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Everything posted by raula

  1. ^^^^albaabyada wey ii furmaan ani mar kasto hoyaday baa ii soo duceyse mandhow...adi lee dhib kuheyso
  2. Blue wow..never thought a bus shelter could evoke such sentiments reminds me of an old maxi priest (remixed)song: where it starts with: lonely crowd in a bus after work..Iam day dreaming.. :cool: ulalalalala..love that song(its called some guyz have all the luck, originally sang by an old jamaican group: Inner circle).
  3. Originally posted by Bishaaro: Naa tii Raula ahayd yaa arkay? Tolow Odaygii bay lugahii qolfaha ahaa saliid u marinaysaa yaa ogaado! Yaahuuu. aheeeeeey...oo maxaa jiro hadii aan uu mariyo ani marwadiisa ma ihino adi..yaakale hadii ani aheen mandhay. Waliba winterka its bitterly cold and u know nimaankeena intey MACHO iska dhigaayan(like Lotion is gonna turn them soft, war ileen), kani mandhay wuxuu noqdo qalfoof(qarax sidii sahara desert)...skiinkisa waxaad mooda(like that swahili comedian said) crocodile haragiis marka i dont even use regular lotion waxaa mar kasto ku daliigaa AQUAPHORE Haye adi kaaga yaa uu daliiga mandhay..dont try mine at home..odayga skinka haka murxiin..maskiin loooooool..allow yaa tan somalia ku celiya Tuujiye....adna qurun lee lagugu ogyahay..wax la riixaayo lee ka hadlee markaan ku arko...wale inaad kirishboy soo ahaan jirte (or was it kuwaa gari gacaanka suuqa looga adeego) Nuune macaankis..waan kuu faaya. Adi lee lume xagee ka dhacde. Wiilo..maxaa la dhihi jire..habar fadhido lagdhintu la fuduudaa miyeey aheed mandhay jacda maxaa waaye mise anaa xukumo aad ka wadaa (ii fiirsha waaye miyaa) waraa waa sidey Bishaaro sheegte awaalki meesha ayadoo abaar kusii socoto aan so noleyne noh..naga qalee markaa. Mise walahi i will go BOLIVIA on yur bum Waraada insha-allah maliin wacan, sanad wacan,cibaado iyo cimri dheer ilaahey hanoowafajiyo-Amin(kuligeenba). Ma'salaama Raula
  4. Originally posted by Abraar: Bishaarooy, rumour has it that you have mastered the art of ka jajabis...raula faraha ka qaad dee, mise waa sey u sheegtayoo intaan la iga gaadhin ka gaadh weeye xaaladaadu Raula, heedhe yaa u diiday dadka da'da ah jaceylka? waxaasu waa prejudice cad ma is tidhi mandhay bal ma ila aragte. waa naag maseersan mowjada ayaa ka qaldaan abaayo abraarey hala yaabin. regarding jaceyl iyo da' mandhay anigu horta waxan aminsanahay..hadaad mar da' culus aad kujirtid jaceylku iyo murtidisa inaad iska yara yareysid..maxaa yeele wuu iska dhib badanyahay. xiin waan kuu jeeda..marna dhuubo..dheereyna dhex yar weey so socota miyaa
  5. ^^^^insha-allah, and to all of us who cling on hope and guidance from the exalted (Allah s.w.)-Amin. The last piece Muhammad, titled BACK TO BASICS-was a superb conclusion to the program. It recapped my intuitions; nevertheless ways of life before the industrial revolution. See, the basic thing is that the more we extract nature by exploiting or tampering with it without restoring or recycling(not the mere recycling of cans etc, i mean in the literal terms of conservation or reinstating nature with its original or supplemental components), the rise of the SUPERBUGS. As you saw vectors were becoming resistant to vaccines by mutation due to diverse microbial population, hence variation in disease spectrum. So, back to basics and as they said in the program clean water and sanitation goes a great length as to preventing major infectious disease. Besides, third world countries do not have enough medical technology (as well as staff, let alone sufficient and advanced technology) to combat critical health care needs. I was in stunned when they said that HONDURAS had ONE respirator serving the whole country. Wonder how many hyperbaric chamber Somalia has? Miscellaneous: Botswana: In my perception, the call made to provide Routing Testing for everyone that visited hospitals in that country significantly reduced the stigma as well as built a case study where intervention to those affected and not affected with HIV was now possible and clear. This hallmark idea should be implemented in other parts of Africa as well. In addition, free drugs reduced the rate of OPPORTUNISTIC DISEASES from exacerbating the immune system, hence the disease. Michael Olsterhom – MN state epidemiologist who has done exceptional work here locally and is recognized nationally was shown. I was thrilled at the site--super fan of school of public health here in MN(great school by the way). Overall, great series. enjoyed it to the bone-everyone at home thought that i was a nut case with keeping time of the series
  6. ^^^^wa hagaag..waxaan fila adi iyo sadexdaada odayaal meesha inaad isku soo xaadirin doontan.
  7. ^^^^^^ :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: i just dont see it gal. what has gotten into you.. oh LOOOOVE POTION # 9. i am worried for you my dear..and that pic :eek: but i still dont get it-i dont think iam slow, ok i will pin it on subzero #s.
  8. raula

    Country Music!

    ^^^^^now u are talking my lingo aaaaaaah! can't be a sweet weekend w/o some jazz.. Michael buble with a dash of Chris botti :cool: ayayayayayayayaayah!
  9. another mchongwano ya kiTZ(kutoka zanzi web). 1. kulikuwa kuna jamaa wawili walikwenda katika interview ya job mmoja anajua kuzungumza english mwengine hajui. sasa yule aliyekuwa anajua english akaitwa mwanzo akaulizwa.1) wat is your name? asema juma.2) when did man united win the worl cup? asema 2002. swali la mwisho lilikuwa wat is your hobbies? akasema playing football listening to music an going out with friends. ikafika zamu ya yule wa pili aliyekuwa hajui english akamuuliza mwenzake wewe umeulizwa nini akamwambia mimi nimeulizwa maswali 3 na wewe pia utaulizwa hayo hayo. akamwambia wameniuliza jina langu nani halafu man united wameshinda lini world cup nikawambia 2002. la mwisho wakaniuliza unapenda nini kufanya. nikawambia napenda kucheza mpira kusikiliza music na kwenda out na marafiki zangu.yule wapili akaitwa time yake sasa ya kufanyiwa interview. swali la mwanzo aliloulizwa lilikuwa. how old r u? akasema juma 2)when were u born? aksema 2002.3) where do u live? akasema playing football listening to music and going out with friends. alipotoka akamuhadithia mwenzake akasema aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tumesha kosa kazi. hope u'll enjoy dis 2. Mzee kasikia chumba cha pili bintiyake anatongozwa;kijana asema niamini nitaingiza kichwa tu;mzee akadakia usikubaliiii haina mabega hiyo itaingia yote. 3.Jamaa mmoja alikua kalazwa hospital kule Mkoani/Pemba kafanyiwa operation ya busha, asubuhi doctor wa kichina anafanya round akamuuliza ' mzee vipi uchi umepewa? Mzee kajibu 'sepewaa' nurse akamwambia wee bwana umepewa uji unasema hukupewa, mzee kajibu 'mie ninsikia uchi', nurse kaja juu wee mzee una wazimu nani atakaekupa uchi wake kwa hali hiyo uliyo!
  10. raula

    Bring it!

    Bishiimo see what u did..qof kasto aad caffeine laanta kula dhace mac sonkor u angry black heffa u reminded me of this song: ** doctor doctor, gimme the news..i gotta bad caaaaaaaaaaase for loving two ** now tha's wat happens Bishiimo if you dont figure things out.
  11. ^^^wa hagaag mandhay(Wiilo). Bishaaro waxaa la yiri tuug intaanan tuug dhihiin buu tuug kuyiraahda..(some like that) marka mandhay hadaad cawitaan deg deg uu bahantahay..sheeg noh..minnesota waad ogtahay in laga buuxee its not rocket science. looooool...mandhay horta cirmi aan jaceyl uugu fafakan lahaa kuma jiri..laakin adaa fakad ah ...allow yaa ogaado mid hadii luguu keeno adoo dhan biriq daadi baa laweyn
  12. ^^^^^mandhow yariis ma magac baa Ina adeer waad mahadsantahay. Blue-mucho grasias
  13. another from my winter blues cabin.. Have you seen snow white? Turned black and blue In her glazed crystal pasty land Poor girl she has been through Spring, summer, and autumn Lonely lullabies of summer’s return She is slipping deep Into seasonal affective hysteria The Norway pines are roofed It’s winter out there! Someone tell her. A season that renders sensitivity Exacerbates with the wind chill ……bitter freezing ……….. From the bare blue snow As the cold rushes through Your layers of clothing Ripping your soul Piercing Distressed to inhale Dazed at the sight Of vapor from exhalation Snow fanatics rejoice At the site of flurries To them it a season filled With many gift wrappings It becomes a contest Who can mold snow man? Even better for Ice sculptor in Rice Park Make the world glitter From claimed existence Ice……Ice baby. For I The winter is none other than Bare dirt roads filled with Bitter white-wash that Turns the day hastily to night Bites the ear and turns you Blue from her Helper called frostbite That can seem like a mere Diabetic whose learns that Necrosis claimed OFF His toes by amputation
  14. ^^^^habar yahay aad moodid iney masago tumaneyso..xabad sowdo kutiri..heede maxaa kuwa badaan lugta uugu walaaqte "COCKTAIL" adoo miciyaaha cadeeynaayo..balaayo kula qariibnaate yaanan ku oran. huuno wa sey ABRAAR ku tiri..inaanku aqoon baad uu laheyn. nacam waa xaafidul quraan wuuna dabeecad wacan yahay. Abraarey mandhaay...odey cabdulle waa inaan wanaagsan..umana quuro inaan anoo cirrolley ah arimahaan taabsiiyo hadaba...waxaan uu maleyna inuu xamili karin..lol..saa waxaan uu dhawahay cimrigii ayeeyooyin keen..asagana waa iska wiil hada soo kacaayo..ee inuu qoys iyo guri dhaqduu doonaaya...dee ana waanba soo cimri dhameyste..markaa waa saa mandhay..soow maadan garan..aheey. waa hagaag. Xiin-mandhow intaad dib iksugu noqotiid, bal hadaalkaad tiri dib uu yara eeg...hadaad duudi(diidi) laheen marki lagu salaamo waxaa laga yaaba inaad hadal kaas oran laheen yaa off galiye..mandhow..bisinka oo ma nal baa..dhush dhac miyaa.
  15. right on mate. if we dont start taking initiatives now..or change our perception, no doubt we will pay a bigger price than we are now. But a debilitating aspect of our daily life(as africans) is that we are already standing on one leg(poverty, political instabilty, economic flux, waging epidemics etc) and our prominent brain-power have been exported overseas by lucrative lifestyles and monetary compensation (except a small percentage that have no choice or are patriotic to their countries). So, we can't do it ourselves, but i believe we can make vast changes if we only put a lot of effort on basics health education (or any kind of basic education for all-since calamities dont spare the old from the young). Afterall, cleaniness is part of piety.
  16. ^^^oday cabdulle maad tiri mandhay..aheeey..saa waaba saxiibkey..galabkasto yaan cedar iskula shaheeyna..hehehe..laakin hada winter baa soo galay marka weekendiga baanu is aragna kaliya..maxaa yeele..labo cirroolley banu nahayo qaboowgaan uma adkeysan karno...baraafkaba kaliya hadaan dhaqada ka arko..jiriracyo baa igu jajabeyso..dhooro(digaag) biyo lagu dhex ride baan moodi..kama bixi karo mandhay. Oday cabdulle caadi ma ahan..intu "I Love you more than anybody" iga sheekeynayo..ana cirdika saan uu cadeynaayo baa waqtigu nagu dhamaan. aheey waa saas. Abraareey-so dhawoow saxiibey. Iam glad we put a smile on ya today. Wiilo inaad ciyaal muufo majiijiso aheed saas lee lagu garanaa -fay cali waxiid
  17. Mansha-allah sis Abraar and all other posters. JZK all. Indeed a good reminder that all this is just worldly and that the greatest awaits for those who fear Allah s.w. (May we be among those-Ameen Ya maulana). Mohammed-the qasweeda are incredible, has some downloaded already. Mansha-allah. I was actually listening to them while running errands cyberly JZK. w/s
  18. ^^^my sentiments exactly(along with sista Abraar's comment). We will keep on claiming others for our problems..even when we ourselves XAASID enuf to spread it to our kin folks. We need to combat this deadly virus with a fanatic precautionary mindset (a combination of community public health interventions by mobilizing the public; from all walks of somalis-medical practitioners, community elders, religious leaders, and youth-especially those in schools).
  19. Mohammed the series hit home with me since my interests lies deep in public health. I was amazed at the discoveries and interventions. I was pleased that there were unsung heroes in our continent(Africa) that were motivated to lessen the disease burden..and many were WOMEN. Personally, any medical attention that capsulates public health models that initiate with basic care and feasible mechanics that can be implemented anywhere in the world (even the world's poorest countries) broadcasts success in my perception but not all medical calamities (in terms of proportionality i.e. epidemic/pandemic proportions) can be cured by therapeutic means. Hence, I was amazed by the works of some of the global health heroes that were highlighted in the series. The one that I took my hat off to was Fazle Hasan Abed By learning how to manufacture ORT(oral rehydration therapy) from a simple mix of sugar, salt and water, he was able to reduce the child mortality significantly in his home country of Bangladesh. Amazing! See this kind of mentality is what we need nowadays. We cannot depend on aid from international organization, we cannot rely on antibiotics for the rest of our lives, and we cannot certainly lay our health line in the hands of technology and future-research, mind you medical doctors who are only humans. We need to go back to basics, and that is (from my perception) what this man did…knowing that scientific technology and monetary funds weren’t on his side (or would be overdue), he concocted a feasible plan i.e. manufacture it using basic products (nevertheless, that is what it is basic science). I wonder if we use such tactic as they did in Bangladesh...in Africa, how it would stand? just curious(not that it is not being implemented as we speak..but if we really took it vigorously). This is what they call COMMUNITY INTERVENTIONS-motivating and mobilizing communities to undertake thier on health initiatives. I will wait for the final series then give full details perhaps.
  20. ^^^will be waiting for your analysis. just found this on the net: link btwn Malaria and HIV in pregnant mothers(higher transmission rates and possible contraction of HIV). http://www.scidev.net/sci.cfm?redir=http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/302/5649/1311a?ijkey=hQp7VlQtTSb2I&keytype=ref&siteid=sci
  21. Wiilo jiraada buildingka dheer oo kasoo hor jeeda bangiga dhexe oo barbarka kataagan qeybta lagu xanaaneeyo bukaanka maskaxda(MAANAKOOBIYO number uno)iskugu kaaya keen beri galaab BISHAARO yur deeh....waa naw. beerta caashaqa-BOLIVIA
  22. ^^^mandhay xagee C igu celinee ani waxaanba maraaya F. Hedhe waan kunaxayaaye..intaad uu ekaan lahed sidii adoo qabuuraha BOLIVIA lagaaso dhex bixiye(markaad duqowdoo)waxaan ku dhihi lahaa hadaba GINICOLOGIA intaad uu tagtid waxaad dhahdaa CHEMO-THERAPY hakuu bilaaban anaa kaa naxaayaye qeyr badaneey.
  23. raula

    Bird Flu

    ^^^^^^hehehehehehe looks like a clip from FAT BOY SLIM's Video Looks like u about to shit in your pants kijana(<---uchokozi tu).
  24. BISHAARO u are not even one bit FUNNY :rolleyes: minneapolis makataqaana kulaha...ala show badaana...waxaad mooda ineey saldhigii booqoriinta sacuudiga ey dhex jiifto.... leaves singing..'ala ala ya baba....' Wiilo..Nuune's qaraabadiis waxey ka mid yihin 'those under extinction'..jurassic park meel maad oga leexane adi...maya soo ma'ahan? marka wa kukaas...therefore, niinkisa waxey aheed wax dhaqankooda ka mid aheed some kinda ritual marki gabadhaa la doonanaayo(PREPARATION FOR THE BIG DANCE noh )