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Everything posted by raula

  1. Zu..niaje nawe..haujaona hiyo coastline ya Garissa..walaahi unamiss mob ...lol mi hata sijafika GARISSA-lakini nimesikia wasee wa Garissa ni ma chops(learned)..lakini vile wakianza kuongea lugha as in hiyo kiswa-mixed with high pitch(kama kasuku :eek: )..mama weee
  2. raula

    Sad News

    Truely sad, But what suprises me is The tragedy occurred at around 8am yesterday morning on a lonely stretch of the Thika-Garissa road known by local people as Kwa Majini (the Place of Devils) kwani kuna majini pale :confused: subxanallah.
  3. Most interesting-Public health courses/physiology/anatomy Most boring-microcomputer mechanics(or anything to do with computers :mad: )&women studies :rolleyes:
  4. ^^^^me si mtu wa GARISSA...but do you have something against GARISSA :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  5. mandhow J11 ma daabaco(publish or comprise them into publishable material) baad rabta inaad tiraahdid mise dawaaco :confused: Abwaan waad mahadsantahay iyo kuligiinba
  6. The tribe of SHEBA(women group) has spoken and they win survivor all-star sir naageed lama sal gaaro miyey aheed mah mahdu-cajiib!
  7. subxanallah..if Allah S.W. has dislikes the face of divorce why would a sane (muslim to be precise) want to indulge in the carousing pertaining to divorce-Acuudu bilaahi mina sheydani rajiim..therapy kulaha :rolleyes: and increase your chance of burning in hell(wow way to go!) :eek: . On the other hand, if someone has been approached with the ugliness of divorce all she/he has to do is pray to ALLAH S.w. to alleviate her/his pain-and ask for forgiveness for both parties..(regardless of who is to blame)-be neutral . being Realistic and true to one's religion (submission to Allah's will -s.w.) doesn't mean you bend over for progressive shrinks that think celebrating DIVORCE is THERAPY :confused: -lord have mercy!
  8. ^^^kabisa..walaahi nilikuwa nasikiza jana nakuambia hawa ni noma..I like when vile album inaanza...he says "there are two kinds of people in this world...those that have names and those..that are nameless...OGOPA 3 presents..blah blah..tumekuja kuwa wakisha.."and the music resumes..walaahi hawa ni NOMA..However..ile sheng enye wanachapa nakuambia...si nyiti(understand) wakati nyingine..they have perfected the lingo(sheng!). So V-beste wa NAIROBI eh poa basi. Mi Mtu wa Mlango Kubwa J-11 as VIKING explained..E-sir alikuwa mtu wa South C-and from what I heard he was Mwislamu but now he is dead. yaani walaalos niwaambie..nimekaa hapa kwa walendoz(I mean it in the nicest way-as in wasomali)...mpaka kiswahili imepotea..nimesahau namna ya kuongea lugha..and when I call NAI..I have to speak english or kisomali..gai wakwega I need help walaahi(kijana wa kinyumbani ingekuwa poa..lakini wenyewe hawa onekani jamani..salaala)
  9. legend of zu- too hip 4 herbal tea! but cool. now I know where my BIJA DOUBLE GINGER TEA bags has been disappearing to :mad: you rascal from down under raula- r somali? u remaind of those massai!lolol. just kidding, cool friend...u can always relay on Julia roberts, eat your heart!! lemme see, how many folks get that!! tell it like it is brother..preach!..lol. Hey, stop the house parties and inviting them senorita's and orientals man..otherwise once I get down to ORANGE COUNTY..its gonna be war..looooool Joke. shaqsii- dont know much about him! but story is that he is the dude with babe face icon! juees! waarya! plz change your avatar! u scare the bejezzes outta of me! how can i argue with a babe! -- hehehe..he has fooled so many (kijana wa ingo)...lol.
  10. ^^^asante sana. The new kenyan beats akina E-Sir, Nameless, Redsan, Mr Lenny, Kleptominiax, Wahu niko nazo home..nilidabiwa (nikonazo home)-nakuambia nazidunda sa zingine (yaani wakati kijwa imejaa masomo-too much medical jargon ) mpaka wasomali wanasema leo huu demu amekuwa kichaa . Lakini sijijui wasee wa TZ(can you imagine sijawahi fika hata coasti -i.e Mombasa, Lamu, malindi) :eek: maajabu dunia hii-but I love listening to Taarab. So Iam counting on you akina VIKING, OBSERVER, SISSADE(na wengine) tu keep me updated on TZ scenes. Jana usiku niliongea na familia NAIROBI-sasa leo niko na furaha kabisa(its always good to hear wasee wa NAIROBI). OBSERVER-hiyo joke ni NOMA masee ati anafukuzana na nzi ..looooooool. Ma story za VEVE walaahi ukisikiza utasema hawa wasee hawana kichwa-lol. VIKING thx for the link again..and nakuambia kenyan scenes sikuhizi ni NOMA :cool:
  11. raula

    Ask a Sujui

    SisSade dada hamna shida-chakachaka,lingala, Taarab,Ndombolo zote nakuambia dada zote nakata hata kinanda ya wakamba akina katitu..looooool IL-CAPO (mzee wa Garissa) umepotea wapi ndugu..ama wataka kuja na hiyo mashairi ya mahaba-bila-sukari sikiza kijana, mimi ni shosho(granny) na mahaba ya kitoto nimezistudy kama kitabu-demu ukimpembeleza umtie madoido nakuambia utabaki na kiatu moja-lakini sijasema ukuwe mkono ngumu pia (a lil' pampering wont hurt, but she has to not recognize it). Halafu pia, wacha mambo ya kulalamika..salaala..we ulikuwa cousins na wakikuyu au nini? gai wakwega SisSade ebu mwelezee mahaba ya ki-TZ dada. J11-(mkimbizi kutoka zambia)msikize ndugu wako JUMANNE Nawe JUMANNE..sijapata mshahara wa mwezi huu..watoto walia hapa ati baba wao yu wapi..nami nimewapa story ati ameenda for RELIEF-AID purposes in SOMALIA Section6er-mimi mtu wa KAPSABET-Jamgee!
  12. oh yeah wiilo the similarity btwn the Yankees and Lakers is coz they are both CELEBRITY TEAMS-dah! anywayz..enough with sports. w/c to the site.
  13. ^^^nakuambia hawa wasee walinichekesha pia. Lakini VIKING simjui Eebo the Maasai ndio nani? care to elaborate?
  14. Sis Raxmah thx for the reminder and JZK walaalo -iyo kuligeenba. *this article reminds me of one day while listening to a sheikh-he said the problem with somalis is that we dont thank as much. So, here my fellows, I say thank you to all who do good deeds for the sake of Ummattul-muslimiin as well as somalinimo.
  15. Wiilo and Kashflow welcome all. Wiilo( )do I know you..loooool I'll leave it to that..and stop there w/them yankees..hey how about them TWINS but they were toppled over by the Yankee doodle's grandslams and homeruns..ouch Again w/come gal..and if you got sports issues..check out the sports thread..iam sure you got lots to say about NFL/AFC/NCAA and ofcourse the upcoming march madness. cheers!
  16. ^^^likewise ndugu,as well appreciated the inputs.
  17. ^^^and Iam here thinking you guyz have finally come to your senses(conversating on relief issues..)( slaps herself on the head for being so str8 ). I guess they say you can't take the Getto outta some men..and tha's so true for some(actually all) of the guyz in this thread.
  18. raula


    Ok here is another season of pure NFL. I gotta say though McNABB has improved this season..he is at the top in the NFC big East(ahead of the giants). On the west-side-the vikes beatdown over Bears was a comeback needed. What's the news folks?
  19. NUUNE-kuwa beryaahaan baaba kadaran..waxey ka sheganayaan..cholesterol, diig-kar, tabar daro, vasectomy (minjo baastoba, calool xanuun, iyo qaliirnimona kudar) looooool..aduunka kuwi hore baa dhameen-meshi nomad ey ahayeen, anormally (abnormal)baa kajirto
  20. ^^^lol nuune..war hedhe tiyaataro miyaad kashaqeyn jirte mandhow loooooool..wan xasuusta ko oo somali sijui ah mar saas kudhacde bal. Hedhe wan baxaayo..BUSH iyo KERRY oo lagdamaayo baan so firsanaa..ee waa ino mar kale jaale.
  21. Nuune(magacaba idiley ) walaahi adoo dhalaalayo sidi dhixiri roob ku da'ay baad noqon..mandhow, weligaa miyaad ismarisey(qorismaris madhihin ya :eek: )..daawo DOOM(kenya waxaa loga yaqaana DOOM MARADUFU)oo kaneecada lagu buufin jire kenyatiga (kuwa reer badiyaha) intey isku buufiyaan-wexey moodi jireen barafuun-saa yey kuso ag mari..saa waxaad dhihi ...allah inannku/inanntu carfoonaa
  22. ^^^I think so(likewise for me) ..coz i remember I posted on a topic(can't remember the title) where i said...shiirka kenyatigaa baa igallo(turn on)..and holly lord knows the responses I got :rolleyes: . gals-subxanallah mar dhow waxaad dhihi dontaan..mid fooxsanaaya ma ahane mid kaleba imaso moodo-cajiib
  23. waraa SHOOBARAX u better stop using my neighbors as muses'..mardhow waxaad arki doonta ayagoo kusoo kordegeen-iska jir leh sxb-cajiib badanaa maryooleydaan-islaantu waxey idin tiri-caga dhigta Maneno badaana :rolleyes: