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Everything posted by raula

  1. ^^^Mansha-allah sis..May Allah s.w. clean our hearts of all evil doings...AMin nakutarajia mema dada
  2. nntawarudia wakati nyingine..lakini WofL...huyu salesman ni hatari kabisa.. later
  3. Mandhowyaal...Wiilo didn't marry JBaro. Why are we hookin' up people here....aaah! it must be the overbearing heat ORGI-salaala, mola maulana! funga domo kijana
  4. Salaamz all, The good news of the day is that WIILO is getting married tonight-So please wish her and her new family the best please. To Wiilo: Sis, I love you like my own blood. You know me and you go way back home gal, so dont loose the roots and May Allah s.w. keep you in and your family in peace, May HE(s.w.) elevate your happiness to your wishes, and May he guide you and your family to the right path...Amiin Amiin (and to all us-Amin) And, for all those that I haven't spoken to for long, I apologize for my delay..please forgive me. To the graduates, newlyweds,etc..congrats and all the best. Ma'salaama
  5. They pray for my comeback to the motherland They ignore my rude commentary to our elders They praise me because I live in the wonderland They welcome my white-washed mentality They ignore my half-naked body dressed in Torn-outs, as I explain it’s the latest style in Vogue They still hold me dear even when I ignore their Early morning calls and nagging daily drama in motherland They still hold me dear despite of my abandonment…why… Because they plead for my esteemed dollars
  6. ^^^ umenikumbusha manzi mmoja niliyemwona jana-ye na beste wake(demu jungu)wamepigilia kiturkana tradition(the whole deal) ala manzi tulipowasiliana akanitell ati ye ni native wa NAROK N'wayz-nafikiri mambo ni mos mos eh!ok back to mashairi Like the porous rock beneath the sea I permeate grief and sorrow partially Creeping with a lion’s prowess, I refuse To surrender to the despair that is Rotting beneath my air conditioned scent Gleaming on the surface, but underneath Turbulence…..torments…..tension…… I hold firm like the ladies styling mouse Phony smiles I stress, but underneath it all My air-conditioned shell is cracking……. Guilt…...……………………………… This bullet proof soul that hugs my dignity... Have I lost compassion for the lost souls? Numbed by insidious worldly politics That has nothing to do with my ancestral being Nor my religious directives, nor my people’s humanity Where is my daily dose of depression? For the perished, for the wandering souls, For the half-bullet-ripped-stuck-with-one-body-parts, For the mothers with no family, the fatherless, The one-child-left-behind family, the continuously raped Psychologically, physically, and faithfully……. Oh how much it hurts what I feel……. Worse than a tooth ache, stings like a cobra’s venom Tingles my spine…almost when about to experience a stroke Guilt………………….guilty…………….. Blame me for I relax on my futon Watching the world turn and get toasted Melancholy, cold, mourning, mercy…I feel but I ignore the reality by changing the channel Chaos I watch, as the world tremors with destruction I am compelled, I am driven, I am moved…….. Only to reach for the remote control…to change the channel Consciously aware of my mental switches…… But I have memorized excuses like a guru I only unleash them to cover my hidden truths…. Guilt………guilty ………..mortified I am………
  7. ^^^wat a Beat-up BUTTHEAD.
  8. Mansha-allah May Allah s.w. make them those that will benefit their people and true to thier religion(amin, and to all of us). I met Mohamed before and many others that have graduated from MY SCHOOL(U of M, gopherville ) and they have done wonderful outreach to the somali community may Allah s.w. reward them. From wat rumors has(those who work in HCMC and other area Minnesota hospitals)is that there are growing SOMALI doctors in MINNESOTA that any other state(ofcourse it makes sense)-and many incoming residents couple that I have seen, are straight from US med schools-kudos! NB: I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE GOPHERS and U OF M Although an Alumni now, but Iam a true Maroon and GOLD reppin' for U OF M :cool:
  9. a haiku to moi keep smiling galfriend salute your dignity like sgt.waryaa sizzle your sanctuary for it is getting "hot" sooth your mind sensually get sanctified before it supersedes.
  10. salaamz...summerka baan uu diyaar garoobaye mandhowyaal. waa inoo markale Ma'salaama. akhyaarta soo noqotana-wlc back. insha-allah
  11. Your parents must be retarded, because you are special. ahahahahahahahahaha..this is super crackin' I heard this: "maskiiiiiiin/miskiiin" "hee/wat" ( when you give him that awe look )he says.. "...wadnaha ii boodboode markaan ku arke" :eek:
  12. ….I am a plague that has no cure ….that has inflicted my own with pure evil and torture …. I have disciples that symbolize my lineage allure …..that has left the young and old in grieving posture ………..May Day is Somalia is no more…………… ……….but my roots are embedded to the core……… ……….my wrath knocks on everyone’s door……….. ………devoted slaves take care of my chores………. fear me not, for you are my channel to destruction….. hate me not, for you support my exploitation……… use me not, for you quote the divine for my continuation… use me not, for I am your history to your ancestral expansion.. destroy me not, for I stand functional for superior domination …I slither sheer undetected within your existence…………… …..I am the relative that you hate to know of existence…….. …..yet Iam also the one you want to cherish their subsistence… ….you carry me as a weapon to destroy and kill……………… ….just like you use me to reserve your spot to chill………….. ….Iam no other than your most cherished QABIIL………….. ….I am the mighty sword who writes your WILL……………
  13. You don’t find new moms in the men’s bathroom coz some studies show that men have the propensity to acquiring BUUFIS (when especially exerggerated by not having stronger coping skills) than women, perhaps (tha's my hypothesis and Iam sticking to it) Nuune-gacan baan kuu taage Checkmate-allah kuu sahlo; go to ayeeyo cawralo for tips and not awooweyaal like Baashi
  14. A Haiku to the "mzee ojwang" Kama bahari ya unguja, umenivuta Mawingu umenihangaisha moyoni na macho hauoni mwengine Mola akupe rehema, maisha njema, dhiki na faraja bora Ya jalaali! tubariki na tupe afya TUKUTANE ZANZIBAR, tushereke na mnazi na taarab
  15. raula


    ^^ilaahow "tsunamigaas" naga jir Amin Caashaqu waa indha-sarcaad la "internalize"-gareeye.
  16. ^^^delighted you erected that banner in your sig-I was gonna remind too Afterall it is for a good cause-only if I could take part.
  17. raula


    ^^^^so its at the Dome :eek: oi! I better get my tickets reserved and clean my "scrub-spotter" bernaculars now hokey! bring it on boys..I would love to revist the Dome since my season don't start till autumn.
  18. Wiilo wale waad la heshe...wale waa isaga..suu UROLOGY uu barte hurdo la'an baa kuu dhacde. Who has seen that mattress commercial ( i believe its for slumberland mattress) where when the couple approaches the mattress, the guy just falls over -dead asleep. Then when the woman asks the salesman "how do you stay awake"...or something like that..he shrugs..but in the background waxaa nala tuusa asagoo isku QULAAMINAAYA :eek: cafee(coffee)-ground coffee not brewed..and straight from the post...bisinka loool-I like the box-cut hair..reminds me of HOUSE PARTY
  19. ^^^I wish wasee wa S**** wangeniona na GED yangu-yaani mpaka yule mwalimu wa S****primary angechinja INGOKHO Thanks all, and May Allah s.w. accept our Dua.
  20. I met her back in 2001? when she came to MPLS and was invited to campus. She took us by storm with her Geraaro, mahmaahyoonin and her expertise in BURAAMBUR. She not only can do all this but give you the histories behind it. She, is one of a kind indeed. Well, she has been engrossed into the somali culture I believe since the late 70's or was it 80's(according to her -while she was doing her thesis, masters i believe).
  21. ^^^^mucho grasias saxiibey(mac mac). Aheeey-wale hada baan inan yar kagacnta kudhigi kara iska taxadara mandhowyaal-waa ayeeyo raula-ee waan soo socdaa, ii joogi "caasiga" My GED can't look more impressive than it is
  22. Awguuriyo Checkmate-waxaan kaaga baryaa ilaahi inuu kuuziyaadiyo ubad kheyr qabto-Amin(iyo kuligeenba). Haye sxb-give umuusha a break now
  23. ^^it would have helped if you only had previous AFRICAN HISTORY knowledge PS: they are a mix of west-africans(more like senegalese/mali's etc) and Arabs. They were salt traders and dress in full Arabic(kind like Bedouin dressing)and ofcourse muslims. Have you heard of the Swahili they are similar to the touregs. So dont be suprised-not everyone beautiful is SOMALI Keep in mind there are plenty of Adoon's/Jareer's etc that are non-somalis and are exquisite
  24. I have written this piece to clarify my objection to the title “consensualistic somalism†or something along those lines not on the peripheral matters of Somali identities. I cannot elaborate (too busy currently-but couldn’t pass without a word) much on this issue but I do not believe human beings can come to static, homogeneous thinking capabilities, nationality, and sociocultural-homogeneity let alone Somalis. Simply because we have difference; and not only are they shaped by our genetics, but as well altered by behavioral (environmental) dynamics. In contemporary society, individuals have the autonomy over identifying with the “outside,†however, much of their accepted wisdom is greatly influenced by ‘organic’ (already established) principles-as in religion (if what one considers “natural right†or pre-ordained rights synchronize with their beliefs) and hereditary. My point Jamaal, every individual has consented to some sort of belief, existence, policy, rule, etc; but the real question should perhaps ask about “COERCIONâ€-can every Somali (proven to have ancestral linkage to Somalis) be “coerced†into identifying themselves to the common linkage(as in Somali-weyn)? As some have mentioned already, you can never change a person’s nationality, some even claim ethnicity as not being Somali merely due to being born outside of Somalia-but can you be “solicited†into identifying with Somalis irrespective of your nationality/background/etc. A recurrent thought that circulates in my psyche is that many Somalis have been “consented†into being homogeneous with Somali-weyn (sijuis, Bantus, minorities etc). We are forced into becoming consensual with our fellow Somalis born and raised in Somalia-why? When some do not even have the characteristics? (as in the Chad man mentioned by AYOUB). Clearly, the rule of thumb-Somalis will always be Somalis need to be revised (even real native Somalis aren’t all homogeneous). In a nut shell Jamaal you ask“can an indentity constitute consensualismâ€-I say NO it will never –Although “corcercion†of somali-weyn to unleashing their “soul-force†with legitimate and feasible strategic planning to better Somalia’s socio-economic and political philosophies can be attained if no force is utilized. Although one could claim on the other hand that coercion can be a form of passive consent. Soliciting 'other' somalis into rebuilding somalia can be "passively consented" if they identify with somali-weyn regardless of nationality or background, but active consenting will never be attained.