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Everything posted by raula

  1. Alle uu bahne- beri baa waxaa la booqdee bilcaan barooraneyso "bi'i waayo hadaan bugeyn" baabi'in weyde la baashaleyso la buuruureyso sidii burundian "alla ba'aye maa anuu ii baaqe" kuheyso lana bood boodeyso baa buurus lagu la bugleye bishiintiiyow baraarte bislaadee diigedii baa waxaa la yiri "bilcaanyahay is qabooji baroorataye, buuqa maxaa waaye" saa waxey tiri "anoo bestey aah, aw bidaarlow bartaan soo istaage asagoo buruuraayo, bidaarna soo xirtee saa waxaan suale baashow maxaad bidaarlow uugu biirte? wuxuu iigu jawaabe bilsaney, bidaartu waa fashion baal xoog iska baar baarow buugta ka qas bilcaantaada baa la isoo yiri beryaahaan buugyaasha iyo biibitoyinka balaayadaas baa ka socotee " bal amuurtaan eega she continued... "bidaantisuuna waa biriq haadaan bugleyn lahaa balaayo baas baa ii baryotami laheyd balaayo kadhacdee baa la ii dhihi lahaa balo waalan iyo bugleysato adaa barwaaqo uu biimeeye baa lagu dhihi lahaa baashi bal ii sheega xalaadu buurjiko' eey sarantahee talow yaan talo uu dontaa" haye Alle uu bahne-hadii ey bidaartu fashion noqotee, baalaayo kale baa kusoo birii doonta "fashionka" bal iska celi
  2. waa hagaag-chemical engineering hadaan ku taqsuusi lahaa waxaan hubaa iin aan discover gareen laha cimilooyinka naheysta(qaas ahan reproductory schemas) . bees meeshas lee ku ekeynaa laakin alkoolo hadaad ku bilbishiid alkaline beey noqoon markaasna arintuu waa jag jag jareerey xabash hokey-Iam out.
  3. Yeah player-is that some sick VIKES joke basi cheki hii mchongwano:- Kwenu nyi wakristu hata dogi zenu zikiona mwizi anaiba zinamshow wee iba tu Mungu anakuona. loooooool..this is how I interpreted your comment-mungu anakuona tu iyo suubis kaan ku dar Ati wewe ni mdark ukitoka nje usiku giza inasema "aarrrgh we ishia" poa kabisa eh
  4. wtf is considered "INTELLECTUAL" "QUALITY" s*** let others loosen while they exchange views as long as its in clean language :mad: :rolleyes: :mad: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused: seriously-qoof meshaan qoof ceynaaya iska yar(unless they are scumbags)-I mean, are we supposed to be all crowded up in the POLITICS/CAMEL_MILK section :rolleyes: wah.
  5. ^^^^looooooooooooooool maya maya sxb-teena miyirka lee halmar kaatagayo laakin wuu so noqonaa noh lakiin tiina waxaa la yiri KORONTADA kaa tageyso-illahayow noo garab gal maa kimikaan uu adkeysan karnaa..hiroshima ka daran tiina wale
  6. ^^thx for the links-I guess I will have to do my water rafting expedition there instead of trekking to Lake Tahoe The AUR(camel herd) is the best
  7. why doesn't she run for another post-instead of the highest (her being a muslim woman I suppose is not right)
  8. ^^^^waxaan maqle sulphuric acid-ta aad isticmaashid waa qatar iyo nuus-suunta kaneecada camal see waaye xaaladu
  9. ^^^hedhe ma jiini baad la qaraabataa-waad iga yaabise wax lee aruurinee adi markasto-meqa kiish (sidii haweenkii suuqa)ayaad hada heysaa(meaning your lingo is wicked-not to mention segsi ) Simply-the-belismo: waad iga qoslisee gabar-kulaha, "qajac qajac...." ani waxaan uu aqaana "qajac qajac khadijo warsame qandhicil waa odey"
  10. chekini hii site ya toons-kicheko kweli-especially "MTANDA-WAZI" section http://www.gadonet.com/
  11. ^^^chuo ike fiti mambo ni mazuri-karibuni winter break humu kwetu marekani(nashindwa kungonjea hata). ok wenzangu-nani anakumbuka hadithi za ABUNUWASI (I loved it back then)..do you know walendo wako na similar character called "been hawaas" Nilikuwa na kitabu za abunuwasi but left them in kenya-kuna mtu anaye? cheki hii http://www.biashara.biz/products.cfm?PID=511&CFID=7948011&CFTOKEN=4b51f1d-0009fbff-cb1e-11c1-84c6-9c5f4539d036#
  12. In one of the Hadiths-A man came to the prophet s.a.w and said to him "Give me advice," the prophet s.a.w said "La taqdab-Dont get angry"-the man repeated his request several times, but the prophet s.a.w reiterated "Do not get angry". (rawau/narrated by bukhari). So folks-I am not angered to the extent of me starting a fight(sorry to gladiator fans ). GnP is my muslim sister-so, Plz accept my sincere apologies-and to all that I have offended as well. Ma'salaama.
  13. ^^^thx for updating me dear. I apologize to MEENAH too. Thx again FF I apologize for taking up space as well-but I just dont like others being looked down or categorized just coz we dont have similar interests-BULLS***.
  14. ^^^^ casharka habeynka sharci yaa ka jiro wadaankaan-ma waxaa dooneysa iin CNN'ta laiga soo daayo war hedhe gabay-tiristii(jacburiiska ahaa) baa iga dhamadee-somaligiina wuu ii gooye beryahan..ee baralaati haiska dhiginee, bartaada ka wadoo, bulshada dhex galoo,waa ino beri dambe bidaarlow
  15. I guess we can use "civilized" words to hide the Rude insults beneath-very conny trick wow. Oh I am not stunned at your words GnP . Sis I never was a spokesperson for the so called group (as you already marginalized them negatively :rolleyes: ) nor was I trying to make any sense to you dear. However, I was pointing out that you had attacked these NOMADS and it went unnoticed by the MODERATORS (of course you being/used to be ONE). And yes, Iam not dreaming darling-you had a moderator detector/emblem as your badge sometime (I guess you guyz can leave the UNIFORM at home) :confused: . You keep calling other posts that are disinteresting to you IGNORANT, SENSELESS, USELESS, PATHETIC, :rolleyes: etc and you don’t detect your own, REPREHENSIBLE, BIASED, INCONSIDERATE, INSOLENT ones-very incongruous :eek: . Oh! So I guess you are counting my mere slanders at your RUDE posts-I never thought you would notice-I frankly don’t care :rolleyes: . Surprisingly I never thought you had something against the SWAHILI FOLKS/POSTS-are they useless to you as well? Kwani una wivu gani sikuhizi-mswahili amekurepea au nini GNP-don’t read after this line: Watu wana wivu kweli-kitu gani inawachoma salaala. :rolleyes:
  16. boowe-hada galaas baan ku ordayaaye-bal iga war suug wax baan so wadaaye bidaarlow bal ii suug bilcaan yar baa biibeyse bootin dheera buglayahow ma balaan baad bidiineysa waad bogsanee, bal iga beyr bidaarta aan bal eege I just formulated this-later insha-allah after class.
  17. AC like Mobb said-those enhancements are DANGEROUS(steroids,protein shakes, creatin etc)-have negative consequences. While you try to be BUFF and Huffin' away-you become less BLESSED down there(if you know what I mean ). So choose dear btwn the BLUE & RED pill
  18. ^^^dont you think you are being abit callous to these fellaz-why not blame AMEENAH who revived these thread(on Dec. 3rd this year) :rolleyes: . GnP -seriously gal you need to chill if these fellaz are not your TYPE-leave them alone and tend to your own bizness :rolleyes: I find your comments GnP very disconcerting-and unwise from a moderator -be :cool: . maxey tahay xukunkaan-and plz dont tell me tis a matter of personal opinion(and not moderator-coz as a leader with a "moderating badge" your status is visible) otherwise-other moderators should censor or pay attention to your words because, to say the least, they are loutish and improper according to the GOLDEN RULES :rolleyes: wat the crap is with these " WASTING OF SPACE " postings nowdayz :confused:
  19. raula


    ^^^exactly. JZK all for the links.
  20. Originally posted by Kreepy Kid: Raula I'm already old seriously don't let the boyish good looks fool you I'm really 9000 years old and besides after you reach 7000 you start going deaf anyways....so I'm blind and going deaf what a great combination May Allah have mercy on your and your family then-Amin then you must be from the "HOBBITS" era-cool
  21. ^^adaa mudaan boowe haa waana la daaqaa daqaatiirta laakin manoqoniin weli Nacam walaalo-iin akhiirona loo dadaalo wa waajib-insha-allah ilaahi hanaga dhigo kuwii jiidka toosan kuadaa-janadana kaa waraabto--Amin(allahayow s.w. ducadeena naga aqbal). Bidaarta wax aad kuu dawaweyn kartid magaran karo walaalo laakin waxaan uu qabaa inaad maqashee "IMPLANTS" iyo "ROGAINE" Balse waxaan ku dhihi lahaa-bidaartu waa FASHION beryahaan-mandhow dee ku lafyow-midii ku yeshaana yel, tii diidana diid -in a nutshell, admire and 'flaunt' your 'Floura'
  22. V and Future-you are both welcome. I just had to watch this again-oh! wat an entertainment after that BRUTAL exam :mad:
  23. ^^^this is very interesting and encouraging("The International Islamic Code for Medical and Health Ethics")-will come back later to read in details. I have asked local imams/sheikhs + research especially on the issue to EUTHANASIA(<--in the U.S. its has only been enacted in OREGON). thx for the read.