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Everything posted by raula

  1. ^^^^waa runta..horta qabowga labadaan beri ka jire halaheena mid zamhariira uu dhow beey aheed. Alaha naga xijaabe. marka waa laga yaaba. KHAALID soo dhawoow awoowe. bal adi qaraabadii ka waran, kuweeni cad iyo caano kama haynee
  2. Upgraded Ayeeyo Her mind is set; she has no fear any more Time for embarrassments and introversion is over In her mind she was striving for words due to Dementia “Oh what a heaven of freedom. I am going for the gold†She uttered, but meant the gold tanning lotion She was determined; no faarax is going to make me sink Garbasaar and Dirac, are you crazy? She thought Why in god’s world when I can have J.LO’s champagne collection It was Sunday night when she concluded that it was time Time to UPGRADE, while hypnotic over “Desperate housewives†to be continued. Do add if you please.
  3. salaamz, waraa maxaa dhacay..ma dufaanti XIIN baa qaade umadii..
  4. "walk sister walk until the emblem of purpose is sawn to a beauty that shines just for you" Indeed..everyone is here for a purpose. beautiful BOB..good to see ya.
  5. ati "QOTOH"..hehehe ni vile gari ukiingia mtaro eh. walahi kula turkana na matope yake nyekundu mola awajalie wenzetu..lakini ina match na nguo zao umeona ...ero subai.(..ama hii ilikuwa kimasai).
  6. ^^^I bet it was MALARIA-after staying at MADINA hospital for couple of days(in Eastleigh) STHL-Lady: I can imagine we na uniform yako unakimibia kwa ma3 na umebeba ndegu na boflo kavu kwa LUNCHBOX Aga khan Academy ni ya wakalisinga tu akina Akpan Singh na kadalika. Walahi umenikumbusha chuo yangu na uniform..Repping for NGARA GIRLS :cool: and where esle was the action kama BRo-school yenu ni JAMHURI(JAMU)
  7. "Gikuyu: BASI RAZIMA SHUMA IRARE DANI !!!!!" Ngai fafa..aterere..tupeleke mos mos basi. The INGOKHO jokes hits close to home aha jamani..Rende..watutukana au nini..as the Luhya would say:UQOLASHINA mwene Na kweli nimemiss kilugha.
  8. Qori and Bubbles seems like cinderella and prince charming But wat a name(BUBBLES) Qori u must be lucky to have BUBBLES
  9. ala maxaa umaad qaraar heyso..suck it up! and the bus stopped in D-town damn skippy.
  10. ^^^I second that. BOB jamani usitufanye hivyo tena..wengine tumekufa na heartbreak..sasa nani daktari atatutibu? wlc back.
  11. ^^^^^^looooooool..mandhoy as the english say: where there is smoke there is fire soo ma ahan..marka koleytaaba arooskii bishy haduu soo dhawyahaay maxaa ku xigo alaalaaska noogu dhowr mandhay abaayo ani waan yara xanuunsade ma'ahane..inta kale alxamdulilah..kula qeyr. w/s
  12. W-dii kale waxaa lahaa... war kuwaan waalan, dhanaansi iyo diir kululeysi war iyo waabsi daandaansi iyo dheel walbaahar iyo dumar kawaal diiq iyo dooro la jileey wax loo joogin ileen waa dhalinyaaro duqoodee weger! walee waa walac inaantu maxaa la sheege..salaamz all. Raula missed u guyz.
  13. haahey..wale maxaan ogahay umaad sideey COCA COLA iskugu shubaayeen ITAALKII gaabte
  14. Originally posted by Bishaaro: Hooy hoooy, odayga ha kala jibinin. LooooooooL. Jimicsi aa ladhahaa noh adi..xaa ku qaade mandhay. Odayga waa uu daligaaye noh Dhalo ABU FAS baa ii ag taalo noh waa kuu maluuqa maa tiri iley jirkiisa dhuuqdo saliida maba ka deynaayi noh..makaste adi
  15. Abraarey Mac mac sis and remember to read suratul-kahf tonight(waad ogtahay waa maalin jimco)and as they say if you read the first 10 ayah of the surah it Allah s.w. will protect ya from Masiixi-Dajjal. Allahu aclam. Marka, reer baro maxaa loo dabajooga mandhowyaal. Xiin, huuno the tad hotness of the minnesota weather baa kaa waashe miyaa..war umadda iska dhaaf..adoo kole ma'ahane ee mallalka(malls) qotonsan Allow yaa ogaado I have seen Xiin in one of the somali malls Wiilo haye odaygii casho ma siise..sariirtiina ma gogashe mandhay yala ya binta
  16. ^^^^tell it bro..Bow down to POLAMALU-the dude got speed plus skill-he is unstoppable. The dude was all american safety when he played for the Trojans(USC).
  17. ^^^mandhow bal magaca sax espaniole baad iga dhigtee
  18. ^^^sis its not a personal revelation but one declared by some freakish scientist(astrology as they say)..that it was the depressing day of the year apparantely. Looooool..sheekada odaayasha iyo bakooradooda is hella funny..I have once see oday saas ah..lol.just picturing it is even more hilarious. later guys gotta work
  19. horta Nabiga s.a.w. wuxuu yiri, Narrated by Ammaar(r.a): There are three characteristics, whoever combines them, has completed his faith: to be just, to spread greetings to all people and to spend(charitably) out of the little have" Therefore, my bros and sis...Asalaamu Caleykum waraxmatulahi wabarakatu. Originally posted by Abraar: [QB] Kaaley, raula intaad ku marmarsiyoneysid maad iska qiratid iney Match.com tahay kobtaad adu iska xaadiriso...any luck yet? Raula...gabadh, afgobaadsiga jooji dee huuno...Oday Cabdule iska dhaaf maskiinka, iska sheeg inaad waa hore wadaad yar oo jalaqsan calaamadeysatey Abraarey mandhay maila aragte...yac. Ilma minnisoodho(sp intended) KHAALID maxaad tiri mandhow..match.com aah...war ileen..maba garaneynin..hada igu horeyso wacadale...Iam typical oldie..i carry on my fluttery bizwix around the Somali malls..i find those dormant caricatures very intriguing hence, i just smile as i enter the malls(24 mall ofcourse my usual monthly visits to the xawalla). Combutar hadaan galo waxaa ka baqaa to push the wrong button and lord knows wat might appear. Waraada ani quracii kuyaale go'doomay(<--not a factual place), shekadeedi laigu akhriye barigaas, baa weli igu SHAABADEYSAN noh..markaa oday cabdulle iyo cadaani waa iska maamulis lee mandhowyaal...umaad meshaan ah baa igu hayaan "mandhay adaa farta lagu galiyee..na fahansii homework gaan" kulaha..ina lillahi..war maxaa waaye farta ESLoow xaal qaado. u guys are not in hush-up until u live with ESL folks Wiilo iga taagero umadaan yaqee..lol kidding. By the way i heard yesterday was the most depressing day(apparently :rolleyes: )..no wonder aan biyoo kuwaashe..walahi i drank like gallons of water..inaba caadi ma aheen..my kidneys were totally exhausted after work..I had to take them out to rest..and put on hold the nephron function for a bit w/s
  20. ^^^^noooooooooooo..board "THE BUS" with ma crew to the superbowl
  21. I was feeling JURASSIC-Feel Good when it came out.