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Everything posted by raula

  1. waan yaabey-ani horta maxey odaayaasha iga arkaan..war ileen ana wax arke..wacadalee maanta anoo daad somali caawinaaya..yaa labo odey meshaan ila qabsadeen waaba is' waabinayan noh..kulaha "RAULA ma maqashe wuxuu manchino yiri...." hadee wacadale..waxaan kugu dhaaran karaa iney aabahay la'eg yihin -mucjiso ilaahi. I need to revive my looks-I mean its obvious I dont wear garbasaar to work -but something...something..is just not right
  2. HASNA-well said walaalo..right on the note. I concur with you absolutely.
  3. Originally posted by Caveman: Raula…sista…I am surprised you read the piece I wrote above and you came out with the though of me being part of Ideologs of men who feed the world with more of "INTERNALIZED RACISM". I never said woman should sit at home and be that stereotypically weak and submissive. Or even the Topic here is not about woman’s place in marriage and what she is expected of her. And guess what its not only common to our community, I know an Iranian and Nigerian guys who I worked in Atlanta, both went back to their respective countries to get married. I didn’t even shared my thoughts on this, I merely acknowledge the trend and asked why?. YACQUUB sxb thanks for the WARNING! Raula wrote: “What the hell do you think...we choose our destinyâ€. I hope she is not affiliated with that ‘Freedom for Somali Woman’s Party’ if she is, Hope that she is the CEO, cuz if their leaders are yet to came I am dead man. I understand your thinking walaalo..but I never said that you said that..Infact, I refered to "THOSE MEN"(mind you, you can see that Iam not generalizing all men, hence have acknowledged that indeed such mismatches exists)-but I will repeat I said-I despise those who just do degrade all ladies from western countries as "UNQUALIFIED"...indeed there exists "PREFERENCES"(as in if the man wants uneducated,AUTHENTIC :rolleyes: Somali woman from back home) however, not all women in the west are acculturated totally to the misleadig cultural aspects of western society-that is FORBIDDEN in our religion as well as our culture. comprente' And I dont belong in the Battalion you aforementioned-spare me the medallions Iam sure some will find it useful
  4. Whoever asked about the Question of DUMAAL-perhaps in western teachings it can be referred or is synymous to THE INSTITUTION OF LEVERATE MARRIAGE-where a widow is expected to wed her dead husband's brother" Ma'salaama.
  5. ^^^Nacam. Mandhow odaayashaan cirradii ka biibtey hadhegeysen. Aabehey iyo awoowgey wuxuu yiri waa laga baxay beryahaan. Kagadaraan kuwa dhahayaan "aabahay....wuxuu yiri"...laftigood ma yaareystaan da' ahaan miid reer mudug asal'na waad diide(oh shaah nocaad rabtiid ku karin karto: bigeeys, strungi,cadeeys etc) maxaad doone mandhow
  6. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I despise men who overlook those ladies living in the west, debasing them with derogatory comments that they have changed/acculturated/integrated to the western culture and have forgotten wat it is like to be a Somali woman anymore (which is true in some ways, but often a generalization). What the hell do you think...we choose our destiny :confused: We didn't come to this western countries to COMPETE with our opposite gender; did you forget that we have family members to feed back home :rolleyes: some women have taken the role of a bread-winner in their families. If you think a woman is gonna sit at home and watch her biological family perish to perils of human and natural disasters while she has the means to lend a hand, then you are wrong (excluding this lurking variable: qadar allah). And plz, don’t even say that our western ladies are not pious, dutiful and responsible. for those who believe in such misogynist ideologies-thx for feeding the world with more "INTERNALIZED RACISM" and hatred :mad: I will stop before I fume to bubbles
  7. ^^^Jambo sana ndugu. Yes quite an inspiration for the tribe. I see him during work almost everyday-very tranquil and professional individual. Salaamz.
  8. raula


    ^^^mucho grasias senor' other beoble-"dont enter my ocean" :rolleyes:
  9. I hear some one call out my name and as I turn I see this Girl who is wearing a bandana made out of Kenya flag and I immediately say to myself she's got to be Raula. "Mzee Wa Garissa vipi, where's your kikoyi, I was expecting you to come with one, so how are you? Raula says jokingly. "Sorry, my favorite kikoyi "Macawista" was wet when I left Garissa and since I couldn't wait for it to dry I have decided to borrow a trouser from my nephew exclusively for this party"I reply. "you mean you only came with one pair of pants?"asks Raula. "Hey, I didn't come here to stay forever, you know,besides i wear one pair of pants for two weeks, so why would I come with a bag full of clothes? Am I going to open a shop here or what?I ask. "You are crazy, do you think one bag of second hand clothes (mtumba) is good enough to open a clothing shop here? Asks Raula. mzee wa garisaa nilikuwa nangojea story mmoja noma sana-namna ile ulimeet "MALAIKA" aka RAULA niaje beste...nini hii naonekana kama watoto wa ARAP TITI siku ya kusherekea uhuru :rolleyes: ..salaala-ati bandana ya Kenya(although Iam proud ) mi sii chizi hivyo aterere story moja kali kweli-endelea mzee ojwang.
  10. The Nation reported that three men had been picked up in connection with the attack that saw General Service Unit men guarding the President engage in a shootout for over ten minutes. wow the GSU :eek: are guarding him..he sure is safe I suppose PS: Who remembers the GSU in Kenya
  11. HA- When I was little, there was always "dikri" session on Fridays at one of my neighbor's house. There would be alot dikri, perfume, tahlil, and...cambulo (just the way I described it with the popcorn and coffee and the smoke beans kkkkkk...xerta iga waran bal Rokko-sorry dear Shyma..loooool..ma aragte mandhay
  12. ^^^^ala maxaad AA groups uu firsatey Hi my name is RAULA and I have an addiction for underpants, DIESEL (<-just love this) clothes and accessories. Nowdays I am collectin on SCARFS and GARBASAARO from somali mall. But a huge sum of my money goes to TRIPS and TEA :eek:
  13. Zha Blong Xiong -the light of the Hmong community---"After all, in less than 20 years Xiong has gone from being a refugee who spoke no English to becoming the first Hmong tenure-track professor at the University of Minnesota, and the first at a major research university in the United States. " Read more here :-http://www.gen.umn.edu/programs/communications/access/fa04/impact.htm cheers.
  14. Nuune-Micheal Jackson qarnigiisi baad kaso harte miyaa MMA-now watch the flood come your way-dont blame nature bro..its classic MAN-MADE luring
  15. Loved the poem-me cares ofcourse for you darling. Keep up the good faith, positivity and never loose your tranquil sis. You are indeed precious. Ma'salaama. Oh yes..I extend the poem's dedication to my friends, my sisters(family-love you guyz) and my muslim sisters. Indeed-ROCK ON HIJABEE.
  16. I hope he recovers from it..but I have to say somalis live in the worst neighborhoods. Capital park is HELL-HOLE :mad: I guess they thought you guys are associated with the CRIBS/BLOOD of S.central L.A eh? Ilaahi ha sahlo yarka-Amin
  17. Rokko-try this my dear-buy yourself a bag of KIDNEY BEANS and cook them to tender..then make sure you DINE on them at night..like right before you go to BED...walaahi if you are not "STIMULATED" by the next morning-I say sue me OG-GAL Is deker..I am not sure about spelling but my grandpa said that . He explained saying is beans like we say "foul" in Egyption. Ameenah, Tell me who we start with sueing them in SOL? I would start with raula gal neither that ayeeyo(meenah) nor your qaliiji family can't compete with my "TEAM OF CELEBRITY LAWYERS"...na maad joogtiid gabaryahay Rokko & G-gal you two make me seem like an EXPERT on somali..bisinka..indhayarta waad ka darteene HORN-just coz you hail from Coffee city-you gotta add BUUN to CAMBUULO this is a first for me...BUUN IYO CAMBUULO=MUCHO MARQAAN+DIARRHEA good luck.
  18. <---- wished one would loose his "MIYIR" over her like this poor dude . Looool..wat made me laugh reading some of the post was that..some say "HE WAS THE BEST LOVER..WHO COULD EVER LOVE" :eek: Lovers are incapable of loving(<--from my slang translations)
  19. raula


    ^^^hehehe..no dear..Frankly after GOPHERS losses and couple of slacks by the VIKES Iam totally out-shuut. I have to agree though they are not that bad..but the excitement was HEATED in the beginning..I just hated to see it take a downward turn. Yeah MIKE TICE should be fired...that dude curses too much..and no technique/skills enforcement watsoever. Shyhem-rudi jua kali manze Playmaker...play on bro
  20. So true darling-I perfectly understand. Was the historian by any chance IBN-BATUTA :confused:
  21. Shyma untill recently did I discover Chai-Tea Latte from Starbucks gal where in da hell do you live..I discovered this long ago..and damn right..Iam damn addicted too but let me tell ya gal CHAI from local shops(as non-chain stores) are the best-infact you can smell the aroma of the spices...STARBUCKS CHAI-TEA is abit too milky for me..but for starters it sure does is close to shah-somali. Infact Iam drinking one right now in swahili TEA=CHAI
  22. Inna Lilaahi wa ina ileyhi rajicuun-allaha u naxaristo hooyada-ilaahi dembigeedna haudhaafo(Kuligeenba) Amin.
  23. Caution: this views are not generalized to all colored populations in the USA-just some tips from some MINNESOTAN AIDS minority educators. NB: Minnesota is TOP in AIDS programs and interventions Since the pandemic dispropotinately affects the african American and Hispanic communities-some African American churches have made some noise. Suprisingly, thier messages are along the lines of "ABSITENCE IS THE BEST TOOL" (which I have no reason to disagree with). The black churches' participation in such interventions was initiated by the fact that ethnically, many African-Americans have strong ties to the church(the church is a central aspect of thier lifes-whether they are westernized,marginalized or diffused to other cultures). Indeed, there was uproar from church-goers and conservative catholic blacks; since they perceive the CHURCH to be a MORAL LEADER (and the stigma that lies strickly within AID as being a GAY-MAN phenomena..or SEXUAL IMMORALITY=promiscuos sexual tendancies), they dont not expect churches should get involved in this issues. BUT WHO WILL TAKE THE BURDEN, WHEN THE PANDEMIC IS WIPING OUT OUR PEOPLE (AFRICAN_AMERICANS & AFRICANS) within seconds? Are they gonna just stare and expect govt. to do something about it? The Hispanics are even less behind superseding this epidemic-many have just began to recognize and realize that this is not a GAY-MAN's disease but also exceedingly surpassing in heterosexual relationships. They have identified some cultural/language/ethnic/ obstacles that prevents them(educators) from intervening or implementing effective interventions. I wonder how will the somalis handle this-although in low numbers now(with crude data)..wat happens if the charts suddently start to rise exponentially :confused: lastly: did you know that every 2 secs one dies from AIDS :eek: :eek: