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Everything posted by raula

  1. raula


    ^^^ah why bother when u have to strain your eyes to watch them, mindyou u gotta have cable :mad: damn those yankees. N'ways-Wiilo I hope the Eagles loose and Falcons maintain
  2. ^^^speaking of dues-the only due Iam paying is at the AFRICAN NITE night-now tha's when I get to reflect with all my kenyans, nigerians, liberians, burundis, ugandans, somalis(<-although I see them everyday in campus )etc. This will be my last year @african nite and Iam waiting to drop like is Hotttt;) RV-your guyz are indeed humanitarian. By the way do they do anything regarding the motherland AFRICA? (just curious)..although this is a widespread catastrophe-our continent is close to DISTINCTION. Good job by the way and keep up the positivity. adios amigos.
  3. Like the desert camel Seldom thirsty Trekking the abrasive terrain A true nomad following Searching for that green grass That will bring him back To the familiar territories Where the camels Can graze, drink And respite For the journey beyond Is as jagged as the start But only appreciate That his possessor Will maintain company For only from him He gets his daily Milk Therefore, to all poets (I am not one-apart from few flares and yearnings that force me into poetry to relieve a insignificant melancholy)…. keep your familiar territories coz all you need is that NOMAD (wateva motivations/urges) that keeps you writing to achieve a personal fulfillment. I salute all your work :cool: Ma'salaama & EID Saceed.
  4. truely simplistic and all in unison for the ultimate purpose-ManshaAllah. Allahu Akbar-Indeed walilaahi xamdu.
  5. ^^^bal amuurtaan eega. war hedhe horta cidaaheena cajiin shidoow iyo caleemaba makarsano magarte dad dharkoodana laga qarsanayaayo ciyaal xamar baa lagu ogaa (unfortunately i have never been to those parts-thank god..anoo suuqa kuu xaragoonayo baa googarada laiga siiban lahaye ) u betta get some contacts over xaafun ASAP ee boos cariish kuu carbuunaan mandhow Bandar Beyla is a shore town south of Xaafun-maybe be you should check old maps for verifications really.
  6. raula


    well its :eek: for viking fans but I felt like i was watching Flag football-this is what I dont understand..why do we always have to punt in 4th and _yards to go :confused: walaahi, TICE is really gettin under my skin nowdays-the friggin plays he calls are just ridiculous :rolleyes: he hates taking risks...with 4th downs and alwayz calls for a punt. Speaking of punting did you see that chance lost yesterday with Randy and the Rick F (the replacement Quarterback) WTF. Miscommunication :rolleyes: There was no running game, the passing was awful, and the defense/offense sucked :mad: what happened to guarding the quarterback atleast? and Dante is just holding on to the ball too damn much... N'ways depressing, awful game by the VIKINGS. The colts Vs PATS was even shocking-talk about MOON STRUCK -3 points :eek: Iam rooting for FALCONS this coming weekend and I want to see FALCONS head on with STEELERS at the superbowl (*crossed fingers*). Definately not PATS again paleeeeeez
  7. ^^uu sheeg sxb... laftigiis mayareysto..lagama yaqaano dabakafuulka (tanboy)C/Yusuf qorigiisana ka horeeya kidding. ok Iam seriously kidding now.
  8. your avator has the right 'constructions of a reporter' but the sizzle is just not there
  9. ^^^ Its too shocking that everyone I've told him/her about this story said "Don't worry and bother yourself, Allah will save his Book". Yes true, Almighty Allah will save his book, but what's our duty towards this? Can't we at least Speak out and show our anger and fury?! NACAM-its out duty as muslims to safeguard the principles of our religion with Allah s.w. help-Indeed spoken. Its like some other so called muslims were refuting that we need to "compensate" such words in the Quran like "QUL"...for something else since Allah s.w. is speaking directly to the prophet(s.a.w.) and that he is no longer with us (peace be with him) :eek: or in the atixiyaat (at the complition of salaat) where it says "ayuuha nabiiyu"... -subxanallah! Acuudu bilaahi mina sheydani rajiim-ilaahayo gaaladaan shartooda nagadu'-Amin.
  10. ^^^I second that. Does the tennis court have to be RED & GREEN just curious
  11. ^^^^wargeysigaaga wale waxaa mooda iney wax ka maqanyihin...talow maxey aheed Orgi haa taasa roon laakin camanka haiska buujin waad uu bahnaan dontaaye
  12. Classique-yeah I agree with you-its the painful truth. You know for those of us who have studied/study in USA institutions we have all along been taught about racism and other calamities that befell minorities but such "hidden agendas" like Hoovers and Einstein's + CIA 's involvement in LUMUMBA's assasination are all discarded and stacked somewhere till a curious, free-minded,truth-seeking American comes across such falsified and explosive documents-that's the only time the public sees it. Even then since the country is controlled by some 'bell-jar' elites-such individuals and whatever they know are supressed or better yet killed. In American schools many scholars teach that institutionalized racism, social hierachy and other aspects of racism is what has succumbed many minorities to their current lifestyle-but nothing is mentioned of what some how much some of the "great American leaders" messy politics contributed to the plight of african americans. The controversy about AIDS epidemic currently is even more interesting. Xoogsade-If you call Free masons and some greedy anarchists mythical characters then what is happening to our muslim brothers and sisters in the middle east is just a mere DREAM to you :confused: ** not rest nor safety till the ring is returned to the LORD OF THE RINGS **
  13. Alle-ubaahne- mandhow raula meesha ma wax kama ogeyn but since u mention it-waxaan wacaa my family oo degan ISKUSHUBAN ee waxaan ku dhihi bal boos mesha haiga soo carbuunaan and i expect the KUSBAND to buy one in bay region of BANDAR BEYLA hakuugu taagnato sxb :cool: war maad joogtid ardigaas waan ka xigaaye
  14. Originally posted by Muad: Ciid Wanaagsan dhamantiin and to all Muslims around the world! it is going to be a cold day in the twincities. i think i'm gona have 2 put on a jeans under my Khamiiz. u better put on some cali falaax yeah same here only its xaliimo falaax for me the sub-zero weather is making me brainlodged. EID WANAAGSAN TO ALL-atleast I will skip town-to hell with ARCTIC COLD.
  15. The out break of AIDS has been linked to vaccine programs around the world. The internationally respected London Times newspaper published an article of the front page story on May 11th 1987 entitled "Small Pocks Vaccine Triggered AIDS". The article establishes its direct correlation between the small pocks vaccine administered by the world health organization to an estimated 50-70 million people in different central African countries and the subsequent out breaks of AIDS in those regions. The world health organization is the medical wing of the United Nations. The evidence suggests that AIDS is a genetically engineered virus spread through vaccination programs in third world countries. Germ warfare against the innocent and the weak aimed at eliminating an entire populace of the face of the earth. AIDS is nothing other than a modern day final solution and all of this for the purpose of installing an economic policy that will give complete global domination to the Masonic West. However for the Free Masons economic domination on its own is not enough. In order to have Masonic government of the head of global union under complete Masonic control and economic union may suffice but to keep it there they need a military union and that union would be none other than the UN. :mad: subxanallah..I knew Peter Duesbuerg was not that crazy at all :eek: yeah something fishy was going on... An army that stood back while thousands of Muslims were killed by the serbs in Bosnia and instead implement an arms embargo that left Muslims by any means of self defense. When UN soldiers were sent to wage war against General Muhammad Farah Ideed during the months between June and October 1993. American helicopters fired on hospitals, houses and civilian crowds killing hundreds of unarmed people often attacked in which 71 died the head of the UN mission Admiral Jonathan Howard said "We knew what we were hitting it was well planned". :mad: Allahu manajeyna. Alwayz thought of moving outta this country-but now my intuitions are even stronger-insha-allah I hope I dont die in such a tyrant state. Amity & Classique-thx much for the links. I recommend it to others.
  16. ^^he is worse but not sicker compared to Gonzalez who istigated such tactics :mad: did you see him almost pee in his pants while facing the committee LOCO SOB
  17. Atleast better than nothing-I dont see much except the second set of pics seem to me that they are the same spot taken from different angles :confused: oh well-thx for it N'wayz. Well its seems devastating enuf since many of the houses are built from cement and bricks in comparison to USA's hard cardboards
  18. Haiga goosan cawaa iga gacan sareysa...ah who can forget this waah waah...waayo waayo walaahi. http://www.geocities.com/heesso5/haygagosan.ram
  19. i love listening to Maandeeq's songs-she is my fav oldtime somali singers-along with Xalimo Milano's Even the lyrics are just pure Cuud check out this link here. its by Maandeeq, gujis & guddudo Carwo-Ama Deeqa ama Dunida. http://www.hobyonet.com/audio/dunida.ram Another of Maandeeq's http://www.hobyonet.com/audio/garays.ram chek out this classic by Hasan Dirie http://www.hobyonet.com/audio/basra.ram lastly but not least-another classic and today's popular among mainstream somalis-but here is the original-classic indeed. Maryan M. Isse & Husseyn Yusuf Tarabi-Ma la dhuubtey awgaa http://www.hobyonet.com/audio/dhuubtay.ram Anba dhuubte awogaga habeeneda dibaate anba dhamac galgacal baa inta aan la dholandholay ii dhalaalineyso dhexdu ila yaraate ***sidaa laiskugu dhidhibaayo heesta baa ii cajaabise kabax now that's what I call qaraami
  20. ^^^Iam wondering the same as well :rolleyes: BOB-waswahili walinena maneno mengi hunyoa meno(coined methali ) ume apologize tayari si lazima uwainamie vichwa kubwa sare na endelea na mastori zako kijana.
  21. J-- Anyone who calls Randy Moss overrated knows nothing about football. He’s the best receiver in the game, including TO period. absolutely true. If Randy had the support of a team like the Colts (both good defense and offensive wise) he would have had couple of superbowl rings stashed somewhere . Guys its not just one player though who makes team look good but its the efforts of the overall team that contributes to thier success. Therefore, Iam skeptical of this Sunday game against Eagles (even w.out T.O.). My final vote will be 31-24 only if they did close to or better than what they did to them cheeseheads and stuck-up lambaerdians PS: Iam getting sick of Randy's A$$ all over-they make is seem like its a freakin' big deal :rolleyes:
  22. Mansha-allah. Here is another of mine-enjoy. I call it: Sediments from a far-fetched fantasy That white silk cloth That swirls from the window In a bungalow high Overlooking the seaside The cool breeze Caressing its contours Whispering compassionately To each other Like an enchanted couple Jubilant by their union The admiration in their eyes Verification to their love Cuspid within that Soft caress Fused between That ocean breeze Stroking that White silk cloth Is my image of The perfect man Like the intermingle Between that White silken Hugged by the Velvety sea zephyr The result is a Masculine silhouette Configuration yet Tender in essence
  23. I do love Africa, as it is a survivor, a saviour and a carer for all mankind. Indeed true. Thanx for sharing.