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Everything posted by raula

  1. raula

    Gene Therapy

    Likewise i never got past genetics in detail except my basic biology class. But from what i have acquired what angiogenesis cannot cure is something like atherelosclerosis and others like metabolic syndrome X since they lead to CVD. See, gene therapy can accelerate the production of new vessels or cells etc but still does not curb the root of the problem which perhaps is part genetic and mostly lifestyle choices. As Caano has already mentioned there are trials to introduce nanotechnology in stem cell research and other gene therapy. Just days ago, a saw a piece where they were future prospects of introducing robotic phagotyces to boost the body's immune system. However, this would take place of million of cells-therefore mean having millions, perhaps trillions of microphages (robotic) in the body..and this is not even plausible. Let alone how would they regenerate? NB: The damage done to vessels are reversible due to their makeup(physiologically)-where they are made from different tissues or cartillage etc, but NERVES/neurons are different story. Tha's my genuine perception,N'ways and ofcourse its just from my crude science.
  2. Ok: only ones i could guess. Ebidey(or as RED said) ibaday=an afliction (again as said). Macluul-caato or skinny/slender/lean body. Inta kale magaranaayo. although I would point out that in swahili(which similarly to somali, some words are derivatives of Arabic & portuguese lingos) MAYAAYI means YELLOW or the color relations to yellow.
  3. I just happened to remember Abraar(haneefah)..mandhay salaan hal iyo nus iga gudoon noh caku iyo menopause
  4. W/salaam wr wb. Horta raali ahaada TYJ and Haneefa. wale inaan idin garaneynin yac! bal horta kuweed ahaydeen(pardon me, w/all the name changes..i dont know who is who..hence the confusion). oh by the way i remembered: Qurbac-geelka wiilka ah
  5. simply: it takes two to tango. Yes there are those arajooyins that only some makeover will save them..but there are plenty of chores at home..and some husbands/fathers expect only the woman to take of it-there is no majic sweep. The cyle of somali man only taking care of the financial needs and nothing else like back in the days in most homes in somalia should be stopped. Its everyone's responsibility to take care of thier home and thier families(all chores included)...otherwise maybe they ought to get a maid..no wonder soomalida gabdhaha is nacaan markey guursadan..since there is much to deal with at home before she can even please her man.
  6. ^^^marka hore..micneheed BACOOSHA???? ceesan waan garan iyo farnfar. inta kale allaha og' Qurbac (excuse my slang somali: waa wiil hada soo kace'oo weli guursan) shabaab camal. QASAB -Sugarcane.
  7. the imitation of spit..is classic jamani...Ngai fafa... ati unashona tissue paper woi woi.. kibera unabeba mavuli..hehehehehe...due to ...ati siwezi kusema.. nakwabia Ngo..siamini...hehehehehehehe..bi wanjiku ni deadly ATM-another terrible mistake..lol scholastica...who used to have a chest like plateau..(la xawla )....skin iko smooth unafikiri anaogelea maziwa iko na glycerine and olive oil.... huku ni kwa watu wa korokocho...loooooooool.. lakini walahi..when pseudo LUCY KIBAKI speaks....loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool....and w/the signature...Ooh yeaayah vile anasema..ama nimeongea before uonge..looool...pale pale..huko huko... noma sana..VIKINGS..shukran kijana..nimeburudika sana.
  8. maybe ayeeyo waxey kasoo harte the woodstock hippies....she still chimes to..."let's groove tonight..." yeah but that's gross..
  9. looks like a run-down portuguese fortresses ..ok i was kidding mandhay...ugalida haigu daqrin. On the side though, u can still see the remnants of the greek-like architechture(which iam absolutely infatuated with...oo la la la)
  10. mzee BOB..hiyo lugha jamani inafanya tumbo inisokote..walalo..yaani its so mpaka inashtua jo. N'wayz good to know i can still hear Sgt.Waryaa. As always FANTASTICO "she's beautiful beyond modesty and a pillar of her belief she can't touched by grief for in her faith she always finds relief" .......if all of us had such immense IMAN like she..life would have been more easier. Alxamdulilah for now.
  11. mabruuk and barakallah fikum. Wish you the best ina adeer.
  12. BOB-mansha-allah! Your flow is eloquent, capturing and contemporary on issue at hand. Well done. "from your wonderful being, so I write it in prose i compose these words to expose in testament a bird's song to your voice isn't a just sentiment commitment may be a fear embedded deep within your heart but lend it to me and I affirm mine won't ever depart." from wishful heart piece. waswahili hunena: maneno mena hutoa nyoka pangoni sivyo. walalo wacha kututia mapenzi ya hovyo hovyo ana ni dont believe the hype eh.
  13. Ah nimemiss sana hapa na vitimbi vyake. well: mla nawe hafi nawe ila mwenyewe tu baadaye basi.
  14. Hecuba i am also in "memory relapse" predicament. Some say i can't remember much when i was young..about 2-3yrs old. In my old town GARBAHAAREY. I dont think it was huge but i remember walking sometimes to our "HOTEL"(restuarant) in the mornings with mom. Speaking of QASAB-oh how juicy-especially when u uproot them right then from the farm. In our backyard in remote village of Kenya we used to eat qasab every saturday afternoon right on the hill behing our house. N'ways good ole' memories-plenty of them to be cherished.
  15. ^^^^abraarey ma saas baa, ma calesh! Xiinow minnesota winterkeeda ani koleeytaba busto culus baa ii rukeysan. rumor has it that dumarkaa have a better survival chance in winter than raga..bal adi wax ka sheeg. abraarey waxaan kugu jeclahay wale runta ka ma leexatid. uu sheeg mandhay mudane FANIIN..unless he chimes like wind on a quite summer nite..wale ineey geedaha ka luuli bishaaro saxiibey abadaan haka ogalaan dibindaayada uu wado mandhay unless its GRANDE Ana sooriyada baan geeska ugu lamansahanay bal.
  16. ^^^^^likewise. speaking of prophetic i have gone herbal nowdays, and i have the book: the prophetic medicine to assist.So true. I was grounded ani coz i got feeble bones..waad ogtahay inaan waayeel iska ahay..adna see wax uu jireen?
  17. ^^^^^good to see ya mate Abraarey waad uu jeeda anoo rabo inaan rumorskaas kala xaliyo baa laiga hormare..ya kale mandhay..odaygii FANIIN asagoo xiimaayo dhuluq hasoo dhaho. Bishaaroy, mandhay bal soo bax..waan xiiqnee saan tilaabadada uu daba joogne..
  18. STOIC ati boflo kwa mfuko... walahi vile nilikuwa primo lakini sio seco. PRIMO nilikuwa nabeba UGALI ka karatasi(paperbag) usubuhi na mapema incase nikikutana na mwenda kwa barabara(this is kama umeishi ushambani) like PARAGON talk about WMD(weapons of mass destruction). ma dems wa MUSLIM walikuwa noma(as in ki makanga) ok kidding. STHL-hehe pia mie nilikuwa na vaa hivyo but my uniform ilikuwa different.
  19. IDIL i 2-cond that and that HE REALLY GOT BALLS