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Everything posted by raula

  1. ^^^wale maila aragte huuno-mansha yaabe beryaahano dhaan.waxaan is iri wale ma da'dii baa kadaba timaade mise waa lagu soo haya waraada S_T_B iyo Wiilo-wiilka taagera yaqee..see waaye aqiyaarta. Labadiina intaad shan xaboo shuuruurac ereeyo jaceyl-ah itaad isku soo shiriseen-yaa marku Alla uu bahne inkuso kala fireeye..baa wadnahii idiin gariire..sidii arliiyo camal "ala ma anigaa.." balo STB iyo Wiilo-adiinka baadinaa buxdoo..dhinacayga..ceel aan ka waraabsana -wabiyaashi baa qalaaleen..in yaro xagaaya ah mooyane ..wale roob maso socdo mardhow-ilaahow no sahal
  2. I can't wait to get out of this country-whenever that is Iam starting to get seasonal affective disorder(winter depression to be specific)-arrrrrrrrgggghhhhhh. My outlook of life nowdays have totally changed. I long to see my family-my mother especially. I didn't know people really pay attention to my life tract-nice-some look up to me-even nicer Life is just beautiful nowdays-no stressing, no hating, just cruising on low speed :cool: Euphoria * retreats to sipping her chai and work *
  3. ^^^^so true(along with G-tuujiye, and simply the best)-this are just opinions. Your step was very harsh and uncalled-for. I dont know what you are guarding-but sure you are not the authority either :mad: . Be fair walaalo.
  4. Q: condoms..what do you think? From my perception and little that I have learned in PubH-never initiate an intervention that is not specific(not addressing all the aspects-cultural/traditional,religion,physical,popular means/median,etc) to your population study/sample. Therefore, contraceptive use in Somalia is highly unlikely to be a successful implementation(intervention)-whether in preventing STD's and other infectious disease. However, some might argue that it might lower the risk of getting infected(to some degree yes, but its not 100% scientifically proven). NB: Stick to your traditional and religious guidelines-never employ western medicina practices and principles thinking that it will do the job.
  5. ^^^Iam not following your question either -what are you asking?
  6. ^^^Very skewed aren't we-if africans are the ones dying from this disease(I have no idear where you got this slanted facts/figures :rolleyes: )-what makes you think that this disease wont diffuse to other populations-mind you it being a highly communicable disease? W/C back to reality bro-TB is prevalent in our populations). NB: If TB is comprimising the immune system of the host(as its inhibiting effects on the microphage and phagocytic cells- T & B cells)-dont you think that the combination with HIV virus-which affects the T-cells(CD4 count)-inturn by initiating a reverse-transcriptase reaction)will be a DEADLY catastrophe :eek: :eek: Hence that's why TB is a detrimental consequence for patients inflicted with HIV/AIDS. Think bro Vanquish-I know you are smarter than that-maybe eggzams are just killing ya-Same here but atleast I haven't lost it yet Somalis aren't angles immune to the catalysms of this world-stop being impractical.
  7. ^^^Rende..yeah I can't find it anymore..Its gone..lakini ungesikiza walaahi ungekufa kucheka..its so funny. SisSade-hehehehe Anywayz-leo najisikia nisikize taarab za kizanzibari..ebu sikizeni hii nyimbo-labda mshasikia tayari..its tempting.. http://swahilionline.com/culture/music/realaudio/macho1.ram
  8. Nino dear-you might want to go back to 1st and 2nd pages of this thread-hopefully, you will find tid-bits of info regarding why TB is so prevalent among Somalis. NB: I assume that one crucial factor as to why TB rates are elevated in our population is because we have "GENERAL MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY" when referencing to symptoms of a disease-Iam talking about Mainstream somalis whose medical education level is minimal or informal. For instance, the earlier symptoms of TB and other respiratory diseases can be ignored by an individual because we have no SPECIFIC TERM for it-nevertheless, even with severity of the disease many are confused whether to term it as "qaaxo, bronkiito,etc" because when you check the description, they seem to entail similar symptoms/signs. Nonetheless,unless acculturated to either western or other medicinal practices..many somalis still retain/maintain TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL PRACTICES(Herbal Medicine) as perhaps the cure to all infections regardless of its ETIOLOGY. The elderly especially, hesitate to seek medical services due to skepticism over western medical practices and its suspected consequences(which is logic in a way,... for instance in the book: The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down-by Anne Fadiman: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, And the Collision of Two Cultures ). Bottom line: conflicts arise because many immigrant communities(including somalis) CONCEPTUALIZE health and disease differently than their western health care providers. Lastly but not least: TB again I repeat-is a LATENT DISEASE (meaning one can be asymptomatic-not showing signs-without proper diagnosis). Therefore many assume that they do not have the disease, when indeed the opposite is true. NB: in regard to HIV/AIDS-TB is an opportunistic disease and without proper nutrition(for AIDS patients that is), lack of access to ANTI-RETRO VIRAL Drugs-the result is dangerous(death). So: NINO, I hope I have provided slight info-in regard to your questions. Iam no expert nor an epidemiologist-although I hope to be someday-IA. Ma'salaama
  9. haye shekaada "she/he loves me, she/he loves me not" baad rabtaan inaad nugu kor camirataan iyah bal daaya-balaaya idiin madax tarmuusnaate Nuune-yaqee maskiintaan lagu qamiriinayo ka qaleeya ku dheh baxsanow
  10. ^^^^good. Jacaylbaro-kooleytaba kuma jirtidee maxaad isku qorqori
  11. ^^^ :rolleyes: wiilo iyo JB maad nagadeysaan.
  12. raula


    lol-JB Huuno anniga waayeel baan iska ahoo...waxna maskaxda kumaheyn karoo..dee markaan so baraarugo..xuusuus baan uu bahanahay-mmaggarrate mandhow haa aahey.
  13. badaankood abaarti dabadheer baa liqde (I have no idea wat's w/me and abaar taas maanta-Iam in no BOLITICAL mood even). saddeexdii soo hartana(hadhena)-qalaalaasadii 91' bilaabatee baa cunte Jabkii ugu dambeeye-xamar buu hal marduuf la fadhiyaa-aheey! bal ka gaara walks away singing " maxaad shekadeeni....intaad shirrise dumaarkii dabaal..."
  14. ilaahi caafimaad iyo cimri dheer hakusahlo-AMiin kuligeenba. May Allah s.w. give you the strength and courage to pull through dear-IA-Amin.
  15. raula


    waraa chinese bila jeego...shekooyinkaan buug baa laga qoraa...maxaa waaye ..shekadiina waasac waaye... put on her Garissa accent ar lee, ar kuwaan daaya
  16. I guess they are still in SOMALIA or in some refugee camp kuwaasna BUUFIS iyo NUUS waaye-waa hadaad xamilli kartid-allaha idiin sahlo Intii aabaarti dabadheer kaso harte baa qurbaha joogaan ma calesh :cool:
  17. so who got the crown-did anyone mention LAURA
  18. raula


    My fav....thx checkmate..I used to listen anoo afsomali garaaneyniin ofcourse haada I know exactly what it means. Nowdays once in a while baan dhageystaa-truely classic. Nacam hooyadu waa lamahuraan-mansha-allah.
  19. ay batuuuulooooooooooy-shekaada rifrif mey gaadhe-salaama ka dheh walaahi
  20. Orgi iyo alle ubahne-labadiina maxaa isku kiin sallade ma duqnimaadi baa inka daba imaade
  21. thx for the note dada-ni mzuri kukuona hapa tena. I hope mambo ni mazuri.
  22. Hamna shida basi mambo mazuri kabisa..lakini I would advice wasijui vijana(na wazee/ma babu pia naona kuna kathaa hapa ) watumie KUKU MANGA instead of all this "ingridients" :cool:
  23. pathetic-but I dont blame artez for what he did-however the punishement is SEVERE :mad: the same day who saw the college football brawl (Clemson & S. Carolina)..kkkkkk t'was marvelous
  24. Originally posted by HornAfrique: quote: ps: horn, i think you and i are "ilmo habreed" sophist, xoolaheenaba isku meel maka daaqaan "ina adeer" The reason u guessed is because you are comprised of those two qabils p.s. Checkmate we are not "ilmo habreed", i am your "abti" :cool: Ana ayeeyo baan idiin ahay markaa