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Everything posted by raula

  1. ^^^oh you are Narcissistic tribalist anaguna nacnacleyn doonimayno naacasniimona doonimayno nabad iyo Naruuro daraared dar ilaahi isku duwanaada *Raula's Anthem* ***retrieves back to my SIJUINIMO**
  2. Diamante ...What I find more interesting is the fact that these type of disorders are not all that frequent in our own Somali community. Is it because we're Africans and share a culture that promotes more well rounded figures and frowns upon skinnyness? If so, is this not a problem in its own as this will consequently mean that the person who is not gifted in certain department, meaning hasn't got a shapely bottom or round hips, will develop an eating disorder to achieve this figure just to satisfy the masses? :confused: :confused: :confused: Sista in the beginning you have raised the issue that such disorders not being apparent in our communities, then you continue to elaborate that indeed there is a problem "NOT BEING ANOREXIC" :confused: Maybe I got it all wrong-sorry-I probably been viewing this topic from one dimension. Interesting topic however. Thx. Meenah-very well articulated overview. I concur.
  3. Wiilo ""We come across about five new positive cases every week," he says."... :eek: :eek: this numbers are shocking to say the least and I dont need to be a statician to guess the "perceived catastrophic detriments" it will entail if we dont have EFFECTIVE strategic interventions to stop this epidemic. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: I vehemently oppose the notion that condom usage is “key part of the fight against Aids.†And even thought I appreciate Dr. Mohamed’s work in Somalia, ........ The current prevention strategy of fighting against Aids is un-Islamic and can’t be applied without altering it substantially to adhere cultural sensitivity of Muslim societies. I also take issue with those who assert that Islamic nature of Somalis would be enough to shield the far-reaching health consequences of this epidemic. So what is the correct approach to bring about a comprehensive strategy to fight this epidemic Islamicly? I totally agree with you-Indeed the current interventions of treating the pandemic is very much ingrained in western ideologies that have no principality in religion and cultural guidelines. From a personal perspective-the best intervention is to as the doctors says in the above article-implement interventions that are CULTURALLY SENSITIVE AND COMPETENT {that adhere} to the cultural and religious principles of the community(in this case the somalis) the schema is geared to. For instance, community forums that involve all walks of life from the vast somali societies(e.g sheikhs, ulamaa, women, scientists, socialists, economists etc) to get a COHESIVE and FUSED public support, in response to hampering this catastrophe. I believe public awareness such as community education about the problem should be the next step in reducing the risks and numbers of infected individuals. Thx for the article Wiilo.
  4. ^^huyo watchman wako anamanisha nini
  5. hapana mimi nirikuwa na shock nirisema fanya baxali yake
  6. ^^nimependa hiyo karate style kali kabisa
  7. North^^^hehehehe Funny, the animosity is even funnier, some thinking that they have attained U2 status-that they wont sing with the newcomers when they all make the same at the end of the nite. the most funniest (actually I felt sorry for the guy) was when the groom is old and the bride is this BUBBLY, fun-loving, grandiose young lady-where he is forced to DANCE TO BEATS HE'S NEVER HEARD OFF(like USHER's song U GOT IT BAD )Poor thing!
  8. ^^^someone is doing the puffs eh I wont be suprised if I see BIG BANDS making a comeback in somali weddings
  9. My Sooners were totally crushed :mad: :mad: but I have to give credit to USC overall team coverage,defense,offensive-ouch they killed them boyz :eek: 2yrs in a row-C'mon next year insha-allah. Before even half-time I was drained out of hopes The most anticipated College Bowl and its seemed like a 1seed playing 8seed-crap I guess Trojans really put the real meaning to "protection"
  10. ^^^^ that was some funny sheeza Believe me Juma in my city (mali heaven )-I have seen that and many more shockings to come.
  11. Spare Moss the talk man-like Playmaker said its was 2secs only-who knows maybe the dude was tired,depressed etc and besides the coaches had given him clearance-Oh I hate when the Media, they see one weak streak on you and boom they are like feeding flies-all trash talk. N'wayz, Vikings have rearly performed well at Packers home field so I have no serious hope that we will be able to break the loosing streak but iam a bit optimistic-if we do come out winning-it sure will be a "curse-broken". In the meantime I will keep my fingers crossed For superbowl favs-I say Patriots facing Eagles I need to see some change-so I root for Eagles. Meanwhile Iam rooting for the SOONERS(Oklahoma State) against the Trojans(USC) for the championship game-ORANGE BOWL tonight. Go Sooners
  12. Originally posted by The Paradigm: Meno zake ati ziko misplaced...mpaka!!!!... mpaka panya inaweza kujifanyia kiwanja ya olympics
  13. Caaqil-you are right. war hedhe bal horta waxaan kuu weydiiye-maa magaca RAULI baa 'flashbacks' kuu siiyo wat is with spelling my name RAULI instead of RAULA alwayz. I suspect some old time memories still stored No need for apologies dear-just an recurring observation
  14. ^^^lol@madaxkorankor. I agree that we dont need the Ethiopians to unite/pacify Gedonians. I guess there agenda is to take advantage of the agricultural or for this sake "perceived agricultural boom" that they seek from that region-due to its fertile land. I just hope my PEOPLE wont fall for this trap from them devils.
  15. utter disgust-not to POLYGAMY but to his CHARACTER He makes Polygamy seem like a mere personal fulfillment and not up to ISLAMIC standards n'wayz.
  16. Horn thx for the articles I checked them out as well. Iam wondering though-from my speculations-the "ciidamaada" are here to guard/protect the "shirka" is it so or not? Besides Ciddamaada la sheegayo waa dhoowr un (few-allgedo website or gedonet.com says its just about 30 or so). Iam skeptical of why we need Ethios to help with nabadooniyaada Gedo region Tell me also, what does this have to do with SNF/SSRC?? (or its actually this faction that invited the Ethios) :confused:
  17. http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/idepc/refugee/hcp/hivsomali.pdf Read this article to get more indepth HIV/AIDS in somalis in MN-its a bit lengthy but the format is very much easier to maneuver through. According to the Minnesota Dept. of Health, the Somali refugee population currently residing in Minnesota has a "relatively low rate [of HIV/AIDS infection]compared to other African communities" since only 18 cases have been reported in this community -ONLY 18 cases so far,but the numbers could be deceiving due to obstacles relating to cultural, religious and knowledge [stereotypes associated with not seeking medical attention] of the "killerdisease." check out pg. 8-to get the stats on how many cases of HIV/AIDS are Somalis and overall in the African Communities in Minnesota(Ethiopians are leading). May Allah protect us from this wrath-Amin.
  18. Ilaahi hau gargaaro umaadeena iyo muslimiinti oo dhan kuu dhimate Tsunamigaan. that dude on the pic sure knows how to dress right around the house-picture perfect, photogenic indeed . My guess is tis probably SmithWestern cousin sorry.
  19. M- is for Moshi in Tanzania where an unnamed 23-year-old grade 7 pupil was arrested for selling Ganja at school, his mother was also held. hehehehe someone has to pay the bills
  20. Bro. Nur-Your posts really amuse me- here is my prediction. The single ladies here will be pleased with the offer-not of “sharing†another woman’s man/husband (as many perceive the circumstance, to many who are too westernized think that POLYGAMY is just outright NAUSEATING) but to perhaps finding a mate who is “successful/intelligent†etc or just a mere partner who will be there for them. Whereas, the married ones are wishing to dangle you from a cliff and make you scream for your life. The latter category is even more unsympathetic to the idea than any other group. Yes, they will come up with all excuses to nullify the Hadith, Siratul Anbiyaa, scientific logics, statistics, legal conditions, and all other lurking variables-that its best if family were nuclear (a mother, 1 husband and children)-and that polygamy is just plain wrong :confused: . Need I say that I once asked the same line of question to ladies (mine was blunt –as in “has it ever crossed you mind that you would become a 2nd/3rd / etc wife?) –and Allah S.W. knows Bro. Nur, some of the comments I got were biting :eek: -kidding! Bottom line-Polygamy is a long gone tradition and religious fulfillment that many of us living in the Diaspora have learned to devoid of due to legal restrictions and PALPABLE “BRAIN WASH/STAIN†by the western ideologies that are ‘free’ of any religious guiding principles. So try to convince them-and hopefully some will start accepting the truth sooner -much luck. I wait the responses to this thread excitedly. Ma'salaama.
  21. salaamz, check out SOMALIA's Health Statistics (compiled by WHO)-very very interesting(although the stats are about 1.5 yrs old already). http://www.emro.who.int/somalia/countryprofile.htm NB:the stats are not pleasing, in particular when you survey the health indicators (life expectancy, infant mortality rate, GDP, physicians per capita etc)-but they are BETTER compared to other african regions-in regards to all other LOOMING CALAMITIES (war, political unrest, infectious disease like AIDS, Malaria, etc).