults here, we all know that at one time or another, each and everyone of us dated, except the "very few exceptions". Whether you are single, married or still dating, You dated. You know, your boyfriend/girlfriend knows and most importantly allah knows. The question we should be asking ourselves is, why we fronting on the idea of dating, yes you the reader(I'm talking to you), you know you have had ex's, you know you had or have boyfriend/girlfriend. Why you gotta put an act?Who are you trying to please?(THe only thing you should be fearing is allah, not the readers of SOLers or your friends, but allah) Why do SOlers have a tendency to say one thing but do totally different thing behind close doors? Lets be honest here, you can't come in here with a straight face, talking about "dating is haram" but I dated the islamic way. You and I both know no one takes a third wheel into their alone time with your significant other. Having a chaperon is a joke. Getting back to the topic @ hand, I never looked up to find out what islam says about having a boyfriend, because I don't care too much to find out the end result, thats just me. As long as folks aren't sharing their cake with their significant other, it will always be halal in my book.