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Everything posted by raula

  1. Congrats to sophist and family to your bundle of joy!
  2. Naden I concur on the Rx of Zyprexa by a family physician w/out a referral for a psych evaluation first (although we don't know the details of the story). That should have been the first clue!! But could be difference in medical systems-still unfortunate.
  3. ^^^LadyG, I really don't read much into politics-excuse'. But no matter what happens between Rep. Ellison and CAIR, this is no representative to be casted a vote for by any muslim whatsoever. Maybe you ought to read between the line in her dubious page (not to say that you didn't but really!). She is either playing to her crowd (which i think she underestimates her constituency-this is not Bachman city by the way)and being hateful towards muslims in the states, or she as obtuse as Glen Beck and the likes; since all she thinks of muslim women (whom she has encountered in her daily rantings at the metro-area court systems) are that they LAG BEHIND THEIR MEN AND SONS because "religion" dictates so or because the man are OPPRESIVE and BACKWARD. The mention of Rep. Ellison is only 1 part of her venting-she goes on to demean the muslim women and muslims in general in the whole posting. PS: Even Bachman passed the bar! so who says pee-wee can't?
  4. this is one of the saddest situation i have come across. As a laborer of a medical institution, i have seen some somalis (i am not in the pysch wards)in similar situations. Some, i hear who do need psychotropic meds to alleviate some of their psychotic illnesses, some have been victims of the system. But from what i hear regarding this aforementioned young man, a poor victim of the system indeed! I am proud of the strangers who have come out on his behalf to support him and stress for his release (although-his physiological & psychological survival after years of heavy doses of such medications might not be the same-but Allahu s.w.knows best!). I will be more than happy to congregate fellow friends and those that i know to put pressure on the Danish consulate/Embassy in my state to atleast take a look at this, if the need arises. And infact, if the situation is indeed as bad as it sounds, i would encourage all somalis all over the diaspora, as long as there is a danish embassy around-to protest and pressure their constituency representatives and their local governments to look into this matter. We have to be proactive in matters of humanity-and show the world that no matter what the situation at home might be, we cannot tolerate injustices. Pardon me, but ENOUGH! with this UNFRUITFUL meetings/shir/congregations that we have succumb to that end up w/waste of time and more frustrations. I am sorry, i know some meetings are needed, but we have to practical in our actions-and demand to meet with officials of representatives of such countries and urge them to reconsider their actions. Pardon me, i got a bit carried away!.
  5. ^^^Mandhow iga daa dee, yaanan mayacin!. N'ways its was great days! Thanks again, but i am still awaiting the day when i will be fighting to get a copy of your collection waa gormaa! Say hi to little "B" by the way.
  6. WOL-the story has it that Ikhwaan Safaa was the originals of the taarab during the remnants of the sultan days of znz. Some of the originals of the social club (Ikhwaan Safaa) can be heard on the internet (like zanzibarwebsite.net). Anyways! beutiful melodies, always! Enjoy.
  7. Castro, absolutely! Hey forget Palin, this woman makes Michelle Bachman, her fellow stateswoman, gifted. **Castro, that's what exactly one of my co-worker said..that her granny can do better than that. I feel sorry for those she put in jail, because of her blindsiding justice (literally!). LadyG, this woman's view of islam is as injudicious as her hairdo! She is dense, and has no substance in her antics! As a resident of Minneapolis, she is at no level to compete with Keith Ellison, he is a respected statesman and one who uphold the Islamic views, and matters of his constituency to the higher places. So, lets cool it w/another “crazy coolio”
  8. ^^^well ayeyo club before the soccer mom would be a bumpy ride, but soon. I pray soon for you and you will indulge in the bliss of motherhood. My advise sis, lots of TANGAWIZI (ginger) and dried cranberies (<--good for women to begin with). perhaps the name should be just, NAUSEATING trimester/semester even, since the nausea lasts beyond morning. NO JOKE!
  9. salaam all, its been a while. WOL, Ofcourse ZNZ is the IT! Speaking of that-i recently acquired a collector's item-CD of Mila na Utamaduni (spices of Zanzibar)-the original zanzibar ochestra collection and some other songs shipped straight from France..Ah! warm melodies to comfort one struggling in winter blight! Coincidentaly, i met a guy here in USA, who DJ's for the zanzibar music festival and travels there every summer! what a small world. ***note to the original poster-not to boast, but maybe you could check out my poem (in the poem section) about zanzibar , and you will understand why some of us are infatuated by the place. To hang out in Nairobi, you gotta know who & where to HANG!
  10. All is good-Alxamdulilah! I have been indulging in the misty glories of life Likewise chap.
  11. Che-great idea! and its in place already. I hear, members of the community meet with the police/law order personnel on a monthly basis since the initiation of these violent crime's escalations. I dont know what they talk about-but i guess they are waiting for the law to take its course-and with the overstretched city budget on police, the unwelcoming climate for police to conduct its business, and a general histeria about "MAREEKANIMO"....what is the outcome? Not much. Generally, it is hard to pull somali's together for their own good cause..waa wax la yaab ah! talow ma meel baan ka inkaaranahay. Now finger pointing we are experts in-but striving for wanaag..marka hore wareer ba ka hooreeya iyo buuq. Nonetheless, this kids are getting out of control. Wax yaabaha aan ka maqle cedar ka dacaayo..wale its unfathomable. You hear gals being sold...as in pimped by their male counterparts, drug-dealers, gang-bangers etc cajiib!.
  12. Indeed Ayaanick. Its shocking! I am scared of going to the Xawaala's now at the mall. yes it will not stop until the community is willing to take action! the behaviour of 'shipping' offenders back home or other countries once they commit a horrandeous crime is outrageous to say the least! And things will be tit for tat here in Minnesota (who knows it might spew to other cities) till the tribes/families/community and witnesses are willing to come forth with confessions. We are carrying our backward mentality and back-home animosities and wounds to this country and abroad..ITS DISTURBING! Even well known gangs of America had a reason to retaliate or murder each others...I haven't heard a PLAUSIBLE reason as to why we are killing each other! senseless.
  13. Eid Mubarak to all & your loved ones.
  14. Salaamz nyote, Yaani nilijisikia na songs za KATITU leo tu...who remembers them..here is one of them And who remembers this LES WANYIKA song: Sina Makosa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnXslttpPPs&feature=related
  15. Good news perhaps that polio has been lessened in its intensity but STOPPED....I wish i could believe that. It is extremely hard to eradicate especially in refugee settings. Maskiin-I hope the man makes it alive-Allaha cafiiyo-Amin. CARA-skin test only is a measure of TB exposure of any kind. However, even those who have gotten any vaccination before (since the vaccine is attenuated)-they can test positive for the Skin test which complicates everything. but it is disproved or confirmed by an X-ray to see if the bacteria has spread to the lungs(if indeed that's when its deadly and needs meds to eradicate it). TB is explosive because its contagious and anyone can acquire it especially in communities that are not HERD IMMUNED(as in HERD IMMUNITY). Its been long time since i have heard of the XDR-TB-its has to be extreme. Endevour-true, they need to start doing mass vaccicnation of deadly disease like you have mentioned..this will lessen the intensity of its impact if a community is hit with it.
  16. hehe@plastic bag-sad but atleast they are protecting themselves. And by the way Neph..no AIDS testing is not included..althought the test itself if very minimal, and quick (RAPID testing takes simply 20mins). JB good topic indeed. I have seen some of our somali gals not adhering to PAP/ANNUAL PHYSICAL(PAP/PELVIC) exam ill-advised that it will break their virginity, NOT THE CASE AT ALL. With the soaring cervical cancer rates among minorities(mostly due to lack of seeking care to begin with) its is imperative that one considers tests. Not only that, but annual physicals can predict other reproductive disorders such as endometriosis, fibroids (where it is the case in many black women, those of AFRICA included) etc. But atleast from just observations, gals seem to be intune with testing and all other womanly procedures that need to be done. Unlike men, who perhaps would FREAK OUT about physical exams in interpretation that they will be “mishandled” Hardly do our somali men go to see their doctor for preventative measures unless it is to "FIX" something in the case of the older guys....GET SOME VIAGRA OR CIALIS :rolleyes: yac!
  17. W of L-here in US...once the rapid test is done, they will do an ELISA or one of each..then the CONFIRMATORY test is WESTERN BLOT..but its not common since its time consuming and expensive. But every person has to get a western blot before they are confirmed POSITIVE. Needle prick? subhanallah i would have died of shock. Alhamdulilah though they weren't positive (so sad for the mother for loosing her son though). But as you said, after 6mons, then tha's when you can verify if it was FALSE POSITIVE or not. This is when infections are high, since there are no symptoms yet (except minor flu like-since one's CD4 is @ high due to 'new infection') . ELISA test (in US) after 6mon can confirm a person is HIV+, since a person has this time developed antibodies. Iam suprised they didn't start you on some prophylaxis within the 72hr window-side effects are much worse than coming to deal with the infection itself. Nevertheless, if its mere Direct/indirect ELISA-you haven't developed the antibodies yet,so it wont be a confirmatory test (but ofcourse they might use other kinds). Dont mean to scare ya but it would have occured to me to make sure. Here its standard..once a person is EXPOSED..they are started on prophylaxis like Combivir. All in all iam glad you are fine-and i pray it comes back Negative-insha-allah. **To the poster: MOST DEFINATELY. I have seen all walks of life (young, old, shy, bold(resentful of their promiscuous habits), pious(Allah s.w. knows best), etc) with these STI. And statistics point the prevalance to be AFRICAN WOMEN.
  18. Mandhow Farax BOROON...maxaa sijui ka qabtaa. You are born and bread in SABUNLEY..xaas sheege adi JB caadi ma tihide.
  19. Xantalay? we used to say it different-as in Cantalay...(and there was a song that went with it by the way). I remember quudquudato also. Qooleey or some say it Quuleey.
  20. lol@sulekha na hiyo ni Maendeleo. A friend of mine was telling me..A somali guy got caught doing an illegal turn here in Minneapolis..forgot that cops were tailing his behind..they just blickered on him right then..well he turned and was stopped. Then the officer approached his window and as usual the standards "Sir, can i see your licence and insurance...? The somali guy produced his licence and insurance...Then before the cop went back to his car to process...the Somali guy uttered " Sir, CAN I BARK HERE ".....the cop was buffled and said...." YOU CAN BARK ALL YOU WANT BUT YOU HAVE TO WAIT...." Ileen the poor dude meant "Can i park here..?" but it came out as BARK...as in a dog barking! dee maxaa mesha ka dhace, yac!
  21. Been around town! I thought i would take a break and take care of odaygii dee -ina garyaqaan-seef labood
  22. Iam in Hibernation season..I am compounded by MENTAL MENOPAUSE(not really academic)+ Seasonal Affective disorder (istaqfurulah)...And shock from yesterday's winter storm..so perhaps no creative writing for me till i supersede my block. Gosh though i had fun back in the days!