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Everything posted by raula

  1. I learned it the hard way! Lots of us get too personal in such forums, but then again, its public. Garab Tuujiye and Qac Q..walaalo, be straight when presenting your comments!(one of you mentioned Imam Siraaj Wahaj etc-what is he? Is he not an afro-AMerican muslim brother? :rolleyes: ). You guyz really amaze me. Some of us somalis are racist to the core, but yet it goes undetected! OP gal, brush them off your shoulders! Eustress gal , otherwise, it will drive you nuts! Don't let them ruin your spring break!
  2. Iam not supporting all "American-values" such as Gay marriages, etc. but my point was that: dont point fingures at "your brothers and sisters" who are assisting you in fighting racism. One should be thankful that they are lucky they were not enslaved like their ancestors! and now they can rent,get education and such opportunities that weren't accessible to their forefathers! There are black people who are true muslims(not Nation of Islams and such)..but really true to their DIIN...so, stop generalizing.
  3. I personally dont think that there is anything wrong with calling the 'law' on someone who doesn't respect and have a sense dignity when it comes to domestic violence. Personally, I have witnessed the same happen; the fella beat the crap out of his wife, until she dislocated her hip-bone for a week. But she never called the cops;later they divorced. She decided to settle the matter between themselves-ofcourse, he didn't think he had done anything wrong(typical)and still wanted to stay married (sucker!)-even religion does not allow such aggressive use of force to the point of causing harm to one(I don't have to quote-its obvious!). The African-Americans struggle stands out for all black liberation and emancipation of all minority strength(all blacks including Somalis, Senegalese, Kenyans, Tanzania). Slavery, stratification and dehuminization of black people was not only in America, but spread to all parts of the world. Do you know the black slaves(including Somalis) to the east-coast of the Indian-Ocean? to countries in the middle east and far-east? Carried out by Arabic-traders and slave owners!(to give you even an earlier account of this was in the era of the Prophet Mohamed S.A.W=Bilal and many unfreed slaves who were enslaved by many Arabs and other 'superior races). Acculturation is inevitable, but holding dear to your true values/culture/religion/customs strengthens one's fluidity to life. Although, assimilation occurs in all walking lifes on earth(it depends on how the word is used in various contexts)-even animals adopt to their ever changing habitat. However, it's best for one to take the good and leave the bad-but assimilation is anticipated. As one mention earlier, our roles in this country, somehow have been reversed. There is alot of changes that we have come across-and its hard when their is lots of responsibilities and adoptations to get accustomed to within a short time. When we were coming to this country, we anticipated to see such issues, and happening of life here in America. So, it shouldn't be a suprise. Last but not least, dont generalize all in the same category. Everyone is not the same. And why is it that when one is "opinionated" they are labelled as Uncle-Toms? :confused: Opinionated, gal, your sense of thinking is true-and precise to the core. Does that make me "Americanized" too.??????CAJIIIB? :rolleyes:
  4. Thx..all, Iam still around indeed..struggling with them studies...soon it wil be over, and I will rejoice like there is no tomorrow...Anywayz, all is well w/moi and hopin' the same applies to you all. Take care guyz, and stay positive alwayz. Ma'Salaama.
  5. Salaamz Everyone.. I thought I should drop a line and check up on my SOL family. I hope everything is fine as a fiddle. I just got busy with studies/work. Actually an alumni of this site( and still a member) asked me if I could to revist SOL again. So I took up the offer and here is to extend my warmest greetings unto you guyz. Ma'Salaama. PS:If anyone wants to know about LadyFatima..check out OHIO...yeah! she's bagging there now...keepin' it cool w/ the Columbians
  6. "YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT and even if you had someone breakdown every syllable and letter for you, it won't make sense to you. Why? (Its not cause I'm trying to call you ****** !) It's b/c what I am saying has something to do what you have REAL PASSION for and believe in-YOUR LIFE, DREAMS AND ASPIRATIONS!"......by Khayr.. EXCUSE me..walaalo..if you haven't noticed..I didn't insult you or say anything to that extent that you can call me NAMES....However, i will leave it to Allah and to the admins of this site...That just proves to me what kind of person you are inside...with your false prophecies....(and Iam not talking about the religion..but that misguided info..that you seem to pass on to others...)..all I said was just explain your facts...so if you cant prove them...hell dont take it out on me.... To others..I will resume to my other duties..and this site will no longer be on my to do list..(I dont mean to insult others or the admins..I really get along with many of you guyz and have appreciated the love that I have received for much of my time in this site..however, there are some people that run their mouths..and I have been raised not to accept them..I hope this wont create some confusion....peace unto you and Ramadan Kareem... Ma'Salaama my fellow nomads.... Raula
  7. Simple..cant change your wayz...then hit the highwayz..JACK!!!!! :rolleyes: Believe me..it is only a matter of time..b4 the intoxication runs some serious consequences...I would just say peace and good luck to REHAB>..
  8. Culture, Mobb deep is socially constructed,(not exact definition), it is a set of conduct/rules/guidance/customs/traditions that certain group of people/communities/socieities follow-kinda of like ritual 'norms' that defines the shape/characteristic of that particular community. Therefore, my perception is that not all somalis have grown up in somalia, and have the same views/perspectives about the "somali culture," hence variability in outlook. Then, women who either pursue a "career" or decide to become housewifes(w/no formal education at all or with minimal education) are defined by their "cultural" standards depending on the geographical, social and economical positions. FS>..good argument...So Khayr..are you saying that all the muslim doctors,lawyers, etc...who have contributed back to their respected muslim communities are not by definition, fitting the right career by the will of ALLAH? I dont get it????maybe I need some more explanations... Back to the topic..Iam both(traditional and modern) depends on how one defines the terms...I would like to call it..go w/the trend(take what's significant from both)...and still maintain you DEEN...Iam pursuing a career right now..and hoping that insha-allah I will be able to help my family(biological) and that of my own..If I find a husband that can support us(both his biological family and us) then great, otherwise..w/stressing economic constraints..I can't afford to be on the street alleys with my kids...I dont know about others!...besides..many of us dont have the chance to get an education..therefore w/the intention of helping others...I dont think getting a higher formal education hurts..(to help those who were unlucky)..and to protect other muslims around the world too..with one's expertise...as long as it HALAL..and acceptable in the eyes of ALLAH(S.W.A)
  9. Rudy..u underestimated the 'purple fever' man..anywayz, the VIKES are having a perfect season and iam hella having a funful time watching Randy Moss make some amazing moves...dang! this brother is hella good(proved others wrong about the relationship btwn his 'rowdy' behavior and the tendancy to do bad on the games- :rolleyes: Eeeeh! wrong!)anywayz, who was watching that move he made right before halftime..babe! it was magnificient and intelligent . Moe williams was right on too.. Go Gophers !...VIKES! WILD!..watch out for Gophers women Hockey team too.... :cool:
  10. raula


    lol Lakkad..DIIQ!..u mean kuku... my fav..which I haven't eaten since I came to US..is GITHERI !!...who r'members this???Especially in School...loooooooool...
  11. rudy..I just hope Iam in the fav.list and not ignore...looool STHLM_lady....gaaaal...u are working that mailbox like what!.. :rolleyes: OKEEEEY...wacha maringo... Personally, I haven't had any "animosity" towards anyone........yet
  12. Owwwwhhhh! ..nice comeback ..power to the "landlord"...Dang! :cool:
  13. Walaalo..Jazakalahu Khayran...and may ALLAH guide us all to the right path..wonderful/magnificent insight that is timeless...manshaallah...Allah shall reward the prof.and all muslims...Aaamin.
  14. So what's your point LST? Indeed there are many criterias for admitting or picking a qualified candidate for the specific institution whether it is school/company or a social organization. However..lookig at the historical background regarding inequalities, A.A. is essential and still will be effective in determining higher black socioeconomical status, and to level the playing field that resulted from racism discorse. Of course, to think that a black person is hired/admitted to accredited schools or companies just coz they are black is unethical, however, they are many factors that come underplay. As one of my professor put it.."racism is sound and fervent"...And definately we somalis fall into that category, if not even worse. Therefore, A.A. might not benefit one directly but eventually pulls up the life-standards of minorities in higher education, hence socio-economic status.
  15. In my perception, the best way to manage your anger is to confront the issues at hand, that is if it is worth your time. Otherwise, leave the nonsense alone(however, some nonesense might be senseful to someone else). Well, I used to be one of those that walks away when I notice the building up of anger/tension. Till later, I became depressed, and ended up being mad at anything that comes my way. Therefore, if one avoids it, the issue is never solved. So, try to be calm and talk in a softer tone. (this is just my perception..)
  16. But how would one categorize an innocent man who had no idea that he had the virus and infects his wife and future children back in somalia, where the use of contraceptives or getting tested is out of the Question? Maybe this man got the disease from a blood transfusion or from a unsterilized syringe at the hospital some place in Somalia. On the other hand, in a culture that is very partriachial(male-dominated in this case -when it comes to decision base), for a couple to get tested before they engage in any intimacy is totally "gaalo-orientated", hence culturally-deviating and deflection. Take the example of reproduction and child-bearing social statistics. It is very certain that many somalis(and culture in general) blame the female for not being able to have the capabilities to produce children ,when some of the cases the man is sterile(unable to reproduce). On the other hand, blaming the woman if the ratio of girls exceed the boys in a family, hence resulting in polygamy(I have experienced this in my family-and many others as well). Briefly, if the results is from an immoral behaviour, then the subjects got what they deserve. But let not underestimate the real truth and point fingers at others when we generally are the "weakest link". Or else, who will be advocating for the poor souls back in Somalia and other african-AIDS-Inflicted people if we keep the mentality that we are above all, and that this is one-mans problem? C'mon be sensible and read your code of logistics.
  17. mind-bottling indeed...by the way, he will be here at the U of M(univ of MN) for a lecture series and his new book signing(Dude, where is my country?)....check out this site for more info: http://www.coffman.umn.edu/mpac/?PHPSESSID=d9d3ddfebbcd40f1ac5cff42d7fea7c4
  18. Queen Bee..and Cawo..you two will be my planners...lool...very simple yet sophisticated..I like that Nice pics..
  19. Somealien...well said my brother..as a public health major..one analyzes and evaluates data from different configurations...therefore..I agree w/u 100% that there are so many innocent lifes lost as a result of other modes of transmission(not only sexually).. Ameenah and the others...definately hit the spot on the lack of statistical data in Somalia after major disruption....it'll be a major shock once the truth comes out...(but Allah forbid). Jawaahir and others who are confused as me...let's wish some people would change there mentality about being so-induced-somali-purity(however, Iam not advocating for sex b4 marriage)...its unfortunate..that some call themselves educated and still have an Incompetent, oblivious mental status as such... :mad:
  20. KKKKKK>. .walaahi..macaalin wayn.(big) baad tahay...big-time player...I just hope that xaliimo has Plan B handy...u know after the 2-3yrs of middle-age-crisis.... ..the choice of words impressed me more than the "proposal" itself.
  21. raula


    Insha-Allah...to all of us and the rest of the muslim population around the world..Aaamin..
  22. Aplus..thx for the pics..i wish I could employ some tech tricks..but 2bad..Iam no tech-nerd! ..Moss, moe williams and the rest of the crew were really enjoying smashing the dirty birds(breaking a reverse-dirty dancing move--suave :cool: )...r'member back in 98' when the falcons broke into this dirty dancin' after that field goal at the end zone..walaahi I almost broke my TV...Even, Chris Carter was there to support his ex-VIKES..way to go Carter.. so redskins..let see how it goes down with the Eagles...watch-out now..here comes the VIKES>.purple fever is all over again
  23. aight..man..me gotz ma ticketz already..it will be a brawl..I think they will be packin' back to madison...
  24. may Allah reward them Janitul Firdowsa...Aamiin...and I hope you family(and you) will have the strengh to go on...Allahu naxaristo...
  25. Ameenah..dont be sweetie..its notha... Aplus..great job... LF..welcome back..