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  1. raula


    Ina llilahi wa inna ilehyi rajiun Nakuombea mola akunyepesishie huzuni na subura wako wakati huu. Walalo soma hii dua ikupata wakati..manaake huzuni na kilio haita mrudisha mzazi wako..lakini twakuombea rehma za maulana zamshukia na awe angao wajazi wa Janatul firdowsa--Amin (pia sisi na wazazi wetu insha-allah). Mtume S.A.W. kasema katika Hadithi iliyotolewa na Ahmad, “Atakaepatwa na dhiki au huzuni au ukiwa aombe dua hii ifuatayo, “ ‘‘اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي عَبْدُكَ ، وَابْنُ عَبْدِكَ ، وَابْنُ أَمَتِكَ في قبضتك . نَاصِيَتِي بِيَدِكَ . مَاضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ ، عَدْلٌ فِيَّ قَضَاؤُكَ ، أَسْأَلُكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ سَمَّيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ أَوْ عَلَّمْتَهُ أَحَدًا مِنْ خَلْقِكَ ، أَوْ أَنْزَلْتَهُ فِي كِتَابِكَ أَوِ اسْتَأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِي عِلْمِ الْغَيْبِ عِنْدَكَ ، أَنْ تَجْعَلَ الْقُرْآنَ رَبِيعَ قَلْبِي ، وَنُورَ صَدْرِي ، وَجِلاءَ حُزْنِي وَذَهَابَ هَمِّي’’ “ALLAAHUMMA INNIY `ABDUKA WABNU `ABDIKA WABNU AMATIKA FIY KABDHATIKA. NAASIYATIY BIYADIKA. MAADHIN FIYYA HUKMUKA `ADLUN FIYYA QADHAA-UKA AS-ALUKA BIKULLI SMIN HUWA LAKA SAMMAYTA BIHI NAFSAKA AU `ALAMTAHU AHADAN MIN KHALQIKA AU ANZALTAHU FIY KITAABIKA AU STA-ATHARTA BIHI FIY `ILMI L-GHAYBI `INDAKA AN TAJ`ALAL QUR-AANA RABIY`A QALBIY WANUWRA SADRIY WAJILAA-A HUZNIY WADHAHAABA HAMMIY.” Maana yake, “Ewe Mwenyezi Mungu! Hakika mimi ni mtumwa Wako, mtoto wa mtumwa Wako, mtoto wa kijakazi Wako, utosi wangu uko mikononi Mwako, yaliyopita kwangu yako katika hukumu Yako, ni usawa kwangu kunihukumu Kwako, nakuomba kwa kila jina ambalo ni Lako ulilojiita kwalo Mwenyewe, au uliloteremsha katika Kitabu Chako, au ulilomfundisha yeyote yule kati ya viumbe Wako, au ulilolihifadhi Wewe Mwenyewe, katika elimu iliyofichika Kwako, nakuomba uijaalie Qurani kuwa niraha na uchanuzi wa roho yangu na nuru ya kifua changu, na utatuzi wa huzuni yangu, na sababu ya kuondoka majonzi yangu.” salaam.
  2. Well iam glad i have come out of the paleolithic times alive. I really enjoyed Tuujiye and Nuune. Good times!
  3. Congratulation L,u wont believe who told me the news . I hear you are making a big trip finally bring back some buibui jamani. Hongera kijana na kila la heri.
  4. lool i can't imagine Tuulo-Barwaaqo or cara ciise oo laga dhise jaamacad loool. N/AA very true i witnessed that while i was there..and it was devastating for those students when they closed the border-i took pics and clips of what was going on.
  5. N/AA. I did bring back some XAMUR Brown Farax cajiib wale geedaha sida loo kala tirinaayo-ya kubarey mandhow Unasoma KAMUSI ya kisomali ama?
  6. WOL dada Mola awazidishie kwa umri na mapenzi, milele na mahaba pia. Insha-allah chunga usile kaimati, ha halwa nyingi usiku ya arusi..kwa mana hatutaki some sort of "accident" and u miss there entire night's purpose eh wanifahamu nafikiri. As mila na utamaduni dictates..waswahili wasema..."tunae bibi arusi tunae, sisi wenyewe..." maliza nyimbo basi.. kila la heri S.
  7. BOB, good stuff. BTW msalimie bobo Viking' lol @Kibera ...u damn right surviving there now is even worse than when u used to know believe me there its the most buzzing' crime center. Man huwezi kupita pekee Nairoberry pekee wakati wa mchana wacha usiku..salaala. I feared for my life this year man.
  8. ^^^gracias for the wlc and JB yes iam still alive and fine as a fiddle bro, i hope the same to you. Paragon-actually i travelled there during the rainy season and lord know it took me 4days to get there from Nairobi to Mandera where it takes 2days usually. We camped outside(xcept no camping gear-so basically with what you were wearing, rain or shine. It was like survivor. Good experience overall. Well i was headed for Gedo, then trolled around, the whole of Gedo even spent some days in BAADIYE, drinking biyaaha xareeda as well as dhanaan. N/AA, that road is memorable..is that KUTULO or HABASWEYNE on the other hand looks more like towards mandera side coz its hilly and dusty(very rocky/granite like)..but amazing really magnificent scenery.
  9. ^^^ I second that. Ilaahey samir iyo imaan ha'idin kasiiyo. Amin kuligeenba.
  10. Paragon, if you are heading towards NE side of Kenya i suggest you carry some wash cloths and perhaps couple of SAFARI phone cards, and some shorts coz u never know when the driver/makanga's/busboy will ask you for assistance in pushing the bus off the muddy roads. Watch out for the Mosquitoe's past GARISSA towards WAJER. I would say act like one of them (or some sort of kenyan) coz if the cops (once u reach those sides-past THIKA region towards GARISSA and beyond they service them with the KENYAN JESHI-MILITARY and they are the most rude you will come across). Carry your passport and if possible take maybe a cousin that speaks very good swahili..otherwise you have no chance of just getting thru' with your documents even if you are "PRINCE WILLIAM" Last but not least, Carry couple of water bottles once you get to a nearby city-coz you might be stuck for days without water to even wash yourself of drink. As of Esich-hehehehehehehehe...NGAI FAFA-na hiyo ni maendereo QL-tafadhali say hi tu akina Khadijo, if you see khadijo they will take you to Qali's place and pass my regards to Ruun (they own a shop in Esich). by the way they are all connected somehow unlike us (wasee wa marekani and europe). Say hi to akina HAASHIM and the rest of the family. PS: PARAGON, if you happen to stop by MANDERA, check out the houses, they are got some designs you wont believe and the first mosque of MANDERA is picturesque. Enjoy your trips, and be safe. Ma'salama
  11. BOB kila la heri mwana. Many thx for the wonderful reads. Dont let the passion slide away and wish you a safe return. Nyabonga?(thanx)
  12. lol@che. I would have cracked up too. Who knows maybe its just our way of cajoling I think back in ancient times nimankii baa umaleyn jireen gabar hadey haruufin maba ahaan mid 'inaba caadi aheeyn' marka they went with the flow ayagiina sidii bey kutageen dee Sanbuufis waaba suuro ok kiddin.
  13. JUJE..good eye. When i carefully examined the pic..the houses have CHIMNEY's, no dust nor dirt could warrant a chimney in Somalia or in Africa for that matter unless its very crudely built but even this would result in fireplace outside the house but not within. Either way....YEAH RIGHT? SNOW? mmhhhh. Now places like in Eastern Cape of S.Africa perhaps..but not in SOMALIA.
  14. War ileen bal Mr.Muscley man fiiriya. I wonder what is his diet regimen. Nice. Indeed Arkansas is the best of the best in USA college track(or even oklahoma).
  15. ^^^Indeed. Insha-allah. Mola atuzidishie imani, rehema na baraka zake. Amin.
  16. Mansha-allah amist all circumstance. But the Uniform and the ribbon...what??? c'mon have some freedom its uni for godsake. ok nuf said.
  17. INTUITION wlc {in advance} to America. I would really say bring a not-so-heavy winter jacket. Coz even tomorrow we will have some snow flakes (perhaps in the north) but still Minnesota is unpredictable. caution: Minnesota is a community city so dont expect to see skyscrapers all over. It would have been better for you to explore the twin cities (minneapolis/St.paul) during summertime but its still all good. Oh yeah, and the somali malls are not really MALLS :)colorful inside but outside its a mini factory plant. Definately come shop at the MALL OF AMERICA. ***I would be leaving the country myself soon but definately will welcome you if you are in town. Salaam.
  18. "your father is only known through the holes that he left still you move like you got jewels in your step & gold in your pockets" Like the American commercial goes "the few, the proud, the MARINES" Perhaps najma is a beacon of hope in pirate land...yet we (somali's) continue to ignore our plight. BOB like always you deliver.
  19. Very nice BLUE. "How can she take your might When you cultivate with your hands" deep words there.
  20. ^^^^seems like u know GOPHERVILLE very well.
  21. Inaba caadi ma ahan. I wonder wuxuu hoos kusiito :eek: kaan harag iyo cucumber wuu ka daran yahay