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Everything posted by raula

  1. OZ Nice one. I liked the beats of her Sogea Sogea song better. N'ways OZ-basi kama ushasikiza west african music, in perticular MALI, SENEGAL those sides..you will atleast do me the favor of listening to this son of a LEGEND. VIEUX FARKA TOURE-son of ALI FARKA TOURE. he is gifted w/his gleaming blues/jazz mix/notes-w/streaks strident guitar glazes that is off-the-charts! They call it DESERT BLUES. Indeed. I saw him in concert twice-Brilliant! and nice guy! http://www.vieuxfarkatoure.com/
  2. My fav.(for now), is the E*trade commercials w/the little toddlers sitting on high chairs-since they came out...I absolutely stop almost everything to watch, no matter how many times i have watched it..they still get me everytime. LOVED IT-and the superbowl one they came out w/oh..drove me bonkers-crackling Sorry if someone did post that already-cant access some sites at my work-computer!
  3. Congrats walaalo, may you find joy in your new bundle of joy! HONGERA
  4. Wiilo, daycare maad ka furti meesha anaka customer numero uno noqone? igu salaan reerka, and you always VELCOME to your old state!
  5. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Thanksful, save your anger niyow ,,, we're doing our job and this is just the beginning. perhaps your attempt at sarcasm was preceeded by daba******nimo! waxaa la yiri-Charity begins at home, marka dont look further yet! Castro, as the brother said, or others have said, yes the court will hear it and we’ll see then. Ironically, then if this man is convicted (making the law be pertinent to US residents/citizens), then all those cronies like Cheney and the gang will forced to bite the bullet? I doubt that will be the case anytime soon. Conversely, you cannot refute the fact that this man (although, of distinguished stratum at the time) does come from a marginal clan. Perhaps others have the support of their clan/gang whatever-its not a revelation brother, plenty of Somalis up to now, with all blood that has been shed, still have their tribal pride running parallel w/their blood. Even so, minority or not, you are crook no matter your creed. So take it easy, cool it w/your uncouth retorts-we all know you by your responses (and not personally, at least I don’t). The brother (thankful) has replied very considerately to you; I don’t see where you fail to understand let justice prevail to all, and not shed others? Consider it a difference of opinion.
  6. raula

    Today I....

    Ehe, alinieleza badaye. Thx for the confirmation though dada. Today its soukous time for moi.
  7. ^^sija waste-i just reverted it elsewhere(as Sir Newton's law-thermodynamics-dictates) Sasa leo nijskia na papa wemba & koffi. Who remembers this song http://kurwajegozajebanawdupemac.wrzuta.pl/sr/f/2CukAV6FDqS/african_music_-_papa_wemba_-_zaintoin_zo uk_soukouss_koffi Yaani we use to change the words to swahili, for instance there is a part where they say..something along the lines of "sanduku na makamba" But the last part when the music breaks and it starts this fast beat..salaala! yaani i am almost sokota kwa kiti saa huu. Another fav. is papa wemba & Brenda Fassie (Africa sunshine)
  8. raula

    Today I....

    ^^^anesthesia in Grad school? wat major is this?
  9. ^^^MMA asagoo miriflleynayaa baan ku arke Nairoberry (kidding ma arkin runti). War nuune, adi maxaad mesha ku heysa..ma sidi michael Jackson baad weli uu tuwiseysaa.. mandhow yeyna sinta ku go'inn. (ps: saxibtey qaali ah baa mar dinacaaga joogte, weli agtiina bey joogta hadaba). Paragon, mandhow gabadha haka waalin (buuxo bilan). war ubaad la kordinaaya baa iska yar, i think they just get carried away w/pleasure that only the woman realizes Oh..shiysta..that I am stuck w/6 kids now! and the dude has another 3 from another wife :eek: :eek: (unfortunately, in most cases in Africa-its the woman who gets to keep the kids by default if the family breaks, or mostly her relatives if she is unruly). Paragon, bal adi mid yaro weysada kuugaarsiiso markaad heshid..nogaaso waran mandhow NB: back then in early 2007, i travelled from Beled xawo to garbaharey and in betweens, stayed in baadiye (garbaharey's) for couple of days even. Fun times. adi xagee ka dacde?
  10. wat's w/the dude trying to look like Ronaldo
  11. Oz, the Ikisimama panda walahi was Noma sana! when i was told yaani it was the joke ya mwaka-i couldn't stop. yaani nazeeka, manake somethings enye nilikuwa nandika was i am comatose nikijaribu ku alifu something now-blank!
  12. Paragon: istareex baan dhexjifaa huuno! irsaaqad iyo kabadan baa ayeeydaan kusoo birte. marka sidey reer geedood dhahaan, carradeydi koleytaba roob ba ka da'e ;)aheey waa tuulo barwaaqo Gedo early 2007 baa igu dambeyse, although now from what i am told, i can hear distantly the rumblings of clan faction wars w/dee wiilashii shabka ahaa :mad: :mad: I hope not god willingly. Adi bal maxaa mesha kuheysaa. Maxaa tiri, tuu yaro weeyso dhawr aa? war hedhe bal meesha ka kacoo bal mid isku qabo, inta adaan gaadhin waqti ey weeyso isgaadhsiin karrin (i.e. physically feeble to the point that you can't even strech your arms further during ablution). Buuxo: i just came back soon from Nairobi and surroundings, and from my cousin, the it thing waaa nin reer leh already, i felt sorry for the gals meesha joogo (yacni the more the merrier). islamaamihiina wexey iskugu dagaalaayan wiilashii yar yara. marka who is left, divorced w/no money..haye bal adi talo keen marka
  13. Cirroolleydii hadey kuwa kataqalusin qaar, weey ka taala baan uu maleyn Buuxo: Hakadhageysan Paragon-luck iyo choice kulaha.. wa hedhe anaa hada ka yimid caradiiyo wale muxuu aduun is bedele. Single madaar iyo islaan cirreysate (oo lakiin dhaqsiiga iska celi karo at least) waaba kuwa hada suuqa ugu haysta
  14. Farax B, ahey you dont remember but you seem to recall you nanny's :rolleyes: I remember my first day when i was being enrolled in a nursery school in a small town in kenya-the walk from home to school, the winding dirt road w/my uniform-her name was Madame Chebet
  15. Its funny how MPLS(my state),granted we have plenty of malis here is always the topic of bad discussions! We Minnesotans are considered clueless, desperate, uneducated...you name it! :eek: N'ways, indeed some women and men are confused about the direction of life (first of all, Allahu aclam on destiny), but seriously i dont know why some women/men put up w/such BS :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Yaani mzee tuta achana ki vyema, lakini kama akijifanya, basi atajuta-mama kayai numero UNO
  16. ^^^Aheey waa dhagadheer Mr. Paragon, I would love to know how the trip was! (napitia london karibuni mda mfupi tu towards nairoberry/kampala area, so kikombe ya chai ni poa tupige story-ama!). Dhubad-i concur. Faarax BORON- waxaan ka garan one family that still resides in Bungoma that are from reer doloow! Umeenda wapi sikuhizi?
  17. ^^^hee maxaa dhace huuno its part of the contract dee! I am not sure if legend is still around (or maybe changed names) but miss you dear!, And by the way I got some 'hot off the press' news for you waryaa mrefu-ebu basi rudisha mawazano.
  18. Best of wishes to the brother! However, if I am allowed to say a bit-I dont see much difference in lyrics, rhythm, & authenticity from the newbies nowdays. Personally, I dont get this new chaps! gimme nuur giriig, milano, magool, qalinle, mandeeq, maryan mursal(old days), haldhaa, qamar c/laahi, kinsi and the likes w/a hot cup of tea-anoo dhan waa dawaqmi. pardon me, dont mean to hijack the post! but best of luck.
  19. WOL-i forgot to add that Ikhwaan safaa from what i have read were the original members of the MILA NA UTAMADUNI/CULTURE CLUB band-after ZNZ became independent and was taarab at that time became under the winger of ministry of culture-hence the name.