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Everything posted by raula

  1. lol-NOMAD..qariix aduun. Darman-sijui gal in a cafe..iyah! and I wasn't consulted. Shidh (Athena understands this )....someone got some serious explaining to do.
  2. ^^^^mucho gracias bonita I have to agree with the above nomads on Silent Sista...that girl is NOT silent. Ya Allah...I luv her tho, she puts ppl like Hibo and Raula in their place when they start abusing us Brits. Which brings me to part deux of my list: Raula...comes across as composed and not one to suffer fools easily on SOL...but my goodness, inantu is BRILLIANT! I feel uneducated everytime she's around. Damn sujuis..they are taking over! ...lol abusing the brits kulaha..are u settin me up for an attack -knowing that I am planning to visit UK sometime this year???? Queen Bee..haigudirin..wilaasha britishka yah! lol.. But thanks for the complimente'..mansha-allah to most of the gals in this forum(including you Bee) ..walaahi, they amaze me..mansha-allah. lol-Ameenah is busy shopping and holding tea parties (I hopin for this when I land in London-but will keep you posted insha-allah)
  3. hayee waryaaya..sijui beey inka heysa ma'istiraahdeen ..lol..leave the sijui's alone(we are peace loving people)..where is SHUJUI and JAMAAL_11 ..lol..
  4. waraa kenyatiga kaqalee saxiib..Iam bout to go "incognito" in those caraab sites now...lol kiddin'
  5. yeah gals, get yourself some self-defense class and learn where to hit the hardest(mini me ) Above all, never walk alone or in isolated/deserted places on your own. Always get company. Also, pray to allah for protection whenever(*there is DUA that one reads as one leaves her/his house everytime-they say that Malaikta illahi are guiding one until he/she returns home). ya rabi, protect us!(Aamin)
  6. Me..is in MINNESOTA, FEMALE, when people aren't looking that's when I release some WIND, oh yeah and pick on my nose. Currently Research student almost about to graduate(1 dang semester), Interests: play Volly,listen to JAZZ, ethnic music=african, and Quran, reading Science journals too(SUE and others, same category here). Lastly but not list, drink teas and some more teas.
  7. Me addicted to TEA & CHAI(sippin' on decaffenated Tazo chai at the moment)-My boss gave it to me on my B-day. I drink 3-5 cups a day, but at the same time I drink notha' else but Water(grinning at my 32oz water bottle.)-scares some somalis(think Iam Americanized w/the bottle lol)
  8. Tamina yes I agree-he is a good speaker here in the west. Vanquish-just because he opposes to some ignorant people who have no respect of difference of opinion (fascists), or because he supports the West in cases of Humanitarian interventions, or what is it? I dont understand? Maybe its his theological views about how some 'so-called muslim people/leaders are intellectually bankrupt and corrupt that they only way to argue with those who disagree with them is through eradication and killing'. And, my argument here is not ofcourse in support of the Wests atrocious acts in muslim-populated areas-No No.
  9. lol NUR about MOMBASA_Q following you around. I wonder though Bro Nur, how many are following you around?
  10. Mine are-UGALI, GITHERI, IRIO, SUKUMA ya WIKI, MATOKE, UJI ya WIMBI,(w/a dash of lemon flavor..lord have mercy)MIHOGO, NDUMA etc-could continue lakiin some peeps are wondering what the hell is she sayin'
  11. Ok..here is mine..I dont know why its majority UK peeps(maybe I just have something for 'em >Ameenah-Thought she was one of the sweetest, till she changed her name to Ms L.lol kiddin' she still is, crazy about shopping-no wonder they don't trust her with the accounting bureau. >Barwaaqo-she still is the Queen Bee and after I met her at Bahal talk-she is even better! laakin I used to think that she is this old bored old lady who had notha to do and full of Education. >Shujui-nut head obsessed about Futi(I think he is still in his teenage years-lol >Jamaal-11-philosophist/nerd with a charm side-I call him "forever student" (kiddin'bro >Sophist-My English professor >OG-moti-old Gizza stuck in the communist circle -looool >OG-girl-I used to think she is OG-Moti galfriend or so, but she is really polite and sweet >Stockholm-lady-Intelligent, sweet, upbeat sujui gal-kipusa kabisa & and she will hook me up with her brother loool If Iam forgetting anyone..next time Insha-allah
  12. lol..Jamaal "proud Member of 4K club" me too men. Yeah, if it wasn't for Marekani-I would be running for Asst. Prime Minister of Agriculture-Remember Soil erosion, contour plowing, Terracing, Hybrid Vegetation? etc..lol Yeah, I used to carry the touch in my school for Geography too, especially once they talk about physical features, climate, rivers, Lakes etc..walaahi GHC imenisomesha kweli kweli. Masomo iko Kenya, lakini one will drop out because of the harsh punishments Basi wakenya, who used to drink "Maziwa ya NYAYO "...lol..not KCC & Gold Crown..eh! ndo maana tumejenga(thank u CARAB MOI)
  13. lol..u guyz haven't seen notha yet, here they even 'zoom' you in before u get out of the car, and once u do, its a feast :mad: , lord have mercy -whewh! thank God I dont wear DIRAC(how do you guyz do it with that transparent piece of clothing :rolleyes: :confused: macho walaahi. Me reads some Quran before approaching the entrance(just to keep me from peeing on myself )
  14. aisee na we-wafikiri tuko qarni ya 'homo Erectus'(lol-reminds me of my GHC class )..basi, hata mmasai ameerevuka lakini wameru ndiyo 'wamechanuka' basi' eh
  15. ^^^me too. I think He is one of the most influential, most captivating Muslim scholars of this centuary(I used to watch him on TV every Monday Evening). Mansha-allah. UK folks, dont miss out on this chance.
  16. lol..I guess so much for the "Maendeleo ya wanawake"..but Ingokho na ugali reminds of back home
  17. Wow Nur i wasn't around last summer but-I guess you CHE(christian History Education) back in Nyumbani (Elementary Educ.) did well with your research afterall . Walaahi, I can remember my teacher teaching us the Bible and such in Elementary School about all this factions of Christianity. And you wonder what democracy with a splash of 'freewill and Freedom' can alter so much about religions. The trend spreads like bush-fire. I actually, believe there are Islamic christianity in existence-not in temple structures but becoming tolerant about issues that are forbidden by ISLAM(about not condoning or refraining in acts/issues that are made HARAM CALEYKA, religously).
  18. Khayr...Yes, I specifically pointed out those Hadith's (and many more that SisShade reckoned) because they insinuate the principle of telling/speaking Kheyr(in pursuit of seeking Allah's Ajar/blessings-whether its advicing/Educating/guiding others to the right path), or refraining from FICIILO/HADALO, that will create confusion and escalate into bad mouthing-not to say lots of generalization. Besides,the Bill Clinton story doesn't reflect the American people's standards-there are many muslims(somalis-yourself included, who do not engage in such acts-SO STOP GENERALIZING. Aren't you an AMERICAN(by all means atleast Geographically :confused: :confused: )-Subxanallah. Brother, you are mixing up your themes in the stories. If you motive is to say that there is a growing trend (blah...)then specifically say it. Nevertheless, Shariah doesn't hold a GAAL accountable unless they live in an islamically governed state. Iam confused at what your morals of this stories are?? The least you could do is atleast pray to ALLAH that it doesn't happen to your family, or in general, pray for the Blessings to extend to the MUSLIM UMMA. Stop worrying about trends..and start worrying about your own deeds
  19. raula

    Wedding Season!

    "unless you do what white girls do (sleep around while in college) then seek marriage."..ONEMANGANG..are saying that u didn't call her (Tamina)that??-this is exactly what DARMAN is telling u, stop insulting others. Qac & Tuujiye..maybe U are the ones who do not fathom the hidden messages here-do you need X-ray glasses or what? If your propaganda is to side with those who insult others, then make it clear to us walaalayal. "knowing that Somali girls dont' take care of their bodies."..again by ONEMANGANG-WOW :eek: :rolleyes: what the hell is going on nowdays? :eek: :mad:
  20. Me-I have notha against My people(somali men). Infact, I think that the respect and dignity they have for us women(somali girls, mothers, etc)cannot be doubted. For instance, If you live in a non-somali neighborhood/region/city; whenever you come across a somali men, they are very eager to talk to and are indeed pleased to see a somali lady. Or, even if u live in a somali-populated area; mostly those who come across a somali lady/mother who is walking by herself, they would offer a ride(whether it is shukansi, or being a good samaritan-that's a different tale). Overall, no other race; marely carry out such acts of humanity. Thank you for those who respect us and show kindness. However, it's deviated behavior and morals that make one bad,but I wouldn't generalize that to all somali men.
  21. Arguing for such things/issues that do not concern u are useless...and dambi..(Reflection):- Rasulka S.A.W. says: "min husna islaam mar'i tarkuhu mala yacnihi"(Qofka islaamka ah wanaaggisa waxaa ka mid ah inaanu faraha la gelin arrimo aanu shaqo ku laheyn) "man kana yu'uminuu bilaahi wal youmil akhira, falyaaqul khayran au liyasmuudh...."(qofka rumeysan Allah iyo maalinta Qiyaamada, ha ku hadlo kheyr ama ha iska aamuso.." Bottom line-Yasmin u summed up everything. If its not u, dont bother!! *Both hadiths are narrated by Tarmiidh and Bukhari respectively.
  22. Salaamz' Brother Nur, horta Iam sorry if I said that u were asking anyone to commit to an organization..but I was giving meaning that without knowledge/cilmi(being aware what constitutes an organization-in this case religion-is essential to building IMAN (commitment) to a particular group, than being a blind-follower). My intention was that some muslims or somalis need to know what their religion consitutes for(for instance, the history of the Anbiyas, the quranic revelations and the meaning of Dacwa)not just blindly following and mixing culture with religion principles,just because their forefathers used to be 'muslims'(Allah knows)(there are many stories in the Hadiths and Quran, however one that I remember vividly is the story of the Prophets uncle (S.A.W)-(Abu talib)-because he was so committed to the religion of his forefathers, he lacked IMAN to commit to the relgion of his nephew. But alwayz he protected his nephew and the followers of ISLAM from invasions.)(dont get me wrong, Iam not saying that being born a muslim refutes one the chances to learn about their religion-but honestly there are some people who say they are muslims but do not act like one, however ready to pin-point non-muslims and their acts). Nur says "Sister, can you catch the contradictions? you have judged, then wittfully said that only Allah should judge, besides, the issue is not about knowledge and iimaan, it is about iimaan and deeds." If I said that some people; religion has been passed to them thru' generational ties, is that judging??? Nonetheless, if I say that leave the judging to Allah (S.W) is that judging???(Amazing) conclusion:-without knowledge, IMAN and deeds are hard to grasp. My point is that, these principles are inter-twined. Caution: Knowledge in my terms means that one is aware, understands, learned about their religion prospects and principles. I dont mean the 'western term of knowledge as being formal eduacation'-No. Ma'salaama.
  23. DA gal wassup-me gym has been associated with the anticipation of the month(why I need to go to gym-to floss for some jealous hefa! or attract the 'king-bee' ;)u feel me ). But seriously, the best work-out for me is the 'BODY-PUMP'(total workout incorporated with cardio, weights, aerobics, mini-boxing etc and some yoga to relax at the end)-this mostly takes about 1hour. But my best workout that I ever did was "SELF-DEFENSE"(Karate and taekwondo)-just saying Wucha and NOOOO! is a motivator in itself :cool: . However, since the weather permits to be outdoors now-I gotta get my VOLLEYBALL and B-BALL ON NOW!
  24. I hope the fruits of this comprehensive union will be a fruitful one and not lead to destruction and 'political chaos.' I should start rehearsing my resume then(in hopes of getting a job w/the group)-thx Liqaye
  25. Hadaba-if there is fear of fish contamination-wouldn't this transfer the problem to cows, eventually dairy? I wonder y the canadian's are deficient in Omega-3 F.A(linolenic)? is it something in their diets?(u guyz are surrounded by bodies of water unlike U.S.-only on the coastal sides majorly)-therefore should be able to consume ample sea food :confused: There are other ways in obtaining Omega-3 F.A(the eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)kind but needs the enzyme in the body to convert it to DHA)-this are found in green leafy vegis and plant-based oils such as flax oils,sunflower etc.