LayZie G.

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Everything posted by LayZie G.

  1. On one hand, I have friends who have been wearing Hijab for as long as I have known them, those same friends of mine are the 1st pple to get rid of the Hijab when we step out together. On the other hand, there is me, never wore Hijab, the only time I cover my head is when I pray. My friends are what you would call "eye pleaser's" who wear Hijab to please others, they said so themselves. I'm not making my friends to be bad people, but they do flip flop most of the time when it comes time to "WHERE" they can wear the Hijab. I don't think Hijab is something you can take off whenever it pleases you. I believe once a person wears it, its for a lifetime, but in their view, that isn't so. If you ask them, honestly, do you wear Hijab for you or do you get pressured of the environment you are around? They will opt out for the pressure answer. The reason why I never wore Hijab is because I don't feel that it will change anything about LayZie as a human being, but I do realize that at some point in my life, I have to change my way of dressing, starting with covering up head to toe. In my own opinion, I'm a good muslimah, I pray, I fear allah, I do what is expected of me as a muslimah, except wear Hijab. I believe that there will be a period of adjustment for me, and at that time, I would dress as beautifully as my mother dresses now with the traditional garments etc, daily cover up from head to toe. I honestly believe that if I were to do it now, that I would be as quickly removing the Hijab few weeks down the road, and I don't want that to happen after it has taken me 20 something yrs of my life to not cover my head and all of a sudden cover it, it would be a huge below to me, and I be doing wrong by Allah. I do not want to be like my friends who wear it as quickly as they see fit and remove it when it doesn't please them because they aren't in their usual environment, they are what I call "eye pleaser's",but I love them nevertheless. In conclusion, I'm not making excuses as to why I don't wear hijab now, only that I know in my heart my time will come, and when it does, Ima hold on to it for a lifetime.
  2. Are you looking for work in Dubai Zafir? Lily, is that your way of proposing to Zafir? :eek: :eek: :eek:
  3. Alle ubaahne, waryeee, idhageyso. I probably have said this in the past, if you are going to leave this forum, sections of the forum etc, do not have a grand announcement. Because no one cares. Alle ubaahne, you are no better than those females/males in the past who made threads talking about their departure as if pple actually cared. Please, leave and don't ever set foot in here again if you know what's good for you, don't even attempt to reply back. Getting back to folks Like ubaahne, why do pple make up threads about departure but stay long enough to participate??? Thats insaneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee PS: Amelia, Flip is coo, I don't mind him, because he does speak his mind unlike some pple I know...
  4. LayZie G.

    My Picture

    I think the 1st thing this poster out to do is edit the title. "MY AVATAR" instead of "My pic". Now that we got that out of the way, why would anyone on their right mind use a picture of a real individual, especially if the picture of the person is the same gender as you. The comments I found odd was when poster said he selected the Avatar because of the smile. (maybe someone needs to re-evaluate which team he is playing for eh???) I don't blame this poster for using another man's avatar, because I remember Liban The man switching on/off of other men's Avatars, but atleast Liban the Man didn't create a topic about the Avatars he was using.(Hi Liban the man, I'm just using you as an example) Which brings me to my next question, what will you benefit off the poll, poster?? Who on earth is capable of PMing someone to ask them to remove an avatar that isn't theirs to speak off, a bunch of weirdos you lot are, well keep up the good work.
  5. LayZie G.


    lol@U playmaker. I see you calling me out in the open. Let me tell you, nets can win all the games they can now, but they won't get passed the 1st round of playoffs, especially if playoffs were to start today, they be facing the mighty PACERS. They aren't title contenders but I am sure they can upset the nets and take it to 6 games. The only excitement I see coming off the playoffs in the east is the 4th & 5Th spot teams, CAVS Vs Wizards, that is the only good match that will come off the 1st round, then will just wait out on the East finals Detroit Vs Heat, if it comes to that. Getting back to the West, kings can definitely make a run, but #1 Spurs are waiting on them, and it be a total loss on the kings part to work this hard and be torn apart very early in the playoffs, but then again, there is a possibility Dallas might steal the #1 Spot, if thats the case, we got a series on our hands Vs Kings. Look out for the kings not to just make the playoffs but push for the #7 spot. If mavericks hold off the spurs on #1, we just might see another good series again'st lakers. The only excitement out of the west on the 1st round is the team Mavericks face, Lakers/Kings, only if Dallas holds on to #1. I'm very disappointed about the Sixers future, but I still see them making a push for the #1 in atlantic, all it takes it just few wins in a row and few losses on the nets part and we are right on the #3 spot in the east, if thats the case, we got a better chance going deep into playoffs, but if Sixers manage to stay off #8, then they are doomed once again. I would rather have sixers fall out off the playoff picture then face Detroit for a second consecutive playoff loss. Early elimination is a huge blow for any team, and I would rather have them go home early, rest bodies and re-group for next season then waste time playing against Detroit when we all know it won't go as far as 5 games, maybe 6 if sixers play hard.
  6. Surely, only a fool would believe all SOL girls have lost their decorum and that is not what Alle-ubaahne meant. I hope he can clarify that to us. How does one make an assumption on what another man meant or not meant to say and then finish off saying maybe the poster out to clarify it for us??? Are you as lost as your replies? LOL@Sheh, indeed a good come back. Watch, Ubaahne won't show his face around these parts for sometime, but meanwhile, expect XOOGKUDIL inuu u hadlo. If you're reading this Ubaahne, come out of your hiding place, I will protect you, NOT.
  7. Hey facklexm, try banging your head against the wall several times, and try coming back here, hopefully you will start to make a little more sense. LOL@SOMALI AND SEAMEN, hahahaa, what theeeeeeeeeee?????????????
  8. Ahura, I gotta say this to you, from one Tea-Addict to another, Water Kettle has to me on my survival package, its a must have ITEM and I can't live without it. Even thought I don't drink as much as 10 cups a day, maybe 3-5 a day, I still think you are a woman who knows what she is talking about. I like you for the simple fact that you share my love for earl grey, bless it. I really can't picture my mornings going as smooth without a hot cup of earl grey tea to start off the day, its a wonderful day.
  9. Castro, why don't you act like your age?? "HUSH" is that how a grown a*s man talks to another grown a*s man? GROW UP
  10. Wild Cat, I find a young lady wearing macawiis to be very abnormal, for that case, I still say to each his own.(I strongly believe you are just taking the "mick" out of all this "macawiis wearing bidness".
  11. Hey Wild One, why do you care what pple think of you??? PS:This whole business of wearing macawiis is ok as long as you don't take it outside of your home.
  12. As for finding children burdensome, I find that those feelings are common amongst traditional Somali women. From, my observations, Somalis though they have many children aren’t very child friendly. Intaa wey ka cabonayaan about the sacrifices that they make for their children, their always ranting and raving about parental rights but pay little attention to that of the child. Honest to Allah, they depress me. Blessed, I whole heartily agree with you. A large number of Somali mothers do find their children a burden, but who can blame them? 3 or 4 children, only 1 year and half apart, no support from the useless husband/father. He won't even lift a finger to help her around with the children, forget the household chorus. We wonder why these mothers are so bitter towards their children? They are angry, they feel like slaves and most importantly all that hate feeling she has towards the no good farah is taken upon the child/children, since he isn't home for her to hate on him, she will hate on the next person, and that is the child. Getting back to the poster and his perfect little world. It doesn't surprise me that you would agree with Women finding motherhood a hobby nowadays, everyone knew that was coming. How you can still exist in society just shocks me. Really, you are not even funny anymore. Let’s say some women might actually find motherhood a hobby, what is wrong with having hobbies, and especially a child as a hobby? Atleast women won't run out on their children, hobby or not. Women will always stick by that child, whether she wants to or not, where is the man? Where are the Farahs? Thousands of miles away, pretending to be single and courting other females so he can make more women bitter? What does a man bring to the table? Absolutely nothing. They can't even get a decent paying job nowadays, therefore that whole saying of MEN BEING "BREAD WINNERS" is out of the door. All I am saying is, a woman is everything to a man, where as the man is nothing to a woman. All of you men out there, you have atleast one woman in your life in the following categories. A mother, A wife, A sister, An aunt, A grandmother. If any of those above choose to find motherhood as a hobby, that’s their prerogative PS:Much love to the mothers who love being with their children, happy and willing to sacrifice, if that means no life outside of the child, much respect 2 you for making that decision. I just wish I can say the same about the fathers.
  13. Send the niggers back to Africa where they come from. European soccer belongs to the white man. LMAO, hahahahaaahahahahahahahahahahhaha Send this topic to the sports section where it really belongs. Footie fans need to know not to take it personal, learn and be tough and take the remarks as it comes, hopefully in 50 yrs things might change for colored footie players in europe.
  14. What the article failed to mention was that these women's IQ also matched their waist size. LMAO@SHEH the Brainer. One thing is clear out of the study, SHEH definitely ranks higher in the 100's IQ wise, just because of the above statement.(folks,you can take that to the bank, Layzie said so herself)
  15. Mrs Lee, to each his own. I really don't see what your beef is with pple over spending on their wedding. YOu only get married once for the 1st time ever.(divorces don't count) You don't spend that much money for people, you spend it for the both of you so that you can always think back and remember your wonderful day. To me, I wouldn't put 50k on just the ceremony, I would divide it up. Ahura broke it down for you to bits. Take a honeymoon up in the coast, live it up for 2-3 weeks, whatever you can afford, but most importantly, before you take up vacation, please pay the mortgage, no sense in going to a 5star hotel when you have no home to come back to. Renting a condo/buying a home, whatever fits your budget but to me, wedding is a happy occasion and if people got the doe, why not spend it on their special day? PS:Mrs lee, if you think cheap, you're going to act cheap, remember those words.
  16. Castro, there is a huge scandal that involves Amelia and anoter prominent face of SOL that is currently in the early phase , and this would be one of the debut rumor scandal's airing on our new PrimeTalk gig we are working on, and our reporterss are doing the final touches, and Rumor promises to bring the scoop.(stay tuned) You would be happy to know Castro that Amelia pulled the biased card on Rumor recently, but I would let her explain herself, she might want to set the record straight with Rumor Readers. On to Flip, you would be happy to know that here @ Rumor Central, we are an equal opportunity Employer. You know by now Soma Soccer Inc has recently joined our staff as the first male reporter at Rumor central, and he will bring the news from a man's perspective and we would love nothing more than for you to join here at Rumor Central, you show potential.
  17. lol@you castro, this sure looks tempting enough to report. Live Auction this evening "Ahura on Sale", I can just see tomorrow's headlines and readers just going nuts over the story of whooooo won the bid.
  18. Kool Kat had a babygirl last week and I am happy to report that both the baby and the new mom are doing great. I thought I should share the news with those who knew Kool Kat from this Site and those who liked her. I'm actually going to go see the baby this weekend, haven't had chance to drop by there yet. Peace
  19. Ms Lee/Mrs Lee, I hope you were kidding when you said having a lavish wedding/lifestyle is irresponsible. I fail to see how anyone can call a woman, a true woman "naayaa", whether or not he paid 50k/100k in the woman's behalf, Ahura.
  20. WaterLily, you have potential, but these scandals involving you will bring this e-paper to the ground. Mcdonalds? Anywhere but there please tell me it isn't so. I can just see the headline now, but rest assured I will look into these rumors about you and set the record straight on your behalf, stay tuned. Rumor will always stay behind their staff 100% As you all know by now Soma Soccer Inc will be reporting you the goods in the sports world. Soma has joined us not just as a sports reporter/analyst but also a fan of the sports world, and who better than Soma to bring you the scoop, inside and out of the field?? Please give a big congratulations to SOma Soccer. Stay tuned as more news is reported, but currently we are working on several stories that are still in the developing stage and we hope to bring it to you as soon as possible, Rumor Central for all your news needs. PS:Ahura, aren't all gossip columns always talking about he/she??
  21. WaterLily, Rumor staff don't belong in Matrimonial discussions. Its a big no no, we don't talk about love, anything that is mushy etc, we are considered the best and toughest all around. I hope this move doesn't have a negative impact on the e-paper.
  22. Tuujiye, stop complaining so much, you know you love all the attention you are getting. Xiin, wait on nafta to report more news on the disappearance of Bishaaro. Rumor has it that Xiin has done the unspeakable, he has re-created the Scott Peterson story all over again, but instead of dumbing Bishaaro to the California Coast, he cut off her Internet Connection , no access to SOL means no story to report on XIIN. On to more interesting news, it seems as thought Castro is looking for Wife#2, and not just any wife#2, a Single Mother from London, UK. (Just check out his recent thread, it speaks volume) Tune to Rumor Central, for all your news needs
  23. Xiin, here at Rumor's we don't take the insult to one of our own very lightly. Rumor is calling xiin to publicly apologize to Nafta. More news to report, XIIN and Bishaaro were seen holding hands outside of the SOL FIREWALL, sources close to rumors(not actual rumor sources) reported this shortly. More news will follow, stay tuned to Rumor Central, for all your news need. PS:This is just in, GEEL JIRE, The geel of SOL is outraged by the new change that SOL has went through recently and he is even quoted as saying I'm a disappointed user. But I fully understand the need. His response to others regarding this change was That is totally childish and inappropriate remark to make. We, the somali users, make this place what it is,......... and yada yada Rumor awaits for GeelJire's state of mind, at the moment it is not stable.
  24. LayZie G.


    Dude, you don't have to be a b-ball fan to know what the awards were for. You do read right? Charles became a hall of famer nominee finalist, I guess thats the only award that involves him that is news these days.
  25. LayZie G.


    Iguodala got robbed at the DUNK contest. That judge who took back his score out to be shot