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Everything posted by raula

  1. Bishaaroy bil kheyr dheh Mandhay waad noga baxdee see waaye ani iyo adi waxaan isku ogeyn sidaan bakeeri shah meesha ula qotomanahay ey gabalki noogu dhamaan hedhe inaan hada oday cabdullehi raadsado waaye. Huuno intaad dhaheysid Raula baa manxiis ii noqon yaana kudhaqin I say stick to Wiilo iyo Abraar. Horta Wiilo...yac Abraarna xashac...iskaba daa warkood kuwaas.
  2. raula


    INTEL-POET The only way I express –myself is in silence, Because sometimes that’s the best way to forget violence, Mansha-allah. We have always been taught to express/let our anger/frustrations out..but your words are so true. Sometimes the best way to forget is to keep it to yourself-very true. Nice piece.
  3. Originally posted by BlueEpocha: ...Remember clarity will come at a cost Because the vulture will continue to bite And I Well I behold you as your knight Very Powerful lines there. , Indeed clarity sinks when the clocks ticks
  4. ^^^^^loooooooooool. I saw that quote on an old post. Classic qoute walahi. I might just use it
  5. Men ofcourse FOOL in love 35+ bisinka..oo gormaa hide and seek la ciyaraa hee lafihii baa miriireen markaase(rust)
  6. LoL @faarax brown..heheheheheh @sea**** ouch! I think them are just lucky this year. But kudos to the Steelers..they prevailed with their defense..it was one helluva game. I think Colts put much trust in that V(kicker) then "he missed"..lool.. I say its gonna be BRONCOS :mad: vs.Seahawks.
  7. anaka maagalo joog xumadeena waan fahansanahay..laakin umaada over-civilizedka iska dhigaayaan oo qoyska iyo naruurada axkaamta dhaqankooda ka ordaayan baa bohol iska rideen. kuwaasna kuwa kale ma ehee waa ilma KORONTO(as MMA puts)-canada for that matter. iga daa laakin reer canada waxeey kuusocdaan fooda hore noh..ina lillahi..waxaad isoo xasuusise..summerka especially in MN. When I got to the somali mall to shop saa waxaa arkaa umaad wada labisaan oo mesha wada dhooban..mid baa wuxuu isku arkaa "HOT" in cotton pants oo summerka la gashto saa ayagoo dhaan baa kuu dhadanaaya..war ileen. I went to a family wedding maalin dhaweed..and i saw this bunch of 28+ man's wearing half-long ties that are FAT and scarfs :rolleyes: with "ITALIAN SHOES" war ileen..iwas just grinnin' the whole time..I was told all of them are from KANATA...xaal qaata marka.
  8. ^^^^^^looooooool walahi caadi ma tihid..speaking of gu'gubitaan...looooool..kuwa lasoo gu'gubee how do they explain that when ajnaabi asks them what is that scar..lol... Bishaaro I think LEGEND +XIIN have that scar around thier mouth FROM AFQALOOC..or wateva that syndrome oo laga gubi jire markeey afka qaloocdaan loooooooooooooooool..ala i cant' wait to see that..hehehehehehehe ala beerkii baa ii xanuune...ina lilahi waina ileyhi rajicuun..I shouldn't be laughing this hard coz its really not funny..but sorry I cant' help it.. Islaan baa jirte in my tuulo where she would check for signs of hemorroids(baabasiir/qoormaaley) by looking at thier nails..then she would go to the duurka(bush) and get this thorn(qodax) oo godan(curved-shaped)then use that to literally go and cut it(u know where its located) then cusbo(salt) bey isla marki marin...Iam telling ya this is a open wound that is exposed instantly then u apply salt to it :mad: :mad: man gals were screaming. Then after that waxeey gubee qori(a special kind)..qorigii oo weli iftimaayo oo laakin dhaciif ah beey tush iyo tush kusiin one's arms(on the shoulder claft)then 4 times to the caloosha and back..and that concludes the ritual :eek: and she would prescribe a strict diet of first day SUBAG IDAAD(sheep oil) then baris cad or rodhi qalaalan. wow
  9. ^^^I hope iam entailing to that. Abraarey mandhay waad iga qoslise..huuno waxaan ka wade dee habartaa waalaan(BISHAARO BOOD-DHEER ). Mandhay markay ii tiri dee waan ku cashaaqe..kud baan isku iri..maskaxdii yareed waxeey sawirate..niin lee..nin rag. N'ways it was all about the satire..I was kidding BISHAARO hadaad iga xanaaqde mandhay..U know u guys are my dose of fun, smooth jazz to my ears(come to think of it that the only jazz station in Mpls is taken over by a drug addict :mad: )and genuine friendship plus my palm of sisterhood Markaa dont sweat it sisters..I love you all... Ok..maxaa tiri ina abraarey..ma minnesota baad hada kusheege magaalo joog xumooyin iney ka buxaan? horta waa runtaayo..marki meel lagu badaanyahay..fadeexadaada iyo folxumada ummada weey muqaneysa...but we got the best of the best in somali here as well. Mandhay hadii reer magalonimo aad kanada igu sheegeysid....xaal qaado. ma ummada 911 mindly kurakibaan..waaba fuduud yihiin kuwaas..canadhow haiso marin .
  10. War ileen..oo hada waxaad keente inaad ii cashaaqdo..ayeeydey caraafoy(ala ya raxma). Mandhay mowjadahaada baa isku qasaan baan ku iri bal amuurtan eega
  11. ^^^^^thx for bringing this issue to light. Indeed a sad unfolding to our own kind. To those that can spare some monetary compensation..no matter how small(remember $5,10,20etc)might not seem much to ya but back home its plenty; There will be a fundraiser tomorrow insha-allah @ BRIAN COYLE CENTER(near CEDAR) for Minnesota folks who want to contribute. I have been told the times are around 2:30pm(ish). If you can make it..plz be aware to bring however minimal u can afford, and dont be shy. Forgot to add:the fundraiser tomorrow will be for the NE region of Kenya (from what iam told). The region as many know has been deteriorating. Later nomads.
  12. Suratul-NASR(AN-NASR) says: idaaja'a nasrulahi wal fatxu, wara eyta naasa yad'quluuna fii diinilaahi afwaaja,fasabix bixamdi rabika wastaqfiruhu inahu kaana tawaaba:When there comes the help of Allah s.w. and triumph, And you see men entering the religion of Allah s.w. in groups, Then celebrate the praises of Allah s.w., seek forgiveness, surely he is oft-returning to. Insha-allah May Allah s.w. guide us to the right path and strong to our values-AMin.
  13. JZK all. Barakallah. The battalion under Ikrama bin Abu Jahl was to attack Musailma. The battalion under Shurjil was to reinforce it. Ikrama had orders to wait for the reinforcement. But, hoping to get the whole credit for himself, Ikrama did not wait for Shurjil. He attacked Musailma and was badly beaten. The news made Abu Bakr sad. He at once wrote to Khalid bin Walid to deal with Musailma. The combined battalions of Khalid and Shurjil now fell upon the imposter. Musailma fought desperatley. Once his men reached the very tent of Khalid. But Khalid kept his nerve. He rallied his men and himself led a final attack. Confounded by the suddenness of the attack, Musailma's men took to flight. The imposter and a few of his companions hid themselves in a fortified garden but the Muslim warriors threw open the gates. The infamous imposter and his friends were all put to the sword. Among those who killed Musailma was Wahshi, the negro slave who had killed Hamza, the uncle of the holy Prophet at Ohud. He had done this to win his freedom. Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, had promised to buy him his freedom if he slew Hamza. After the fall of Mecca, Wahshi became a Muslim. The Holy Prophet forgave him but said, "Please Wahshi, keep out of my sight. You remind me of my dear uncle." Wahshi had always felt sorry for his sin. He wanted to wash it out. The battle against Musailma gave him his chance. His javelin was in search of the imposter. With great skill he sank the poisoned end of his javelin into the imposter. The wretch gave a yell and fell to the ground. The next moment his head was cut off. "Thank Allah!" exclaimed Wahshi, "I have been able to make some amends for my sin." Musailma belonged to the tribe of Banu Hanifa. Orders were received from the Caliph that all mean of the tribe who had taken up arms against Islam should be put to death. But Khalid had already promised to spare their lives. So his wod was honored and the whol tribe re-imbraced Islam. Ina lillahi waina ileyhi rajicuun..May Allah s.w. grant him Jannah(Amin, and to all of us)-Amin ya karim. JZK JAFAREL..i didnt know this. Barakallah.
  14. Caadi ma ahan. I oughtta suggest to him to infiltrate the Minnesota Knights maybe
  15. ^^^^Iska soo xaadiri meesha mandhaay. Behind me will be toiling Abraar and Bishaaro oo "magaalo joogxumo" metalaayan to the turkish Cafe it is. Abraarey good to see ya back sis Wiilo iska dhaaf..ayada habar beey noqote..she takes the moderating thing to tee na hedhe topiga marka hore wuxuu ahaa Vacuum..umaadi la baafin laha wexey qabteen Tora Bora...kuwii kalena waxey raaced dufaanti Katrina(allow hanoo qatimin taas-Amin) marka mandhay naga daa dee aan iska caweeyne. Bishaaro diradiraale...mandhay iska ka qalee umada..mise menopause baa kugu kacsan ARLIYO numero uno
  16. Insha-allah May Allah s.w. unite all muslims-Amin Amin to all the dua's. Ciid Wanaagsan to all as well.
  17. ^^^^"hooyada waa lama huraan" Academic menopause “The brain is wider than the Sky†Emily Dickinson was somewhat right Nowadays my mind seems comatose No efforts to utilize the simplest tasks The tiniest fathoms takes minutes Sometimes even the result is blank More like my sympathetic system is shutdown Employing the parasympathetic coordination Where my erotic sensibilities, theological challenges, Visual liveliness and vigor, political range, versatility, Has been slowed down to accommodate The early stage of rational menopause Oh my meager collection of intellectual archives Is under the invasion of a mental COUP I am consoled by friends that It’s one of life’s stage Perhaps I am exaggerating, but is a huge worry I cannot compose a simple thought, or if I do I loose track of the initial necessitation There used to be a sense of guided tour in my senses At the moment there is a cloud of asymmetry, Reclusiveness, strangeness, anonymously, Depth of darkness, muddy oil tank, obscurity, Generalized mysteriously unrequited love My accomplishments seem like a barefoot rank No philanthropically nebulous in the future horizon As I always dreamed of…….speaking of dreams They are like a traditional poet composing a piece By breaking a line where there is no syntactic pause Unrealistic and bizarre, or even over-romantic Now realizing my insufficiency, I have adopted To the notion of memory relapses and absences The things that is constant with me now Are the exalted scripture-the Quran and Hadiths As I read to boost my memory and divine gain Indeed no knowledge, worldly experiences Are ingrained and beneficial forever except Those that are prescribed and are true revelations, A guidance and the encyclopedia of our mystified world ……………………………. the words of Allah s.w. As I fight for the salvage of worldly archives I hope I only remember the best of memories And those that will enhance my deeds Youmul-qiyaama Academic menopause is acquisitiveness But divine menopause is remorseless…………….. Keep your beliefs solid; for sure this world is cold
  18. Inna lillahi waina ileyhi rajicuun. May Allah s.w. forgive thier sins and grant them Jana-Amin Amin.
  19. loooooooooooooooooooooool..ala ana lai'dhameystire ma tiri. Mandhowyaal, ehehehehehehehe..bac buluug..Ala maxaan IOM soo nace..anoo iska ciyaal iskooley ah(in Kenya) yaa waxaa la yiri..haye markeen baa lagu geyna..ina lilahi waina ileyhi rajicun. Hada ya ogaado waxaa laga yaaba inaan 3dex(three)xabo oo kenyati yuuruurac inaan heysan lahaa anoo UHURU PARK iska caweeynaayo Wiilo speaking of bacda buluuga ah..mandhay ma ogtahay inaan 5 sano kadib bacda weli heyste..xasuus ahaan noh. Wale waa runta..habeen iyo maalin saan basaabor iyo green card uu sugaaye indhihii baa ii cadaaden mandhay ZU..looooool..for real though..maba cuniin cuntada diyaarada..marki hore baa waxaa is iri cafee cab..maxaa ii geyste...mantag lee ka wareege...maxaa yeele..ayadoo qaawan (diiraan)..xabad sonkor iyo caaano laheen baa laigu dhajiye..maxaa iga raace hee. Marna qansiir baanba ku sigte inaan cuno anako GERMANY transit ku ah..balaayo iyo gaalo. the funniest: mid aan isla socone..baa meesha sheeko gabaar blonde ah iskala qabsade..cajiib..waabe yaabe sidey isku fahmeen..faro la taataagayo lee uu jeede noh Bishaaro: weli ma masagaa tume mandhay..wax lee shidee adna Missed you sis..wlc back. Wiilo: sometime this coming week we ought to meet at that turkey cafe..kapish. Afka aan jug isku siine mandhay.
  20. Wiilo mandhay ma CHEMO-therapy baad gashe bilooyinkan Wiilo that joke of Chemo-therapy was deadly..caadi ma aheen noh. Wiilo waxaan uu qabaa inaad is-UPGRADE gareeyneysid for the summerka miyaa...mandhay waad kibirtee maad ii sheegtid sir taada.