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Everything posted by raula

  1. raula

    W O M E N!!!

    Subxanaalah! My Phobia is snakes : :eek: ; forget seeing them, watching TV or even looking at pictures are just bloodcurdling!. the fainted nurse would probably be me!(if indeed in such circumstance :eek: .
  2. UK peeps..can someone take pics of this "sporty, musculine" boyz in da hood-loool. I would really love to see the minjoo baastoyin ..kiddin'
  3. Me had no idea in the beginning when joining My current UNI but they were eager to recruit somali at that time(pioneer-lol), anywhoo after research-its actually one of the TOP PUBLIC RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS IN THE COUNTRY -especially in my field. Therefore, me no going anywhere anytime soon unless I elope -and insha-allah looking forward to graduate studies Fall of 2005' I have actually witnessed some somali people choosing schools so that they won't encounter SOMALI's in their prospective campuses. WHAT a nut head :rolleyes: -these bloody hecklers (some) end up going to private(freakin' expensive) institutions that have limited programs or specialized programs: then they start running helter-skelter after 4yrs of MOUNTING LOANS and CENRAL ACADEMIC BREAKDOWN Syndrome (CAB-kacabso , I have discovered this syndrome to be prevalent is many somalis who have no idea of what their future outlook is/will looking like).
  4. ^^chick is it free -you know how we college blocs are BROKE And are sijui people invited?...looooooooooooooooooooooool
  5. TAM gal-By the grace of Allah(S.W.)I hope that all goes well outside this SOL family. Stay true to yourself sweetie-Indeed I will miss your tranquility and humbleness. Insha-allah, we will meet some other time, otherwise, you know the drive from WOLVERINES won't be far from the GOPHERS corner Just read this DUA whenever & whatever you are:" Allahu a'cinii cala dikrika wa shukrika, waa xusni cibaadatika " Ma'salaama
  6. checkmate bro..thx for looking out for me..see I told her the same thing years ago..but she still acts like QUEEN BEE Kagadaran..if we (BEE and I) were compared side by side..NO COMPETITION BRO..( NUURIL-CAAYN dee )..sewaaye yaqee! Usheg qoftan .
  7. ** coz many of their mothers been watching too much HINDI and Western movies ** ..lol..I guess they want their gals/boys to be SUAVE & CULTURED (Westernly ofcourse) :rolleyes: But Iam eager to see the replies of UK-ladies Hayee!
  8. checkmate..I dont think that would be a good idea since there people looking for me and I dont even have the slightest clue as to what I have done(Mystery!) - I hear OG_Moti is after moi for some reason (no idea, he is assuming i think that iam the one who stole his passport, hence stuck in the communist circle ) -LAKKAD (aka The NOMAD)-waa laishegeey inuu iradinayeey and has been doing some suivellance work behind ma back Queen BEE(aka Barwaaqo)-somehow heard that she has been inquring about moi (I can't even figure this out since she is oceans away from moi). Gal, Iam not the one who stole your boyfriend so chill. DARMAN(aka Haashim)- are you still confused about that sijui gal Iam sure they are plenty, stop scrutinizing. I hope I can atleast get thru' ma finals without any apprehension(then they can put me to court later). So, incase anything happens to me-atleast I have some MARQAAATI(s).
  9. LST-About the US military occupation in part of Somalia-I think BUSH is looking for a campaign booster since elections are in the vicinity -you know so that he could add to his white-house CV apart from capsizing Sadaam and alike . Besides, weren't they keeping an eye on the "somali-shores" to begin with(I mean overlooking the somalian coast from D'Jibouti and Kenyan Coast by way of Indian Ocean)? Ameenah-the suspected mastermind has similar name to MOI (I hope my phones are not tapped-lord of mercy) .
  10. So sad that some people are ripping to shreds such a burning issue to soothe their political gratification -shame on you. (months?)ago the same incident occured at the shores of Morocco(?) on its way to spain (italy?)regarding trafficking of somalis and other migrant individuals..were you guyz feeling the same(visualizing PUNTLAND VS. SOMALILAND or vise versa?) :confused: -I wonder! :mad: Subxanallah! Walaahi, some somali people amaze me-No wonder we can't even get along All in all, I hope we can all attain peace and insha-allah, the "RUN FOR THE BACON" (DREAMLAND=Western World) would end some day and we will appreciate living in our HOMELANDS(whatever the place it is for you!)
  11. Ameenah gal..thx for the support-only hopes he can understands the result of Don King's hair(otherwise there is jiilciso gal or wig for the day and at night he wont see notha ).... Tuujiye..lol..bal mid tuujis yaqaana sooradi maandow (I definately need this more than anything after finalz)
  12. "You scored a 92% on the "How Somalian are you?" Quizie! 111 people had a score lower than yours 3 people had a score higher than yours 7 people had a score the same as yours" and OG_moti said that I was half-cast Indian and somali lol...
  13. U dang' sure are somali when "you have an answer to everything" (there is never a dumb somali)
  14. Me is 24 but looks like Iam 39.99 :eek: ( this is what happens to all research assistants-watch out guyz ) -I used to claim Iam 21 for 4years straight -then I got caught!(physicalities never hide )
  15. ^^Iam glad I helped lol
  16. ^^shujui..thx ndugu..but Iam serious though tied of singing lonely tunes to myself-u feel me?
  17. as for me..my job this summer apart from TA'ing and working is to go for an extensive search for a 'CONSCIOUS MAN'-one who got some COMMON-SENSE so wish me luck people.
  18. So Sophist brother, what's your worry? Is it that the somali youth are depleting in intellectual means or WE SOMALIS are the poorly acculturated to the western civilizations? Besides, when you criticize the nomadic lifestyle of the NOMADS(in this case Somalis) equating it to the ramification of their economic, political and socio-cultural standpoints; are you implying that the western civilization never went through such a turn-point in their history of existence(meaning that they always possessed the intellectual cranium with the advanced technological tink-tanks to support their fate? I dont get it? I always was brought up that every individual or society had a timeline; a history from archaic to contemporary times. So, the somalis are no different. We might still be living with the traces of paleolithic culture but some are happy with such lifestyle. However, my observations reveal that the problem with our youth is not a dichotomous equation that can be solved by exactly pin-pointing to the vague etiologies but a mammoth situation. One of the problems, is the family structure and lack of egalitarian roles in the family. If I elaborate on this- I would lurk behind on my final research papers but insha-allah I will intricate on them when time allows. You also mention "What you write is a direct reflcetion of our Inner being" -I disagree with you and say that you are GENERALIZING. This might be a piece of me, but not my entire reflection. Ma'salaama
  19. Yeah me too got heartbroken several times. How I got over it? Overdosing in tea In the beginning I used to think that it was a curse-then later to find out that its just a mechanism for guyz to find out how ****** a gal can act post-break-up-dumb a** :rolleyes: (curses at her break-up 'beefs'"you think Iam ****** I got your game WUSSY" )
  20. Why is my name got to do with DARMAN's and LAKKAD's fiasco? :confused: Iam just a scandal-monger reporter! The judge sure has some bias in her rulings! people I got no time to fiddle with this "TRIAL-OF-THE-CENTUARY in SOL" I got finals and freakin' research papers (someone wanna help). Leave my name out of this SOLers? There are plenty of sijui's in the minneapolis area.
  21. Whether its is reading a newspaper or magazine one has to pay attention to the rhetorical appeals, the genre' of the information being conveyed(for instance, political, informative, persuading etc). Nevertheless, making the assumption that newspapers or print for this matter are right or left-wing is just plain dichotomous cliche'-especially, when referring to mainstream newspapers that are standard to a state or country(e.g the Minneapolis Star tribune). Major prints or news-median conveyers use the rhetorical mechanisms of pathos, ethos, kairos and logos when generating news for the public. That is who is the audience? how does this audience emphathize with the news being broadcasted?(relating to their audiences emotinal thirst whether it's right wing or the other)? How will the mode of conveying language affect the audiences reaction?(i.e how do they make it more appealing to get audience). Nevertheless, this all about business and politics, but I dont think that the Minneapolis is a liberal nor a right wing paper(same logic applies to all other major newspapers). One has to be smart to filter out information whether in print or electronic form. My suggestion of getting a somehow balanced news is to peep into socialist-alternative news medias or prints.
  22. Ameenah sis, thanx for the booster. Me got 3 research papers, a major regular paper and 1 exam. Shidh My hair is at "attencion'"I dont know if I look like Cornel West or Mr. King(the boxer promoter) :mad: Good luck to the others! and remember don't stress yourself!
  23. Earlier this morning we informed our viewers of the one and only exclusive interview private interview in one of the selected recess rooms of the SOL courtroom entailing the unfolding saga between DARMAN an the accused LAKKAD (that we like to call it “ I need a gal part 2 VS. Character assassination ). The proceedings of this report was recorded and cannot be reprinted or rebroadcast unless with due consent from the accredited above news company (refer to our copyright and patent rules in the media archives section of our website). The reporter interviewed a relative ( her name is ILKASIIB, means “tooth-pecker” in Somali ) acting on behalf of the “ the sijui lady ”. Reporter : how is she doing? Can you state what’s your relation and how long have you known “the sijui lady”? ILKASIIB : She is a bit shaken up about the whole recounting of this drama as days go by, but physically she is hold-up pretty good. She has a lot of family and friends support that keeps her bubbly and optimistic about the outcome of this trial. I am her step-sister’s husband’s wife’s older cousin. I have known her all since childhood. We used to Play kun-kun, kora, kati, pointtee, and hunt for boys together (giggles ). Reporter : Is “the sijui-lady” an acquaintance of both DARMAN and LAKKAD ? ILKASIIB : Yes, in fact she is familiar to both patrons. DARMAN is her pristine (new-found) love and in fact they are in the process of getting betrothed (affianced) soon (once the tribal and parental consent is agreed upon). Yes, they met at a Somali student board meeting vis-à-vis building a strong Somali student community in Minnesota beginning of fall semester last year but decided to remain ‘incognito’ about their relationship until they felt desired. Reporter : How about LAKKARD , the accused counterfeiter? ILKASIIB : LAKKARD , conversely, is her 3rd cousin from her mother’s side . They have known each other for since childhood. They have lived in close proximities since I remember. LAKKAD always used to swank about that he will end up marrying her, because she was just the cutest, cultured and sophisticated cousin he had ever set eyes on, yet he dated any girl that crossed his vicinity . She was infatuated by his magic and was lured by his magnetism since the family was very fond of him. Knowing that she adored him, the cunning LAKKAD didn’t assure of making any loyalty (commitment) to her when she conveyed the idea of marriage to him (apparently, he was so self-consumed that he supposedly presumed her love for granted due to the familial ties). LAKKAD indeed asked her to plummet the subject matter and inquired her to not reflect on it deeply again. Overall, the marriage issue was never brought up by cousin (I never heard her speak on it again) until this latter concern between DARMAN and the accused plagiaristic spectacular act by LAKKAD. She informed me later after meeting DARMAN that they indeed are a couple in the process of life-time commitment. And that when LAKKAD hears this story; he will be bewildered and traumatized; and resentment and frenzy will unfurl. Reporter : So why act now? ILKSIIB : This is apparently an absurd trial and the family just could not bare sit and watch us being tattered apart by such an incongruous accusation. That is that DARMAN is pulling a publicity stunt or scrutinizing LAKKAD ’s demeanor, by equating a serious crime upon the accused. The most shocking development is that my relative ( the sijui lady ) has been linked by the accused (LAKKAD), hence presenting a laundry list of unnecessary generic unfounded and an array of generated conjectures (rumors) that surround both the accuser, accused and certainly “the sijui lady”. I hope LAKKAD realizes he what how much burden he has caused, before he is superimposed in his covetousness triangle. If he is accused of the crime, all he could do is refute the allegation by corroborating substantial and factual evidence to his case. Reporter : Which way do you think that the case will sway not that there is some evidence of where this mystery might have originated? ILKASIIB : It’s not about a win-win situation here, nor ‘lets-see-who-is-the-man-in-SOL’ but it’s about a matter of integrity and truth in earnestly delivering justice back to SOL by carefully conveying a just verdict on the case of copyright and patent law violations. LAKKAD needs to understand that by associating lies and personal shatters will not get him anywhere except superfluous exposure. ** the details of the interview was in part made possible by the SOL committee of judicial affairs in collaboration with the ISHEEG-EYE WITNESS news. Stay tuned for the Michaeld Jackson's trial developments!**
  24. Iwish I could wear diamonds (*me not good at flossin' them craze*-unless I gotta wear them like The G-UNITas-u feel me)..however, since the motive here is materialistic stuff-I say AN ISLAND or piece of land somewhere warm and tropical
  25. ***hooded and avoids the camera's in the courtroom** ** the paparazzi's are lined up infront of the court room waiting for a press release by Darman's attorney, and a CRITICAL WITNESS**-speculation in the media is that DARMAN is about to drop a major bomb in the story-could this be the sijui lady? Watch the ISHEEG-EYE WITNESS News for the unfolding drama of " I need a gal Part 2 Vs. Character assisasination " later @10pm central time.