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Everything posted by raula

  1. raula


    Baashi- Adoon cadar la hasaawin, ahem! Run badanaa...sxb sidaad u miyir maskax badan tahay oo aad u dhowrsan tahay bey Ilaahey amarkii mid qorran-qallanjo-luul addigu kula ah kaaga dhageysaa markaas baad waxaad arkeysaa addigoo inta lagu ceyrshay ama lagu xumeeyey misana inta is ilowsiisid isla ayadii dib ugu laabanaya. mawaxbaa kugu soo kordhey mandhow..ma dhiib baa jira in paradise land horta waa ruunta..guurku wuu dhiib badaan yahay..waana in loo duulqaato..allow no sahal muraadkeen-amin. Sophist-boowe unique aad tahay..xagee waxaan oo kale kaso quftaa Jalaqsan-tha' one of my fav-(still is)
  2. raula


    Checkmate Xaawooleyda: waxaa soo karisay "ina dhurwaa dhunkade" raula ayaa la yiraahdaa magaceedu Aniga: ma ninkaan qaraabo qansax aheyn, ma saaxiibkeey "ina dhurwaa dhunkade" hadaba waleey iga tahay in aan waxba naga xumaandoonin, u sheeg "raula" in aan galabkanba raadsan doono PS: Reer mudugii asliga ahaa oo mudug qaarada ku soo daray baan ka mid ahaaan jirey, waaguu waa ahaa dee seventy coorcoorkii dee kkkkk ala ilaahe wale waxaad uu egtahay..odey mudug asal ah-maskax-ficaanow muraadka allaaha kuu sahlo. Checkmate-niinyahow..usheeq umadaan inuu shaah ka miid aha shukaansigii beri horre. Hada gabdhihii gashantiyaasha wexey ku waasheen "CHOCOLATE" allow no sahal..bal CHOCOLATE muxuu uu tari..afrodisiak kulaha..afrikaan maan "DUUGSAN" karna ilaahi ba nalahe..PORGUESE baan maarro uu weyne
  3. raula


    Meenah Maybe he doesn't know that khaleejis don't joke about marriage. that was classic sis-thx. Its like a cup of tea to them
  4. raula


    ^^^isn't that wat the topic says.
  5. Currently..iam sick of seeing "classic greek-style mansions and business premises" on many regions of SOMALIA(including SL/PL). Are you telling me after 14yrs of civil war, an ailing economy/"PENNY-PINCHING" catastrophic environmental and social detriments-that this is the REALITY of the Country :confused: Where are the Shanty homes and "GHOST-TOWN" cities at :rolleyes:
  6. raula


    hehehe..so OG-GAL is getting married to the old fella eh Cool.
  7. raula


    ^^^wala rafaadina alright..sidii shaah camal aa loo biis biisana noh Laakin shukansigiina maxaa waaye..makiinada cajiinka kulaha..waraa horta waxaan maqle..makiinada cajiinka wexey kutaale aaboorka noh(AIRPORT) maa ruunba? reer baadiye waaxid iga dheh..maxaa waaye..government dhaan makiina cajiin airport kutaalo :eek: (iyo seey soomali uu faan badaan yahiin..)
  8. ^^^North..xawaash..is not for tea(maybe in the NORTH )..tis for BARIIS and other heavy meals dear. Waraada...laxoox(canjeelo)with Subga/sareen/muqmaad/codkac; no wonder we have increased incidence rates(or prevalence rates-however poor data collection when the country was intact)of DIABETES in Somalis in the DIASPORA. That stuff is not healthy at all :mad: :mad: too much cholesterol/atherosclerosis/heart-related diseases/Metabolic syndrome X/hyptension/. I have heard of some patients given SUBAAG IDAAD :eek: :mad: when they are going through the healing process after a minor BAABASIIR(QOORMAALEY)-ectomy.
  9. the left eye socket must be empty
  10. raula


    ^^^mandhow waxaan ka wadaa maba dareemo..methelaan..marki qando kusohayso kale..mise qoonjab marku kugu dhaco..so maa dareemeysid..hadaba shukansigaa beryaahaan (to the least) ima QANDICIIYO sidii shaah kuluul (on the other hand, you can say that I dont even glance towards that field anywayz :eek: )bcoz lootkeygii waaba extinguished baan umaleynaa
  11. Nationalist..man your accent of somali I imagine is terrible :eek: worse than my early somali-learning days Laxoox to me in the beginning sounded like wax digsiga dabaadiis laga xooq xooqe-the burnt remnants Ameenah-kimis (sabaayad) w/caano dhanaan :eek: yuck! but if you cut into pieces add milk and warm it up-Yummy
  12. raula


    CHECKMATE..loooooooooool..your shukansi technique mandhow waxaa isticmalaa reer-mudug asal ah..xoolo-dhaqatadaa waaye noh!...laakin I liked: Oo hadaas dee..kkkkkkkkk To be honest..ani shukaansigaa beryahaan ima ruxo imana qandiciyo
  13. ^^oh forgot you were around :rolleyes:
  14. doesn't dood have a negative connotation in its original form :confused: (I know dood wanaag is debate-but I like CAMEL-MILK debate title..was very authentic and unique by just being "CAMEL-MILK"). Ma'salaama.
  15. raula


    MS WORD I sound like Jayz..you know homeboys lips so big he roll a blunt with no hands Serious No joke daaaaaaaaaaamn..gal you nailed the mothersucker sure his lips are like 2 747 flying in different directions wat da hell do B-see in this man.. Gal-Iam feeling this joint..mmmmhh! Knock em bling gal
  16. No wonder all IT students are GEEKS :eek: Nerds with big ole' welding glasses, with 40/40 :eek: vision-and at old age..use magnifying glass to read :rolleyes: My remedy:-If you know you child is gonna be in the GEEK-SQUAD..better load them up with with CARROTS and BETA-CAROTENE supplements while young (now from a public health standpoint-ofcourse its IMPOSSIBLE but phisolosophically it might work ).
  17. Is there a specific name for a nomad/pastrolist..except for Geeljire, xoolo-dhaqato/dabaato(?), reer-baadiye..etc-becoz in English translation of a NOMAD seems broad than the somali NOMAD translation(<-distinctive).
  18. Silence Lakiin wouldn't it fall under the category of Incest in todays age NO Dumaal and Incest are totally different dilemma's in the west. Indeed, many are not aware of such customs. The words noted above by the poster are all familiar to me Depending on variation in dialects the Days in somali had even a rhyme to them..here are some that I do remember..plz add:- Monday-Isniin-? Tuesday-Talaado/salaalo-? Wednesday-Arbbaco-Arbaco nuunu(?) Thursday-Qamiis-Qamiis Qeyr soo dhow Friday-Jimco-Jimco jiif macaan(becoz schools were closed and many had half-work day schedule in Somalia ) Saturday-Sabti-Sabti sarqaan qooqan Sunday-Axad-?
  19. raula


    I gave up on them long ago(i.e. the vikes and the gophers. The Latter even suck more..holly smokes..even the border rivals are inching for a ROSE BOWL . Not bad-atleast we got some major BIG-10 competitors in Collegebowls-like alwayz )-If Badgers are going to the Rosebowl in Pasadena..I swear I plan to be In Orange county then drive up to Pasadena Just like the 2002 Rosebowl. The Steelers are sick with it man...dang! I mean this team was in moderate rankings for the last couple of years(atleast better than the BROWNS )but they have really stepped up this season..cool..Iam rooting for them-Me hate pats and Eagles :mad: :mad: T.O. and McNabb aint sh** :rolleyes:
  20. The word intellectual has been tinkered with and used by some to “FIT†certain distinctiveness. With that said-waa maxay "INTELLECTUAL" micnihiisu :confused: Perhaps one who emanates from the west, (western knowledge); a progressive/moderate-Muslim; a sophisticated contender, or boy-toy/puppet for the western theater :confused: :mad: …is an erudite Muslim scholar an intellectual?-and how would this settle with the somali public..ma marreekan iyo waxsheega qaramada midoobe beey kadaba ordi doona(which they do)..mise daantooda iyo dadnimadooda bey casiri doonan :confused: Allow no sahal-amin. the word intellectual is flaws and inflated in the subject of knowledge-seeking..its only defined by how many books you read and what "meanderous" western philosophy/thinking one employs-A petty doctoral degree with no experience whatsoever :rolleyes: We dont need "INTELLECTUALS" we need effective grassroot movements-steming from public outcry to well-versed, experienced, "patriotic," peace-loving individuals. Yes its hard to attain such effectual results, but its even dreadful to propagating policies (ranging from clannish geared legacies to western ideologies) and sharia where majority of your “immediate†(Somalis-weyn) public are not aware or familiar with :confused: . Let a nomad be a pastoralist, not a cooperate/large-scale farmer (he won’t recognize the distinction between a tractor than a motor vehicle) . Eid wanaagsan.
  21. ^^my imaginations was that daadka intey magalaadas tagaan yeey kuso dhuusi markaa ooga so tagi dhuusodooda :eek: :eek: the city must be "AROMATIC" after quite some fellas do their thing eh Otherwise how would name come up :confused:
  22. ^^^wardhigley ah :confused: balaayo ka dhacde..maryooley le errayadaaso kale isticmaali karaan :rolleyes: ..wardhigley kulaha...bisinka..na anaka(dee reer kenyati hadaan nahay) dhiig macabno ...waraanna masaaidii baan uuga so tagne maalinti aan maqle magalaada la yirahdoo DHUSAMAREEB..I swear anoo rafanaayo baa dhulka laiga jiidee...qosol daraadeed Who on earth would come up with such peculiar names other than somalis