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Everything posted by raula

  1. "Hal ay u buuxdo: shafka oo ah meesha dumarku quruxda ka sitaan, ishuna ku nasato" cajiiiiiib-bal hadii quruxdoo dhan lagu misaamo gabadha shafkeeda-xagee sharaftu ka muuqataa markaas (this is a very 'progressive'/modernity influenced aspect of our culture)-Alla ragu ibtiilo badanaa(Maybe its too much Indian movies back then). Anna Gar madoobe, geed walwaale, garruun weyne, gujo kulule, gunta ku geeye, kuna gufeeye, gidaarra jeexe, gurxan badane, gebagebeeye, gacan sarreeye, gam’i waaye /QUOTE] gaanjibaad, gaanjibaad geesi dhaley -wale naag waa tani-Arawelo waxiid maxey tiri-kuna gufeeye, gidaarra jeexe....ee gurxamaya-bal aduunkaan daya you go gal (ala maxey marekaan oran jireen-SEXUAL REVOLUTION aheeeeeeeeey )
  2. Good to see a sister repping for all Fanaxyaals she reminds me of my Track & Field days & Netball
  3. This whole wk at work(on campus) was a cloud of "ambiguity". We (staff)-well Iam pissed off to the point that we have been writing letters to the president of the University the whole morning-regarding his "strategic initiative". I swear, this man has never seen a mad somali woman before I guess N'wayz, I have to formulate a letter to the newspaper as well as to the president in just an hour-and then attend a staff-meeting. Like my boss says: "this is the time when there is only one item on the desk-everything esle is irrelevant" Hopefully when my temper resides I will write something that makes sense-in the meantime I have to wear my "diplomatic mask"-to write these letters. Later nomads.
  4. New flares of TB in African regions. The scare of TB never seems to slouch to bearable rates. Here again we see the lethal combination of TB with HIV. Although, South-East Asia has the largest cases, the incidence rate in Sub-Saharan Africa is swiftly intensifying to disquiet waves. And with the new initiatives to give INDIA license to manufacture their own generic drugs the question now is why aren’t some African countries given the chance as well when indeed they are the ones who suffer the most? (Yes its just a baseless Q) in fact when INDIA "supposedly" will be supplying generic drugs countries devastated with AIDS, if indeed waivered or loosened patent laws by responsible multi-national pharmaceuticals . read below http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2005/pr14/en/index.html
  5. good pointer sis-hopefully we wont fall prey to it Insha-allah.
  6. wale 3 Q nuune aad sheegtey haduu kuujiro caadi ma'ahan-qatar buu kuu suganyahay lakiin sideey Wiilo sheegte waa inuu kudadaalo. Hadii kale bari idaad intuu shiisho saa sidii fuud inuu kataqaluso hal bakeeri misana kala jabiyo DAKAL to symbolize the 'breaking' of qooq(another Raula's theory-the breaking of calabash-Calabash which is a significant symbol of somali traditions) ar maanta theories badanaa-it is due to the weather Wiilo mandhay waxaa ku iri-shaaha badaan aa Maneno kaa keenayo(spring baa lagu jiraa madhey-atleast ka dhiigo ICE TEA ) . Also, I meant as in maxaa aroos badaan(which I know its not your nature to go to weddings-just a jk) ka tuuntey-badaar badaan aad ka cuuntey-KAPISH! Brilliant
  7. ^^saas baa laga raba mandhay-aheeeey! wakukaa wale gabar sharaf badaan baad tahay ilaaha kuu sharfe-Amiinta kuu dara Harvard Mafrish-hadaan meel aan adoo mininkeen waa laisku soo maraa miya shekaada(waraa I have aerial view of Wiilo-so better watch your back mandhow). on the other hand-minyaro aad ka dhigaan kartaa hadii ey kuyeesho (laakin kama suurtowdo) ha'isku majiijin meel aad ka muuqaneynin mandhow Harvard Mafia-Iam just joking so no hard feelings I hope-if offended,plz accept my sincer apologies.
  8. ^^^ar gashaanti waaye mandhow-ee mandhay ma dhahdidoo mashaakilna yeyna kugu ahaane
  9. ^^^ala maxaa meel badaar laga baafinaaya aad ka dhex bood boode mandhay maneno badnaa Wiilo cut back on TAZO CHAI mandheey waxaan maqle inuu uu ficneyn "mindhiciirda iyo minka" Nuune-let me get a smoked salmon sandwich and analyze your response.
  10. To make mattas even warse they are so many cars on the rods that tha whöre prace rooks rike a farking rot. Ala ! Huyu ametoka MERU-labda its my friend MUTISO ati "farking rot"....ala nimebwaka mpaka mate imeninyonga Risten cayafoorry you nguys: "you are not a snake" repit afta me "you are not a snake" If I catch any of you doing it again I wirr be forced to run you ova rike a rat. You know my anko is a foriceman I can get away with it hehehehe me roves this Nguy -mwenyeji kweli. Reminds me of wajathe and waluhya's wakianza kutweng.
  11. ^^^^likewise-wat a pleasant day(although I would take yesterday wasn't as ghusty as today) but alxamdulilah-beautiful day. I welcome the merries of spring flings
  12. ^^^ sawaxiliga waxeey dahaan-"NYANI HAONI MKUNDULE" adaaba soo taagane-maxuu asaaga ka wallacinaa kombuutar miyaa bisinka mise jawaan miya-ee laiskaga guraayo waraa adi (nuune) booska uu banee noh-eh maad maqlin miyaa "sharing is caring" lol. Baaba tuujiska-horey baan maqle inn daadka qooqa hayaa waxaa looga jabiin jire QANDHICIIL CUNOOW -waad ogtahay qandhicil baan uu maleyna. the concept is that these "frustrated" people will be disgusted enuf (to eat lice eggs) that it will erase their "qooq" -more like scare/confrotational tactic that is used for psyche patients who have animal phobia. Ala maxaan concept bilaash uu beenguure-istaaqfurulah-but I have to give credit I can formulate "hypothetical interventions" for alleviating QOOQ-hehehehehehehe. Tuujiska dhibaatada kuuhaysata keligaa ma'ahane ee waa "SEASONAL". My prognosis is that it will continue with the warm weather. Markaa waxaa kuugu taxaluujin lahaa inaad hada " BAADIGOOB " biloowdiid mise walee adoo BELBELAAYA baad miid uun iskaga dhici doonta - and that can be devastating(its also known as DESPERATION)
  13. Waranle-Hamna shida walalo-karibu tena. Baro Family(all and special dedication to Styt & Wiilo-love you darlings). kila la heri.
  14. Mandhay aan war kuu sheego-hadee so kii aad ogeeyd (dee waa kii aad garan jirte ) mandhay soo ima wareerinin. Na hedhe anoo awal ahaa qabar maafish iyo waayel yaa hada walwaal kale igu soo kordhiye. Ala ana iska ba'ay. wuxuu yiri, islaan yahay, summer baa soo socde-ana waa "qaraabo salaan" adiiye-xagee kuugu dambeyn adi? saa waxaan ku iri-qaraabo salaan iyo qowl xuun awal baad doonaan jirte -bal orodo iga taag, wariiri kuu qaniinye hadee maxaa kuu sameeya-niin weyn oo kusoo firinaaya miyaad kontorooli karta mandhey-ii sheeg hee. hadee waa axaad sidaa kuu fiirinaaya :rolleyes: Hedhe-ESL galaasaaskii baa ii dhamaanayane-waan ka qalanjabinaaya mar dhow hadee barad tumow baa idin sugaaya ee saas ogoy mandhey(waa wiilo iyo gabdhaha dhaan) Ma'salaama wa ino mar kale mandhay. bal aan shaheyno weekeendiga
  15. VELCOME to SOL bro-na nakutarajia mazuri na mema kwa kuwasiliana kwako humu TO answer your Q-I have not the slightest clue
  16. Grover washington who is mostly an inspiration to Boney James is also briliant-apart from legends like Ella, Miles, Holiday,Ellington,etc. Dave koz is superbub on the sax also-especially SAXOPHONIC . Nick Callione, Paul Brown-nice smooth melodies. Pacifist-Botti on " when I fall in love " -mama mia and you finish the night away with Kenny G's - At last..the Duets album ..-boy are you gonna go nuts in your world
  17. Rende-most of kenyan sites wako na mchongoanos hizi-you will have plenty of vitimbi mpaka meno zilege ai manze sitaki nione hizo mapengos utafikiri ULIMI imewekwa JELA hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. Waranle-aisee hiyo mshale ulinyata kutoka kwa bendera VELCOME to SOL and enjoy your stay. baxali yake-kila la heri wenzangu.
  18. raula

    Columbus Ohio?

    ^^^^hehehehe Rahima-gal Iam telling you u dont wanna see a true garabaharian break it for GOOBILE-I have some really hyper eedos that are known for this dance the whole of Canada and US they are experts. Myself mayareysto-gal garbasaar iyo guuntino lee igu dhaji and hell break loose So HORN-May it is. goobta iis keen -its me and you for SAAR iyo GOOBILE haye shuba lacagta Oh! HORN you know who is gonna be TIRINAYAA BURAANBURKA (hint: yep, the one and only M____ D_____ former Seattle resident ). till then-keep it real.
  19. I have been hooked for years now My current fav is BONEY JAMES-OH! this dude can work that saxaphone like no other. I also do 24/7 jazz station here in the my city-very cool station. Anita Baker is also very good. I dont even wanna elaborate more on Jazz coz I dont talk nothing else except Jazz Nowdays I do listen to afro-fusion Jazz -my fav this swahili group named "MILA NA UTAMADUNI"-lord have mercy.
  20. ^^^the Aqua waters of the port is pleasing sight for this weiry eyes RUDY now, u gonna bring dhagxaahanti nigeriada and ugandiiska! (retards of these nations... ruala, u gonna help them after they have a 12 pack!!) to a country so prone to hiv epidemics!! only think i see these morans contributing is more hiv infections, ugly babes, and their deaths when they get ambushed after they get drank like how only a african can drink to like theirs no tomorrow!! may be u folks who can run accross the borders, wipe out their hidden nationalities, should be not be yapping about somalia's future!! go back to where you came from and leave SOMALIA TO TRUE SOMALIAS!! MALI4EVER!! amin!! hehehehehehehe-UGLY babes, oh so now somalis are ANGLES on earth is it? then why have we even superseded the brutal massacres that entailed in CONGO during the Leopolds' regime :confused: :eek: "running across the borders"-RUDY wat do you consider yourself-A Benevolent venture to the west to serve your personal interest(school, economic attainment etc)? if you weren't a naive nationalist who was chased with a machete from your homeland? Why dont you go back to your COUNTRY? (OH! I forgot-nowdays SOMALIA is just a partition to the south of HORN OF AFRICA). Bro Rudy-my nationality is clear-and I dont have to wear the Bandana to prove it. But I despise arrogant, ego-seded, superflaws snobs like you who think OTHER AFRICANS (and Iam somali by the way ) are MONKEYS are disease-ridden. Stick to what you know-MUCHACHOS, SALSA, TAMALES, and your "shrewd history" I say so was crackin' RANDY-oops RUDY.
  21. U are right on the notion that fellow africans are indeed unqualified for this job-however, 'planting' the AIDS issue on the desperation of somalis seeking a resolution to disarming is incongruous. Ofcourse Iam not refuting that Uganda has statistically rates at the top on the epidemic but who knows their military capabilities(which I dont even believe any of those SUB-SAHARAN countries whether military "rich" are able to supply any humanitarian aid to somalia). My point was to pin-point that some blinkered somalis regarding the "JAREER ISSUE" will 'throw their hats off' to the AMERICAN/European intervention of peace keeping in somalia and disarming schemas, who by historically proved successful in reverting the "SAVAGES" to christianity and other dominions; rather than thier fellow africans (although they-Africans-might be a channel to christianizing the somalis; a duty mandated by the 'masters'-the colonists of African countries). Charity begins at home. Only Allah s.w. can save us from 'hell unfolding on earth'.
  22. ^^^your thinking is as eroded as your linguistic capabilities. You dont only need help but also some Psycho-analytic restructuring my dear. Allaha kuu gargaaro for your sake-with such mentality. Jareer or not-they are your fellow africans (otherwise migrate from the continent :rolleyes: ) and many whom are innocent muslims as well. Ma'salaama.