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Everything posted by raula

  1. "Maskax ficaan ruxaan laheyn wuu daldalmaayaye" My fav stanza "Haday dumarku lacag leyihiin maba gaboobane kol hadey qubeys wejiguna botaar kucadeyse lixidikii sideed bey tiri kugu tirahdaaye…..heedhe ….jaceylkana anaa kalabarte wuu idashadey gabdhahana ay kadaba boodayane...lacag maheysto dheh habar kun iyo laba boqol haysato la’ogoladaaye….so hada maad garan…shekoyinkoodana waa laga dhageystaye…hadey kutiraahdo shan baan diidey..waa laga dhageystaye.. hadey tiraahdo cirkaan taabte waa laga dhageystaye… hadey tiraahdo badaan jirey waa laga dhageystaye hadey tiraahdo anaa ka yar waa laga dhageystaye gaarinimo kolkey degete muranka deyn weydo waxaad la yirahda buley shah noo kari ..qaxwadey kariso haduu muufo haduu noqon waayo kolka been iney sheegte baa lugu ogadaaye.".... "Labada is raba wa iney wada riyodaane..labada is rabiin wa iney kala riyodaane.." "Sidaa kanecada ka baqaane derisyidiine.." looool-contagious malaria ..looool "Sidii laba digaag so ilkaa laiskugu cuni maayoo"…..looooooooool oo maxaa la ruuga talow Now in the middle..hees buu ku dhufte..I love this part.."..Kolkey samada eegtana Indheheeda liin iyo sambusa weeye....da'deedana ma weyno lixdaan iyo todobo sano tii labada wiig iyo guuga logu daraaye ilka dacawaleye"….hehehehehehehe caadi ma ahan abwaankaan. mucho grasias.
  2. A/S wr wb bro and sis, Iam saddened to inform you that Legend's dad died. Please bros and sis...pray for his Family. Legend, i apologize if I did these w/out your consent. Aboowe, May Allah s.w. grant you the strengh and courage to get thru'. Allaha uu naxaristo aabo aboowe..Ilahey dambigiis haudhaafo..and grant him Janatul-firdaws. Amin Amin. Ramadan karim
  3. Abrar my sentiments exactly, although Iam glad I have learned something ghastly about my people. It seems more like a "groupie" thing. Subxanallah waaba geeri tani :mad:
  4. ^^^W/S, I couldn't hold back tears-Iam sorry. Mansha-Allah Mansha-Allah. May Allah s.w. ease his sole, console him in his dreams and reward him for his deeds and to Jannah insha-allah(and to all of us ya Rabi)-Amin Amin ya Jala Jalaal. JZK Proud_muslimah for posting that stirring piece. Ma'salaama.
  5. raula


    mawaidha hizi yanikumbusha nyumbani walahi (esp. Jamia mosque since it was close to my high school) Mansha-allah kwa masheikh hawa waeleza vizuri sana.
  6. Ina lilaahi waina ileyhi rajicuun-Allaha s.w.c haunaxaristo (iyo kuligeenba)-Amin
  7. Q-L jamani jK ya typewriter ni noma mzee qatari sana..hehehehe ati anataka kuandika barua classic kabisa. The tourist one I've seen it before. thx kwa kutuburudisha mzee
  8. lol-seems like there is gonna be a mini-SOL in somalia w/junior SOLers as well. All the gals are gonna be married with kids and a career(big shots)-and the guys are gonna be the freeloaders..aah I take that back..they will hold offices. Sweet now I see a future for SOMALIA Now for me: I will be a baby factory living in a greek mansion on the seasides of Bandarbeyla with 3 maids and a business tycoon husband who lives in AMERICA :cool: . My career will be teaching ESL to pre-school kids. Sweet ...heehehehehehehehe I am on a roll here-wat a life it would be-My parents will be so proud
  9. Lakkad I have no clue wat u were thinking but u sure were in some JOKER Mood eh: Ati KUNYAMAVI :eek: nabi musa(A.s)
  10. raula

    Islamic Quiz

    ^^^JZK. Ma'salama
  11. ^^true that_the intricacy of comprehending some of the toughest coursework can drive one to despondency(as the courses u mentioned above STOIC). Harvard Football team is second-rate man them blokes are only known for their absolete architecture and brains-not sportsmanship. (Excuse my intermission to college sports)
  12. raula

    Islamic Quiz

    this is just a guess: Ayah that is greatest:Ayatul-kursi Ayah that is hopeful: "Allah is Sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer (of affairs for us)." (3.173) Ayah that is inclusive:"We believe in it (i.e. in the Qur'an) the whole of it (i.e. its clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord. And none receive admonition except men of understanding." (3.7) Just a guess it was Allahu-aclam Wabilaahi Towfiq.
  13. raula

    Islamic Quiz

    ^^^Suratul-Nahl(Al-Nahl=the Bee). here is the Ayah: 16:69 Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought. Ø«Ùمَّ ÙƒÙÙ„ÙÙŠ Ù…ÙÙ† ÙƒÙلّ٠الثَّمَرَات٠ÙَاسْلÙÙƒÙÙŠ سÙبÙÙ„ÙŽ رَبّÙÙƒÙ Ø°ÙÙ„Ùلاً يَخْرÙج٠مÙÙ† بÙØ·ÙونÙهَا شَرَابٌ مّÙخْتَلÙÙÙŒ أَلْوَانÙÙ‡Ù ÙÙيه٠شÙÙَاء Ù„Ùلنَّاس٠إÙنَّ ÙÙÙŠ Ø°ÙŽÙ„ÙÙƒÙŽ لآيَةً لّÙقَوْم٠يَتَÙَكَّرÙونَ Allahu-aclam.
  14. raula

    Islamic Quiz

    I could be wrong regarding the question of what ayah's of suratul-kahf: i thought it was THE FIRST TEN verses not the last-Allahu a'clam. ((عن أبي الدرداء أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : " من Ø­Ùظ عشر آيات من أول سورة الكه٠عصم من الدجال (( رواه مسلم emphasis: من أول سورة الكه٠((Imetoka kwa Abu Ad Dardaa kwamba Mtume صلى الله عليه وسلم kasema, Atakayehifadhi Aya kumi za mwanzo wa Suratul-Kahf atalindwa na Dajjaal )) Muslim The above is a swahili translation meaning: it was narrated by Dardaa from the prophet s.a.w saying: Anyone who memorizes the first 10 Ayah's of suratul-kahf will be shielded from Dajjall(rawaul-muslim). I might be mistaken, Plz shade light insha-allah.
  15. I think I forgot to mention other Bio-environmental schemas can be implemented to treat and reduce the resistance factor. Such mechanisms are possible vector breeding grounds drainage, indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated mosquito nets(<--this has been the best indicator so far if done accordingly). Now change of subject. Check out this quote regarding Somalis and hypertention/Diabetes. Hypertension, Diabetes in Somalis Dr. Ahmed is familiar with Columbus’ Somali community and the health problems that plague them. Conditions seen most often in his clinic are obesity, osteoarthritis, diabetes, hypertension, depression, stress and cancer. These conditions are not unique to immigrants but they often do not develop until after the individuals have moved to the U.S. “Out of the 3,800 patients I have seen from east Africa in a period of two years, 30 percent have developed diabetes since they have been in this country, some not necessarily associated with obesity. Very small weight gain seems to trigger diabetes,†states Ahmed. The U.S. lifestyle is a major factor contributing to obesity. Western foods tend to be richer and higher in fat, calories, and sugar when compared to food in Somalia. Meal portions here are larger. The women of this population are more at risk for obesity due to diets rich in carbohydrates, numerous pregnancies, and their sedentary life at home. Cold weather restricts physical activity and most Somalis reside in apartments which can further limit activity. Obesity, while a serious condition in itself can lead to osteoarthritis, hypertension and some cases of diabetes. Stress and depression is another health problem affecting many Somali immigrants. Some individuals are still dealing with past atrocities of war and torture. The new environment, new language, lack of employment, lack of social interaction, isolation and worry about family back home can cause serious emotional and mental disorders. “At least half of my patient population from east African countries have some level of stress, anxiety and depression,†said Dr. Ahmed. Residents in Columbus’ east African community hesitate to seek professional help. There are some pretty good guesses about the reasons. The health care system here is unfamiliar and often confusing. Most east African refugees and immigrants come from a country with no medical insurance system or organizations such as Medicaid and Medicare. Therefore they are unaware of how to use these programs to their advantage. On top of this, insurance costs are usually too high for most low income families. There is very little data to back up these guesses. http://sph.osu.edu/article.cfm?ID=2168
  16. ^^^Stoic-Rachel’s book “Silent Spring†just stirred up the suspicious regarding the overuse of toxic environmental products. The tangle started with population control supporters, in 1960’s, blamed DDT for increasing third world population, hence {In the 1960s, World Health Organization authorities believed there was no alternative to the overpopulation problem but to assure than up to 40 percent of the children in poor nations would die of malaria. As an official of the Agency for International Development stated, "Rather dead than alive and riotously reproducing.â€} The environmental craze at time didn’t wanna be left behing as well. They were using DDT to increase their power as Chief Wurser, [chief scientist for the Environmental Defense Fund] commented "If the environmentalists win on DDT, they will achieve a level of authority they have never had before.. In a sense, much more is at stake than DDT." { Seattle Times, October 5, 1969 }. But the ultimate decision to ban DDT was not after an outcry of the flimsy read “Silent Spring†..check this out: {William Ruckelshaus, the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency who made the ultimate decision to ban DDT in 1972, was a member of the Environmental Defense Fund. Ruckelshaus solicited donations for EDF on his personal stationery that read "EDF's scientists blew the whistle on DDT by showing it to be a cancer hazard, and three years later, when the dust had cleared, EDF had won." William Ruckelshaus, the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency who made the ultimate decision to ban DDT in 1972, was a member of the Environmental Defense Fund. Ruckelshaus solicited donations for EDF on his personal stationery that read "EDF's scientists blew the whistle on DDT by showing it to be a cancer hazard, and three years later, when the dust had cleared, EDF had won." William Ruckelshaus, the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency who made the ultimate decision to ban DDT in 1972, was a member of the Environmental Defense Fund. Ruckelshaus solicited donations for EDF on his personal stationery that read "EDF's scientists blew the whistle on DDT by showing it to be a cancer hazard, and three years later, when the dust had cleared, EDF had won." But as an assistant attorney general, William Ruckelshaus stated on August 31, 1970 in a U.S. Court of Appeals that "DDT has an amazing an exemplary record of safe use, does not cause a toxic response in man or other animals, and is not harmful. Carcinogenic claims regarding DDT are unproven speculation." But in a May 2, 1971 address to the Audubon Society, Ruckelshaus stated, "As a member of the Society, myself, I was highly suspicious of this compound, to put it mildly. But I was compelled by the facts to temper my emotions ... because the best scientific evidence available did not warrant such a precipitate action. However, we in the EPA have streamlined our administrative procedures so we can now suspend registration of DDT and the other persistent pesticides at any time during the period of review." Ruckelshaus later explained his ambivalence by stating that as assistant attorney general he was an advocate for the government, but as head of the EPA he was "a maker of policy." }[ Barrons, 10 November 1975 ] Now the fact still remains that DDT is harmful to its users and environment. It affects the nervous system when ingested in high doses(and poor African continents measuring doses, requires compliancy from the farmers side..however with no or less education many just estimate and some do not even follow instruction ..ofcourse, I wouldn’t as well..with all that mambo techno lingo-who is gonna have the time to read let alone comprehend), and causes excitability, seizures and tremors. DDT as well sticks strongly to soil; most DDT in soil is broken down slowly to DDE and DDD by microorganisms; half the DDT in soil will break down in 2-15 years, depending on the type of soil. In addition, DDT does not dissolve in water easily and a small amount enters ground water which can lead to contamination. DDT, and especially DDE, build up in plants and in fatty tissues of fish, birds, and other animals. Some studies show that breastfeeding women cannot breastfeed their babies if DDT was found in their body, and sometimes it ends up leading to premature babies. In animals, it has been found to affect reproduction. { http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts35.html } hope that helps
  17. ^^true-but I wont say complex(only when you compare that the average somali's literal capacity, then u might conclude that its a bit rigid work). But I enjoyed reading his books(links is my fav). Mind you, as a writer whose life is surrounded by all calamities (mind you one that hits close to home-somalia's problems-then for the average american/outsider it can be sad, but atleast gives a glimpse). I hope he wins. Great post Haruun.
  18. raula

    Islamic Quiz

    Mansha-Allah and JZK all for the inputs. I apologize if I did jump in the middle. Now the prophet (s.a.w) was very fond of this lady whom ended up getting married to Zaid Ibna Haritha (r. c.)and they had a son by the name Osamah. (she was the prophet's (s.a.w) nanny during his parents life and after their death -peace be upon them). The prophet (s.a.w)would say "she is my mother after my natural mother" 2.When the people of Ad' disobeyed Allah s.w. command and signs, He(Allah s.w.) sent unto them a furious wind, that made a distinct sound-what is the name of this wind?(Hint: there is a river on the East that has the same name as the wind)
  19. lol the name is just perfect. Nuune-looooooooooool ceesaamo qaayila cirbad kulaha..maxaad tolanee
  20. I knew when the poster started the with "HE THE FEMALE LOOKING FELLA" :rolleyes: Ya Rabbi-were your intentions really of conveying constructive criticism or any analysis for that matter or scoff at human make-up :confused: If the woman's intention is to do good for her community(especially at desperate incidences for that battered woman) they why overlook it..when none of our leaders/community elders or other prominent leaders of our sorry state couldn't provide her with the necessary medical attention? Her personal pursuit and life is between her and her ALLAH s.w.(<--obviously she seems to understand who he is)-its between her and her GOD.
  21. Originally posted by Baashi: ... Tukwila is a ghetto as gheto gets. MLK and Rainer areas are ghetto my friend. Broadway area in Mpls or old Franklin/Chicago intersection's Phillips neighborhood back in the days before the renovations fare way better I tell ya. .. I remember even the date I saw the Somali prostitute and drug addict thug wannabee on International BLvd. It was late August and there was big wedding taking place Seatac hotel and a lot of my buddies came from Toronto and Mnpls for this wedding. I was dropping someone to Tukwilla and there she was just on the intersection where we were stopped by traffic light. First time in my stay in the states that I have seen openly Somali prostitute. Duqa u need to revist your old city man-Franklin, Bloomington, Park, Portland..etc have been UPGRADED they are glazy condos..u wont even believe..Minneafabolous it is INDEED. Now San Jose...beautiful(when u know half-moon bay and Monterey is just next door..not to mention Shasta mountain/redding, and down south u got Ventura ) But Minneapolis is just great Subxanallah-prostitute ah caza-wa-jala.
  22. Originally posted by Shirwac: Bengals,,,,,Bengals......Bucs ..... Bucs.....Cults.....what happened to New england? I concur w/ya. I was rooting for Colts and Steelers(<--which I think are underdogs from like ever like colts,I think this year they will do great in the AFC north and South). Bucs..mmmh not my fav but good. Now Pats... :mad: Packers :rolleyes: :mad: u must be jokin'. they are getting exalted coz VIKES are scandalous Bears are just sorry, and Lions are just decent,nothing exciting(But atleast the gleaming ones in NFC NORTH). I would say though overall, Favre was a great QB back years ago but not now-the team overall spirit and sportsmanship has gone down the tubes. I raise my hat to bengals :cool:
  23. raula


    ^^^Waiyaka na Shukran dada kwa maelezo yako njema. Muslimah sis-the islamic sites are translated in swahili. W of L sis Ramadani njema and I got your message Insha-allah wakati nyingine. Ma'salama
  24. raula


    Asalamu Aleikum wenzangu. Nilikuwa nasikiza mawaidha kwa lugha ya kingereza nilipo ona sites hizi ya mawaidha, tafsiri, na hadithi za anbiya. http://al-iman.co.uk hii mawaidha kuhusu-MWEZI MTUKUFU WA RAMADAN ina fadhila nyingi sana..ebu sikizeni nduguzanguni. Mwezi Mtukufu wa Ramadani http://www.qssea.net/ http://www.alhidaaya.com/swahili/index.html Insha-allah wakati nyingine wenzangu. Twamuomba Mola Maulana atuzidishie fadhila na rehema za mwezi huu wa Ramadani-Amin. Ma'salaama
  25. "O Allah, on this day, place me among those who seek forgiveness. Place me among Your righteous and obedient servants, and place me among Your close friends, by Your kindness, O the most Merciful." Ramadan Karim to all brothers and sisters. Mola atubariki, atufungulie mlango za riziki, tuwe kati ya walio rehemiwa, tunguze kwenye njio iliyo mema, na tuweke salama mpaka ujalio ya jalali. Ramadani njema na ilio na fadhila mengi nduguzanguni. Ma'salama Raula