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Everything posted by raula

  1. SS raula, she either a ruper model. or she 5''4 chubby, squints alot and smiles alot. ayaayaa! gal..did you ever watch an old sequel called GOD MUST BE CRAZY-istaqfurulah (S.african bushmen)..lol-so proximal to my description yet far from the real deal ..hehehe
  2. salaamz akhiyaarta-I need help with these words or if one could suggest a somali-english medical dictionary that I can keep as a reference;- Infectious- Epidemic/pandemic- AIDS/HIV-(*is there a specific word/term for this disease? many somalis refer to it as it is) Prevalence- Risk- Susceptible- Immune/Immunity- Peri-natal(as in Perinatal care)- *NB: Most somalis connotate QAXO to all phlegm (or lung) related diseases..so my Q is-is QAXO=TB or it can be also Bronchitis? others: Employment- Generation- Inspire/Inspiring- Fitness/exercise-(Iam not sure if jirdhis is a more preffered word-correct me plz!)
  3. Ramadan wacan kuligeen, kheyrka bishaanna ilaahi muslimiinto dhan ha garsiiyo insha-allah Amiin.
  4. VIKING-because the parasite attacks the RBC (red blood cells) and results in sickling of the cells, and consequent damage to the cell membrane (where voltage gated ion gates- potassium and sodium that keep intracellular/extracellular fluids of the cell in balance are located) makes way for the leakage of potassium ions (create an imbalance of the ion balance of the cell-hence LETHAL to the parasite’s existence)---therefore it seems PLAUSIBLE to conclude that sickle cell trait has some protection against MALARIA. Hence, those with the sickle cell allele (or trait) – HETEROZYGOUS ADVANTAGE -have up to 70-80% protection against malaria (a cohort study done in Asembo bay in Kenya). On the other hand (my suspicions precisely) -individuals with the sickle-cell trait indeed have some protection from the malignant parasite (Plasmodium). However, the complications from the inheriting the trait far outweighs the protection. Some common complication are Hematuria (blood in urine), and some slightly increased kidney infections (bleeding from the kidneys is especially seen in patients with severe sickle cell complications). Some potential hazards also for individuals that are in the air force and those who undertake super strenuous activities. almost forgot to add that if both couple(or two parents to be are carrying the traits) then they may have an offspring with the sickle cell disease-and such as above complications might be be present and even turn severe. cheers!
  5. VAN..good topic..if you had checked earlier bout one of the topics that I posted(Medical/Pubh interventions-in the camel milk section) perhaps you might find some mind-stimulating issues that relate to INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Anywayz, back to your Q..about vaccines..and lipitor. Developed countries like USA and western countries do have their own drug companies but many of them(much or less) are regualated by the FDA(Food and Drug Administration)..any drug put out there (or commercials for that matter) that relate to public health/medical issue have to have truth in their statements-when it comes to health effects. On the other hand, MULTI-COOPERATION DRUG COMPANIES like GLAXO..etc..have something called PATENT laws..and this laws regulate how a drug/vaccine operates in the public sphere(whether its when to produce/publicly make available of the drug, which population it applies to, where to use them, dosage, toxicity etc). *in a nut-shell-there are some countries that have taken the initiative in making their own GENERIC drugs for emerging infectious diseases(like AIDS-in BRAZIL and some countries in LATIN AMERICA) however, the question is then: How effective are such vaccines produced generically in comparison to those manufactured or distributed by multi-national drug companies? (are they scientifically sound to effectively combact a malignant disease such as HIV/AIDS?) Now understand that this multi-cooperation drug companies have the resources, finance, scientific experts and nevertheless political and economic backings/support from various federal/governments -unlike some generic drug manufacturing companies. *I hope I answered some of your Q's.
  6. looooooooooool...waswahili ebu sikizeni hii nyimbo (click on the nyimbo enye inaitwa Baby baby..new=3rd on your left side..)...walaahi nawaambia nimekufa kucheka...use the below link.. http://web.syr.edu/~fbanyikw/BongoMusic.htm
  7. raula


    ^^better disappear b4 I invade your FOOTBALL madness thread(buncha football fundamentalists hehe..I like the american media). Dangerous...lol.I see they denied ya the cheese eh-lol. Yeah the packers this season are not as good(Favre is getting old man ). The Gophers win over Northwestern(wildcats)was definately the weekend booster.
  8. subxanallah-she is really cursed(allaha ha so hanuuniyo-iyo kuligeenba-aamiin) Illahi waxaan ka baryaaya naxaristiisa iney naso gaarto(aamin).
  9. Caaqil-mandhow magaceygu wa RAULA(not RAULI)-baroor hada miyaan uu fadhistaa-weeey:D hedhe bal marka hore magacyada bal saxa-sey kanoqote cirrolleydaan (misjudged-dhalinyarada).
  10. ^^^ Men are like ........ Popcorn ...... They satisfy you, but only for a little while. no wonder I hate popcorns :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  11. ^^^looooool@dabaqalooc-dhab aan moode. Ar lee maxaad san no geli(jist the NFD accent )-waraa waad ogtahay inaan discovery channel ka dhexbaxaba iyah! xasiidyahow..xidmuhu kusocote yaan ku dhihine..hada dabaqalooc iyo wariiri is rifaayan keen :rolleyes: :rolleyes: hadii kale Reer BARO aad ubaroor tagi-cajiib badana.
  12. Dangerous -In Menomonie there is nothing better to talk about except tailgating for the cheeseheads or badgers (<-by the way watch out this season for the Gophers border rivals ) man. So let those preppie white gals have some VAGINA MONOLOGUES :rolleyes: :rolleyes: .
  13. ^^^unique mixture of aroma right? hehehe
  14. raula

    Ask a Sujui

    hehehe..naona ishafika jioni na wakati wa chai eh! na matusi yajaa mdomoni..unazitema kama TAQSIN(remnants ya veve/kengeta/mirungi/miraa )ya jana usiku :rolleyes: lol-kidding. J11-habari zenye zimekufika ati RAULA ana kiuno cha mgongoni umeletewa na watu wako na wivu kama mke aliyepigwa domo(wallac in somali)-wasee hawa hawawezi kupata sura kama yangu -uliza wasee wa Minnesota-(jina langu ni HURUL-AYN wa kinomadi ). J12-nafikiri hiyo mapengo yako (looooooool..kama uko na mapengo..walaahi your combination of poetry and mapengo-is perfect like GITHERI ) imekudanganya. Hamna neno kama UNAMCHUNGUA (peeping) RAULA-siye ni BINTI tu Section6er-ok..we mtu wa kitale eh..me mtu aliyetoka pahali paitwa SHAMUKHOKHO (upande ya waluhya na wamaragoli)
  15. raula

    Ask a Sujui

    ^^I sense that you would like you some sijui-gal dont worry pumpkin-there are plenty Sasa J11-we unanitusi au nini kakangu. Nakuambia nikianza kusokota kiuno kwa chakachaka-atereere(kikuyu )utasema gai wakwega(mungu saidia in kikuyu )loool. Lakini niwaeleze waswahili wenzangu-walaahi nimesikiza Taarab za unguja/pemba/zanzibar-nawaambia mtapenda pia. J11-we unaweza atleast kumove kwa mziki..au hewezi kutingika hata IL-Capo-ilikuwa joke maze-pole kakangu. sasa waswahili wenzangu..ebu mnipe jokes za kiswahili-nimemiss siku hizi kusikiza vituko vyao. baadaye wenzangu
  16. DANGEROUS..I wonder though..has it crossed your mind ever
  17. ^^^^kinda empty now Mr. Gentleman (from midwest) what do you suggest-I bet though after some dose of your shaah my CNS will be getting all kinds of signals and be stimulated enuf.
  18. ^^correction:- shabeel=leopard(not tiger). and there are tigers in africa(somehow my sense tells me they are called HARAMCAD) I have no idea of what cheetah is. porcupine=caanaqub/kashiido calendar=jadwal(in swahili jedwali) Passion(passionate-noun)=hawa (both in somali and swahili) Telephone=Siin(some dialects use this) in swahili=simu sickness=mariidh(jiro)[maradhi=swahili] *you can check qaamuska for verifications wa ino markale insha-allah
  19. My fellow nomads you make something straightforward and solely specific as knotty and baffled as your modern psyche. I am surprised what are you guyz aiming to proof here (yes, bare with me I can make out that many of you are of course well-versed in the different Somali-related dialects -but that is absolutely not the subject in discussion). Pinch me if I am amiss fellaz-the Q is what languages do you speak, humbly list them or display them however you like, but conversing in fine points about [especially]the stereotypes existent in the languages and Somali culture is absolutely superfluous (I assume) of again the question at hand. Ok guyz, I know I have ridiculed you enough-and after reading you post , I still haven’t learned where the somali language/people (and its related dialects) was derived from-isn’t that what majority of you guyz are trying to proof here :confused: . I just hope that as the thread continues, the negative stereotypes wont persist or prevail by bashing other minority cultures (where technically some Somalis have originated from) and their derivatives (coz the latter is highly controversial and at times is set off by HATE by former chief qaabil-oriented Somalis who in the past decided the history of the SOMALI_MINORIES and written books about to entertain skewed minds). --and Iam not saying that the posters here have done so..I am actually wrong..some said that so and so (Qaabil hebel) have acquired negative stereotypes as a result of such actions/aspects/circumstances being recurrent :eek: in their cultures :rolleyes: -C'mon lets be real here..are you joking or you are high on methane ..AMAZING discoveries I tell ya. Otherwise, carry on Now I speak: My mother tongue-Kalenjin (Ki Nandi) and Kiswahili (Swahili) My ‘other’ mother tongue-Somali My adoptee are:-kiluhya, Kijaluo(luo), Kimaragoli, Kikuyu, :rolleyes: Kingereza(English), Kiarabu(Arabic) :cool: .
  20. ^^looooooool@ urka kulaha..adi Baabasir (qoormaaley) ma kugu dhace xagee urkeyga ula qabsatayna..cajiib. walaahi odayasha beryahaan joogo wax weyn baa uu dhimaan-mandhow bal waxaan ku qasi xidiidadi (roots) daadka Mallaariyaada(Malaria-patient)kudhaco lo karin jire(jidhe)iyo subaag idaad(sheep)-this was the delicacies many qoormaley suferes used to eat..lord have mercy on how they survive subaag idaad haye maogoshahay xalaadas . warkuba wakaa
  21. ^^^ungejua chapaa vile imejaa kwa bank...lol..yaani hata siwezi ku count(mapeni nyingi sana ). lakini natarajia kumpata mdosi mmoja BABU kutoka upande wa Gaarisa sasa si unipe contacts basi kijana.. Taarab enye nasikiza ni za Zanzibari-akina ZUHURA, LEO BAND, legendary ZEIN, etc. Nakuambia hata sielewi maneno mengine lakini zinaniingia Kama MKATE (BOFLO) KAVU iliopakwa BLUE BAND na JAM We kama ni broke basi kunywa ENO
  22. Golden GAL raula: light skinned, tall & skinny. wow-almost (but they also say-almost never counts )
  23. raula

    Ask a Sujui

    IL_CAPO Kwani ni lazima wa Sijui to be Mapengo? kwa sababu wengi wao hawana meno, Whats up with that Jamani? nikona Suali ngine, why wanawake wao wakona sura mardadi na wanapenda ku sema "Walalo Squeeze me," looooooooool..nakuambia we ulikuwa unafanya kazi VIOJA MAHAKAMANI au nini kijana...walaahi umenivunja mabavu..(and you know wasomali wa kitambo mila zao ilikuwa hivi ..ukimmumiza mwanamke(meaning if you physically harm her..)lazima u mwoe(marry) yeye)...sasa nafikiri umefahamu ok..kujibu swali zako:- 1. ma dem sijui's wako na mapengo kwa vile ugali(kwanza ile nyeupe ya mahindi)ina NGOA(uproots) meno zao...and is hard to retrieve JINO NYEUPE since unga yenyewe ni nyeupe 2. kama hawasemi "walaalo squeeze me" wangesema "ni sosi walaalo"-I actually prefer the latter..lakini IL CAPO..i think ma manzi wa GARISSA ndio wasema "walaalo squeeze me"... Ok...sasa niko na swali:- 1. Namisikia wasee wa Wajer na Garissa wana enda haja kwa ma mitungi ni kweli mambo hayo?(its just a joke..I love wasijui wote walaahi) lakini namwenjoy IL_CAPO. 2. SisSADE..nimependa wasee wa coasti..especially ma zanzibari..sasa dada niwapataje lastly but not least:- BOOLBARO IYO SHOOBARO..loooooooooooool..adinka clowns number hamsini
  24. ^^^loooooooooool@KBS(ebu soma ile jokes ya shida ya matatu furaha ya mabaya...by Raula ...itakukumbusha ma3 na KBS lol ) Moi ametoka Moyale sio Wajir or Garissa, ulikua najua kama Moi ni Borana?Nope, yeye sio Kalenjin Martin Shikuku ndio Nandi na Nicholas Biwott ni Jaluo . where have you been hiding yourself all this time? i thought you were stolen na mlendo. lol..nakuambia kijana walendo mamenivuta....chali mmoja amenishika hapa..lol..kidding...looooooooool..ati BIWOTT ni mjathe(watu wa mbuta na omena..lol...)then Prof.SAITOTI ni Mluhya ...(wasee wa ingokho na ugali) Lakini kijana we na hizo mashairi za mahaba niaje..chali...manzi amekukatia au nini..eh! salaalaa..lol..wademu kazi yao hivyo tu...baxali yake lakini umemtungia nani hizo Mashairi kali kali(hopes its her )anywayz...niko hapa tu..we ndio umepotea nafikiri mahaba(mapenzi) zimekukausha kama INSPECTOR WARYAHE -nakuambia niko na job mmoja poa..nasikiza TAARAB(za zanzibar..while Iam designing a brochure)..and sipping on some real chai..dang..I must be blessed