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Everything posted by raula

  1. raula

    Ask a Sujui

    ^^^^walaahi kumbe nilikuwa NOMA siku hizo. Wakati huu kisomali na kienyeji, hata zile za kuomba zimepotea-mungu saidia
  2. Juma-ilka laan daraadis...hehehehehehe. Wale maila aragte mandhow-ninku ileen wuxuu la smile gareyn waaye buu qaba Alle_ubaahne Waxaana intaas ii wehlisa inaan ka madoobahay shukaansiga casrigan socda oo la yiri shumiska iyo jilaafada ayaa u laf-dhabar ah. w/c back to 19 sebteen coorcoor daadkii kaso hare-shukansigeenu waa shaah iyo shan iyo tooban jir Xaafun eh
  3. ^^I see u got the vernom injected I wonder how sudden though warku waa cad yahay :cool:
  4. Abdinuur-I did that summer research at my Uni (2003) and was the best college experience ever! Oh I can't believe how much fun I had that summer, met many students from all over the country and outside, and got connections for my post-grad contacts. I even recommended to several and they praised it well as well-and will recommend the program to others as well. Not only do they assist with the research process-but they as well aid in graduate application(even pay for your prospective grad school fee)-fee waiver. Good link @Abdinuur. BTW nice comeback. So Nebraska eh! lord have mercy on your country a$$ but their football team DEEP man-kewl
  5. ^^^Nice one Indeed-so is Bari's. WOW if that masjid is that old-I hope I have the time insha-allah to visit it NB: the skinnless fishes were scary a bit-but all good.
  6. Wiilo sxbtey waan jooga waana kuu faaya-faya qabtaa adi MMA-lol arlee xaa waaye umaadaan, ar sijui daan hadey garaangir kaseeyso..hee somali maba ahane kuwaan..xey tahay. Teeda kale dowlada hoosta aa u gilin jirnay ka waran, waxaa qaadi jirnay ciyaalkeena: Aw waraaboow Hee Hargeysa aantee? Haa!! Xamar kidarba!!! wir hadana kii (kaa) naqba?? Kir Kud (I think tha's how some used to end it, Am I right) -I never had the chance to ask what it meant-can one explain plz? if probably something made up by Ciyaal faa cali Wiilo-fuuraaka dhalada faantada anakaba waan kuu ciyaari jirne we dont flatten them, but pile them up to a pillar sneeking in so that the person with the ball wont hit you with it).
  7. The mission was organised by the All Africa Council of Churches in Nairobi .... :mad: they only have one purpose-and tha's to divert the weak souls that have no strong salvation to their religion while soliciting them with monetary aid and other goodies Poor our Somalis-while we fight with our own kins and at each others neck-outsiders take advantage of us. Ilaahay hanoo gargaaro, hanaga dhigaana kuwii diintisa kuu adkeysta-Amin. But dont be quick to blame the poor working african souls(Archbishops-although misguided they are)-they are being pressured by their COLONIZERS (<-since they are afraid of a REPEAT OF BLACKHAWK DOWN-knowing how somalis can be brutal and fierce when it comes to western invasion and its contents). Wind_talker :confused: perhaps that was your mentality uttering :eek:
  8. Her thin and weak frame, Was really to blame. For although her complexion was soft and fair, It was hard to distinguish if her body was there. Looking upon her set any man at unease, :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I guess we have different desires as human kinds. A poem as such is a first for me-mucho gracias senor
  9. raula

    Seattle Sky

    And how young is she, to be blinded by love? yes too damn young to be feeling such "strange" emotions somebody should call 911. Seattle is synonymous to SanFranscisco-except the downpour-very hilly & the greenery pastures remind me of tuulo barwaaqo .
  10. ^^^does that include me perhaps you can wire it down my way
  11. I dont give a huut who wins. I just wanna see all the trash talk and Bowl commercials. Let's hear it from T.O. and his big mouth buddies(Mitchell etc)
  12. Some of us come from polygamous families. We love our mothers and fathers and hold esteem thier lifestyle choices-even the decision to living in a polygamous relationship. Some of our mothers were probably the 2nd,3rd,4th etc wife-and mindyou had no complains, whether forced, or personally accepted the invitation to marry our fathers. Nowdays though, even for those of us who come from such families-although we hold our mothers and fathers with utmost respect and love-we make excuses for thier chosen lifestyles then. For instance, they do not live in our times(as in generation or current "difficult/demanding" lifestyles in the west), they (our mothers especially) were forced into such marriages by thier parents....etc..u get the point ....excuse and more excuses......BUT WE ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEIR LIFE TURNED OUT OK/SUCCESSFUL/FULFILLING/HAPPY-except maybe some cases that weren't so merry. My point is-its a reality that exists, and that yes women's population has superseded the mens'. Its been allowed by our mighty Lord(Allah S.W.) for it to be the norm and be practiced by all human kinds. Nevertheless, its been in our cultures from the beginning of times. Therefore, for those who wish to do so-for all reasons, never fear it, indulge into it, and certainly no wrong doing. HOWEVER, DONT BE A BLIND FOOL and not study the situation at hand first before PLUNGING INTO SUCH SITUATION. Always consult family and seek thier decisions-and pray to Allah s.w. that it all goes well. However, I condone how some somali brothers take advantage of the opportunity lightly and create all kind of fiasco in the family later when its very hard to turn back or reverse the situation. It brings shame in our community and ISLAM in general but ALLAH S.W. knows best. Ma'salaama Raula
  13. Duke, BOB, Alle-ubaahne..thx all, thx much. as they say from Zanzi Nawatarajia afya na kila la heri Ma'salaama
  14. DV- How can I end this poem? ....... Don’t disappear disturbingly After u deceived my heart And dangled my soul From a dangerous cliff That’s called delusional Save me dear From this dilemma
  15. Come my Sweet Charity Day dreaming Deep sensations seeking Dozing off Delusional delight During the Day? Indeed! Indeed! Off to wonderland Overwhelmed by the cool Gloomy surroundings Suffering from winter blues Steadily drifts off To that ………..place………. Soothing Ambiance Sipping frothy Chai While basking in the serene marvelous sunset overlooking the glittering splendid Zanzibari coast Taarab blazing from the cantene nearby dishes rattle and clank this is the ……place…….. where the fresh scents of greens spices, and blossoms mingle with rising dough of the morning and where greenery is soothing sight for the eyes tired of winter blight this is the ………..place……… where sunlight filled rooms and balcony custom-made from juvenile scented cypress trees are adorned with cream silk layering that amplifies a rustic log cabin American extravagance look This is the …………place…… Where you slumber like royalty Whether meager or moneyed Where the land is aromatic in nature, and where all are impossible to tell apart Muslims or Africans? Nonetheless, have collective Believe that the Land is all Allah’s (s.w.) This is the ………….place……. where my wishes of the winter blues are relieved and liberated Iam suddenly jolted By my own reality That winter blues Is the way of life In my part of the world May Allah (s.w.) have Mercy on my soul For this winter Is sure bitter. Memoir from Raula’s Winter Blues Cabin: Come Sweet Charity PS: this piece is dedicated to ZANZIBAR Masal Noor.
  16. raula

    Oddly Enough

    Apart from the bizarre stories-u are scaring me with your "ODD" self Wiilo-wat has gotten into you maandhey oh I know-Too much DECAFFENATED TAZO CHAI :cool: stop sniffing caleentaas
  17. ^^^yeh Blast that dude called Juma kidding. AMANI (Peace) wlc to SOL-enjoy..if you speak swahili your CHAI is well prepared and awaiting Wiilo goormaad wax baqtisaana adaaba baqtiinaye
  18. ^^^hehehehehe just waiting to 'implement' the fruits of my degree into Gedo region
  19. Observer 16. Use "Ngai" as an exclamation mark e.g. "Ngai, what are you >doing?" > >17. Believe "Ati" is an English word for "What?" hehehehehehe kenyans have the crown for this..man..I have this Jango(Mjaluo)kichaa who always when I see him in campus says.."Ati" in every sentence..loool..but I use Ngai sana.... N'wayz glad you guyz enjoyed sana hizo manyimbo... Observer-hiyo nyimbo called "macho"by Leo band...aisee lazima nikate naye kwa wedding yangu..yaani vile nilisikia hiyo nyimbo..I was intoxicated till this day Iam so hooked to this song and the lyrics are as we americans call it "sick" We Rende-sikiza kama wataka kofia ya DJ you have to earn it skillz zako ni za KARIOBANGI hata mlendo-mswa wanna-be hatafahamu zako aisee..sare hizo zako kama ulikuwa DJ wa ma3 (matatu for those not from Nairobi) #6...loooooool... Orgi & SisSade-thx again and Enjoy. Its been long pia mie sijasikiza vitendo vya kinyumbani. Ma'salaama nyote-nawatarajia afya na kila la heri.
  20. Originally posted by GuinaVere: ...When the movie started I heard Umqombothi By Yvonne Chaka Chaka. Remember the days in Soweto by the salaula Mayo I stood up in the theater when i heard African Freedom. All I was missing was the Chinde Kwana. ....umenikumbusha home kabisa na nyimbo hizo. Thx. Orgilaqe-duuq iyo nus baad tahay
  21. Axmed Garyar Gurbis ------->>>>and who would this be HORN Amin Amin-insha-allah.
  22. caution: Extremely rated joke-sowie Mad Cow Disease A female TV reporter interviewed a farmer living just outside Dubuque, Iowa to find the main cause of the Mad Cow Disease. It went something like this: The Lady : Good evening,sir. I am here to collect information on the possible source of Mad Cow disease. Can you offer any reason for the disease ? The Farmer stared at the reporter and said :Do you know that a bull mounts cow only once a year? The lady reporter (obviously embarrassed): Well, sir, that's a new piece of information, but what's the relation between this phenomenon and Mad Cow disease ? The Farmer: And, madam, do you know we milk a cow twice a day ? The reporter : Sir, this is really valuable information, but what about getting to the point ? The Farmer : I am getting to the point, madam. Just imagine, if I was playing with your tits twice a day and only screwing you once a year, wouldn't you get mad ? ebu checkini hii jk-from a zanzi site. ee bwana wee,,, kulikuwa kuna mzee mmoja wa kipemba ... sasa jirani yake alikuwa na honda na yeye anapunda .... sasa ikawa kazi ile ile ya kuonena chuki .. jirani mwenye punda .akaanza kuchunguza kwa nini yule mwenye honda afike mapema kwake na yeye achelewe .. itabidi achunguze haswa ni nini kinachosumbua .. ? hapo kazi ikaanza yule mwenye honda akaenda mpaka kwenye petroli station na kutia lita tano ya petroli .. baada ya hapo yule mwenye punda akaona alaa na yeye akamvungua punda mkia wake na kumtia lita kumi za petroli punda akatoka bomba sana ,,na yeye akauvungua nguo na kuweka kumi na tano lita ..hahahahahahhahahahahahaahha mzee khalfan ikulu sio
  23. sikiza huyu jamaa-anajiita Mikah from Kakamega. ati ....ukule maharagwe..unyambe pwi pwi ...unafanya roho inakimbia 100 kilometers http://www.swahili.ca/portal/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Music&file=index&q=p&p=%2FSwahili+Music%2FZulu+kru some bongoflava for wenyeji burudika na sakata kiuno lakini chunga tumbo from MR.Nice and company. http://www.swahili.ca/portal/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Music&file=index&q=p&p=%2FSwahili+Music%2FGidi+Gidi+%26+Maji+Maji hiyo swa sanifu inazungusha kijwa-trying kuelewa salaala.
  24. I would love to travel but no chance-IA sometime. Kenya-all four corners except coast :mad: just to mention a few ODD :eek: places Kaimosi shamukhokho Kapnyeberai Koitabut Serem webuye Nandi hills Nimeishi na waluhya, wakalenjin, wakikuyu, wakamba, wamaragoli,wamassai, na wajaluo-now tha's what I call DIVERSIFIED USA-trotted all around except the south east. My fav. so far-Orange County/Ventura-both in California. Planned Summer trips IA-Europe.
  25. I think I see someone resembling my dada hehehehe Abwaan YamYam cool name.