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Everything posted by raula

  1. excuse moi ...I had urged long ago for this (section)FOOTIE fans (buncha old NUT cases :eek: ) to be banned,but then again..the admins themselves are ADDICTED !. * shuffles for her morphine pills * I think I ran out of my prescriptions. SOWIE
  2. Iam doing well all..NO NEED to WORRY( ) MUCHO GRASIAS
  3. salaamz all, Iam back from the hospital(as you see, nothing can seem to keep me away not really smilling )-I am doing OK alxamdulilah, although I am feeble-and much thx for your prayers(DARMAN aboowe I appreciate this but you didn't have to bother yourself-nonetheless, thx so much). Amiin kuligeenba. *Iam here just to discard all those sick thoughts in my head-bear w/me
  4. ^^^salaamz sis, been long sis seeing ya. On the other hand, Iam wondering with all this shukansi talk :rolleyes: myself. JUXA & DAWACO-alxamdulilah, Iam doing fine sistas-thx for your prayers.
  5. SHOOBARO its ON!(here is version ) wale maxaan sir nimeed salgaree wuxuu raba inuu siirada itiriyo sidii uu usilcaaye, ee saxariir ulajiifey sangaabo ma'ihi hadaan kusiraadiin waa sheeko cusube, shanta isii SHOOBARO hadaad shanleyn, sidii shiliin kugudhegin, shansi masheegan shaley markaan ku'arkaye, shiliin maad heysan shukansi intuu igutaagey, shahna igu qabtee shaan macan buu igu tuurtuure,sidii malab buu igu shiishe maan sheegi karaa, sheekadu dee wey si macaanatee asna ituu shafka isku dhuufte sidii SHAKA ZULU SHOOBAROna isku bixiye, shansi isumaleeye :rolleyes:mmmhhh SHOOBARO hadaad shanleyn, sidii shiliin kugudhegin, shansi masheegan I ran outta words now..Iam in the verge of producing my own geeraar soon with a bit of sijui flavor(to be continued, insha-allah!) *I can't believe I wrote those words above i swear, Iam genius! ceesh cala
  6. sorry guyz couldn't get back to you ASAP coz I was not in the best of health anywayz(alxamdulilah, Iam fine now..and thx to all your prays..much appreciated) back to the topic:- It’s not a fresh phenomenal to see/come across polygamous families. But, I am pleased to have gotten your bona fide responses. My intention here was not to smother the image illustrated mostly by the western media about the DECEITFUL husbands, nor SHARING of husbands, but a speculation that is rapidly diffusing in our culture (SOMALI) and has been both implemented religiously (also religiously acknowledged) and NONETHELESS is in observed today. However, my hunch when I was posting the topic was that the western media attempts to render this condition as A TABOO and objectionable (undesirable, improper etc) for all reasons they can find possible-e.g. Immorality, only a man could love one woman, financial responsibilities, children will not like grow fond of either their parents or other step-siblings, etc (and all other lurking variables that you could add). I was hoping some of you would not transpire to such reasons as listed above, but human perceptions are wide-ranging, and that’s a fact. Any who, (this is to the gals) whether u fond of it or not, u will come across such ‘unparalleled situations’ in your society if not yet experienced and it might even occur to you (if you do, uphold yourselves and optimistically you will adopt to this NU-CULTURE, coz with the state (circumstances) the world is today, its bound to happen and maybe even will ‘hit close to home’-adoo jiran ama fiyoowba, wa haul ku taalo. FEEBARO, SHOOBARO - magacyaasha baa idiileyba Feebaro....lol..adi hadaad ciyaal chokoraa lashekeysan jirtey..wale wax badan bad kafa'ideysate dee . Mandhowyaal, ya yiri af somaliga somaali keliya baa iskaleh?-so luqaad unba ma'ahan? (i might have messed this mahmah up) -lagabartaa lagabadshee miyeey ahayd talow... balo
  7. ^^^lol SHOOBARO...thx though..amiin aboowe kuligeenba.
  8. On a serious note: I have been really sick and not in the best mood/health today and yesterday, really (yesterday was in the ER for 13hours str8-subxanallah). Alxamdulilah, Iam much better momentarily-Pray for me insha-allah. Ma'salaama. take care all till next time insha-allah. Raula
  9. thx SHOOB and forget wat 7wateva says Qoute by 7of9 "I'm just a faarax sympathiser"...wow, u meant to say Faarax snatching, trifling old bag :rolleyes: hon, its all good hadeey wiilasha london kuujaleci wayeen halkoo af mirshaar oo TRUCK DRIVER ah ban meshaan kaga raadin.
  10. QUOTED FROM Q_lEAP: "Macawiis to me means comfort n smoothness. Its akind of dress that allows one to breath which makes it far better when you compare it to the tight jeans." must have another ventilation outlet somewhere? :confused: :confused:
  11. raula

    An Idea

    I think I would be scared-st8, thx NGONGE. No I don't wannna live in a country/place that has no sense of control/power or some system or set of rules that guide and control the people's mindset from any senseless gratifictions, worst of all, where there is no ORDAINED set of customs/regulations set forth by our creator to follow by his people. Iam a follower when it comes to worldly guidance-and thx to ISLAM I have some sense of humanhood. My perception-it will be a total nightmare :eek:
  12. raula

    Going Home!

    ^^^so is most of the East African countries (flashbacks: the terrible 2mons that I was bed-ridden with MALARIA while sittin for my KCPE? shucks!). However, Iam planning to buy one of the SULTAN houses in ZANZIBAR . And another in TANZANIA(this one the husband will buy ).
  13. ^^^thx darling. U make is sound like Iam some cocktail drink at the zanzibar coast, relaxing to tunes (smooth jazz)of MIDNIGHT melodies
  14. ^^looooooool if my qasqas somali has been given a crown, then I will gladly wear it-thx inaadeer. A-SUN: U probably haven't had the EARL GREY that I do drink,gal Iam telling u this can give u forthcomings to your futureba(since i know how desperate your life is hanging currently, I will mail them to ya ASAP ).
  15. 7of9..u diana-lover(in swahili, they call them-kor ka fanta hos ka coca-cola tis a compliment my dear )u jealous aint it? U and A-SUN are friggin' jealous coz the only prince toad in town has the hots for a gal in USA....and hasn't even looked your way(show-offs!)..aint it? (calaa itaxaal-qaraarka iska dhaafe ee oroda maraq dhameer iskushuuba :rolleyes: ) * puts her hand over her new-found spanish hearthrob-Johnny B(his nick name by the way is RAU'L)shoulder and walks away swaggering side to side )* JB:my darling halloween pumpkin -I will call ya once u get back to your hotel room,hokey!(guess where I got the # from handsome )
  16. loooool @JB...shekadu ma meshaas bey gadhe! cajiib wale. filin filin iyo sheekada hindida aa ja nobilabatee yah!(I will be back with a better response). SHOOB..haismojiin saxib..I will be back for you too..
  17. ^^^they should know then where there are truck stops and rest areas for the TRUCKS & SEMI's-kapish! alaaha kusahlo
  18. ^^^mbona :confused: :rolleyes: Posted by JB:"RAULA u sure r cute n all that , but i´ve promised maself nat to EVER get beaten again cause of a chick..." whaaaat! and I thought that of all the people u would protect me from SHOOB(SHOOB is my stalker:p ) waryaa SHOOB, suuqa haigaxiriin mandhow :mad: by the way JB-yes there is a way your mom could chit-chat with my moms, only if you could pass on the 411 to me and I pass it along to my moms- comprente' FYI: hedhehaya..horta marka ani laiskugudhidhibayo..oo laiibsanayo..maxolaan ahay? iyah sidii lax camal baaba laigadgaadanaya..cajiib
  19. why do you guyz drive yourselves nuts with this weight issue? HONEY! as long as you can work that weight(whether you are skinny or fat)like no one is watching-u is all good Dont be fooled by this whole reality craze bout weight watchers-research shows (its under review momentarily at the New England Journal of Medicine- kik kik ) that actually 98% of the times, guyz dont even bother/care about weight as long as gaariga hadey barkiin fiican uhelaan (excuse the explicit lingo). (*the above comments were made under the heavy influence of TAZO chai-no sweetner whatsoever!*)
  20. JB-as for me I have wondered if I was born a different species than most Malis :rolleyes: -since, all you mentioned above I have put to test, and sadly nothing fruitful have come out of it :mad: . So, wat Iam going to do now is use the GUYZ strategy-that's right! Next year when I visit MAMA I will let her know in advance that she chooose a MALI (w/clean MACAWIS if not new one ) for me-coz tha's the only thing left. ( grabs her SHIKA-ADABU's full of EARL GREY and reminisces about the good ol' days!)
  21. Subxanallah, Indeed MEENAH-May Allah guide us through and to the right path (Ameeen! Ameeen!)
  22. AMEENAH-hedhe wa sidow sheege GARAB TUUJIYE..qaraadh ba kuhaya, ee orodoo EARL GREY iskushuub yarta SHOOBKA-mandhow, ciyaarta wey furantahe ee banaanka iskeen ado dharka isbortiska qabo-wad hadaad ciyaar garaneysid (NB: keep working on your swahili as well). SHUJUI_1-there is nothing free here man..unafikiri hapa GIKOMBA J_11-if you watch the home shopping network(in pursuit of a wife), I say stick to your POETRY..emekuwa kichaa au nini sikuhizi..what would be next for ya-watch LIFETIME television?
  23. Jumatano my cranium has not been altered yet(although Iam about to gulp a mug of EARL GREY in a sec. ) and thx for posting the ad.
  24. nothing weird..I also drink plenty of EARL GREY (or TAZO CHAI) too damn much(6+ cups a day to keep my sanity) :eek: