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Everything posted by raula

  1. NGONGE Those two women were more vicious than any male politician I think its a genetic predisposition +politics=corrosive aliens Walaahi-I had no clue that it was a parliamentary debate until I was told that :eek: :eek: subxanallah! It was vicious than a catfight. I got disinterested after a while .....so sad.
  2. Originally posted by Gediid: OMG Reer Ohio being complimented on sophistication :eek: :eek: *** Wondering what the folks in MINN are like haddi kuwa OHIO noqdeen SOPHISTICATED *** G-dawg you got to cruise with the experts dawg-not the usual OHIO residents(not so cool at all). NO COMMENT ON REER MINNESOTA err...do I need to say anything on Reer DC/VA-aaachuuu! excuse me-I tend to get allergies sometimes *you gotta have connections in different area codes*
  3. Meenah & JB-glad you guys liked it. Its HELLA FUNNY Man, I can't even MOVE like dat
  4. AC-Yeah the sad truth-but you guyz almost got whooped as well-too bad moss had to give away that last throw-dang! but we are still in scoreboard atleast-so yaw better not loose if you want that division title(dang its gonna be history). Meanwhile-keep on grilling-but stay away from frostbites. I wont be suprised if you say that summertime you will be taking up LACROSSE or ICE-FISHING
  5. ^^^^finals-kabisa. Findhicil kaaga soo diyaarso darling wa inoo Feast iyo after-finals Wiilo saad uu dhaheyse canjerada sidey uu kala koreeyso yaa lo kala qaata-baad MULUF ka dhigte saxankii dhamaa-yahuuuu JB-saad farihii faruurna aad uu malafsaneyse yaad luguhii hada laga celin la'yahay miyaa-wareer badanaa. Makuu dhihinoo ugaali deeyda waa suunta wadnaha iska jir hee saxib.
  6. ^^^dang! someone is becoming too Wisconsinized but plz dont try to grill the infamous wisconsin cheese By the way-how are the RED HEADS in MENOMONIE :cool: **wonders if all border rivals are as cool as KELSO from That 70's show 2 thumbs up-awesome.
  7. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: Dr. Raula, Who doctors/treats you when you get sick? I believe doctors can get sick as well. So my question to you is how best would you seek for medical attention if something goes wrong with you? Don't tell me you take some bills, ok. do you mean PILLS or BILLS(if the latter, I would be the happiest camper in town darling . Besides I hate hospitals-hate it :mad: I try herbal/traditional medicines-my best remedy is always having company when Iam sick and just chat about the "outer" world rather than my sickness. Some studies show that having company while sick can reduce the severity/magnitude of the psychological impacts to the disease state and to self. Back to your Q Mr. Alla uu bahne -I do try very hard to eat well and exercise but Iam no SAINT Darling-so misery befells doctors too(although Iam not a doctor in any sense). My strategy: I have managed stress well nowdays(although sometimes I do fall in between the cracks). As far as treatment: I do tell doctors what treatment/medication I would prefer over others-and some are suprised as to how much a minor somali immigrant knows about health care My best: when I do have a problem-and the doctor is examining me-I ask them questions I make sure the 15mins they have is totally maximized to my intentions So Alla uu bahne -Iam no doctor-but doctors are sure impressed by my interesting questions. ORGILAGE -I dont diagnose any unintentional injuries but can give you prognosis once you give me full details of your health history-lol. As for now dear-nenda kakune mguu
  8. Originally posted by Vanquish_V12: yea i think i trully lost it cuz i just read what u wrote again, n seems like i completely miss understood ur assertion. nways, i hope u cant find in ur heart to forgive me indeed-no need for apologies mate since we are here to exchange perspectives dear-I have forgiven you. And by the way-yes you are right Reverse transcriptase has nothing to do with TB but has everything to do with HIV/AIDS-tha's was my ultimate goal darling. I was only pointing out the DEVASTATING CORRELATION of TB with HIV/AIDS in AFRICANS. By the way-according to london (the philantropists of public health model and implications) ancient epidemiologists-the spread of TB was constituted to social inequalities and the degree of health gradient that many minorities or as they call it "civil servants" suffered and were inflicted to in comparison to other populations(including other occupational setting). Therefore, those epidemiologist argued that if we raise our social standings-living conditions,reduce poverty and other man-made/societal degradations-then we will raise host resistance (stronger immune system; eventually prevent vector-borne disease that are socially embedded in decreased healthy lifestyles. For more I suggest a book by Michael Marmot-The Status Syndrome: How Social Standings Affects Our Health and Longevity. I can give you more insight if needed later(I have read the book)-good read indeed. Good luck on finals all.
  9. ^^^^yes I have heard of the story -but never been to the place-thx Whoever mentioned Soda machines-aren't you worried about the health penalities involved in diffusing what already is a calamity in the western countries to somalis back home? Although, they consume much of these drinks-these individuals have no clue of its adverse health effects. If in any case-we need to revive the healthy fruits that are predominately grown in somalia, manufacture and sell them overseas (IF POSSIBLE ). My proposal in helping eradicate poverty is: Teaching them sustainable agricultural mechanisms-since many lived nomadic lifestyles to begin with. With these approach, they can maximise and revive land use (although most of the lands are semi-arid and eroded)and increase subsistence farming (for family consumption-hence reducing waiting for aid from families overseas or depending on jobs in cities/towns) as well as develop large-scale farming for cash-crop productions (and export). However, the consequences can be like what happened (is happening to INDIA's farmers)-where the introduction of new pest control schemes excerbated PEST RESISTANCE to chemicals-etc. *this is just my crude agricultural proposals-Iam not educated in that field; perhaps an expert might shed light on those. However, Its a sound practicum to experiment with.
  10. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk@Laqe..wa mboroo part was :cool: answer..nishasikia hii joke lakini.
  11. Checkmate-maxaa waaye qooqaan qalfsaan beryaahan waan uu jeedaa "vacation" aad weli ku jirtaa yah allaha kuu sahlo mandhow. ORGILAQE-ma adoo orgi dhan dejinaayo baa luguguu garaace kidding-allaha ku caafiyo aboowe-illahi ku xamdi atleast waad nooshahay-wax weyna kuma gaarin. Like nafta said-you gonna have to pound the thing for you to even succumb the littlest tinglings-otherwise use a long wooden spoon or one of those back scatchers to penetrate the cast
  12. http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~alexann/ enjoy
  13. ^^^^hehehehehe-good one mate
  14. mucho luck to all nomads as well-and thx sis for being so considerate and r'membering.
  15. Originally posted by Wilo: iyo raula oo UGAALI la soo kuf kufaysa hehehe-saas maad ii tabeysaa(missing!)-after finals darling..after finals
  16. ^^^^ welcome to the city of real nomads dear. Speaking of footie-I wont mind suggesting a cool place you can watch them games-where the buzzing nomads wont interrupt-tis a secret
  17. ^^^your sig-is totally crazy kreepy kid-cool. you can wear glasses now to 'illuminate' your intelligence -but when you get old they will wear you out -think about it!
  18. raula


    ^^^yaani siku gani umejua KUTWENG kisom hivyo -kidding
  19. Rudy-tha's was very insulting :mad: :mad: chimpanzee-wtf-do you think we are animals-that mentality is disturbing dear-perhaps I didn't get the JOKE Weyne 24-if you think longing and caring for family members(especially beloved mothers is sickening-then you are VILE :rolleyes: :mad: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  20. Wiilo-that pic of Smith Hall is banging gal-ulaalaa gal I pass it every day and never looked at it like that-yeah but we agree summertime at U of M is off-da-hizzy-for shizo Honesita-Reer Ohio were wonderful. Great Hospitality and much more sophisticated individuals. The event was wonderfully coordinated and outstanding perfomances by the OHIO TEAM. The highlight was ofcourse none other than ODEY CABDUULE (Viva Minnesotans ). Your downtown was cool-but after the outskirts of downtown-lord have mercy-you feel like you are in da GHETTO<----BOLIVIA Cruising the streets is confusing(coz you got mostly names and one wont know whether you are south, north, east or west). But I have to say-the housing complexes that many somalis live are better than some in MPLS (except capital park). Your somalis malls are DRY :mad: -and small. loooooooooool@DARBO RESTUARANT....kkkkkkkkkkk..four chairs..literally that was how it was..no women's section :mad: The Campus environment was DEAD hey but the Football stadium :eek: SALUTE! that was the interesting part of the campus-sorry we didn't get to see much of it. Overall, the reception to OHIO was immaculate. The event was meaningful and worthy-and the people-educated, sophisticated, humble, ambitious and supportive. MUCHO GRASIAS REER OHIO.
  21. Originally posted by ORGILAQE: Yeah i do have a great idea.FERTILIZER.There is an abundance of waste....human waste in somalia which can be converted to fertilizer which can then be sold to the west for their farms.It doesnt cost us anything to manufacture it,all you have to do is make sure you collect it properly or better still make a deal with WAJIR city council as they have a ready supply of it every morning and every evening in buckets.!! ohoohohohohooooooho....someone is in trouble..(matusi eh!) wait till you hear from wasee wa NFD :eek: moto umewaka kijana-shauri yako but yes I have heard of this phenomena in a jokingly manner-never thought it was true.
  22. ^^^^hizo mchongwanos are kali eh! yeah walaahi pia mi nilipocheki kwa website moja ya wakenya-karibu ninoki kucheka UD-you seem to know more bout women scented lotions-what else mwenyeji RUDY-loooooool@sijui's...why not darling...we love our families more(can't help it). Does this say anything about the B-chick (as in east coast ) you are married to(as in being sijui or something along those lines )...I guarantee you dear-nothing MAJOR happening soon-just misses my dear family.
  23. STOIC-May Allah s.w make it easier on you dear-and may you have enough courage and strength to get in and through Grad-school. Insha-allah and to all of us who are puisuing higher education-Amiin. Indeed follow your path-not someone elses. And if you are not sure what you want to do after an undergraduate degree-Get Practical experience in the field interested then continue-you might be suprised that the job you even pursue now can pay for your later education. Be resourceful.
  24. ok watu wa ingo(<--watu wa nyumbani-it was popular among the waluhyas -dont question my originality now wenyeji )..december inanikumbushanga nyumbani-coming from a small town(a tiny village in as one sijui said "LIFT VARREY")..kila december mashule zikifungwa-wakristo(christians) especially waluhya na wajaluo(the ethnic groups specific to my region)-walikuwa na chrismas gatherings. Sasa begining of 10th of december-kulikuwa na Chrismas choir..yaani wasee wanapractice kudance so that they can imitate it to the public on Chrismas day-most of the performers were Primo(primary) and seco(secondary) students. Us (wasijui) not knowing ni dambi kusherekea or even associating with them inparticular at that time...we used to join them...kila jioni..tunasikia ngoma (a specific drum named SUKUTI) and will join the line..that extends as they sing along songs in luhya, kiswahili, kijaluo(kijathe)-..."chrismasi njema tumealikwa party...ai mama wee..kila mtu na wake..ai mama wee......"...walaahi tulikuwa watoto..and ignorant of our associations..mungu atusamehe... other occasions: nani ashaa witness kutairisha (initiation/circumcision periods) ya waluhya na wakale(wakalenjin)..mama weeee...walaahi hamja ona vituko-but it was my best times of the year-kuchongoa nani ametairishwa and now has stepped into manhood/womanhood By the way wakalenjin wanatairisha both male and females. Waluhya hutairisha only boys. Wajathe(Wajaluo on the other hand.).instead of kutairisha..vijana wao-hao hutoa meno sita :eek: :eek: we imagine chali supuu lakino mapengo sita zakuangalia Ngai wakwega-hehehehehehehehehehehehehe.
  25. Originally posted by Action Jackson: Can i have one order of Number one and 3 orders of number 2 with "no mayo" and ship them, with complements ofcourse, to brother OG-Moti in Cambodia .. hehehehehehehe..I was about to say the same thing..kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk so funny. AJ sounded like McD window QL-yaani uko karibu ku-loose it like that eh! tafadal kijana usituletee wachinese-afadali WAKORINO WA INGO