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Everything posted by raula

  1. ^^^wachekani babu na huyu ni mheshiwa RAILA ODINGA au (ur avator) loooooool..kidding. ORIGILAQE..looooool@meno bandika-chunga JUMATATU..mwone vile akucheki na jicho bandika Mimi naishi Machakos , nawe? kidding-Naishi STATO(the land where the BUSH_ANARCHY is at its core)
  2. Iam just thinking.."hadaan hada callaalladeyda xirxirto oo aan ka dhaco mudug mudul yarna iska dhisto,miid madi ahna meesha ka qabsado ..oo canaha ii maalla (so liisa) muruuqana iga miira .talow maxaa la dhihi doona??" wager
  3. ^^^jalaqsan..loooooool..likewise sis..taadaba mac mac waaye. Wiilo...hoy..adi combuterka maad dhex degentahay ..na hoy..meshaan ha isku moojine...wirriq'da yeeyna kaga dhamaan..ciyaal bilaajo waxid;) -you remind me of a user name..long ago her name was "qaxooti combuter heshe.. "she might have changed her name...now. wiilo iyo qac..yaqee ciyaar kun kuunta la wado naga dhaafa..mandowyaal..labadiina miyaad rabtaan wax iskukiin karbaasho mise nakala wadiiya..cajiib badaana ciyaalkaan. wiilo ...remember this song.."islaantu wa amoorra weeye igarkey ya aroosi ha."...(as the beat resumes..tis from one of the ruwayads..old ones). Wiilo..to answer you back: dooro laba le ledahay..laakin hadii labaarbaarato..lagayaaba iney saddex yeelato looooooooooooooooooooool
  4. ^^^Classique-I am on board with ya Overall, I see great scholars on the horizon(hopefully we will be able to implement our "fruits of labor" back home-or help our dysfunctional and disfrachised communities in the long run. Insha-allah!)
  5. ^^^well taken RAHIMA. Jumatano shikamoo mahaba (ebu nikimbie b4 hawa wenda wa politics waanze )
  6. Excuse me politically crazed people-just wanna make a comical comment(pardon the intrusion) . How are this people gonna fight..when majority seem to be malnutrioned :eek: , wearing slippers(where is the fighting gear?), old/weirry, and or FAT calool baaba kaso horreysee-cajiib. Rahima sis, are you rejoicing that we shed more blood :confused: subxanallah-allahu manajeyna! because you clearly depict that in your post, or are you being sarcastic :confused: sorry if I misintepreted your post otherwise
  7. I say waluhya na wajadee ndio mambo yao I can imagine walendo's na mirungi yao on on the other side..trying to strike a deal with wajadees na mbuta yao Jamani nafuturu wakati huu, ebu kijana usiniingize dambi sa hivi mbona we usituelezee vituko ya wakisii since inaonekana umeendelea kwa upande huo Taratibu babu..wengi wao hapa ni wanafunzi wadogo bado..na "ndogo ndogo" hawafahamu HASNA-lord have mercy on you dear kidding.
  8. raula


    Golden-Gal..yes Steve BIKO in an "underdog" when it comes to S.Africa politics..and many are not familiar with his story. The most memorable thing to me is his courage/strenght and determination for his people...but worst is how he died(was continously hit with a hammer :eek: on his head till he died..so sad :mad: ) Ok my question:Who was the lady that nursed the prophet (S.A.W.) other than his mother while he was a child? (nursed: as in naas nuujin and what nots?)-she was poor and had a son previously.
  9. loooool@jalaqsan<-loves the new name erreyada qarkood aad isticmaleysiid..waxaad mooda inaad habraha la sheekeysan jirte jalaqsaney ...kulaha talow..loooooooool..gormaa igu dambeyse. Wiilo:-moos laf maku jirtaa?
  10. raula


    the superstition about REDSKINS and its association with its presidential candidates. I didn't know such idiotic curses existed..but I believe it now since I am hoping Kerry comes out the winner..Premonition from the REDSKINS loss to PACKERS booyah
  11. just popped up in my head now-VEGANS(vegetarians)must be consuming a lot of afrodisiaks wow!
  12. ^^ah! so tha's where that devil :mad: named AYAN gets her ideas from. Iam not even suprised if she refers herself as EX-muslim(subxannallah)!. As for the murder, No comment but I would say many muslims are dying and yet their names are not published nor their deeds rewarded-May Allah reward them paradise(amin). Well, every human being will face their fate one day-and so he is not different :mad: I say rot in HELL.
  13. ^^^Shehe-here is a bibiliographical citation. Andrzejewski, B. W., with Andrzejewski, S., 1993 Somali Poetry. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. *the poems are a collection from somali renoknowed poets that have been translated to ENGLISH. Ma'salaama
  14. raula


    Qac-Iam just guessing..-could she be: Safiya bint abdul-mutalib? or Hamnah bint Jahash? Nusaybah bint Ka'b(she actually used to only provide assistance..but in the battle of UHUD, she actually took part in the fighting and wounded 12 of the enemy) or Umm-Saleem bint Malhan (<-used to carry a dagger with her alwayz..took part though in the battle of Junan). Ramadan kareem.
  15. ^^^hiyo mastori za Mathare ndio unawatilia ma manzi eh-ndo mana we ni msahili ati feraari..na unahang kwa ma3 za eastleight-eh salaale..yesu ni mluhya kweli...mola akusaidie kama ungekuwa mkimbizi But I have to say..the father is one smart son of a gun
  16. ^^^Iam glad -nonetheless, would you like to know my kalenjin name loooooooooooool. enjoy dear. On a different note: chali mmoja msomali (relative)one day saw me and my sis..reminiscing about Rift Valley..he wasn't paying attention to our convo..mbeleni..since he couldn't understand who akina KIPKETER, CHEPTOO, ALICE(we used to call her EEDO-as in aunt, and she loved that name )were...so, we told him if you lived in our neck of the woods you were bound to have a kalenjin name...and so we gave him "KIPCHIRCHIR"..walaahi, you can imagine what he said next..kulaha..."waraa ani jiir(as in rat )maad imoodeen.."..looooooooooool..I laughed so hard I almost farted infront of him(ok, the latter was a joke; I dont have such dysfunctional reflex )..but walaahi...wuxuu yiri.."acuudu bilaahi mina sheydaani rajiim..waxuu ma daad bey ahaayen mise..xooolo"
  17. She-absolutely beautiful entails-thx. I enjoyed your reading. Mansha-allah.
  18. Discreet-thx much for that poem..its one of my fav..in that book(which I got as a gift back in 99)-its truely classic in literature and a good depection of the somali women's beauty. Thx again.
  19. raula


    I left home when the Giants were 17-0..you can guess that I had given hope then..knowing that it was just minutes past the 1st quarter :mad: :eek: But da hell with vikes man..what is this..are they telling me that w/out MOSS, we are nothing :confused: wat are Bennett,Campbell,Burlerson,etc doing..ridicolous..anywayz..I have another theory..I think we are cursed by the GIANTS :eek: Why does alwayz there seem to exist some sort of a curse btwn the NYKers and other teams. So tha's my theory now and I approve for this message mucho grasias.
  20. ^^^likewise situation myself-Its diminishing Aisee wakale ni lazima missionary position yaani hawa hawana wakati ya ku-invent other "modernized" positions..but they sure know the NEW CATTLE-DIP chemical :eek: (basically, they are advanced in agricultural sector). Maan, mastori za RIFT VALLEY ni kali jo-ah! sweet memories ya childhood jamani Insha-allah nikirudi home next year_I will bring a video from rift valley ama? plus ingokho, omena, ugali,mbuta, akina CHEPCHIRCHIR, KIPTOO, CHEPSIGIS, MUKHANA etc Ofcourse, wasomali wa huko gave them somali names..like MALAFSADE, GAWRACANE,etc...loooooool..walaahi wasomali popote penye wako; they are good at giving names accordingly
  21. ^^^ooooohhh, you are bad alright chakiie chaan (jackie chan)maad qaraabo tihiin mise cigaal shidaad . Lol@I use istakiin b4 I eat
  22. SisSade-have you read about Peter Duesberg??-He claims that HIV does not lead to/cause AIDS-this argument has been going on now for quite some time from both the Supporters of AIDS research and opponents of it. Here is an link to his site http://www.duesberg.com/-at some point..the president of S. Africa (Thabo Mbeki) supported the idea till when he got too much criticism directed towards him-mind you, S. Africa having one of the worlds highest prevalences/incidences of AIDS cases in the world. Very insightful article indeed-I just skimmed thru' but insha-allah will read later. The AIDS disease is indeed BIZZARE its the sense that when reading about its ORIGINS-"SCIENTISTS" :rolleyes: associate to African chimpanzees-yet there is another story that it stem from KAPOSI SARCOMA-which was first seen in GAY MEN(hence the term GRID-GAY RELATED INFECTIOUS DISEASE)-Its very confusing :confused: Anectode: Yesterday I asked my public health professor(@ my AIDS Class)regarding the ABOVE Q(the conflicting AIDS origins)-and he gave me some mambo Jambo connections of immune system suppression and hence KAPOSI's (kinda like LESIONS) starting to appear in african patients with the INFECTION(HIV)...in relation to KAPOSI's in GAY male or American populations. Didn't quite understand coz I was super hungry..but next wednesday--you bet I am bombarding him with my theories Thx again dada. Ramadani njema.
  23. raula


    ^^And the RIVER Q??? yes..you are right..BRAZZAVILE is the correct answer.
  24. J-11 that might be the case my dear I have my fingers crossed though..hopefully they will pass the stage with success Kool_kat my dear..if they have been MISTREATED (notice the term is in BOLD :eek: )wouldn't you support them?. Iam not jumping to conclusions...or do you want me to wait TILL ONE OF THEM LOOSES A BODY PART OR DIES for them to gain my support :rolleyes: