LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. LayZie G.


    Getting back to the real issues. J simply pointed out that even the hawks have faith of winning this thing every single training camp they hold each start of the season, just like every other team in the league. The reality is that they are far from winning playoff birth much less a championship. This just isn't the season for you H, you can keep making fun of jay, but at the end of the day, you know and I know that he is right, your team will not win a title this year, mark my words.[/i] PS: Try surviving without your big man before you can dream up a title and wade holding the trophy and y'all having a victory parade come june. [ December 01, 2005, 11:56: Message edited by: Northerner ]
  2. Confession three: * I hecked into more then three people's email Am I the only one who finds this girl hilarious? There gotta be atleast one person out. LMAO@ I hecked into more than 3 people's email. By hacking if you meant you knew their password and just logged in as them, that isn't considered hacking dear, but keep them confessions coming. LOL@ "LIED TO MY FRIENDS AND TOLD THEM I TRIPPED ON MY DIRAC" There is something seriously wrong with that picture. Your friends aren't your parents, why did you have the need to lie to them about falling off a window?
  3. I've used my example to highlight other views, may not necessarily be urs, but when i was told i couldn't ride, it was insinuated that riding bikes may lead to whoredom. X, finally truth comes out. You were discouraged from riding a bike all these yrs ago because some farah hinted that bikedom leads to wh*redom, too bad. :mad: :mad: :mad: Simply U, I understand, you wanted to make noise, and Ceel Jire and monkey rider were your way to come out and speak for those 600+lurkers you speak off who in your eyes got discouraged everytime they want to express their opinion by the bullies of SOL....but for you to grab on and hold on to the bone CEEL JIRE threw@ u early on is just sad, and you actually let it become 4pages, all over some man's DAAC about women riding a bike and you claim to be a woman and hold the same views as that man. Sister dear, you have got to realize, whether you are out riding a bike, or you are out covered head to toe, if men want to stare at you, they will stare at you, and I know that for a fact. When I am well dressed, I get looked on all around, when I am wearing t-shirt and sweatpants and walking up to the variety store to get milk, I get even more stares, but I don't live my life in the hopes that men would stop staring. I can't help who stares at me, I can't help who stares at me when driving, or riding my bike 6am on a summer morning, why? because I don't give a sh*t, my only concern is to get my exercise on, ride, and get on with my day. 6am, ain't no one up, except people who are getting about going to work early or those who are on the same boat as me, and are exercising and getting a fresh air. I really don't think the same old man who walks every morning@6am infront of the park that I ride on will be staring at me, as he has his own task to complete that morning, and that is to walk few laps around the park. I have been riding bikes since I was 6yrs old, thats when I got my first ever bike, and I ain't about to stop because thats a hobby I like doing, just as there are people who like rollerblading, I like to ride my bike in the summer time. The point I am trying to make sister is you can't help how people perceive you as an individual. Whether you are covered appropriately or not, people will keep looking at you as long as they like what they see. The next thing men like ceel jire will say is go into hiding because I can't resist women walking around, what then? WOULD WOMEN BE ERASED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH BECAUSE SOME MEN ARE SO PERVERTED THEY CAN'T EVEN STAND TO LOOK AT A WOMAN?Would that be unislamic then just as it is unislamic for women to ride a bike now? This whole trend that is going on SOL LATELY about folks jumping to religion everytime someone says something they ain't feeling is just getting ridiculous. RUDY SAID IT BEST, not sure the exact words he used but he said something to the likes of quoting the quran for your own personal gain is sin itself and y'all got to stop using it and abusing it, and guess what? THE ONLY INDIVIDUAL I HAVE A HARD TIME UNDERSTANDING WAS THE ONLY MAN I REMEMBERED MAKING SENSE FOR A VERY LONG TIME, SO RUDY, YOU ARE A SMART MAN, MORE POWER TO YOU. PLEASE FOLLOW HIS ADVISE AND STOP ABUSING THE RELIGION FOR YOUR OWN GAIN AND ACCEPTANCE. Y'ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE. PS: My apologies for going off topic, but this needed to be said.
  4. LayZie G.


    LMAO@YOU JAY. You are right about one thing jay, alot of folks around these parts of the forum tend to change teams like they change their underwear/shirts. Talk about you ain't a true fan if you think your team ain't going to the championship. CAPITAL Z is a dreamer, the sooner he knows, the better. Z, just because you live in a fantasy world and think every season the heat gonna take it all the way, don't mean you are being reasonable or realistic. You need a reality check, not every single team will make it to the end, come june.(thats why there is only two teams that can come off from each conference) Real fans know the facts, the so so not fans know how to dream and dream big, take a pick.
  5. Ladies, KNOWLEGE IS POWER. Power to the women! *raises fist* LMAO@@@@@RAISES FIST Femme, remember my motto "LOVE THEM, LEAVE THEM". RAHIMA, well said, I couldn't have said it any better myself. I didn't know Libaan could talk, suprise surprise but he raised a good point rahima. 99.9% of men might think with their other brain but Libaan may fall under the 0.1% category, and he just might take on more than one wife for the right reasons, or he might not, who knows? (Lets just give him the benefit of the doubt) I know I know, I can't believe it myself, but I am feeling generous today. Thats a wrap for Layzie, carry on people.
  6. LayZie G.

    Its a Girl!

    X, you always manage to crack me up wallaahi. LMAO@ HE WILL DO IT TO HIS DAUGHTER, D*MN RIGHT HE WILL. E-Nur hollywood doesn't just preach, he practices it, that much is clear to his E-Nur audience. There are E-Nur Followers I wasn't aware off until I read this just now. One E-Nur Follower said: " get off his back" What are you his guardian? Why don't you get off SHeH'S BACK, U ain't NUR and YOU SURE DONT LOOK LIKE SHEH TO ME... LET THE WOMAN SLICE AND DICE HIM TO PIECES. My big heart is not a whore, there is little room for men that want my private parts to fulfill their own appetites, sexual or intellectual all the while dressed up in the holy name of Islam. SHEH, I never knew you had it in ya. Uhuh. I hope 'fame' isnt a misspelling of my name. Cause if it is, I'll knock you sideways before you have the chance to edit. Now now Femme, you knew that was typo. Ofcourse he meant you, but less rage and more loving up in here please. PS:X, Whenever I READ E-NUR THIS AND THAT, I PICTURE THIS IMAGE OF A DUDE SELLING BROCHURES DOOR-TO-DOOR(NO JOKE)
  7. LayZie G.


    You know what jay, coming off back-to-back games with the same team isn't an easy task, even though some people would say, they are the raptors, 0-7 why not beat them? The raptors are bad, worse than the 1996 team, but at the same time, they are professional basketball players, they erased a 20point lead on wednesday night, thats how professional they are but they weren't able to get a lead and close out games. They did fight as hard as any team in the nba for both nights and my hat goes off to them but they are a sh*tty team and will remain a sh*tty team for sometime to come, LANDER. Now that we have M*I*A tonight, it will be a close game, lets see if we can come out on top tonight, I think we can, and cavs tomorrow might be another close game, but it will have to come down to the last few possesions and cavs might take that, but will see... WE just need to come out of a 1-1 record, if it ends up being 2-0, I be happy too.
  8. a group of people from Somalia are known as Somalis not Somalians! There were so many things wrong with what the poster wrote, yet the only thing that burned your cyber fingers were the "somalians" bit, what does that say about you as an individual???(ISSUES, ISSUES, ISSUES)
  9. LayZie G.


    4-0 and still going strong, lets kill them raptors this week. If we go 2-0 against raptors by week's end, we should be in a good spot next week. PS:Austin, texas doesn't have an NBA TEAM, what are you on? SAN ANTONIO AND DALLAS HAVE THE NBA TEAMS, NOT AUSTIN TEXAS, BUT HEY, WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT.
  10. ROFLMAO@RUDY. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read your post, and the surprising part is , I actually understood your joke.(I never understand anything you write, EVER) YOU OUGHT TO WIN SOL SALESMAN OF THE YEAR WITHOUT TROUBLE, I doubt anyone can beat that sales pitch you just made to mudug. I liked the part about Jr college for 4 yrs(You described half of the somali population with that line), hahaha, holly sh*t, but lets hope you were kidding about your real sister and her flaws, or else she will beat you senseless.
  11. LayZie G.


  12. I've no tolerance for nonsense tonight and you're neck-deep in it. Tolerate kulahaa.....You are a joke, and the sad thing is, you know it. Duqa, don't even try it, I know it's menopause season for you, but don't even try that bs on me.
  13. I'm not going to name names (since we've been forewarned not to address her) but if you read this, you know who you are. What are you? a 3rd grader? I just can't see what's so hard about mentioning my name, surely you were addressing me, you can come out of the closet with it, you ain't fooling nobody, you know that BISHAARO.(atleast I have balls to address you directly) YOu are entitled to your opinions just as I am entitled to my own opinions, I hope you understand that dear. I can take criticism if there ever was one made, but you don't know the difference between a constructive criticism and people just constantly openly blabbing their mouth about the LayZie one. Just because you haven't seen a positive post of mine, doesn't mean I have never posted it, unless you are saying you read each and every one of my posts since I started posting, in which case you got too much time on your hands. Why do people do this? Are they just generally unhappy? Do they think they're so much better/intelligent than other people that they get to judge every word posted? Generally, no, I am not unhappy. Do I think I am better/intelligent than other people? Yes, I am. Am I going to continue judging people? Yes I will continue doing what I am doing, but it doesn't mean you have to take it personal or anyone else for that matter, just as I don't take it personal. I can't imagine trying to be this persons friend if she's anything in real life like she is in the forums. You are not my friend, alxamdullillaah, therefore there is no reason for you to imagine us holding hands and playing at the playground as friends. Or, by posting this at all, am I becoming like her and passing judgement? YOu can't become me, but I am sure you are on your way to becoming the idea of me, if you keep this up Bishaaro Bakoolo.
  14. To you faceless/nameless individuals above, let me address you all @once. (You 3 or 4 individuals above with the comments such as "calm down" seriously, calm down andddddd my favourite "stop attacking faceless people"). This is your way of getting attention from me and drawing the attention from the poster. Surely, you realize that the poster hasn't travelled much, if he/she is shocked to find out that our people are living in different parts of the world, means just about everything else shocks them as well. Do you see any veins popping out of my face? Tell me, how do you know if someone is calm just by reading their comments. As for attacking people, why would I want to attack faceless people? What purpose would that serve? Do you people think before you write, I didn't think so. Addressing the layzie one isn't an easy task, so I would kindly advise you to think twice before you post anything that is addressed to me from here on. YOu people need to start making sense, and yes Khayr, I am talking to you as well as these other nameless individuals.
  15. YOu got some serious issues.
  16. LayZie G.


    What's happening B-ball fans everywhere, all around. The season has began, slow but its getting there. What are your early predictions for this this year. How do you think warriors and b-davis are looking out this early? How about them clippers, lol.(good start but we all know there ain't much there) The news with Shaq must come as a shock to our dear friend Capital Z, that must have took you right out Z. Lets see how all of those characters put together(heat starters) can make teams forget that shaq really isn't out of the line up. How about them lakers? Nevermind, they ain't sh*t. Nuggets are a disappointment to me this early in the season, just as my beloved sixers are, but hey, I'm still hopeful just as my buddy Jay is hopeful. Peace out and Happy Be-lated Eid to all the true ballers... Oh and the rest you fakers sit on it, yeah?
  17. Ya also gotta watch my spellin.... I am not good at it. Atleast you spelled spelling correct, hallelujah.
  18. Just what is exactly your point? You sure are quite taken with the news of somalis living in south america. Somalis live just about everywhere, just because its brazil and it sounds and is exotic, don't mean somalis aint suppose to live there? What world are you living in? What is the big deal about living in jamaica if you somali, is that like omg, its jamaica, its so unbelievable? C'mon now, somalis live just about everywhere in the world, just as somalis vacation just about everywhere in the world. Next time, I would kindly advise you to open your eyes wide open.
  19. ^^^I gotta say, that dude is one ugly brother, I am sure you know it since you are making fun of him out in the open. Khayr, I was invited to join the fantasy b-ball@my work, and that is actually more interesting than any fantasy b-ball league I have seen by far, just too lazy to keep up, it needs time that I ain't got. PS:Liiban, ain't you a hockey head, whachu doing responding to b-ball topics Pucca, Fantasy league are where fans of a major sport such nfl, mlb, nhl, nba would come and join a cyber league and basically run teams like they run teams in real life leagues and you are the owner,Gm(general manager), coach, you are basically running the whole show. Some websites host better fantasy sports than others, they have prize's to give to the top winners and etc, so you really out playing your favourite team in cyberspace against other die hard fans like yourself.(To sum it all up:It's just alot of time wasted online)
  20. I advise my sisters to get out of the way of this discussion First of all, there isn't a discussion in place. Secondly, you have mood swings, and that means you identify with the same sisters you are advising to get out of the way of this so called rampage you are on, not a discussion. I really don't know what you are going on about, you obviously have issues with certain individuals, the sooner you let it out, the better it will be for you. Start talking, or else iska aamu and meel iska fadhiiso and quit whining.