LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. Good afternoon to you all, hope you are all having a very good day/evening, it is indeed a very cheerful monday afternoon here at the Rumor HeadQuarters. We hope everyone of you had a great weekend, and we want to welcome you back to your work/school/home. By now most of you are aware that SOL has taken a new approach and is moving forward with their new face. As most of you know, Caano Geel, or as he is now known to be Caano cry baby who drinks caano geel is officially the SOL cry baby of the month. He doesn't think that SOL should make change, he doesn't want the site to move with time, he wants to stay put and just go on about his daily geeljire routine. As a way to hush up caano geel and reward him for his cry baby routine, SOL has awarded him by making him the face of SOL, its a good look. Rumor thinks that the afro suits the look and the feel of this new change and Rumor wishes best of luck to SOL and congratulates them. Rumor would like to have a launch party in honor of SOL but decided against it, since the E-paper is a non profit organization. Onto the daily news, rumor found that that Ducaqabe aka ooyiilee has been having a hard week last week and would like to recognize him for his efforts to spending time to be noticed by Rumor. As you know ooyiilee, ubaahne is a somali hall of famer on his own right, he doesn't need to be associated with a mlb hall of famer, but I guess you missed the humor in that post. Rumor would like to dedicate this column to ooyillee aka Ducaqabe, he sure needs the love. On to more interesting news, again Tuujiye was spotted this past weekend by Rumor and Rumor would rather wait for Tuujiye to make a statement before exposing him to the public.
  2. This is just in, Rumor Central has officially filed a conjuction in court against Alle-ubaahne/LegendZu for bringing news without a source and to end the usage of Rumor Trademark without authorization. After doing a background check on Alle-Ubaahne, Rumor Central found out the he had a police record dating back to october of 2002. After extensive review, Rumor has decided to publish Alle-Ubaahne mugshot on this morning's column for its readers.
  3. Water Lily, based on your background, your profile and your long standing relationship with SOL, and being one of the more tolerable nomads around, I see no reason not to grand you a trial position, as one of our other field reporters. Upon your completion of this trial base, a review will be conducted based on your performance, at which point you will be put on the Rumor Central Payroll and granted a title of your choosing. I, the editor in chief will make grand announcement on that month's issue. Congrulations and Good Luck. On to more daily news, this is just in, Kuuley has called out on Castro to prove if he really is Fidel Castro, will he? Stay tuned... Some of the stories we are working on for the upcoming news alerts are, The general, as you all know him as GENERAL DUKE, was he really in the somali army, was he a general decades ago??? Is Socod Badne really 50+yrs old? Will he ever stop walking so much? Stay tuned... Will Johnny end up with his SOL Crush? Stay tuned... Rumor is calling out on Ngonge to give the real scoop. Why does everyone fuss over Ngonge? What is the real story with him?? Is there something rumor doesn't know that the rest of SOL does of Ngonge?? Stay tuned... On to more interesting news at this hour. What is the real story behind Rudy?? A sit down with Rudy on PrimeTime with Rumor Central, stay tuned as we make the final arrangements with Rudy's people and arrange a sit down. Questions that are on people's mind is what happened to the old Rudy, why does it seem as thought Rudy is actually making sense nowadays? Rumor will have those answers for you and more, Rumor, your source for reliable and in depth news around the clock.
  4. Breaking news, Liban The Man has went on the record and did confirm with Rumor Central shortly after Rumor Central called out on him, much appreciation to Liban The Man. Rumor Central, your source for reliable news around the clock.
  5. lol@Castro, nah, no need for SIN#. I'm sure everyone saw this after the fact, but hey, you can't blame any of the doubters, especially me for doubting liban.
  6. I just think Liban The Man is messing with us. I really can't grasp on the fact that this man has pictures of other men at his disposal. No one is saying you are not white but if you really are white, what were you doing with other somali men's pictures, and how did you respond to most of the posts in somali all this time? If you are willing to sit down with Rumor Central and clear this up once and for all, we would love to have you as guest, otherwise further rumors will be spread. EDITED PS:Your somali is very good, Liban
  7. Lmao@Baashi. I must say thats tight, I think everyone ought to check out the link, courtesy of Baashi. Zafir, I guess you're going to have to learn your lesson another way, I refuse to let silly lil people like you ruin the integrity of this e-paper, but if I were you, I would watch my every step from here on. Now back to the news, Liban The Man has held a press conference earlier today inorder to make it clear to everyone who he really is/was etc. He has failed to produce that, it is still unclear as to who this Liban the Man really is. Liban The man has failed to prove that he is really Liban The White Man. In any case, rumor found out that there was numerous times when Liban had responded to somali posts, does that really mean he learned the language in just few yrs, as he has learned about islam? I will let you, the readers of rumor figure that one out. Rumor would give Liban The White Man to make a case for himself. Rumor would like to spread further rumors, but at this time, we would hold out on Liban himself to tell us what is what. Again, this is one of the hottest stories around these parts, and I would be reporting you as the story develops, stay tuned. On to the daily rumors, Nuune, one of SOL's finest is playing it on the DL, as to why and with whom, stay tuned for Rumor Central, for all your news needs..
  8. Rumor has it that Keinan, the "rapper" is a cross dresser. No joke people, this is indeed the case. The latest video that is showing all across the country in canada through the channel much music/much vibe did infact show the video he is featured with the other two "rappers" wearing an H&M scarf for the ladies. Yours truly has the same scarf, which I got as a b-day present on my last b-day. More to come your way as to when the somali "rapper" would come out of the closet with the fetish for ladies scarf. PS:Enough rumors about kuuley, she is getting a bighead, the last thing we want is her head to grow.
  9. Breaking News.... This is just in, Nafta officially accepted a position with the paper today. She would be our field reporter, giving you the latest news from the sidelines. Nafta joined us after 7+yrs as a freelancer reporter. She has travelled most part of the world and we are honoured to have her aboard. Her resume speaks for itself. Congratulations Nafta, I'm sure you will make the paper proud. Getting back to the last report that we got off kooley. Our sources are telling us that Kooley aka Femme has originally planned to elope with her Psychology Professor, rumor has it was a study break with the Prof, but we find out that it was actually romantic gateway. The source for this story did infact take pictures as proof. Here at rumor central, our motto is not to spread lies, only rumors. On another story that is still developing, Tuujiye was spotted at the Mac Macaanka, Toronto, ON, Canada, he was sitting at the corner table with some unknown female, the source did confirm that it looks like Xquisite could have been the unidentified female who was sitting and having sanbuusi and shaah with Tuujiye. More news coming your way, around the clock, stay tuned.
  10. The word in SOL is that Liban The Man is white, source(Liban The Man himself) The rumor has it, FF aka Femme aka Kooley has eloped. As to where and with whom, stay tuned. The rumor also has it that the Cartoon threads have officially stopped, unless otherwise some individuals start posting it after reading this just to annoy the LayZieOne. From now on, tune in to Rumor Central, for all your news needs. Rumor Central is the spot for you if you crave to know everything about anything and anyone. Here at Rumor Central, we solely rely on our faithful sources around the world, without them, there wouldn't be Rumor Central. I, the editor and chief founder of this prestigious e-paper would be bringing you news all around the world, and on the clock, live from my headquarters aka my work desk spot. I want to thank all the new, potential readers taking the time, and please be sure to stay tuned for more news around the clock.
  11. Liban is a white man who just happen to have another somali man's picture at this disposal? I got suspicious way back when he started posting other somali men's faces as an avatar, I don't believe a word he is saying, but hey if being white is the thing to say these days, by all means.
  12. If you are willing to let a stranger from SOL pm you, meet you and show you around, you can also walk up to a total stranger off the street and ask them to show you around. Why do you need pple to show you around, why can't you go on your own? Is it because you are under age, if so this would be considered inappropriate. I suggest you follow the advise given from the previous poster. PS:I don't mean to come out as being harsh, it just irritates me when folks can't go on their own, whatever happened to being independent???
  13. I don't understand where some folks get the nerve to call others ducks when they themselves shimbir afka uga dhuustay. War shimbirta xaarkeeta iska dhaq, war makuuyaalo. I don't believe this story of the poster to be true, but I wouldn't be surprised if they actually start locking up people for having fun. What do they expect of these children, they are in africa, there is not much to do.
  14. You folks wrote so much nonsense that I can't be bothered to read all of it. If you didn't sense the sarcasm in my post, please lock yourselves up immediately.
  15. I've started a petition to start shooting off anyone who opens up another thread about the CARTOON saga, starting with you poster. Therefore, I am saying yes to your question about signing the petition, just not the same one, thats all.
  16. Eastern, thanksgiving and X-mass are all a big no no? Why didn't someone tell me that before??? I always celebrate as I take time off for myself and enjoy it, and I even give thanks to myself on thanksgiving, and X-mass I shop for myself loads of stuff and give it to myself, and eastern, I EAT ALOT OF CHOCOLATE. Who knew shopping did any harm during X-mass, and who knew eating chocolate on EASTERN was haram too? There ought to be bulletin posted somewhere saying what is haram and what isn't. How V-day is haram is beyond me, but I plan on enjoying my dinner out caawa, again, eating dinner never hurt anyone did it? I guess if V-day celebration is out of the question, everything else is out of the question too.
  17. For those of you who say black is beautiful, you don't really mean black blue is beautiful? No one thinks black-blue is beautiful. Look at those sudanese folks, they are very scary looking, and I don't call that beauty at all.
  18. Mr badne, are u saying there is no truth it???
  19. I left because of school. They actually promoted me to a weekend supervisor prior to my departure. In any case FF, I didn't play the race card, I WAS THE RACE CARD. I was the only black female, therefore I was advising a-rate customers if they have issues with me, they should take up with my manager and I was reminding them to mention the only black girl, since it wouldn't be too difficult for the manager to know which employee. Oddly enough, I never had my manager come to me and discuss my bad behaviour, so I went with it, LOL. I never cussed anyone out, but I did use to show them where the door was if they weren't satisfied with the service they were getting and that pretty much makes any customer lose their mind & temper.
  20. Tuujiye, is this your coming out party? Of all the pple to get down with, you picked Nin-Yaaban??? I don't know if I should laugh or not. What were u thinking tuuuuuuuujis yahow, and your buddy nuune wuuba kuu camiray oo kuu qos qosley as thought complimenting another man is like an everyday thing. Anyways, I disagree with you as far as nin yaaban being a classic act in SOL, because his presence is non-existence, and I don't think he deserved to get the "classy act of sol" title, but whatever floats your boat sonny..
  21. FEMME, the temperature is -14, and you are talking about ice-capp, is there something wrong with that picture? LOL@cranberry muffin. I hope you are not one of those customers who come in line and ask to have their muffin with butter in the middle, and then their lazy behind tells u to put it at the microwave for 30secs. After all of that, you still expect a superb custmer service? HELL nah, and I am speaking from experience. My summer before I turned 17 is when I started to work there, and I quit after 8+months,loved abusing customers. I especially hated fat pple in the drive-thru who except you to have their 20plus items they requested ready by the time they reach the window, yet they themselves fail to come out of the car and walk through the front and order like a normal human being. Imagine, fat individual coming at you in drive-thru and asking you why you failed to do as told, I mean, if thats not asking for it, I don't know how to give it. I loved those customers to bits because that meant time for LayZieG to start having her fun with the orders. Add 6, 7 teaspoon of sugar, instead of 2, get chocolate donut instead of boston cream, make the coffee with extra, extra cream, instead of milk, etc.
  22. BTW, this is for the Barclays account holders; do large amounts of money appear in your account sometimes (other than you're weekly/monthly paycheck) and dissappear just as fast? This has happened to me several times and made me come to the conclusion that perhaps they're using my account to traffick money into different accounts....maybe I'm being too paranoid. lmaoooooooo, you are very funny nafta. You definitely seem like you are paranoid, but I don't understand why you would question it. What you ought to be doing is checking your balance daily, that way if you see those large transactions, just take it out as quickly as they put it in. Who is going to prosecute you for taking money off your own account? Who is going to hold you accountable? I am still laughing at your post as I type this. PS:BORN Friday, I am sure you feel insulted, but MR is a save bet, half of these weirdoes are men, I figured you weren't any different, in any case, I don't need to know that. Getting back to your earlier post, you said thats a very typical american thing or something to that like, meaning it could be interpreted both ways. Either you were confused and corrected yourself after I have pointed out the obvious, or you really did understand it and you just were commenting on the american side of things, either way, I don't care to know.
  23. LayZie G.


    My family has 3 houses that are in good standing. We have care-takers who live in the homes and we appreciate them enough to sent money as a form of appreciation. My family also has several lands, one which I own, thank allah we actually have the proper documentations with us still, but that doesn't mean those care-takers have a right to claim my family's home as theirs. When my father had purchased these lands for each of his 4 children way way back when somalia was somalia, he did it so that when we were old enough we would build it and make a home for ourselves and thats just what I intend to do, and if anyone stands my way, I assure you it will not be pretty. The key is to have all of your proper documentations, if you don't have it, you have no leg to stand when the time comes to claim your property. I don't have a beef with people staying in other people's homes and taking care of it as long as they are out of the door when the owners arrive. The moral of my story is, no one can fight out your own land, yes you were a care-taker, but even care-takers know their place in the world and that is to get lost when time comes. I will even go as far as giving them eviction notice prior to my arrival, na mean.
  24. How is that the american way? He said he has an account with HSBC or whatever, its a british based bank, and he was explaining his experience with the bank and their employees. What part of all that did I miss when he said he was from america? Can't you read properly, mr born friday? I've had a bank account since I was 18yrs old, I never had to confront a bank teller. I don't have a reason to get my face with them. I get in line, do what I gotta do and out of the door. RBC bank is the ish, love them. What I have a problem with it is ROGERS WIRELESS, their customer service is terrible. I only had one incident with them and surprisingly enough, I won, LOL. Fido customer service are airheads, I can't say enough about them, and now I know why the two companies merged. Ted Rogers wants to influence his bad business practice all across the country. ROGERS gets thumps down when dealing with their customers.
  25. The bigger question is what was a man (the one pictured in the center) doing in highschool 4 or 5 yrs ago? Shouldn't be he out retiring, I would want to question that. The better question I would ask is, why a man who has that big of a feero have the nerve to come infront of a camera, he should have had his little brother pretend it was him or something. No judge would allow such nonsense come to his/her courtroom. Somalis are funny pple, first they get with the bank scam after the nigerians abused it, then the auto-insurance fraud, with 10 pple in a family sedan getting to accident, all of them have neck/back injury.(Which I am sad to say still happens) Now we got a 40 yr old looking man saying he was in high school 4/5 yrs ago and he wants to sue because he didn't take the initiative of learning on his own or seeking help so he can be taught properly. Surely, he is not stup*d just because he can't speak and write his name in english. What was he thinking? Who is he kidding? I gotta admit thought, it was fun reading the article.