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Everything posted by raula

  1. -Tibia>> lafta san qaroorka thought sanqarooka refers to sinus area (or nose area)? While tibia is smallest bone in the leg... :confused: -Rectum>> malawadkawow-never heard of the word. -nail>>musmaar perhaps CIDII would be better coz description above is for metal nails per se (as in for construction etc). -elbow>>jidh,jirka the translation is for rather SKIN not ELBOW however this is the description for precisely ELBOW -elbow>>suxulka gacanta,xusul Otherwise-good list. Mucho gracias senorita SiSade
  2. ^^^waryaa bandika we..dont spoil the mood eh! I just wrote a tribute (poem) to my mother hokey-U are killing the mood baxali yake fala wa Mathare kabisa Now you have exposed your KINKY fantasies to the SOL community-shauri yako
  3. ^^^wiilo dont say you are not so lucky my dear-because u are. Allaha uu naxaristo-dambigeedana allaha uu dhaafo hooyadaa walaalo-Amin iyo kuligeenba.
  4. ^^^^in the next minute if I dont burst your jaw open-carawelo wale la'ima oran xasha!
  5. A tribute to my mother-XALIMO. I love you HOOYO. “Hooyo macaan†How everyone utters these words? Yet I have not come to experience the Sweetness of your touch The tenderness of your motherly voice The gentleness of your caress As you hold me within your arms carefully Shielding me from the evil exposure Guarding me from the evil spirits That can possess my soul and capture its essence Shielding me from the corrupt world That I am yet to see and learn on my own ….Yes on my own hooyo…………. …..all alone in this world………….. Where a child is not best left alone But I was with the best of my family Where I was protected and esteemed Where I got all needs and feeds ONLY TO YEARN FOR “HOOYO MACAAN†When I left you while I was tiny baby Not knowing when I will see you again Not knowing that I will be missing your scent Your lullabies at night as I crawl to sleep Not hearing your cautious warnings Of not leaping into the hot iron Or trying to eat an insect thinking it’s a toy Seeing me off to school, and playing with my friends Waiting anxiously as I got home every evening Nourishing me with your love and chows Watching me grow from girlhood to womanhood And examining as I administer tasks Of what was once your lifehood as a woman Hooyo macaan have you forgotten me? That evil tone has somewhat ingrained Itself in the depths of my soul At the bottom of my heart Surfacing when only turbulences persist in my life ……….hooyo macaan…kuu awee (where are u)……………. Sometimes I say …â€was I adopted†(staqfurulah) Perhaps its my negativity over taking me “hooyo Macaan†please forgive me for this Because I don’t hate you Hooyo Macaan Indeed I do adore your courage for raising such wonderful daughter For yielding such a strong character For contributing to my stupendous genetic makeup My radiating beauty, my serene charisma, my tantalizing sense of humor, My thirst for knowledge, my commitment for outreach to poor souls, My conservative views into preserving the logic cultural values Thank you for bearing me in an Islamic state and nature Where my presence is esteemed and not doubted Thank you “Hooyo Macaanâ€â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦ ….for many say, I resemble you in all manners………. I long for you “Hooyo Macaanâ€â€¦â€¦. For without all these, there exists a HOLE in my soul Where no one else can fulfill it ….except you HOOYO MACAAN And with Qadar’s Allah s.w. I hope I don’t loose you Before I see you face, follow my fingers through you wrinkles, Your cheek bones, your nerves and veins…… And find out where in those life lines….have you INGRAINED Your love for me….your 5th born daughter…… The one who resembles you….the one you have missed to Pour out your love for ….for all those 20 years….that passed… Wait for me …Hooyo Macaan…..for I will be grief-stricken…. If I don’t see you in this lifetime…. If I don’t hear your thoughts on all those years…….. If I don’t feel your arms around me…………………. If I don’t tell you how I feel deep down I hope by Allah’s qadar I will be able to contain my Psychological traumas of not seeing you ……….. And by Allah s.w. blessings I will have someone stronger To fulfill that gap……..those yearns…..that fondness…that parental guidance That I have missed all these 20 yrs……….Hooyo Macaan Do forgive me Hooyo macaan For I love you with all my soul and depth For you have brought me to this world For you have given me such strong attributes and weapons To fight and figure my way around this perplexed world For I have realized that you are indeed….â€My only Hooyo Macaan†Even when you are oceans away from me….I love you ….. I love you ………..I love you ………….Hooyo Macaaney, Indeed I do. I will pull myself together before tears of grief pour …… Before it taints these jovial feelings….. I will see you Insha-allah Hooyo Macaan……
  6. ^^^Iam expecting to go SNOW_TUBING and some are complaining of snow-but when the wind chill hits sub-zeros(it gets to -45 sometime here)-lord have mercy :mad: I bring out my Columbia Sportsware gear I look like one of those Alpine skiers
  7. VanQ-true true true-but even with the introduction of generic drugs-and anti-retroviral drugs to combat the virus/disease-do you think the average african can afford these drugs? Besides with ailing African economies, how can a govt. ensure to have an effective intervention against AIDS when they cannot even provide the basic needs to all its citizens (not even 3/4 of its people)? Besides-comfortable life :confused: have you ever checked out the side effects of these "COCKTAIL DRUGS"-as epidemiologists call it with the HIV/AIDS drug regimen....(hence a major problem of alleviating the virus is ADHERENCE problems apart from others). From a western window-AIDS might be "cubbed"/dealt with provided that we have fierce and effective interventions that (the govt. could afford to implement) work. But in the case of AFRICA, with all the slanted politics, weakening social fabrics and other natural calamities that add to the 'boiling pot'-HIV/AIDS will continue to wipe out till the international committee makes AFRICAN-EPIDEMICS a full priority. Its like Carl Marx's stance against prostitution when he said that: until we alleviate CAPITALISM,then and only will we have alleviated prostitution. Ma'salama RAULA
  8. Mansha-allah both Dark Angle and BOB(allaha uu naxaristo)-Amin. Stay true to your mom's-indeed they are the essence of our life. Thanks for the tributes. When I get time-I should pay tribute to my beloved mom as well.
  9. I firmly concur with Just Cause on the dissident’s stance (that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS but a collection of virus and other internal and external bodily/human imbalances such as poverty) by Mbeki on the ruthless killer. Mbeki perhaps was lashing out his anger at the multinational pharmaceutical drug companies at the extend of patent power they had over establishing generic drug alternatives while he watched his fellow Africans mercilessly being murdered by something unknown-when the answer to solving the problem is just dollars away. There is evidence that HIV causes AIDS or at least I believe that the disease DO INDEED exist. I agree w/Vanquish that this might just be a plague of our times-just like other nations/generations experienced anciently-however, I think even ancient epidemiologists would agree that this 'silent killer' is One that is vicious, unwittingly and scientifically indefinable epidemics of all time. Back to Jamaal-the HIV/AIDS disease is a very controversial one. First you have to understand that HIV-1 is the dominant killer worldwide, whereas HIV-2 is mostly contained in the West African region (not very contagious due to its low Viral load)ßa major indicator to one’s HIV status. Now, from my public health understandings-from its original strand, the virus has mutated 11 times. The subtype B is the most common in United States, while D is the most dominant in Africa. With that said, could this clarify the disparity statistically as to why the disease is very notorious in Africans than other populations? There are so many competing hypotheses of the origins of the disease. For instance, its manipulation in a laboratory setting, in Chimps habitats in the Belgium Congo, sort of cancer-like virus (Kaposi Sarcoma) that was first recognized in Gay males (hence the name GRID-Gay Related Infectious Disease). But the one that keeps me mystified yet some-what convincing is the chimp virus (SIV) that crossed to humans in a “accidental†mass laboratory experiment by the Philadelphia’s Wistar Institute and its Belgian contemporaries in pursuit of developing a polio vaccine in the former Belgian Congo and nearby countries during the late 1950’s. Here are some bibliographical references: -sorry couldn’t get direct reference to the articles. Hahn, Beatrice, et al. (1999). Origin of HIV-1 in the chimpanzee Pan troglodytes. Nature, 397:436-441. Kaprowski, Hilary. (1992). AIDS and the Polio Vaccine. Science, 257:1024-1026. **the latter citation is perhaps one worthy of glancing. Note: this is when Congo was under the regime of the Late King Leopold (actually was his personal property) and the natives endured one of the cold-blooded colonial suppressions in the world. Because it was his personal property-this man did whatever he could to the innocent natives (aided by some numbed Africans) to fulfill his financial appetite thru’ Rubber economy. If only time was at my side-I would add more, but for now I will leave to that. Hope that gives some minor insights. Ma'salama. RAULA
  10. In my uni-when I started we were few-but currently, I think we are the most somalis in a single American UNI(and i mean Uni not college) its a pleasure having MY BEOBLES around and where I work-I can't miss even one each day The lovely thing is the faculty offices across from my office-all adorned their offices with SOMALI customes and carptes-and the females especially wearing SOMALI attire tis' satisfying and makes me proud. DELIGHTING SCENES and even my BOSS reminds me of EIDs days ahead PS: Iam gonna miss this UNI Socrates-who told you to go that far? Didn't you know that our "crude" culture still doesn't allow women far from their family's sight till they are married-maybe that might help explain.
  11. ^^likewise-Meenah, Ilaahi kheyr hakusiiyo-iyo kuligeenba-Amin.
  12. Inna lilaahi waina ileyhi rajicuun. Ilaahi ha'u naxaristo.
  13. ^^^kumbe-me hata si pay attention ahsanta. PS: Kuna manzi mmoja anaitwa SHUTA penye naishi (u can imagine my reaction)nilibwaka bwana salaaala
  14. wasee wa bongo-sikizeni asemaye huyu mmasai Mi Ni Masai by the Tribesmen
  15. ^^^sasa we kishana wa rondon sasa si diyo hiyo matusi cheki wacha kunicheki hivyo kishana wa rondon-this is the difference btwn me and u:- huyu ni we- Wewe ni mshort unatokanga kwa bed na parachute. Nami huyu Wewe msupuu mpaka unafanyanga miti ikuwe confused kwa barabara. sasa diabie tuta erewana aje kishana wa rondon ok-basi narudi kula OMENA
  16. ^^^umepewa Break na mshikaji au nini leo Poet-hear! hear! Mad props bro.
  17. I likewise have seen/heard/read of Foot binding but just rumors about Sati. Alxamdulilah we dont have to go thru' such stuff.
  18. ^^^ I only go bowling with the officials kidding. ^^^Same here.
  19. Horn-was the support for Barre(Allaha uu naxaristo) spurting from his sub-clan (as in reer siyad) or was it affirmed by the whole TRIBE(as in M/rehan). Iam asking this coz it seems like the other M/rehan clans are FAINT in GEDO politics-do tell me brother coz you are much more informed in HOME politics than I dear. On the other hand, It just dawned on me that the Reer Siyad might have had the "popularity" when the former regime was at place due to the support by Late president. Abdirizak ***** Biixi is he the one that resides in VA(or was it DC area?) and If yes, any relations to the former "Ambassador-Fadumo ***** Biixi" (from my understanding she also has a sister who resides in VA) G/haarey again Delightful memories plus Celwaaq,BeledXawo,Baardheere,Tuulo Barwaaqo, Luuq..etc-Eating/munching on some XAMUR and at night my sisters would go for SAAR (Ar goobilo goobilo..ar goobilo gacalkiyo..markaan goobila tuumaa... ) :mad:
  20. Chekini hizi mchongoanos of the year:-nilipata kwa kenyan website moja. 1. Wewe ni mshort mpaka ukikalia pavement miguu zina hang kwa hewa. 2. Tv yenyu ni Ndogo lazima ufunge jicho moja ndio uone picha. 3. Wewe mblack mpaka unasweat soot. 4. Wewe mnono mpaka ukivaa yellow watoto wanafikiria ni schoolbus. 5. Manzii wako ni m ugly mpaka alikataliwa ku act horror Hollywood. 6. Nyumba yenyu ni ndogo mpaka lazima utoke nje kuchange mind. 7. Kwenyu nyinyi ni wengi mpaka kwa hao kuna round-about. 8. Nyanya yako ni mjinga mpaka alifail blood test. 9. Kwenyu nyinyi ni wa daft mpaka kupata driving licence ilibidi mpelekwe boarding school. 9. Wewe ni mblack mpaka mosquito ikitaka kukuuma lazima itumie torch. 10.Nywele za watoto wenyu ni ngumu mpaka mnazitumianga kama steel wool. 11.Kwenyu nyinyi ni mababi mbaka dogi yenyu hu-bark na tweng. 12.Ati siku moja ulitembea kiatu ikaisha, ukaendelea kutembea mpaka miguu ikaisha hadi kwa magoti. 13.Mko wengi kwa hao mpaka kuna rush hours na kukinyesha kunakuwa na jam. 14.Wewe ni mshort unatokanga kwa bed na parachute. 15.Wewe ni mrefu mpaka ni wewe huongezea jua makaa. 16.Chali yako ni mkonda alibloiwa na wind mpaka S.Africa na hana passport. 17.Shingo yako ni refu mpaka ukikunywa maziwa inafika kwa tumbo ikiwa mala. 18.Wewe ni mweusi ukikanyanga makaa unawacha footprint za blak kwa makaa. 19.Wewe msupuu mpaka unafanyanga miti ikuwe confused kwa barabara. 20.Unapenda kuvaa nguo za color mingi mpaka chameleon ikianguka kwa nguo yako inapata black-out. and finally 21. Ati TV yenu ni ndogo hadi wasee wa news huanza ..Munatuona!!! Haki ya Ngai-hizi zimeniua kabisa-made my weekend. Mjiburudishe basi wenzangu.
  21. raula


    Qac-good to see ya bro. Nuune-waraa adi horta wax ma ilowdiid baan uu maleyna-macal casharkii habeynka laga balan qaade ee saad masai numero uno uu noqon laheed ma'ilaaweysid yah! cajiib walaahi. waraa shimbiraha midkood igu soo dhiib si deegdeeg ah waraq si aan galaaska kugu register-gareeyo hokey otherwise waiting list-ga baan kuu gelin doona-and lord know how long the line is adios amigos-and dont munch on too much chocolate'
  22. ^^nothing wrong with being a bit optimistic is there
  23. ^^Indeed-Salute to Mothers!