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Everything posted by raula

  1. akhyaarta guuriga waan idiin salaame, salaan muslmiinta dhaan kadhexeysa-Asalamu Caleykum Waraxmatulahi wabarakaatu:- Marka hore waxaan uu qabaa in lawada cafimaad sanyahay, barwaaqo iyo bash bash. Haye xagee xaaladu mareysaa. Meshaan waxaan ooga jeeda daad laisku wada JIIMEYNAAYO. ma saas baa mise waan qaldamay. Kooleytaba ani qofka lai'skeygu KARBAASHE waan kuu faraxsanahay afsawaxiligaana wuu idiin wada fuuranyahay-laakin qaas ahaan CASHARKA HABEEYNKA-Nuune lee booskaas iska leh. aw Tuujiye adoo DHUTINAAYA yaan agaagaarkaas kugu arkin. Ms. Sweeter than my earl Grey will be happy to assist I suppose. Wiilo iyo J'baro-heheheehehehehehehehehehe -waa hadii wala weyn laisla gaarin Sweeter than my earl grey iyo TUUJIYE- wow! NO COMMENT Qac-keligiisbaa? ma socoon karto. waraa qac qac, saxiibtey oo kenyati ma doone? Here is an interlude for my lad-NUUNE: shan hadii laisku soo shamuumiyo sharqanteedaba walee iney saan gaareyniin shillin baa dhuuse, goofana sheege sidii shaabad hadeysan kuugu deegin shekeededa macaan iyo sawaxiliga ey showrineyso hasheegin wale, naag sharaf badaan wala sharfaaye, waa shariifadii RAULA shiliin baa dhuuse, goofana sheege hehehehe that piece dont make sense but it cracked me up reminding me of "shilin baa dhuuste, goofana sheege" children plays.
  2. Excuse me fans. ^^^we kijana usituwache hivyo tena bila habari ok-yani umenifanya nibabaika salala. Walahi ma manzi wa siku hizi wamefanya vijana wetu wenda Karibu tena walalo.
  3. this is what i call HEAD OVER HEALS. Cuz-I have to see the soon-to-be-brother-in-law I pray for you dear-to indeed experience such happiness Insha-allah-Amin.
  4. Somajeeste-kaaga daran he is a qolo(clan)mate-everytime he calls I crack up and he assumes that the previous phonecall must have been amusing Just wondering about the one who gave him that nick must have been SHOCKED lol@dhuuso yare. Speaking of dhuusooyin. Do you guyz know of the categorizations of Dhuusoyins There are: 1.Suusay saangalo?-this is the hissing one...deadly but quite 2.Samatara baabweyn?-loud and not so ur-badan ***tha's all I could remember for now.
  5. Eco-Islam hits Zanzibar fishermen-Great article regarding the true revelation of the QURAN as guide for conservation of the Ecosystem. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4271519.stm "The island is very important in our history. Once Prophet Hadhara arrived at Misali and asked fishermen for a prayer mat. "As there was no mat, Hadhara said the island itself was like a prayer mat since it exactly points towards Mecca. "He prayed and then disappeared. Since then the island is called Misali, which means prayer mat." Mansha-allah!.
  6. A/S. EVER WONDER!-its a Flasher to remind us of how lucky we are to be MUSLIMS-Mansha-allah. Ever Wonder May Allah s.w. make us stronger in serving him-Amin. w/s.
  7. Pray for all of Us brother NUR. Indeed, the usernames deserve the names since they depict such worthy praises. And insha-allah May Allah s.w. not place Maca qowmul Dalimiin (rabanaa la tajcalnaa maca qowmul dalimiin-Amin)7:47 and as certainly Al-biru' xasnul qal'q- to be Righteous is goodness of character (rawaul Muslim).
  8. ^^^did you watch the movie: Meet the parents-Ben Stillers screen name was GAYLORD FOCKER cute eh!
  9. LUCKY-Jazakallahu Kheyran walaal-indeed the act of volunteering or sadaqa is disappearing in our communities. Mansha-allah. U reminded me I need to pay my Masjid dues. Barakalaah ya uqti.
  10. ^^^I have a cousin named Qodhob(and he is wild-as in reer mudug waalinimo But seriously-there is this dude Walaahi Iam not lying named CABDALE G**SWEYNE :eek: he lives in my city-some might heard of him. NO COMMENT.
  11. RV- :eek: Cut her loose gal-and tell straight up that u dont associate with such. Acuudu bilaahi mina sheydani rajiim.
  12. I just had to bring this topic back. Ina S--l Weershe bisinka..loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool-ala wadnaha. LAXWASEhehehehehehehehehehe-daaam! I heard of a story that a lady who used to be called SHUUN-SHANLEYSO -this is because the lady was obssessed with shaleyn of her hair even infront of men (when its considered CAWRA) to show your hair. Hence, SHUUN-SHAYNLEYSO because she wasn't respectful.
  13. Wiil duco-xagee igala qaade mandhow, subxanallah. Acuudkow. And I do have respect for the Maxruum (allaha uu naxaristo). Stop lashing out your frustrations at me. Bisinka. I apologize for tainting the thread DUKE.
  14. hehehe-tis funny when the macalinka duugsiga la yiraahdo "RAANBOW"-the kids must sure be tamed cool pics-thx caamir.
  15. ^^^like Brown said no one is asking for freebies dear-but the opportunity to manufacture generic replicants of the brand names. is that too much to ask? yes we live in a capitalist environment but the fact still remains who gets the power to decide your life; pharm companies or the govt? its neither but atleast my point is that International committees should atleast provide African markets with the resources then for combating "OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS/DISEASES" that tag along with HIV/AIDS patients-atleast then we have a way of elongating lifes and protecting them from severity of the epidemic. And that will constitute "loosening" patent laws that restrict African or thirld world pharmaceticals to manufacture atleast their own drugs JUST LIKE BRAZIL, THAILAND (mind you for them its for HIV/AIDS) why not the Africans :confused: why do we (africans) always lag behind every step-let me not even proceed with IMPERIALISM and RACISM. I mean for godsakes we dont even have the right to manufacture our own "MALARIA" drugs-tis always imported or developed in some lab in S.Africa or Uganda that is a subsidiary of major pharmacetical company like Glaxo and claim credibility to it-yet we still have to buy the brand name while we watch our people die right infront of our eyes. Excuse me Iam not trying to be a moralist here-My point is that we need atleast the International committee on this African Epidemic Case-with the soaring 2/5 cases of AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa; drugs are needed and faster before we loose the whole continent. Statistically, ~10% of AIDS patients are covered by ART(antiretroviral therapy) in Africa :eek: Sure, dont the pharm-companies atleast think of making some profit by providing to these people-If they weren't so concerned about their high clientele (--> the Rich man's diseases-such as Cardiovascular 'epidemics' that persist in the west)by selling LIPITOR, VIOXX, CELEBREX and such brand names. Ok-sorry I got off-track-but my point precisely-The pharm companies have TOO MUCH SUCKING POWER. I will be back later with breakdown of social fabrics AIDS affected households-a major concern currently is of the millions of orphans, food insecurity, "SURVIVAL SEX," etc. Sources: http://www.who.int/en/
  16. ^^^that dude for sheezy is helluva nutty But that list by MS WORD is 'sic' gal especially Richard Pryor-back in SNL days. STOIC-loveee...BRUCE BRUCE (esp. in the episode where he explain the sign language btwn a lady who boarded the wrong bus), CEDRIC 'THE ENTERTAINER'(nigga is 'sic w/it')-especially when he brings on the dance moves from the 80's Mama mia. Although I dont watch it nowdays-The BET comic view hosts: RICKEY SMILEYS(that alabama native is witty when it comes to Black COLLEGE's STEP SHOWS whoowee), ARNEZ J(super comical, and mothersucker is too damn flexible :rolleyes: ), and the two I have mentioned above.
  17. ^^^Yeah I agree guys! right when we just booted the HILTER owner of Vikes-here comes the blow to the stomach-Randy Moss traded to RAIDERS :mad: I mean WTF? Atleast if he was going to PATS/Eagles/colts/Steelers-but TF Raiders :eek: Sowie One-eyed Pirate fans but that is just the most ****** move VIKES made in History. Shuut! I swear I dont even care now if Vikes rellocated to CLEVELAND and joined the Browns This must be really history-if MOSS made the breaking news in all MN-news channels For godsake the dude deserves to go with a big farewell(hence the breaking news-way to go Moss). I give up on Vikings now-no more dirty talk for us anymore, and u damn right-no moonshining Kelly Campbell, Nate Burlerson, Bennett, Culpepper are now just an ENTITY in vikes without Randy-Darn it! its over for PURPLE FEVER-the shining pride is dimmed. Adios my friend MOSS-so long
  18. ^^^will do cuz. I will make a full detailed video of Me and mom reminiscing in the old city of Garbahaarey how about that.
  19. ^^^u had to say it loud eh :mad: ATL here I come spring break buyaaa @joy.
  20. wananchi wenzangu msijaribu hii jk nyumbani kwenu A kid asks his father "is there a matatu in your room?" The fathers says "why?" The kid says "because last night I heard you telling mom IKISIMAMA PANDA" Enjoy.
  21. Kismayo it is-wow! Never been to the place but is on my list of "places must see" labda utakuwa tour guide wangu-ama