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Everything posted by raula

  1. Nationalist-Iam not sure brother..but as somalis sometimes we pray EID on the 30th day of ramadan(which is statistically tomorrow). I was just saying it in advance. JUMA
  2. Xoogsade..i have to concur with you I watched that interview as well. The only thing different is that some do correlate his "minority" status as prolly as a pro-liberal..but the son of a gun (GONZALEZ) is an assimilated Chicano :mad: Many were speculating on his appointed seat before even DUBYA made it official-ofcourse the redneck/conservatives were against his nomination and its heading for more white house outrage and scandals -his key supporters (DUBYA that is) will pressure him into resigning (Gonzalez)- just observe..that CHICANO man isn't gonna be in office for a long time. Ashcroft had to resign coz of the 9/11 half truths, the prison humiliation, and many other "under-the-carpet"shams ..besides he was tarnishing the integrity of the current administration DUBYA is just a typical good ole' American cowboy-and he has been chosen for a reason-DOOMS DAY IS COMING :mad:
  3. EID mubarak nomads, waxa iga yaabiye... maxaad gabadha(OG_GIRL)iyo walaalkeed BARI_NOMAD iskuugu dirreysaan :rolleyes: cool it..no need to reiterate "Nayaa" boqol jeer..iam sure he didn't mean it-subxanallah. Walaahi qarkeen waxaad kadhigteen wax kasto siyaasad :mad:
  4. waraada meesha waxaad kadhigteen malmalaado camal; wiilaal iyo gabdho isku rifaayo mooyane..wax aad mesha kuheysaan ma jirto...dareerasi aan idin iri saxibaayal..I will unleash my sijui-nized foorjo bacdaal EID...noobaneeya bilaajo caraab aa so socoto noh . Wiilo xaas tiri adi " qajac qajac khadijo warsame..qandicil waa odey "
  5. ^^^mac mac dear-thx. EID MUBARAK to everyone *** shakes had at how much baking she has to do tomorrow night after school and work **-ya rabi why me :mad:
  6. ^^^adi beel miye maanta kaaga dhegentahay..beel badanaa bisinka iyo burdaha
  7. Nationalist-Do you take gratification in your own "internal corrosion" :confused: If indeed that's the current terminology of being a somali-I cease to be one in your world-ya rabi-alaahu manajeyna.
  8. ^^things in the south really operate differently from the rest of AMERICA. STOIC-brother..I have to agree with LEGEND's advice. If your school isn't much in muslim diversity-you guyz can recruit others from the neighboring colleges and disperse the message to the muslim officials in your area. Iam sure ATL has a large muslim counsil(yes and I understand that your school might be in the outskirts of the city)-but do get a backing from a STRONG muslim support outside of school. If you guyz have a nearby mosque, tell them about the incident and see what they can do. I pray to Allah s.w. that he ingraines courage and strengh in your souls to fight kufars-IA ISLAM will prevail-Amin.
  9. Gediid-go back to your cave, no need to spoil the ambiance here with your musculine advice -R'member he asked for the ladies advice. HA-continue soliciting ladies advice-since you are dealing with them..not gents dear . A side tip dear-as whites do drink to be hyper-alert and stimulated; find one that is SUPER-CAFFEINE ADDICT :eek: -they are bubbly and totally attentive she will totally put the IN-to YOU Best of luck
  10. ^^^^hehehehehe..tha was wicked man..the answers to the BIOLOGY part impressed me most: Q: Give the meaning of the term "Caesarean section." A: The Caesarean section is a district in Rome. Q: What is a seizure? A: A Roman emperor Iam not suprised If I turn out to be like this in several years Let me employ my cotted proverb again "Too much education/knowledged, ruins the mind" now I have an excuse atleast
  11. Raula All that time nilidhani wewe ni wao,niaje msupuu? legend of zu whats up men,wasujui wote wajinga hata kama ni wewe sivyo? chinese wahid wewe.Mambo mzee? unakaa kama mchinese aliyogangwa na mkoketeni bila akala yake. poa tu walaahi..nimetulia hapa tu..niwatie walendo kwa line kwani umesahau mi ni D.O. wa "maendeleo ya wanawake wa SOL"..hehehe. kazi yangu nikutia vijana walendo mahaba moja kali ka ya zanzibari kisha..kuhepa..kidding I say huyu Legend of HOO amekuwa mwenda..yaani siku hizi sifahamu asemaye..babu huyu nafikiri akili imeruka, nywele imekimbia, kitambi KABOOM :eek: hiyo, miguu zimelelegea kama mkokoteni ya KAMAU wa riverroad Legend-ebu njoo nyumbani nikuchaganyie chai ya mama shangazi with a dash of kukumanga Shyhem-we ulirudi home au nini? umepewa msichana mlendo au? naona umekuwa sheikh kidogo..nilisikia ulikuwa unapatiana mawaidha huko kariobangi na mathare north tupe stori basi harambeee!
  12. salaala..kwani nyi huwa mnaspend time na wazee eh..nini hii mambo ya watoto kama kambi ya kakuma nyi mnafikiri si ni MACHINE jamani..hata paka ana system ya kuzaa watoi IL_CAPO-we mwaga watoto kama vifaranga..halafu tuone mambo itaendaje North:waxaa tidhi lugu yidhi hehehehe-JK.
  13. Philanthropic individual and great contribution to islam-thx for the link. North Oh baby baby its a wild world, its hard to get by, its hard to get by.........oh baby baby its wild world glossy tunes indeed-I like it more with Maxi priest my fav.album(Best of me w/Maxi P.)
  14. Guyz, really I am not here endorsing for any somali (or those that carry somali names) governments;neither was I wounding the endeavors of any of the Somali-related regimes. My objective was to highlight that it’s just cleanly absurd to squabble that any of the somali-related govt. are indeed the prides of AFRICA- carry on with your EGOTISTICAL deplorable arguments-I will check myself out.
  15. ^^^^amin amin..may allah indeed lessen his burden and grant him Janatul Firdows-Amin. Truely a superb leader-long live palestine.
  16. Another Sad day-I was just watching the 10 O'Clock news(BBC) my time..and it just confirmed that Mr. YASEER ARAFAT is indeed Dead. There was a brief news conference by the French confirming his death(some time 3am british time). Iam sure in the morning you will get the news in detail. Inna lilaahi wa ina illahi rajicuun..Ya rabi-May you grant him paradise-Amin.
  17. Somaliland is Africa's Best kept secret :eek: :eek: :eek I must be dreaming :confused: neither SL nor PL, not even somali-weyn in general is not even close to being the jewel of the East african let alone Africa :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Excuse me Iam not taking sides here..but the title of the thread is even Erroneous bunch of flaws some want to stick down our throats :eek: :eek: Somalis stop hallucinating and make peace first. Ms Word- you noted precisly WORD!
  18. "lift varrey" hehehe..kuna shida na LIFT VARREY kichana sasa we mbona unatugana nyayo wazee wa siasa..wachaneni na siasa ya "FUNGA TWENDE" hamja sikia asiye funzwa na mamaye hufunzwa na ulimwengu.. Caaqil-waziri wa walendo eh :eek: nami ni D.O. wa wenyeji Jumatano-we ni M.P. wa mtaani au
  19. ^^^tell me about it :rolleyes: wow-a minibus-hehehehe(ma3-matatu inaitwa nini )
  20. ^^^ya right there is no better sec, than sec 3 Sec 1 and 2-yameoza-sare hizo To answer the subject at hand-Yes I believe Iam the an IDEAL mate .
  21. ^^^thx for the pic..the man looks disollutioned-like he needs some guidance acuudu bilaahi mina sheydani rajiim. With the world in total chaos now(well was for some time now)-I am seriously thinking of rellocating :confused:
  22. SHAYMA Ana intan baan ku dari lahaa Bal waxaan daydayayaa Mid dulqaad badan Mid damiir leh Mid dabeecad wanaagsan Mid diinta ku dhaqma Oo aan qabiil ku daan daansan dadka Mid kula dadaala sii dalka iyo dadka loo dajin lahaa Dib u socodku waanka ina dumiyee Ilahy ha ina soo daweeyo Amiin ana igu dar mandhay aheey... Miid aan isla duulduuli karno Miid aan daawashadiisa ka daalin Miid daawo ii noqdoo ee qabliga ii dhiiso Miid dareemo reerkiisa daryeelkooda Miid daarti ilaahi iguu wanajiiyo Miid dar ale uu dagenoo dantisa garaanayo, diyaar uu ah wada jir daa'in ah dulqaad badanoo..dhulka hai dhigin hadii kale waxaan lahaa..haye xagee ka dayaa, dalmaroo dhibka iyo qaxaarka aan kuuso marey dan la'aanta ihaayeso daraada aan uu dhuubtey/macaluuley dhabanadii baa ii dumeen dhabarkii baa ii jabaay dareenkii baa iga tagey miyiirkii baa iga duuley sidii aan kugu dikrinaaye ma dooni inaan kaa dabaordo? mandhow waan kugu daale soo dulwareego, dhabta igu qaboo,ii daadihii hope you enjoyed my crude version. MEENAH-nice poem sis-thx
  23. NOVA OH ya SOL Is Really OWned by KEnyans Now days with the current wave of Swahili posts, u'll feel like ur somewhere garriso or nairobi or mbombaso :rolleyes: :rolleyes: W/C back Shyhem
  24. raula


    ^^^maskiintaan wey isku wareersantahay..ee inkarta cagaarka(irishka)ka dhaaf huuno Wiilo ^^^^^U cheap aaaaaassssss women!...u fall for a tea.. hedhe miyaad weliga analyze-gareyse niin(potential ah)in comparison to tea walaahi wax badaan aad kafahmi lehed...for instance-ani waxaa jeclahay shaheyga inuuna sonkor laheyn..waayo, I WANT TO FIGURE OUT THE AFTER_TASTE..you feel me gal..yacni..waxaan raba carabkeygu (taste buds in particular) inuu so saaro dhadhanka uu shahaas leyahay..(even the faintest taste). Maxaa yele..markaad shaha cabeysiid..waxaa fican miid dhadhankiisu leyahay iyo SPICES-ka kujiroo aad xusho..miid isla marki markaad afka geysid..sidii hirka bada WAH! sanka kaaga dhufanaaya mafiicno(baaba raxiis aan uu kasaa ani kaas). So WIILO..I tell ya if you implement this anology-Iam sure many problems will be solved Take it from an experienced sis