LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. As a Muslim man I suggest you Lower your gaze, and maybe YOU wont see these "FAT" women that you find so unbearable ! LoL@JAWAHIR. Its that time of the month for haniif. Sweetie, you don't need to be worrying about fat women, I am sure when they out of breath and can't walk a block, they would realize just how much danger their heart is in. You can't blame overweight teens, blame their mothers, like mother like daughter. If the mother is not setting a good example about the importance of healthy eating, why should we look down at the kid when they snacking on Big Mac at 1am thru drive-in, not walk in, drive-in.
  2. All the Somali girls with the big diplomas or the thing they call higher education degree, are interested nothing but men with financial capacities at reasonable sense. That is a fact, sxb. You can check even their psychological pattern of thinking in just one encounter; its all about money! UBAAHNE, what's your point? No woman in her right mind would disagree with that last statement, "ALL ABOUT MONEY". It is all about money as much as it is about looks/personality, etc. Any woman who tells you any different is just lying to herself. Lately, the new trend of couples is that the female is marrying the ugliest of all of them just because of the deep pockets, and that is a big no no in my eyes. You might go for the deep pockets but you just inviting a lifetime of mystery. When it comes to looks VS $$, I would take looks over dollar sign anyday, but only when it comes to that, until then, it doesn't hurt to get with someone who can pay his way around and who actually gets up to go to work and earns a living everyday, otherwise marry someone who will rob you blind and call that love, so I can laugh in your face.
  3. Ubaahne, What are you smoking? Pass it over. PS:Since I can't be bothered to read all of that was written by you, let me just give you a simple answer to your question. NO, this site will not turn to trash. There are other somali sites who do support what u speak off, u might wanna pay a visit if u haven't already.
  4. LayZie G.


    ^^^, lol@YOU. Capital H is a number's boy and you just beat him to his own game, with numbers hahaha@10%. Goodness, gracious Capital H, get a grib, you are all over the place. One night you on about 76ers, next indiana, next gary payton and how all of a sudden a future hall of famer was tought the art of shooting by a lousy assistant coach, can you get any more ridiculous than that? A future hall of famer?? You are right, payton was never a 3point shooter, but dont sit there and tell me bob whatever his name is made him better or the fact that he is playing with shaq and wade. The man went to NBA FINALS with my one of my all time favourite power forwards SHAWN ABUSING ALCOHOL KEMP. PAYTON AND KEMP DUO WAS WHAT LIKE THE SHAQ KOBE DUO, BUT THE DIFFERENCE IS ONE DUO GOT IT DONE 3x, AND THE OTHER DID ZERO. THIS IS OLD SCHOOL B-BALL, THE GOLDEN DAYs, I BET YOU WERE IN YOUR DIAPERS BACK THEN....
  5. Congrats to you Fartun, I am glad that you are happy and enjoying life with your new hubby, but I gotta wonder about ; day, comeon lets me honest who else would ask you that and give you big kiss on the forhead na'mean that is the best na'mean. What's this business about kissing each other in the foreheaD? You take showers together, make love etc, why stop with the forehead when it comes to kissing?? Is there a law that says two married people can't kiss in the lips? Its bad enough they do it on weddings when they giving each other kisses on the cheeks and foreheads etc. I am going off topic here, but I am very curious to know who came up with this business about lip kissing being a big no no.
  6. First of all, let me applaud you for breaking the record for most called out word, JAREER, you used it like it was running off shelves tonight. Haniif the comic, you may or may not have TIMO JILICSAN sweetie, but that doesn't mean you have a right to call an innocent child jareer. You probably have a bigger noise than the boy in question, what makes him more jareer than you?? Lets shift focus from the "JAREER" business. If I may, I want to bring you back to reality haniif. Sweetie there are somali criminals, incase it slipped your mind, there are bad somali people out there in the world, just like all ethinicities have bad apples, the buck doesn't stop with anyone but somalis. SOMALIS ARE BAD PEOPLE, THEY CAN INFLUENCE YOU IN MORE WAYS THAN YOU CAN COUNT. IF THE CHILD TURNS OUT TO BE ABUSIVE, NOT CRIMINAL, BECAUSE I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT HIM BEING CRIMINAL, IT WILL BE ON THE HANDS OF HIS HATEFUL MOTHER. LETS JUST HOPE HE GETS A BETTER INFLUENCE THAN THAT WOMAN WHO WAS DESCRIBED AT THE GROCERY SHOP.
  7. LayZie G.


    You probably made 5 in a row in your dreams, dreamer. Dreamer, I don't understand why you constantly comparing 76ers to the Heat. No one said that 76ers had a better team than the heat, no one said the 76ers would dominate the heat. You have a tendency to go off track by focusing on NAC NAC. YOu ought to shift your attention and energy to the real competition, the teams that stand in your team's way to capturing the title, thats what you ought to be discussing, not games against 76ers, or the bucks, or the cavs and james who destroyed your team. You ought to be worrying about the big fish, not the small ones. FOCUS BOY, FOCUS.
  8. so she could aford zillions of bling bling! can u? talk to me when u can! till then jill...! Rudy, what has gotten into you? Leave the inanta, let her be. UMA, I have never seen rudy react this way to anyone or anything, and I have seen it all. You must of rubbed him the wrong way and I want to know what it is. He has never been this cruel to anyone.
  9. ^^,lol@u. Kashanre, I don't know why you're explaining yourself to a concrete wall. Some people like iney daacsadaan at every corner. I don't think it would have surprised me if her child was a full blooded somali, she would have treated the boy just the same. Bitter people would make people around them miserable, thats just how it is, especially an innocent child. Later on, when he turns out to be abusive, and he is verbally abusing his girlfriend/lover/wife, who do you think should be blamed? The child or the motheR? After all, it is leaving a scar somewhere in that child's mind, and its a d*mn shame.
  11. I have to say that DUGSI ROCKS. Attending DUGSI WAS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS THAT HAPPEN TO ME AS A CHILD. DUGSI BUILDS CHARACTER, plain and simple. I can't say enough about my dugsi days, or my macalinkeyga, he was the best. He was as dirty as they get, and one son of a gun, but he was a business man. I remember when I use to be late or when I had missed days off, I would bring him a plate of my moms cooking or pay him off and that was enough to get him off my back. He knew what was up, and everyone else knew what was up, either give up your weekly allowance or get a beating and if you were smart, you would give up them few shillings and that would get you in his good side until the shillings/food runs out. My best childhood memories either took place around the dugsi or in the dugsi.
  12. Excuse me JB i did not force you into that path,but you were implying that men made women cover up, and all I and others did was to straighten you out,to inform you that Allah made those rules not faraxs,who cares what men think or their attitude. Bilan, you are 100% right, allah made those rules regarding dress code but men abused it to the point of no return. Men and their role in this is what's being discussed, and as to why everyone is at JB's throat, I do not know, but he brought up a good point and that ought to be discussed, instead of all of you jumping on him.
  13. Rowda, You should have been upset over the idea of him taking you to a motel, instead of a 5star hotel as well as thinking he could have his way with you. The way I see it is, he has two strikes against him, ONE for thinking the idea of doing it and to top it on your birthday. SECOND you for taking you to a motel, instead of a 5star hotel. Where did he get the nerve to insult you twice in one night? What are you going to do to retaliate? You are just not going to let him get away with this, are you? (I would think not)
  14. LayZie G.


    Capital H, nice try. I know it isn't fun losing, especially when you were all bumped up the start of the season, hoping this team would have went all the way, yet never really got their foot off the ground. It isn't your fault, it happens to the best of teams, but don't get so bitter about it. DOn't try to waste time with stats you got off a scoreboard and come here telling me the wins and losses. I know you love to bring out stats on just about every mention of the heat, but stats aint going to dig out the hole your team dug for themselves, you might want to come up with a better plan. Since you are a stats man CApital H, let me throw some your way. 3-0, destroyed nets in their home within 24hrs of taking down the bobcats athome, and came back a day later and got much deserved win over wolves at home, all thanks to our washed up player that everyone loves to hate, with his 23-21 performance. Can I say more about webber's defence lastnight, do I even need to comment about it, I am sure you took a glimpse of that lastnight Z. we are back up the win margin, .500, and first in atlantic. I said, we nearly blew a huge lead friday night but closed out at the end , you can't say the same about your team that night so instead you tried to shift the attention away from that by focusing on wins and loss columns. YOu had that game, and you knew you had it, yet carmelo and company destroyed you once again but this time @home and to make matters worse, stole your team's lead. Are you still convinced the heat are getting it done? YOu really think you have a chance against the spurs, if you ever make it past the pistons? YOu can't even finish out teams at home without shaq, and all of those washed up players y'all got over the summer. Where is walker? Why hasn't he showned up yet? Is his mind still in green zone, does he think he is watching pierce do all the work? What happened to J williams? Better yet, what happened to your coach? FAMILY OVER CHAMPIONSHIP? C'mon now, who is he trying to convince, himself ?? Where is everybody capital H. "My family means more to me", lol, you know he got the boot, but I guess he just wants to leave with his dignity still intact. Its obvious calool cuus couldn't take the pressure that was being put on him, but lets see what PAT can do better. GETTING BACK TO YOU ABAAYO, LOL@WOMEN'S FORUM. I think you have that section covered for all women since you can't get enough of the section itself, you manly man you.(I left the section for you since you get more out of it than I do) If I were you abaayo, I would really question the real reasons as to why you lurke around here. Ask yourself this question, why did I contribute more to Layzie than the thread itself. The evidence is looking right at you, go back to previous discussions, you mentioned more of me, in your sad attempt to get my attention than you did of this thread, so much for ignoring me. Why do you torture yourself so much? Its obvious you don't enjoy basketball, and you don't even like anything about basketball, and don't know jack about anything, especially where I am concerned, but we both know the reason why you still lurke around here, you just can't get enough of me, its ok, your secret is save all around.
  15. LayZie G.


    You really type as if you know whats up...fall back dummy YOu really need to learn the ABC's of having a discussion. You don't know jack about anything, half the time I don't even know why you particape in these discussions, but its a free forum for all, so keep it up. YOu have been warned numerous times by ADMIN himself, other mods when you were using your other handles, just because you changed handles doesnt mean all is forgotten, you need to start acting your age, and stop calling fellow members names or your time here will be limited. We don't need people like yourself and Z, who only follows your footsteps making this discussion or the sports section in general look bad. If you bitter about the comment of you lacking knowledge of the subject in question, fire back, but fire with class. J didn't call you any names, why do you have the need to call him names? PS:How about that game; CAVS vs NETS, that was one hell of a game, even though CAVS lost. How about them nuggets 2-0 against heat, and to think the heat had a good lead to put themselves up for good, but Capital H, you must have the flu after lastnight's game, that was worse than sixers almost losing their double digit lead and the game to the bobcats, but atleast we came back and took care of home court, can't say the same about y'allz team.
  16. ^^^This is getting to be alot more than guessing the breakfast game, :eek: sheh and JB :eek: , but then again, I am not one to start rumours.
  17. ^^^go into hiding waryaa, they are coming for you.
  18. Sweetie, lets not put sijui and beautiful in the same sentence. Sijui's scream the opposite of that you speak off, but do carry on sweetie. I know you are screaming for attention, but you are not going to get it from me.
  19. LayZie G.


    Hey Genius, incase you haven't noticed, this is a public form, and this site has moderators even though they are a step slower than the rest of the MODS of this forum. You give yourself too much credit, thinking that someone would actually waste their time going over and telling on you. In anycase, take his advise, this is a sports section, discuss the subject in question, do not get personal sweetie, or else you going to get burned over and over again just like all the others before you and after you. Coming back to your team. CARMELO AND COMPANY JUST KILLED Y'ALL EVEN THOUGH NOT BY MUCH. CLIPPERS AIN'T AN EASY TASK, FOCUS SON AND TRY GETTING A w IN L.A.
  20. ^^^, You should have just smacked her in the face, that would have done the trick. YOu are too polite and civil if you just walked away from it.
  21. Give the girl a break. It's truly pathetic the way a simple mistake laga dabo ordayo There is nothing simple about simply I, FEMME. How is calling folks simple minded and teaching them what is cool about their own religion and culture a simple mistake?? She wants to save us soo maaha, let her.
  22. Waryaa Tuujiye, magaranaayo waxa aad kuhadleysid, but I gotta say, there is no one more qualified to become the qaxooti of the moment, more than you brah. You rockkkkkkkkkkk LOL@ganging up on you, from all the girls, to single mothers haye, kuligood wey kurifeen during your stay here @SOL haye? You should have called me, I would have stood up for you proudlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, but congratulations on the nomination.
  23. lol Tuujiye. Be nice to people boy. So I thought of how I can actually change that kind of attitude in the small minds that I came across, and show that what is cool is Islam, and what else is cool is soomalinimadaada. LOL@small minds. SIMPLY I, you are what is cool in SOL these days. EVERYWHERE I TURN in sol, THERE IS SIMPLY I, ME THINKS YOU COOL. Why don't you save us all from the evil you speak of, girl?