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Everything posted by raula

  1. raula


    So genuine and eloquently written.
  2. Originally posted by Wiilo: ....icun, shushumoow, & nac nac lubaani, u know alaabta lagu yaqaanay reer magaalka.....oh yeah Qaxwo Qaraar iyo Moos bukooni too ... Icun :eek: shushumoow :eek: ..do you guyz see where Iam getting at this...reer xamar BEOBLE are very MACMAC kabisa bisinka macal cuntaadi waxey uu bixiyeen shushumow..I guess behind the bed-quarters weren't just enuf-they had to "SHOW LOF" in the kitchen too(well I guess its a strong testimony to the proverb: The way to a man's heart is thru' his stomach. U know in physiology they say-endorphines/enkaphins (pleasure hormones also act as natural pain killers)are released when a man eats certain foods-I think they might be at work here I was just kidding above-I have ate Shushumow but never ICUN-SO WIILO we are going to QURUXLOW this weekend NB: maxaa waaye nac nac LUUBAADIN laga sameeynayo-isnt luubaadin used for QAACIS :confused: I have developed a habit of drinking Qaxwo somali every morning now-its much better than the English coffees.
  3. congrats to you and your family aboowe: U want originality:- QODHOB KUUSANE BUULE DAKAL-JABIYE BURAALE BAXNAAN GARAAD my fav=LOYAN, HASHIM(<-arabic).
  4. raula


    lol@abuu faas-goorma igu dambeyse aan maqlo abuu faas..ala maxaan habeynkastu QOF ku daliigi jire -u know in my family I was an expert in daliigiin still is by the way. Nuune iyo Wiilo oo bada kubaashalaayan-Wiilo oo sinta winiq-winiq kasiineyso iyo Nuune oo duruq-dayle sidii durwaa baruur uu jeedo uu ciyaarayo-wooooow! wat a sight to see
  5. ^^^ Originally posted by BOB: .."Macaane ka kac jiifka oo Tuko, weesadii waan kuu diyaariyee" Ooooooh just take one second, close your eyes and imagine your beloved wife saying that to you in the middle of the night. haba haba haba! kweli kabisa ndugu-staki nidream sa hii but that fantasy is something to wish for walaahi no wonder u are a brilliant poet
  6. Do you know Sh. Xassan Jamici of Minneapolis? He is a lawyer in Minnesota whose office deals with various somali related cases. You might perhaps get some insights from him. Almost forgot-he precisely but not quite immensely deals with immigration cases regarding somali captives or those in 'due process'(in quarrel) within the INS/HOMELAND security system. Kinda busy now-but will add more info. later. Much Luck brother.
  7. ^^nawe mchokozi siku hizi ama ni kibis bedh inakufanya hivyo
  8. ^^^me too-wasn't there. But my sisters, my step family and ofcourse my dad and mom went thru' the horrid encounters. I have heard of the stories, I try to mull over the situations but cannot say I FULLY comprehend your sorrows. May Allah s.w. be with those who went thru' such horrandeous acts. T'was chrismas break from school for us-and my Aunt(allaha uu naxaristo) was listening to BBC that evening when all over sudden she went NUMB-I knew that moment that something huge was amiss-and the rest is stunning saga that followed.
  9. Originally posted by dawoco: Raula there was no need to go down that road Ar ceebeey tacaala. looooooool. sorry Ms. Dawaco-didn't mean to taint your "HARD-CORE IMAGE"
  10. raula

    Ask a Sujui

    ^^walahi hiyo sheng yako mie sielewi-tis kwa vile sikulelewa Nai..samahani . loooool@ "tuatafuta life...na madems everywhere...Tunatafuta ku wed jo...Si mtusave jo..."...yaani umekuja kuchunguza madems hapa..salaala kwani huoni walendoz wamejaa mtaani
  11. raula


    Pats really showed their sportsmanship. U can't beat the Pats Offense/defense-Dynamite team overall. T.O.was cool but couldn't play much-but even MITCHELL, PINKINSON, etc couldn't override PATS coverage. It was awesome. Great game but Halftime sucked :mad: wasn't the BEETLES era long gone cool lighting though. Black Eye peas-yeah baby I love thier FUNK. Do you guyz notice the very close resemblence btwn USC QB and TOM BRADY :eek: but TOM BRADY is friggin' HOTTTT Match Madness here we come-Go GRIER! GO GOPHERS!
  12. Originally posted by Abwaan: Taas waxaan uga jeedaa dumar badan oo Soomaali ah oo wanaagsan baa buuxee halla raadsho inta aan marka hore dhaldhalaalku dadka sirin. you remind me of a sheeko ciyaaleed(children story that i used to hear)-we all knew in our somali stories that Ms. DAWACO(FOX)to be smarter than DIINDIIN(tortoise/turtle)but at one of the stories MS. DAWACO waa laga badinaa when somehow the DIINDIIN says: ala waa maxay waxaas dhalaalaayo(wat is that shining). Since its at night, Dawaco says: mooyiye(moogiye) bal dabka dhush kuu sii. So then Mr. DIINDIIN dhuush buu siina (he burns the shiny stuff). Not knowing that it was her PRIVATES she (MS. DAWACO) says: Ala dooqone daabka ba' doorada guubate In a nutshell-intaad wax "qurxoon iyo dhaldhalaal" uu ordeysaan, amaad BOHOL ka dhacdaan mandhowyaal anakaa idiinka naxeyne? mar hadii ninku qoyskiisu daneeyneynin, RAGANIMADU xageey taala :confused: markey dabada idiin hurto sidii basbaas lainkugu shuubaaye adinka soo ordi dontaan There is a swahili saying that says: SUBIRA HUVUTA HERI.
  13. ^^^well wat do you expect after 13-14yrs of civil turbulence alongside bloody battles, ecological degradations, and some of the nastiest infectious epidemics sweeping around the country From the above article: INFANT MORTALITY RATE PER 1000 LIVE BIRTHS 132 2000 PROBABILITY OF DYING BEFORE REACHING 5TH BIRTHDAY PER 1000 LIVE BIRTHS 224 2000 **Infant mortality is one of the indicators of a country’s healthy living. The numbers above are sure disquieting, mind you remember its calculated per 1000(and its 132). Neva mind that, look at the 2nd stat-bisinka. Iam sure the numbers are higher than this but will leave it to that. CHOLERA 2775 2002 MALARIA 2 000 000 2002 :eek: **Cholera (illahi nooma keeno-Amin) but we will see some Flares of this after the devastating TSUNAMI that hit some parts of Somalia. As for the KILLER DISEASE (MALARIA)-studies are underway to find the most effective intervention for preventing or curing this RESISTANT-VECTOR.
  14. ^^Amin Amin. Ilaahi samir iyo Iman ha'idinkaa siiyo-Allah s.w. dambigeeda hau'dhaafo-Amin. Iyo kuligeenba-Amin.
  15. raula

    Ask a Sujui

    ^^^pia mie najiuliza "baxali yake" Swali: Mbona wanandi/wakalenjin wengi wao wana MAPENGO? Halafu mapengo yao ni ya chini (meno za chini)
  16. ^^kitu gani kitu chenyewe unaweza kunukua from JUA KALI ya RIVERROAD VIKING-Me thinks you are chezaring
  17. raula


    ^^^I have to agree too-the SIJUI Chai is my cup of the day -Anytime of the day! Nii saa kumi ya jioni nimekaa kwa veranda nacheki machali, nawachungua nani mpya nani supuu naburudika na chai ala! mahaba nimemwona mwenye chai ndie furaha matatizo ya ulimwengu kaa kando kabisa ninywe chai na furaha nimchungue nimpendae QL-lool@green tea. And Charmomile :rolleyes: this is tangy and sour. This is what happened to my friend one day. We were rushing to class and on our way-we passed Java city. So she got Charmomile and I got some Earl Grey. Not knowing its a citrusy flavored tea she poured some cream/milk on it looooooooool..shahii meshaas buu kuu baqe she had to get another bag. Iam not a coffee drinker-although once in a year(when the weather gets to subzero here in minneapolis :mad: ) I will sip to some white MOCHA LATTE-with loads of whip cream but this rarely never happens. I have been drinking Tea for the last 4 yrs straight now and I FEEL LIKE A HIPPIE FROM ASPEN COLORADO My fav: TAZO CHAI(this is tea not chai), BIJA(ginger flavored), Cocoa spice Tea, Earl Grey, and other healing teas. Did you know the actual EARL GREY tea leaves are from KENYA :cool: so long !
  18. Ambassador- :eek: :eek: :eek: bisinka. Now u spoilt my lunch :mad:
  19. raula

    He is it......

    ^^^yeah where. I live on "desperado avenue"-Hasna give us the 411's . BB-gal nice one indeed. Better guard your Nubian King
  20. ^^^likewise-not just any tea(herbal)or Tazo chai(as in teabags). I snack on plenty of fruits and drinking pop and soda isn't even in my options. Nice list gal-no wonder obesity is becoming an epidemic in our parts of the world. NB: New studies show that many somalis are becoming quickly HYPERTENSIVE and DIABETIC due to consumption of plenty of REFINED FOODS, LACK OF EXERCISE and POOR LIFESTYLE CHOICES. Good Read INTUITION.
  21. cirrolley baa meesha ku shireysee-iskaga bax mandhey
  22. Xu-good recount. In our religion its specified that we should have mercy when slaughtering animals as food-and their are proper guidelines for slaughtering animals to minimizing pain felt.
  23. ati anatia tu-kwani manzi ni machine huyu fala wa kibera sare zake wasee wa mathere north ndio hupima mke hivyo- sasa ingebidi tuone majibu ya judge-kama majibu ni baba alee mtoto-huyu judge basi mkikuyu
  24. Culture Minister Christophe Muzungu said people should not just see the negative side of the king - they should also look at the positive aspects. "We are restoring the history of our country because a people without history is a people without a soul," he said. very contradicting statement-no wonder his name is MZUNGU :rolleyes: but on the other hand it is true-since they also say: you never know where you are going till you know where you have come from(or something along those lines). That statue should actually be reformed-perhaps with some MENACING ghostly expressions or physicalites..with a dash of red paint to signal all the thousands of poor congolese he exterminated during his fierce regime...and perhaps put at the center of the town where tourists frequent or some kind of museum in europe...where horrific acts can be shown that will make one's blood bubble.. :mad: NB: King Leopold's rule is considered historically to be one of the callous colonizing ever on earth. The chilling stories can be found in a book named: KING LEOPOLD'S GHOST-By ADAM HOCHSCHILD. I have read it and would recommend it to anyone interested(As well you can be enlightened. on USA's role in LUMUMBA'S death and the plot by CIA's to poison his toothbrush but all in VAIN-when he was murdered later in chilling conclusion). Shyhem Africa should quit on the whole "it takes a village to raise a child"crap.Don't u think its time the parents, rather than the village raised their own kids? I dont get it-many of us have grown up with extended families and that's the best life style a child can grow up in-yes I know some family sociologists will refute this as the best option but back home(in africa that is) but believe its the best familial cost-effective strategic child rearings I have ever come to witness(mind you with all the emotional, spiritual, physical, social and financial support the lifestyle entails). Not only is it practiced in African alone, but other parts of the world as well(especially in muslim countries where families are huge and extended). I cannot even begin to expound on African being the "Dark Continent"-its a complex world and that is full of ruthless and corrupted leaders with the gullible victims at their mercy. Lord have mercy on Africa.